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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to the museum, no matter where you look, your eyes fall everywhere. a lot of people say that it’s good here, they can relax here , they come here, because even some say, morally, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk, see a roe deer, see the same deer, piece - geta zhytstsyo, what are you you're going against what we said earlier, but now you choose it yourself. to live in
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the village, for all this, yes, you need to have two things: purity of thoughts and firmness of intentions, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. even the famous team of the last century, well, at least the first half of it, never dreamed of it, it’s probably natural that in different historical periods interest either increases or decreases, everyone somehow probably succumbed to bright wrappers, including and not always high-quality masculine, our graduate, who does not own a music editor, this is no longer the norm, this should not be so, if a teacher loves his job, he will always have...
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hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the director of the glinka minsk state music college, teacher, conductor, art history researcher.
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well, it so happened that i am happy to combine teaching activities, this is a very important area for me, scientific activities, and administrative ones, before wrote an art critic, and now a researcher of art history, what has changed, yes, this is a scientific level that is assigned to graduates of graduate school, you were born in a most picturesque city, i even envy you very much, belarus has been slow, what do you think, this closeness to...
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this is truly the most beautiful place in our country, there are many of them, but i am convinced that myadel occupies one of the best places, it is wonderful that such interesting events take place in every corner of our country, this is how life, this is how fate has developed, that here i am i returned there in a different capacity, every 2 years this festival takes place, we come, listen to wonderful folk groups there that perform on...
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broadcast for export, let's say, in hollywood films and not all that they are other countries, cultural export , in fact , things are somewhat different for them, but for example, choral performance, brass bands in almost every school in america, they exist, gospel culture, gospel culture, a huge layer, that is, a child knows from childhood what it is, choral singing , and we lost and under influence.
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it is still necessary to search for new forms of interaction with the modern listener, the modern viewer, but what makes the choir interesting is that when you start participating in it, singing, it involves you so much, it draws you in so much, so it seems to me that it is very important that already in the education system , in the system of working with the younger generation, instill love, instill knowledge in, including the collective.
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and this requires decades of intense training at a music school,
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college, conservatory, academy, then for in order to sing, well, at least in an amateur choir, it is enough to have the desire and opportunity, as we often say, when we work with an amateur choir and those who want to sing come, they ask what is needed for this, we say, the desire and opportunity to attend rehearsals and participate in the life of the collective, and those who have the same...
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this year it will be dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, more than 800 singing children, boys, girls will take part there, these are students of children's art schools, these are college students, these are students academy of music, once again we are convinced that it is especially interesting when creative forces unite, when they meet on the same stage, a wonderful stage
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, having studied for 3 years, i went to try myself in moscow, entered the institute of military conductors at the moscow conservatory, and so on his
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career and musical destiny began to develop very dynamically; he led the ensemble. dance songs in the city of omsk, and then transferred and for several years headed the red banner songs of dance ensemble of the belarusian military district, but what else i want to remember something special about mikhail sergeevich, and when his military career ended, he retired from the military, he decided to return to music again, but in a new capacity, and he entered graduate school at the moscow conservatory.
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a worthy place, including in the field of entertainment, but i say this in a high sense, because of course, every person wants to come and get aesthetic pleasure, be it a performance, be it a concert, and society does not always have an understanding of the value that come to the concert symphony orchestra, enjoying music is a rather expensive, let’s say, pleasure, a distant way to spend time.
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in fact, there is a movement in this direction, that is, the interest of the belarusian audience is increasing, including in classical performance, so well, i remember mikhail sergeevich had very successful programs with songs, yes, that is, he somehow knew the audience, or something, with which he wants to work with, the orchestra’s repertoire was made up for a specific class of people, that’s why it was such a success, but he also compared his brainchild with ussr national hockey team, because they played in it.
