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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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the komsomol cell held a meeting with the zvalins; it was organized from those who managed to survive in the occupied capital, who were returning to minsk from kuibyshevo, where the enterprise was evacuated on june 27 , 1941. under the nazis, the germans organized the repair of tanks and carriages on its squares. leaving the city, they completely destroyed the plant literally the day before the liberation of the capital, on july 2. komsork, having climbed onto an improvised dais, addressed the youth with subordination: do not stop work on restoring the plant for a single day, work seven days a week, work 8 hours on the first day of mass exit. newspaper soviet belarus for june 8. yulia reported:
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restoration work at the myasnikov plant began immediately after the liberation of the city. everyone unanimously decided to work 8 hours on the first day of the mass exit. the workers produced 150 picks, 100 crowbars, 85 stretchers, 200 hammers. there was nothing, not even simple shovels, a rake, everything was clean. reports from the labor front are on a par with reports from the military front. they are broadcast on the radio and printed in every issue. soviet belarus under the general motto “let’s restore our native minsk.” in the newspaper for july 15, a new initiative: to improve the work of brick artels. i remember well
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the enthusiasm that could be observed in people of different ages, here we are boys, all 8 years old, you can’t imagine with what pleasure and zeal we went to these ruins, our task was to find a whole brick or at least half a brick, here they were demolished to a certain place, loaded manually onto trucks and transported to the construction site, that was.
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the crisis of the automobile has flared up plant the first to emerge were the younger partisans. minsk repair workers are resuming their work. a new succession has been created recently. minsk oxygen plant. at minsk, the assembly line began to work. the republics helped the whole country. subsidies were allocated. in 1944 , about 300 million rubles were allocated for industrial restoration alone. this is almost twice as much as was planned for 41 years. to the republic after liberation from various regions of the ussr. machine tools, building materials, agricultural machinery and, very importantly, arrived qualified personnel. a large group of construction workers arrived from uzbekistan. residents of the republic were actively involved in the restoration of the destroyed regions of the ussr. and
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the fact itself is unique. despite the fact that the republic was in need of labor, we also helped others. region of the soviet union, restoration of enterprises. 6,000 people were sent to donbass, stalingrad, 8,000 people to restore enterprises. the dramatic year 1944 for the country, for the republic, was ending. soviet union, being actually still in a state of war... demonstrated to the world its potential capabilities, the capabilities of the socialist management system, the will and fortitude of the soviet man. on the labor front , the first victory was convincingly and partially achieved
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by 14 industrial enterprises, including an aviation plant so important for the front, which carried out repairs and assembly of combat aircraft. in bobruisk in the fall of 1944 , 18 enterprises were already producing products. by the end of the year , 17 factories resumed work in grodno. on january 1, 45, the largest cement plant in the republic, the volkovysk cement plant, began operations. in the first quarter, construction sites in the republic received 1,000 tons of cement for the first time. sewing, textile, leather and footwear production. by the end of 1944, 3,406 enterprises were launched in the republic.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’re talking about who should be invited to the prom, whether it should be made like a wedding, and how to organize it. celebration so that the children remember it, go! on june 14 , graduation ceremonies will be held throughout the country, this year almost 55,500 eleventh-graders will graduate from schools in belarus, the last bell will ring for the children, then they will have to strain themselves to pass centralized exams, and
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then a gala evening surrounded by teachers, parents, classmates and the blossoming of yesterday children will meet adults, who to invite to their graduation? but children, together with their parents, decide for themselves. there is no standard list of invitees. nowadays, parents of children of each class have chats where they discuss pressing issues and share opinions. at the beginning of the year , the most active members of the community are identified and a parent committee is formed from them. its members undertake the purchase and delivery of stationery for student everyday life and paraphernalia for school holidays. what exactly to buy, for what amounts and in what quantities is decided by all classes. this also applies to the organization of graduation from the list of invited teachers. it is logical to assume that children would like to see on the last day they spend at school. as her students, everyone who gave them knowledge over many years, and talk about
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obezalovka is inappropriate here. back in 1999, we sat at the table with almost all the subject teachers of the rural school where i studied. several years ago, students from my child’s class were indignant when they found out that the director of the lyceum might not attend their graduation and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him at the formal part. and here it is, as it turns out: teachers at graduation in the educational process seem to be different.
