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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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from the scene of events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait. bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and open belarus for myself. the project was created with
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the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes, move forward, and keep up with the soul, the stomach sings. and you have a thirst for travel and adventure; you like to eat somewhere along the way. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook it in the suburbs and to polesie, we are going on a trip
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to create a gastronomic map of belarus, this summer adam mickiewicz served coffee in novogrudok. what happens if you carefully read the classics? arkhas - the magical transformation of milk and curdled milk. noble zrazy. the vigorous heritage of novogrudok region. novogrudok is one of the main tourist centers of belarus, it would seem that visiting here to see something that tens of thousands of people have not seen before you is impossible, it turned out to be easy, but this is if you come to look not at a castle, temple or other real estate, for an event. an excellent, i would even say festive way to travel around belarus is to travel together with the festival in the end. twice a month in
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completely different places in our country, this is a great chance for you to take part in the holiday and get acquainted with historical sights. in itoka krok to olimpo. this is a large cultural and sports festival. it combines creative competitions, an extensive cultural program and sporting events. at the festival you can literally see from the inside how the favorite sports, for example, biathlon. here you can not only watch, if you wanted to try yourself in some sport, no problem, go for it, but you can also get recommendations from famous athletes and coaches. i broke these skis in the fourth grade, i had these in the fifth, these in the sixth, i took these without my father’s knowledge in the ninth, unfortunately i also broke them, i still ski on these, the atmosphere of the festive novogrudok is imbued with sports.
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today, none of the participants, no matter whether you win or lose, will remain without medals, it suddenly turned out that medals are not just handed out, they must be earned, i decided to run, selected worthy opponents for myself and rushed in my special technique, it was. at vytok, not only do participants in sports competitions receive their prizes, but the city where vytok comes receives a tidy sum of money for the development of sports infrastructure. at the festival, not only physical culture was widely represented, there was an exhibition of paintings by belarusian artists, a competition for young vocalists was held, and special attention was paid...
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children's creativity, the best works of the region's children were awarded diplomas and prizes. these days the city belongs to the holiday. the central streets are becoming pedestrian. by the way. i recommend using a map for navigation; if you like wrestling, this is where you want to go; if you like cycling, this is where you want to go; if you like volleyball, this is where you want to go; where should i go if i like to eat? i was pleased that among the sports, cultural, historical, art venues, as well as numerous master classes and seminars, there were plenty of places with refreshments; the festival was very there are a lot of farmsteads and food courts, it seems like they are cooking everywhere... something delicious, for example, barbecue, it smells, it smells like bread, i follow the smell, what an amazing smell of fresh bread, how delicious it smells, i want to eat it, you are right, you definitely have the right one the choice, coming to us, is the mother of god bread, which is baked by
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the lavish monastery, on altar leaven, on a bay leaf, you can not only try it, come to the monastery and they will teach you it. you will learn all the secrets of this aromatic, fragrant, delicious bread. menu the festival is traditional and diverse. in essence, this is modern belarusian fast food. you can just come here and treat yourself to a pancake, for example, with meat, why not. delicious. the festival has a broad theme, but there are two main focuses: one on sports, the other on history. here everyone can get acquainted with the historical heritage, and in the most literal sense of the word. on a normal day, you can only see our ancestors in such pictures, but during festivals they come alive. so,
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get acquainted. martha is the wife of mindaugas, the times of which in the novogrod castle guests were treated to noble infections. he speaks about the actions of nindovga in novogrudok.