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a little better, yes, maybe it sounds pompous, but nevertheless, seeing the audience after the concert leaving, we are now holding a fairly large series of concerts, called 100 years of success for the centenary of the minsk state music college named after glinka, just the other day a brass band concert took place, the audience simply did not want to let go, and these are still very young guys, 15, 16, 17 years old, and in general they were able to prepare at a very decent level. show huge two s a half-hour program of serious music. well, by the way, you graduated from the glinka minsk music college in 2001. over the past two decades? how has the education system changed, has it become better? the education system, it is constantly changing, and of course it should be, because time does not stand still, and the system, but i am very
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deeply convinced of it, this is the best education system, it is fundamental in nature, it is justified, it gives very very good results, but as i already said, of course time does not stand still, and maybe the forms themselves, including the introduction of modern technologies.
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as a rule, one two, well three, this is already a very large orchestra, and there is a problem here, of course, that is, even one year, for example, if no one entered, that is, there are no guys
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who want to get an education in this specialty, of course, this this already creates a certain gap in personnel training, plus there is also a specificity that these instruments are quite expensive, that is, if... like a piano in belarus, yes, it is possible in general, many acquaintances they say, just take it, well, someone, let’s say, a child has completed his studies, well , they are doing repairs and are ready to give it away, these are not uncommon cases, then such a tool, it reaches very high, let’s say, sums, yes, and indeed it is simply too heavy even parents, even very motivated ones, who really want their child to learn this instrument, therefore. but this problem really exists, it has several reasons, but the tools are purchased, and the state allocates quite a lot of
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money to update the fleet of tools, it’s clear that there is no limit to perfection, and we are also in this process all the time and updating our stock of instruments, the most important thing is that kids come who want to study at this institute, well, there was a girl who wanted to study, she had to leave for st. petersburg, you know? the point here is not the instrument, the fact is that people probably don’t go to college to teach, well, for example, the same instrument bassoon or double bass, it has its own characteristics, that is, certain physiological prerequisites are needed here, but in order to obtain education on this instrument, the same double bass, even just moving it from room to room is quite large.
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say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch!
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the task is clear, right, comrade lieutenant colonel, so, the third, let's go, the fourth, let's go, my dear, beloved. “this isn’t even a letter anymore, i ’m just writing to you in a thick notebook, maybe someday you’ll read it and understand how bad it was for me without you, what does this mean, it means that petrushin is your bastard, well, this is not news, but what are these keys, my keys, petrush, he wasn’t going to rent you any apartment, so you have two options, the first is my living space, the second is the station, choose, well, dunaev, you’re crazy, you’re always with your tricks, why the hell did you
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ask for tricks?
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and firmness intentions. watch on tv channel belarus 24. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the director of the glinka minsk state music college, teacher, conductor, art history researcher, alexey snyatko. we are talking about problems.
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we almost forgot about anniversaries, but don’t think that we somehow ignore the fact that the college is 100 years old, and this is certainly a beautiful date, here are not one, but 10 concerts. you came up with the idea for your centenary, next sunday, as you said, the stage of the belarusian state philharmonic society will host the fifth choral festival sung by the capital, and it’s curious that you came up with it, yes, before becoming the director of the college, why, how do you think the project is alive, successful, well, what keeps it afloat, well, the key word in the name of the project is a choral festival, therefore, of course, of course... always - it pleases its participants, its spectators, there are so many of them who want to take part in it that for spectators who do not sing, there are very few places left in the philharmonic, in this holiday almost 90% of the hall will be
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there will be choral groups that will also unite to sing songs together, well, on the stage there will be a combined choir of boys and young men, and a full choir.
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such apples, summer rains, paths , distances, planet stripes, patches, scenes, well... 500 people, probably, well, four hundred somewhere participants. this is all, college students? no, these are students from children's music schools in the capital and colleges. yes, we are uniting, and this is also very interesting, because for children,
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to work together on the same stage with college students, with older peers, they are always interested in this, very responsible , and college students are the future .
