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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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industry to metalworking, construction and tourism. we want people to know us not only as a manufacturer of spare parts starters for engines of the minsk motor plant, but also to know that we have new types of products, this is a device for pumping large volumes of water. today we are talking about business cooperation in the sphere of production, in the field of agriculture, in the field of mechanical engineering, and elevator construction. our enterprises have made big steps towards each other, here are our official contacts, they lead to the fact that entrepreneurs they began to develop relationships among themselves that had not existed before; the program also included a festival of artisans and a forum on the roads of catherine. the authoritative spring in gomel strengthens the image of the region as a promising reliable partner. the man he was looking for has been extradited to lithuania. he is suspected
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of raping minor girls, whom he also beat. information was received about the possible presence of the criminal on the territory of belarus. our detectives located the suspect and detained him in the agricultural town of benyakone in voranovsky district. the prosecutor general's office decided to extradite the wanted man to lithuania. the attacker was intoxicated and acted in a group with other persons. on the same day, using physical and...
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may 4 is associated with the veneration according to the church calendar of the enlightenment brothers, the creators of the slavic alphabet and the pioneers of writing, equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius. thanks to the spread of christianity , the first handwritten books appeared in our lands. in belarus, at many monasteries and churches there were libraries and book census workshops. mainly liturgical volumes now make up the collection of rare publications. in memory of the enlighteners cyril and methodius in our country. saints of the early apostle methodius cyril, slovenian teachers, at the same time they serve as such an important spiritual connecting cultural moment that unites the slavic peoples. modern man really needs such spiritual guidelines that help make the right decisions in the modern, rapidly changing world. in honor of the brothers educators who lived and preached in the 2nd century.
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a solemn service is being held in orthodox churches; a morning liturgy was held in the holy spirit cathedral; a religious procession to the minsk castle will also take place. the minsk choir assembly was held at the national memorial complex temple-monument in honor of all saints, singing songs about peace, goodness, childhood and the native land. the holiday brought together about 450 students, 25 choral vocal groups from capital schools. the unique event brought together adults and children from the very beginning.
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nourish, for example, while playing chess, and children, adults, they live a whole story, the story of their life, the history of the piece they perform. and in the white hall of the monument’s temple, each group performed its own program of choral works, including songs dedicated to the memory of those who fell in the great patriotic war. the first minsk choir assembly took place at the city hall in 2018, and this is the second time it has been held in all of them. holy church. last year the choir festival received international status. bright victories of belarusians at the championship european wrestling under 23 years old. natalia varakina and olesya getmanova won gold medals in their weight categories. varakina was stronger than the turkish woman and demirkhan in terms of the quality of her actions - this is the weight category of 50 kg, and getmanova defeated the russian sedelnikova in the weight of 59 kg (5/3). i want to say a huge thank you.
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i strived for this, tried and went, there was no doubt, i was confident, because i knew how i work, why i work , what i am going towards. the european championships in baku continue, belarusian wrestlers have already won 10 olympic licenses. about sports news my colleagues will continue, we are on the air at 13:00. see you. gomel vrz. reached the final of the belarusian mini-football championship; in the third game of the semi-final at home, genovsky’s team left no chance for minsk. drazdov opened the scoring, matveenko restored parity. berezovsky scored a double, but semenyuk reduced the gap in the game. and then the precise shots of dubkov, penchuk, ros, and the same matvienko and the hare mateevsky brought the matter to a defeat of 8:3 in
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the reporting match and 3:0 in the vrz series again in the final of the national championship. we really wanted the final is probably here, so we tuned in and won, i think. deservedly so, we were probably a little bit stronger here, so we moved on, and you see, every game kept us in suspense, even today. today, following vrz, the capital can reach the final of the belarusian championship; the menchan team leads the series 2:0. the game starts at 19:00. live broadcast to belarus 5.
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in february 1945, at the radio house on revolutionary 3, they were preparing to transmit urgent information to the regions of the republic. radio engineer i set up the equipment to receive a signal there through the prk receiver. it operated on direct current, and technically it was the only way to transmit the latest news for regional newspapers. announcers.
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and in the bssr. the first deliveries to the bssr will begin only in december 1940. its residents had to. living through the most difficult post-war year, when you had to rely only on your own strength. radio remained the main source of information for the population of the republic. special attention is given to restoring broadcasts throughout the territory. from a memorandum from the authorized people's commissariat of communications of the ussr under the council of people's commissars of the bssr kravchuk addressed to. secretary of the central committee of the party of belarus panomarenko on measures to restore communications in the liberated
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areas of the belarusian ssr. it is planned to provide radio connections to regional and district centers, equip radio centers 60, energobaz 33, build 750 km lines, install radio receivers of the "nrk" type for collective listening and a radio center.
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outside the leadership of the republic , decisions have already been made to restore its people's farms. the territory of the republic was also captured by the nazi occupiers; in the soviet rear, work is already beginning to prepare for the establishment of the national economy of the republic. on april 5, 1943 , a meeting was held at the state planning committee of the republic, in which our prominent scientists also took part. they are discussing a plan for the restoration of industry and forestry; also in
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the soviet rear , preparations have practically begun for the restoration of all sectors of industry and transport, for example, one of the questions is a memorandum on on how to restore road transport, measures were being prepared to restore the largest industrial enterprises, including the gomel plant.