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mickiewicz, house, museum, of course, a street, and recently a coffee appeared, named after him, good afternoon, good afternoon, signature coffee, adam mickiewicz, please, of course, easy, by the way, the owner of the establishment, vladimir, interesting, will make coffee for me the story of where the recipe for this coffee came from turned out to be straight from the literary heritage. classic poem by pantadeus. tell us how you managed to dig up the recipes and generally read them in this in other words, just a small coffee recipe. when we were opening coffee shops, the first thought was that there should be some special
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feature in the establishment, some special signature drink. with the assistance of katerina's sister there and some other people, they found a description of that in pantadeus' poem. how they brewed coffee in lithuania, this interested us very much, and we translated this text into belarusian, as you saw, a quote, an excerpt from this hanging on the wall, yes, this is our pride, and we tried to bring this recipe to life as much as possible modern realities, without using an espresso machine, to come as close as possible to how they could do it in those days. great, for some the book pantadeu is just literature, but for others it is a cookbook, and vladimir is just one of these enthusiastic, interested people. vladimir, it seems to me that it’s time to stop tormenting me and still make coffee, we take freshly ground coffee, pour boiling water over it,
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so it turns out to be simple coffee in polish, take it, pour it all over. this is just the beginning, let's give it time to brew, descend. how long should the coffee pot be infused for a few minutes due to the fact that the grinding is not coarse enough, i think two minutes is enough for us, then let’s move on to the next stage. i see you took - a package of cream, of course, and a fairly high fat content, as high as possible, well, what we will do now, we will whip them, the main thing is not to overdo it and so that it does not turn out to be sour cream, but what does now volodya, i don’t understand at all, he’s somehow raising his coffee, but what does that mean, now we’ll ask him, valod, what does it mean to raise the coffee? using a steam installation, we raise it until
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foam forms, releasing creams, which gives the drink its unforgettable taste. crema is the foam on the surface of coffee, it consists of carbon dioxide, proteins, oils, sugars and other substances. they often determine the quality of the coffee prepared and the skill of the boronist. then we filter it, but i see that volodya, you are not straining everything, you deliberately took not the smallest strainer, why does some end up in part, in order to give the drink density, everything is possible drink, no, what about the cap made of cream, this is coffee adam mitski, our classic recipe, i was lucky, unlike other secretive chefs, friendly vladimir. agreed to share the details of his signature recipe. how much water
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is there now? 110 ml. how many spoons of coffee did you put here? 10 g. 10 g of coffee is about one and a half teaspoons, right? well, we didn't measure, we didn't measure. okay, you'll definitely try it on. and a few spoons of cream, but that’s to taste. yes. here. before i take a sip, tell me how to do it correctly. maybe should i stir it or? absolutely not worth it, the drink should come in layers, the cream comes in first, the coffee itself catches up with them, mm, delicious, first the receptors feel the cold, pleasant taste of the cream, it’s surprising that they haven’t warmed up, they are still cold and then with a confident powerful wave you the receptors are flooded with strong, hot black. coffee, and the most amazing thing is that all these layers do not mix into drinks, thick like old
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honey, like black coal, which is brewed by our agile mistress, without cream, the coffee is bad, there is no secret in this, that’s all that is written about coffee in the second book of the pantadeus poem, it’s amazing what a good borista can do from three lines of a poem, even a world famous one, however, mickiewicz’s poem in such detail... truthfully described life, habits , the way of life of the gentry, that even during the author’s lifetime it was called an encyclopedia of polish life, it contains recipes not only for coffee. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. twenty minutes. allows us to talk about about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital
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in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on tv channel belarus 24. “they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. don’t be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised, that i will come to your house, and not to a museum, no matter where you look, your gaze falls everywhere, everywhere there are some hand-made, everyday objects, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights."
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acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and their outstanding results today we are already installing elevators with a cabin speed of up to 2 seconds. and this allows us to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that
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produces and develops integral ones. microcircuits and semiconductor devices. an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here , without teamwork to produce a knowledge-intensive product. gastronomic tourism of novogrudok is full of mysteries and secrets, which, meanwhile, have been successfully unraveled by students of the novogrudok agricultural lyceum, they have been unraveled of course, they have been solved, all that remains
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is to taste them. i was also greeted by the hospitable heroes of the poem. or rather, students in images, but they looked so convincing that i wanted to take off my hat in front of the man and kiss the lady’s hand. hello, pantadeush, mrs. morylya, good afternoon, guys, the table is amazing and there are solid desserts here, why? adam miskiewicz loved desserts, didn't he? is it true? i can’t express in words what it cost me, i couldn’t immediately go to the search engine on the spot, but i restrained myself and trusted the guys at their word. tell me what what kind of desserts are we on our holiday table? makovnik, mazurka and orhas, and these are all dishes that are described in the poem pantadeus, you definitely need to re-read it. so, arkhas, what is this decovenous sweetness? this is cheese. navit looks very simple, but it is prepared using milk, curdled milk,
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sour cream, by boiling them with other ingredients. now let's see how it all tastes. hmm, here it is. hello hello! elena spoke about the culinary journey project - the secrets of novogrudok gastronomic tourism. he is aimed at an in-depth study of the culinary traditions of novogrudok, because preserving your cuisine means preserving your originality. i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip. the dream came true
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almost instantly. i fell into the past several hundred years. and... what era are we in? we are in the 13th century, it is connected with the name of prince voyshelk, yes, he is similar. voishelk was the grand duke of lithuania, the third in a row, so he understood the haute cuisine of his time. in addition, he went to the monastery twice, which means he understood the simplest food. even his death is related to cooking. voishelka was killed in peru. it's hard to find a better guide in the world.