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if you hold your graduation the way he suggests the president and recommends the ministry of education, the holiday will not attract an unaffordable amount. if the celebration takes place within the walls of a school, the emphasis in its program will be on national values ​​and memorable dates, the right to host the celebration will be given to those who have worked or studied at this school for a long time, and not to those who, for money, without knowing the history of the educational institution, will drop in into it for a couple of hours, if the table is organized with the help of an official state company, and not through... moreover, without an agreement, it is unclear from whom, the graduation will not hit the family budget. in minsk, school management was generally
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recommended to order graduation menus through the school catering facility, because this is a budget-friendly option for families and a really safe option for children for organizing a festive banquet. and both factors are very important: it is not in vain that civil servants emphasize the inadmissibility of inadequate fees for graduation. this is not the case when parents should compare their wallets and try to impress. school team. this holiday has a completely different message. and with all due respect to the especially active organizers celebrations, it is worth remembering that there is a very fine line between attempts to put pressure on intractable interlocutors from the parent chat and extortion. if this problem is relevant for someone, you can ask the local education department for help in solving it. once again, buy ribbons together, pay for refreshments, buy balloons and flowers if desired, yes. to force. someone to add up to 20 bouquets, gifts for school, a presenter with a fantastic price list, fashionable snacks,
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photo zones, fireworks, carriages, cars, professional lighting, photo and video shooting, no, this is not a wedding of oligarchs, this is a graduation for children, a touching, exciting evening in which the main thing is smiles, conversations, memories and farewells, an exhalation in the evening from the fact that everything is over and an adrenaline breath at dawn from the fact that everything is just beginning , well, why is tomada here? and fireworks. no one in our country can or is going to prohibit a group of parents with children from celebrating any holiday in a restaurant. another question is, do children want to spend their last evening as schoolchildren outside the school walls? do they want to miss out? the opportunity to walk along the quiet familiar corridors, chat with a teacher at a familiar window sill, go up to the stage of the assembly hall? and the money is completely different. parents already spend money on buying clothes and the image of the child for this day. if more. present them with a bill for half their monthly salary or feed their children low-quality food, the impressions will be
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ruined. i like to talk about everything in detail, so before filming the program, i walked around the capital’s shops and markets and went to marketplaces to compare prices for prom dresses. let's start with the girls. residents in cities, the easiest way to find an elegant dress is at individual retail outlets. they have a good selection of models with silk and tulle, decorated with rhinestones. issue price 150-200 rub. there are , of course, for 400-500, but this is for special connoisseurs of dressing for one evening. an option for those who are putting together a princess look is to buy a dress in s'. the price tags there are high, the wedding business is generally a separate segment of the trade, but you can always find something more modest than the bride’s and more luxurious than natasha rostova’s at the first ball. in department stores, like tssuma and guma, there is less choice of this particular format of things; in the company stores of our drug industry enterprises there are very decent dresses for 200 rubles. but at discounts they now cost 110-130, but in
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the mass market you can run into an evening mini-dress that costs up to 100 rubles. the situation is the same on marketplaces: you can buy a great outfit for fifty, or for five hundred, both options will look good. for those who want to show off in a trouser suit, i would recommend buying items from our manufacturers in state stores on discount days. a suit with a natural composition and ideal pattern can be purchased for 300 rubles. and then wear it to university for several more years. shoes or sandals made of artificial materials in shoe stores cost 50-70 rubles. this. shoes for one season of regular wear or for five seasons for going out, despite the price, they look elegant and well made. makeup and hairstyle for prom for a girl with long hair costs about 120 rubles. we create an invoice with not the lowest rates. a good dress - 300, makeup and hairstyle - 120, shoes - 70, 490 rubles. for the image
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with polish from scratch. now guys. a men's suit from an individual entrepreneur costs about. rub. in gum, tsum and branded stores of brands like comintern from 300 to 450 rubles, but down discounts we subtract about 25% from this price. that is, we come out to somewhere around 350-400 rubles. a shirt costs from 50 to 100 rubles. minus the discount on average 70. there are ties for 35, there are for 55 rubles. budget shoes made of genuine leather up to 150 rubles. haircut - 20 rub. total, 354. suit, 70 - shirt, 40 - tie, 150 - shoes, 20 - haircut, 680 rubles. there is an image for a guy assembled from scratch. please note that each element of this image is made of high-quality materials and will be used for many years. the kids will remember their graduation anyway. only
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if it contains a lot of wedding paraphernalia, which is called expensive and rich, will it be remembered for the wrong reasons. than i should. graduation is the first milestone, after which a person has a past in the team. now he has a baggage of social connections behind him, with which he moves on. he must realize the severance of these ties and accept his new status, say goodbye to the familiar environment of people get ready to find new ones. it is important to live through any such rebirth emotionally, and not while away it under the roar of music, the chatter of a previously unfamiliar presenter in the endless pursuit of a good shot, or in the background. photo zones, then releasing balloons into the sky. you cannot fill the emotional background of graduates with unnecessary information noise, but doing without dubious chic on this day is not only possible, but also desirable. adults prepare for graduation more mentally than financially. as practice and personal experience show, it is worth children start singing for their parents and teachers,
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the squelching in the hall interrupts the music. leaving ideas about prom for big money will bring more discord to the parents. than joy in the children's room, set the kids up that this will be the sweetest touching evening this year, if they come to it with such a mood, they will remember it for the rest of their lives, and i want to call out to the graduates of 2024, hey, let him go will be successful, i’m marina karaman , what should graduates and their parents expect , we figured it out, everything is clear, see you.
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you are watching the news now, in the studio olga kalairova, hello. alexander lukashenko will hold talks with vladimir putin today. the day before, the russian leader arrived in belarus on a two-day official visit. our president personally met the russian.


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