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from the memoirs of nadezhda grekova, a cold horror was seized by what he saw, the buildings of all industrial and public utility enterprises were destroyed and burned, completely ... the healthcare network, trade, all schools were destroyed, all historical monuments were looted and destroyed, the housing stock was almost completely destroyed, there was no water supply in the city, the city streets were deserted and lifeless, everywhere there were signs with the words “mined, mines,
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dangerous.” there are rubble and ruins all around. on the site of the destroyed water utility building, several workers were once again laying out heavily damaged or burnt parts of equipment, they were collected throughout the city, pulled out from under the rubble, some...
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at the beginning of january of forty-four , gomel radio already reported an important news citizens information. the water utility carried out a complete overhaul of two steam boilers, two steam pumps, two centrifugal pumps, the shafts of three pumping stations were cleaned. the first water collection pumps have started working in the city; by the end of the year it is planned to restore 70 km. water supply networks or 80% of the pre-war length. the pace of restoration of communications, industrial facilities, and the flagship
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of agricultural engineering gomselsh resembled the pace of the organization. work in the soviet rear after being transferred to the east at the beginning of the war. the decision was made to immediately evacuate the plant, but it also had to be evacuated by manpower. during a week and a half, we were given 1,100 wagons to load all the equipment and accessories onto these wagons. of course they loaded it.
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gomel. the re-evacuation began. the first echelons with equipment. the first group of specialists arrived in the city. after examining the place where the plant was located, it became clear. there is nothing to restore. the fastas tried to leave behind scorched earth. the experience gained in the evacuation in
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organizing production was now used at home. it had to be built again. this is the most difficult time for our people. working engineers, technicians, office workers, managers, everyone worked. selflessly in the liberated areas of the republic, only by the end of the forty-third year it was possible to restore about 100 industrial enterprises. one of the first match factories to open was
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the vizuviy match factory in novobelica. in gomel itself , the restoration of a machine tool plant began in december, and within a few months it was operational. key for starting production workshop. assembly shop. three brick factories began production. how important it was then in the minutes of meetings of the council of people's commissars of the republic, the bureau of the regional committee, and district party committees. they contain strict accounting of all building materials that were preserved after clearing the rubble. about how he was valued.
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some large enterprises allow themselves to violate the rules regarding the illegal use of construction materials from dismantling buildings. they dismantle boxes without permission. so the workers of the kirov plant dismantled a lot. such an irresponsible attitude towards the interests of the city, apart from senseless, ugly destruction, brings enormous material damage to the state budget. the whole country helped restore the national economy of the liberated areas. and 30 wagons with electrical equipment, machine tools, tools, and construction materials arrived in gomel. workers from the urals, bashkiria, siberia, chuvashia and
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north ossetia helped restore the carriage repair plant. construction organizations of kirov participated in the restoration of housing and communal services. we are never completely satisfied with any job , everywhere we know where we can do it better, let's strive for it. the works of their workshop were presented to the pope, the patriarch of moscow of all russia, the queen of england and the heads of many states. it’s not known for certain, it’s just that, in principle, it doesn’t matter. the main thing is that the work pleases the person, the sozhskaya skan technology has no analogues in the world; only about 20 people own it, most of whom live in
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our country. we have four artists, main and two apprentices. three of them, well, probably for sure, then all four of them are the top best scanners. in the project belarusians, family. they carved their unique technique of inlaying with wood shavings, which they restored after centuries of oblivion. we use wood from the forest, buckthorn, sumac, or as people call it the vinegar tree, everything that grows in the garden, all the fruit trees, stone fruits, we cut everything from friends, we collect it from ourselves. let's find out how masterpieces are created, what is their magic? and the magic probably lies in this. well, a piece of the soul is transferred into the shavings, watch today only on our tv channel, every
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person should remember where he comes from, if you remember that you are a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, before looking towards distant shores, see what can be done here, today there is only one. a truly united civilization, it is called the western world, where this britain is located, which does everything so that other civilizations can never unite, tourism is one of the most important factors, including in patriotic education, in all their conceptual documents, including the newly adopted british ones, speak of the fact that by the thirtieth year to neutralize the russian federation, if you simply spend your vacation once a year in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if we add six belarusian regions to them, it will take him 95 years, each person can add up your impression of russia, of belarus,
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what we have for... the basis and common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to preserve the independence of our land, everything created by many generations before us. scary insights from a judge who fled to belarus. ordinary poles do not want our country to be drawn into this conflict. quality control about how a dying enterprise
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was brought to a new level. i want the state to have a face, and watches are produced in fewer countries than planes and helicopters, you know this, that is, this is intelligence, the mechanism, we put a microphone on the device , a signal is given, and you need to adjust what the watch should be, to save what our ancestors invested in their work, this is our history and heritage, the main topics in the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . in the second half of 1944 , restoration work began throughout belarus. all settlements needed speedy revival and assistance. particular
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attention to the capital, it was almost completely destroyed. the germans destroyed all cultural institutions, with the exception, perhaps, of the yankee kupala theater, and the former institute of physical education, on the current yakub kola square there is a large building, these buildings of all the other large ones remained, as if untouched, it was partially destroyed house government, and everything was ruins, ruins, ruins, all enterprises were destroyed, all cultural institutions were destroyed, most schools were in ruins, and of course the question arose, first of all, what to do? the damage was calculated by the government, it began its work in minsk almost immediately after...
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july 5, 1944, sanitary cleaning and sewerage were completely disorganized, public utilities were destroyed, the water supply network was disabled, pressure towers were blown up, another meeting, the city was completely stopped transport to minsk.
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not for a single day, work seven days a week, do not stop work on restoring the plant , work 8 hours on the first day of the mass exit. newspaper soviet belarus for june 8.


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