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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 1:50pm-2:05pm MSK

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bookmakers' forecasts. there is an opinion that israel was specifically condemned. ukraine and croatia are the only countries that did not give israel a single point. the netherlands were completely disqualified right before the final, and no one admits why exactly. it turned out that countries like moldova, without the traditional support points of belarus and russia, were destined for last places. now the agenda. eurovision as a parade of freaks is not new for the last 20 years, however. it wasn't so direct. today on this stage they demonstrate sadomas paraphernalia and behavior on the verge, men in thongs are frankly obscene things. britain was unpleasantly surprised with a number that was dubbed an imitation of sodomy in a public toilet. i was pleasantly surprised by the reaction of the audience, who awarded zero to this performer, but this was a drop of honey in a big barrel of ointment; there were plenty of other similar numbers. looking ahead, i’ll note that the guy in the south won. this year
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, occult motifs were added to the already familiar theme of non-traditional values; they were present in many issues, but more than others a singer from ireland distinguished herself, calling herself a witch and a non-binary person at the same time. her performance was a real satanic ritual, a symbol of the devil, a pentagram, summoning a demon. it is also interesting that the irish participant took sixth place in the audience vote, sixth place in the jury vote and sixth place.
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halo to win, or now, the guy even managed to break the crystal microphone, the main eurovision trophy. the tv festival perfectly shows the degree of degradation of the eu. if satanism and the threshold for many are not covered, there is only the surroundings of a toy. one can wonder for as long as one likes how the cradle of talented classical composers in europe turned into something like this? but the most important thing to remember is that when you are invited to a cannibal party, it is not a fact that you were invited. not as a dinner, for which they fought, they ran into it; in belgium they introduced fines for priestesses of love, but not for prostitution itself, but for refusing a client, more than ten times within 6 months, the reasons for the measures taken are too frequent, turn-turn. let me remind you that recently this european country a revolutionary sex worker law was passed. their rights are now regulated
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by an employment contract, workers in the sphere of intimate services can receive annual paid leave, have the right to maternity leave, unemployment benefits, medical insurance, and are awarded pensions for their years of service, however, in addition to the rights , a brothel worker will also have responsibilities and refusal of sex is possible considered as a violation of the employment contract, innovations do not apply to webcam porn models. i'm wondering if this profession, so to speak, is offered to the unemployed at the labor exchange in belgium, if a woman refuses the offered vacancy twice, will her unemployment benefits be canceled? in general, there are no more important things to do in belgium, it was the trends program, all the best to you! our range of tasks
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that we perform is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, this is the program on which our viewer knows us, also our programs full face and military obozrenie are the main programs that go on television, but it cannot be said that we are limited to this, and we are widely represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel last year... gained 100,000 subscribers, we received a silver button , we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we were the first to receive such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer , he knows us, he recognizes us the main thing is that he learns from our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report. indeed, there may be
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several, in addition to this, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we provide video information about the military to the main government television. there is also a lot, i’ll probably focus on the main points, now the television company is focused on memory, they have become the flagships of military documentaries, which the television channels are working on today these days, on what projects? their historical project for the liberation of belarus,
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we tell this in several episodes in which we talk about the main historical moments, our correspondents raised and told historical facts that... were unknown for a long time, we used a large amount of archival material, it is worth saying that the vntv television company has a rich archive, so we use it widely, in addition, our correspondents are preparing a film called survivors, this is a big project about children of war, about those who survived the horrors of war, and another project is a time of remembrance, about monuments, about monuments that are dedicated to soviet soldiers and liberators, this is what it concerns... and my colleague and i are also preparing a project “we are a fortress”, in it we talk about the new products that are entering the belarusian army, in fact , there is also such a wide range, each issue is dedicated to a specific new product, well, in fact , we still have a lot of such projects,
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a lot of ideas, i think that our viewers will be able to see all this on air . yours for 30 years now the television company is, as they say, on the front line, you cover all the probably most important events that are happening today in the belarusian army. in your opinion, how are the armed forces of belarus changing today? well, of course, they change, and this can be seen primarily in the content that we transmit: we are always together with the army, we always, as you said, cover all the events that take place in belarus, and we see it , we constantly talk about the technology that troops arrive, we talk about what the army is going through, what stages in its formation the army goes through, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open... or turn on any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what the army is like today, it’s modern, it’s mobile, it’s high-tech, and well, it’s worth saying that in our reports we always focus on people, we talk about those who serve the belarusian army, and well, probably this
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aspect, it doesn’t change, these are those who love their own business, those who love their homeland and i’m really ready to devote myself completely to this profession. review of the most interesting sporting events. the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. dmitry kravchenko was recognized as the best coach of the extra league, and mikhail sholagin became the best hockey player of the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league, slutsk created a sensation, beating mazaryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victoria, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with athletes, a huge number people are waiting for me as if at a master class, it’s so easy to see, communicate, and i had the opportunity to play for clubs, we have a new team, a new team, we are starting our, well, long-awaited, i think, way
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of returning to the major leagues, bright moments real emotions, 8 years later magnitka is a champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me that no team has how happy the metalgo players are. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus, which. definitely worth watching, and also suggest projects and films that are sure to become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on tv channel belarus 24. my story is
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nature. once you want and don’t plant any more, it’s all about saprauda.
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who and how helps make our lives better what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus, and two devices are made by the russian federation, this group is designed to study near-earth space, weather forecasting, just a network of surface non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need data high-altitude observations, complex things in simple terms, today we are seeing a trend where the magnetic poles are shifting. the history of belarusian
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synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. traditional traditions and preserve the memory of the meat roasters of zhytkavitsk, vetka, pinsk, dragishchansk, gomel and maladzechansk district. this is the history of the history of the intangible cultural decline
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of belarus.
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