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the dish consists of meat, mushrooms, onions, carrots and tomato sauce, which is strange, because in the thirteenth century there were no tomatoes in our area in any form, but everything was explained to me. the essence of the project is not just ethnographic research, but we wanted to select, experiment, test and adapt these found recipes to modern cooking methods. it must be said that the work was... done thoroughly, and at times it was not limited to voicing. in addition to the cuisine of the grand duchy of lithuania, other recipes and recipes were also restored. gentry cuisine of the 14th century, recipes before the military novogrudok, so it was famous for its fragrant buns, kaiserkas, which were baked in
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the city center and the aroma simply floated along all the streets from above, because our center is located higher, the homeland of kaiserkas is vienna, they were baked all over territory of austria-hungary, but how these buns became a signature dish in the belarusian novogrudok is a mystery that, i hope, the students and teachers of the novogrudok agricultural lyceum will solve. our teachers, our masters, industrial training together with the guys, created three menus, this is a meal at woyshelk’s, a menu from adam mickiewicz and , uh, modern cuisine of the traditions of our small homeland, we called this menu. you can prepare these dishes yourself; the exact recipes are on the website, it’s called the gastronomic wrangler novogrudok recipes. here. not only what princes and other aristocrats ate, but a dish of ordinary residents of novogrudok and the surrounding area, one of which i decided to learn how to cook, and
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i will do this under the close attention of strict teachers, charming women marina and svetlana, meet me, today in class we will restore the recipe for slip zraz, which you can only try in novogrudok.
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belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. are you a historian? yes, i have a technical one, second historical education. but they decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum, so that whole classes could do it. secrets of a good mood. i don’t know whether it’s necessary to put on a second beauty for beauty, let’s be afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, girls, boys, he tells me about the roman patricians, and i sew him a needle and so on. god, this is just a work of art, and there are also many interesting educational stories, they were great, thank god for everything, in addition
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to playing well, he also works weapons, we saw you waving them so much that i just voted, you’re right, and then immediately, inspired, a song comes, that’s what i actually thought, my name is marie, monsieur soutine, an artist, asked me to dress up. in all white, as if for the first communion, this particular work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, good backpacks belarus luva. zrazy is a simple dish, it’s a cutlet or meatloaf with filling, they are made from chopped beef or other meat, we prepared our own
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from pig. which is well reputed, despite its simplicity, the origin of zrazy is shrouded in mystery, there are two main versions: according to one, zrazy - this polish dish appeared thanks to bonnie sforza, but there is another version, according to which zrazy appeared in lithuania, they came to poland only after the 15th century , considering that in those days novogrudok was lithuania, then maybe the birthplace of this dish is here, so first we put a spoon, that is, spread it. it is the filling that makes the zrazy noble, it consists of grated horseradish, butter and breadcrumbs, you should not put there is too much of it, the dish will start to taste bitter, and why do you need to do this with a spoon, i would actually do it with my hand, you can try it, you can, well, it will be much easier for me, it seems to me that any man is a cook, here’s the secret, here’s a mistake was, under no circumstances should you do this with your hand, because you
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will ruin everything in the world. never try to smear the filling with your hand, you won’t succeed, you’ll only get your hands dirty and ruin the filling. most of what we grow in the fields in our gardens are non-native plants, guests from the south, but horseradish is not like that, it’s an aborigine of these regions, here it grows wild, loves damp places along the banks of rivers, moreover, horseradish is our slavic seasoning; in russia it began to be grown in the 9th century. in europe they began to use it 500 years later. so, the filling on the chop. what's next? next, the dish needs to be given shape, and not everything is as simple as it seems when the finished dish is on your plate. well, do you need to fold the edges on both sides, tightly or lightly? well, turn it up a little, yes, that is, so that, relatively speaking, her secure it a little. and we
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just roll it up into a roll. tight or not, tight, you accept that the filling, not only that there is a beautiful filling on the cut, a resident of switzerland shared a recipe for gentry zraz with researchers from the novogrudok agricultural lyceum, but he is now admiring the beautiful view of the mountains, and was born in novogrudok , one day he came to his homeland, received an unforgettable impression , left in return an interview and this recipe, he inherited it from his ancestors along with the legend that if this dish was served on the table of king jogaila himself, why not, there was already pork at that time, butter, crackers and horseradish too, judge whose looks better, eat a little, we need to fix it a little, we’ll help, that is, i’m still worse, but no, you ’re fine, you don’t have more fillings each, it’s good, what do we do next, bake, no, we still need to coat it in flour, and then fry it, pour it on the bottom, i’ll
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repeat , i’m an exemplary student, everything should work out for me like a professional chef, well, let’s just take it and roll it, now i i understand the meaning of the saying, play the fool, so be sure to seal the edges, first the zrazy are fried to a beautiful golden color, then baked in the oven until ready, the noble zrazy is served with a side dish, it can be... komyak is boiled crushed potatoes with fried lard and onions , it is also baked, pre-smeared with sour cream, before serving, everything is laid out on a plate and decorated to taste. i’ll put the tomato here, it’s just asking for it, so we won’t scatter the cranberries... over
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our sauce, but we’ll just eat the radishes, more one caveat: before serving, the zrazy is cut in half, this is for beauty, but you can leave it whole if you like it better, i thought it would be appropriate to start the tasting with a quote, spain is traditional, at the end the guests are carried around with zrazy by the servants, the judge...


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