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not to be false in the very essence of what you do, that is, this, this is not only the height of sounds, yes, this and whether you convey the meaning correctly, whether you can perform explain the meaning of what they are singing, that ’s why we sing this song, we want to once again sing the anthem, sing an ode to our capital, which we all love, which we can truly all be rightfully proud of, all our friends and guests, just recently hosted the amazing moscow choir vesna, this is one of the most...
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a unique personality, not only, not only for our holiday, not only for the city, of course for the country, i can say this with absolute confidence, because...
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he is also passionate this and this next one the holiday will again feature several premieres and compositions by elena viktorovna, and another very important area that composer elena trashkevich pays attention to is preservation, preservation of the best samples, through , well, maybe updating the very form of the work, but for example, many famous songs are created by her in rankings. for performance by the same children's choir, for a special
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instrumental composition, some songs that were intended for soloists, but can be adapted for a children's choir, she is also very active in this work is engaged, a collection of the belarusian union of composers choir has been released, this is a collection in which there are more than twenty new, interesting, bright songs, like the song about minsk, no worse than the winged swing, but i already have it for me. according to some message to the audience that your emotions, yes, so pure, absolutely true, the fact is that those amazing songs that were created in the second half of the 20th century, well, there were prerequisites for this too, there was a wonderful large children’s choir state television and radio of the ussr, under the leadership of viktor popov, and composers, they always rejoiced at the opportunity to write a song and hear the premiere of this song, including...
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in addition, the anniversary year, yes, also the first musical, international competition was held at the end of april named after glinka, i read the applications, the musicians submitted from belarus, russia, this is understandable, china, israel, ukraine, poland, slovakia, guatemala, this is what it says, so i’m wondering if there are still few music competitions in the world, as they considered the first international competition at glinka college, well, -first graduates.
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use of official position, the first competition winner is immediately yours. the peculiarity was that when the decision was made on the grand prix, members of the jury of all specialties took part in the voting, that is, there is a special interest in this, that is, every, well, let's say pianist, he proved himself to be the best of pianists, received, became a laureate of the first degree and received his
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well-deserved award. the grand prix is ​​an opportunity to captivate the public, and given that we really... when we competed for the grand prix, each finalist was one better another, but having considered the opinion of each of the jury members, each jury member could vote for only one of his favorites, and maria received the most votes, so i believe that the most important thing is that the one who was the most convincing wins, the competition is the result today, here now, a very big role. the choice of repertoire also plays a role, a piece that is too long, for example, it may not produce the effect that the performer is counting on, or vice versa, if it is so miniature, then look, or in this case, the jury, which makes its verdict, it may not
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feel like some kind of competition, yes, that is , a competition for the grand prix, that is , all absolutely stars should come together here, so i think that - the main thing, the main thing is that in this competition, everyone was able everyone was able to prove themselves, to once again declare themselves at such a high level, for me, participation in a competition is always an opportunity to test oneself , an opportunity to determine the vectors of further development, what else to work on, what to improve, it seems to me that this is the most valuable thing in competition, if you are moving in the right direction, if you do everything as you do...
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our native country, glory, glory from generation to generation, glory to the great, mighty people, try the rude to the edge, dear, fight mercilessly, with a mighty hand , you have already said that one of these bonuses, or something, of your competition is the jury, our name...
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it began with my work as the chairman of the jury of the ippolitov choral spring competition, also a wonderful festival that unites choirs from moscow, the moscow region and also makes it possible to communicate compete, and indeed it’s been a long time since i’ve had this idea in mind, but here are the stars. came together exactly in 2024, well, firstly, the name of the outstanding mikhailanovich glinka, who is dear to all of us, and i often say this, that he is smolensk, geographically between moscow and minsk, in fact, well, yes, we will still argue, the smolensk region is belarus,
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in any case, our people are there too, everything is native, everything is close to us. and mikhail ivanovich’s music is also absolutely close to us, of course, this is also our music, so for it is very symbolic for me that colleagues and such outstanding musicians from the russian federation, they were with us on this holiday, when there is such creative friendship, there are no obstacles to the most daring ideas being brought to life, well, i think we will not be mistaken, if we say that the whole color... almost the whole color of the belarusian music scene is graduates of the glinka college, starting with the opera singer larisa aleksandrovskaya, also mikhail finberg, eduard hanok, vladimir gromov, stanislav trifonov.
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remains, the most important thing that should remain with a graduate is love, love for music, love for teachers, love for the educational institution where the graduate studied, this is usually 4 years, again, what unites us all is art, therefore we always offer cooperation in what is dear to us, our graduates, including the illustrious ones you listed, i am always very afraid to list how... some specific list, because the simplest thing is not to mention someone also very, very important, in fact, graduates,
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they not only work in the most important concert organizations of the country, they are also college teachers, these are also teachers of the academy of music, without whom new stars would not have appeared, it’s absolutely true, the entire cultural system is permeated by our graduates and... here probably this feeling of belonging to something so common, important for all of us, called the minsk state musical school, for many schools, now a college and meniglinka, this is what makes such cooperation possible, interaction, you know, and our illustrious graduates, it’s also important for them to come communicate with young people, with the younger generation, and share their experience, probably for themselves a little bit in a new capacity.
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let's return to this studio again, for now , subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again , say don't be silent, our guest is the director of the minsk state music college named after glinka, alexey snyatko. alexey ivanovich, well, now we have...
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the instrumental pop department has excellent professionals who have been working for many years, preparing personnel, well, last year we already opened a recruitment for pop vocals. and we want kids with different interests, well, in general, to have a choice of where to go, where they can express themselves, where they can apply themselves, because in our business it is very important to love what you do, in art, otherwise there will be no success, there will be no serious achievements, because all the time there will be a need to overcome some difficulties, starting with technical ones, sometimes achievements. some kind of result and some kind of acquisition of a gaming skill, it takes years, it’s hours of practice every day,
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the one who really does it for real. he loves it, it’s a pleasure for him, he doesn’t have to be forced, and that’s why i always, when they ask me whether it’s worth going into music, getting a profession, i ask, do you like it, if you’re an applicant yourself or parents, i say , does he really love it or she, yes, there is a strong desire, when they say that yes, he loves, he cannot without this, he plays from morning to evening, well, i’m saying, this is already a very important basis for further such things. cooperation, interaction and for successful further education, of course, well, we can just on this topic see how your children present themselves, the college has a very active instagram, they come up with all sorts of interesting projects, but here’s one of them, let’s see, here studying is an honor, therefore everyone is important to us, you are important to us, coming to us from
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any corner of the world, we are united by one the goal is to become a talent... this means that there is an opportunity through such a system of targeted training with a greater likelihood of enrolling in an educational institution and already getting a guaranteed job, that is, exactly from where the application was submitted for you, and this is really what it is, it may not be very good yet a form familiar to parents of applicants, but it is already showing its effectiveness; the difficulty here is
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that people are always afraid of planning. for such a long period of time, but on the other hand, confidence in the future day - this is also always a very important criterion for choosing a profession, choosing a specialty, choosing an educational institution, and therefore we try to carry out such career guidance work as actively as possible, these are not only open days, but the same competitions that the college organizes, those festivals, projects, holidays, there is an opportunity to come and see how the college lives.
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is already showing good results, because training specialists in the field of culture is such a very labor-intensive, costly process, in in general, these are isolated individuals who reach real heights; it is very important to create maximum conditions so as not to scare them away; in fact, you always need to work.
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enjoy life. alexey ivanovich, let's put a beautiful end to our skillful conversation today. we know that you are left-handed, so we will watch what you write and what autograph you leave for us as a souvenir.
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more on... real music inspiration. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, intelligence agencies are constantly catching ukrainian saboteurs. today in our country all conditions are created for it to be successful. repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different,
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there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, and in addition, a departure from a unipolar world to a polycentric world, the republic of belarus, it is essentially located at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and the on the belarus24 tv channel.
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live broadcast of the main news at noon in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue.
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