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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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everything created by many generations before us, terrible insights from a judge who fled to belarus, ordinary poles do not want our country to be drawn into this conflict, quality control on how fading enterprises were brought to a new level, i want the state to have face, and watches are produced in fewer countries than planes and helicopters, you know this, that is , this is intelligence, the mechanism, we put a microphone and... the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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i’m 100 years old in college and it’s definitely beautiful date, the culture of choral singing is falling, modern choral groups, they sound like even the famous group... of the last century, well, at least the first half of it was not even dreamed of, it is probably natural that in different historical periods, it is interesting rises and falls, everyone has probably succumbed to bright wrappers, including not always high-quality mass culture, our graduate who does not know a music editor, this is no longer the norm, this should not be so if the teacher loves his job, he will always have there's a line of people willing...
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hello, you're watching the program "say don't be silent" in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the director of the glinka minsk state music college, teacher, conductor, art history researcher, alexey snyatko. good afternoon, alexey! there are a lot of
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names in your mind, which one is closer to you from all of this, what do you lean towards? well , these are not all names, well, it so happened that i am happy to combine teaching activities - this is very important for me direction, scientific activity and administrative. previously, they wrote as an art critic, and now as an art historian, what has changed? yes, this is a scientific step.
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it turned out that i returned there in a different capacity, every 2 years this festival takes place, we come and listen to wonderful folk groups there that perform on the shores of lake myastra, it’s very picturesque, well, it’s very hard to believe that this particular festival was the first, can be said to be a festival in soviet belarus, it has been held since 1952, and the old-timer assures that in the old days a lot of people... came to listen
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to artists, performances of choral groups, now, well, i was looking for a video before meeting you and noticed that the performers on stage yes... can do a lot, achieving high quality sound, another question is that the specifics of choral art, it has its own characteristics, because, firstly, the choir is historical, it developed in the bosom of the church, what is this connected with, with the fact that when churches were designed, a lot of attention
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paid attention to acoustics, in fact, any parishioner in the church will always enjoy the sound of the choir, because that’s how everything is designed, in our time... and of course formats are changing, formats of interaction, that is, mass culture, it usually involves microphone sound, and choral performance, it does not always easily fit into the framework that is accepted, well, in modern mass culture, so it is probably natural that in different historical periods interest either increases or decreases, but the fact that art develops very dynamic worldwide choral. art, i am completely convinced of this, because i met with colleagues in various regions of our country, in the russian federation and had the opportunity to travel with choirs to many countries, in china there are amazing festivals in their scale, in
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european countries, by the way , you know, somehow i also thought about this topic, in the nineties we were strongly influenced by western culture, hollywood films and... not everything that they broadcast for export, let's say, to other countries, cultural export, in fact the situation is somewhat different for them, but for example, choral performance, brass bands in almost every school in america, they exist, state education, state education, a huge layer, that is, a child knows from childhood what it is , choral singing, but we lost it, but under the influence of mtv, it burst into us. madonna michael jackson and stopped doing choral singing, i think there was just such a period, the nineties, everyone scolds them, probably quite rightly, yes, everyone somehow, probably, succumbed to bright wrappers, including not always
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high-quality mass culture, it just took a place that probably does not deserve, and as for such academic performance, including choral. it already has a history of thousands of years, so i am convinced that it will continue to develop, perhaps this is a search, a search for new forms of interaction with the modern listener, with modern spectators is still required, but what makes the choir interesting is when you begin to participate in it yourself, to sing , it's so involving, so powerful draws in, so it seems to me that it is very important that already in... in the education system, in the system of working with the younger generation, to instill love, instill knowledge, including collective music playing, these are orchestras and choirs, while you were talking that maybe we need to look for new forms, i remembered fragments from the film, a forgotten melody
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for the eldar flute, where to send the tambov choir, that is, it was a headache for the ministry of culture for some time, yes, because the costume. it’s a lot, it’s expensive, yes, and programs, and tours, all this has become at some point, it’s probably not a feasible burden, well, in fact, choral performance is one of the most economically least expensive, because in order for the choir to function, yes, you quite rightly mentioned costumes, well, that’s where the expenses actually end, yes, that is, you don’t need to purchase expensive instruments, and the choir can.
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eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, more than 800 singing children, boys, girls will take part there, these are students of children's art schools, these are college students, these are students academy of music, and once again we are convinced that it is especially interesting when creative forces unite, when they meet on one stage, the wonderful stage of the belarusian state philharmonic, where there is wonderful... acoustics, where wonderful conditions have been created for the most interesting
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and daring projects in the field of academic music, the guys who take part in this, they are always under such an impression after these holidays, this, in fact, is probably the secret of existence the longevity of choral performance is that by combining efforts, you invest your energy in a common cause, you get a colossal return, colossal...
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he led the song of dance ensemble in the city of omsk, and then transferred and for several years headed the red banner song of dance ensemble of the belarusian military district , but what else is so special, i want to remember about mikhail sergeevich, when his military career ended, he... retired from the military, he decided to return to music again, but in a new capacity, he enters graduate school moscow conservatory, in the class of people's artist gennady rozhdestvensky, he was educated as an opera and symphony conductor, and after that he worked for many years in the belarusian state philharmonic, for some time he worked in the bolshoi theater of belarus, and in recent years he really managed to
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create this side, that is, the interest of the belarusian audience is increasing, including in classical performance, therefore, well , i remember mikhail sergeevich had very successful programs with singers, yes, that is, he somehow he knew the audience, or something, with whom he wanted to work, he compiled the orchestra’s repertoire for a specific class of people, that’s why it was such a success, but he also compared his brainchild with the ussr national hockey team, because the best artists played in it, literally of all... orchestras in the country, from this creative creed we understand that his method is centralization, that he gathered the best into his orchestra throughout the country. can we say that you use this principle in your work in colleges and in the same way look for students everywhere, in all corners? i think, that in any serious business success is determined
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by people, this is no secret to anyone, it is important to those who stand. at the head of any organization or any project, remember this, and people , when they feel that they can realize themselves by creating this project, and see their role, know the value of their participation in this, they understand what a common cause they are together can do, then of course this in itself is a strong motivation, and the most important thing is to choose the right direction for this project or the direction where the team you are... will move you lead, and it’s really important, it’s important to find like-minded people, that is, people who don’t just come for a salary or yes, for some kind of material or intangible reward, to do something, but those people who understand and share the goals that they want it too, well, for example, i’m always happy
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when, thanks to art, this world can be made a little better, yes, maybe
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it seems like it’s in a rather difficult state right now, well, that’s briefly about the problem, i think that the double bass has suffered too same fate as will you talk about it? such areas in the system of training musicians are quite complex, they really exist, but, for example, i am very worried about wind instruments, such as oboe, bassoon, and they, in principle , are on their own... these are such rather one-piece instruments in an orchestra , well, for example, if there cannot be several dozen violins , yes, the number of participants in the orchestra, then the fagot is usually one, two, well, three.
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indeed there are several reasons, but the tools are purchased, and the state allocates quite a lot of funds to update the stock of instruments,
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it is clear that there is no limit to perfection, and we are also in this process all the time and update the stock of instruments, the most important thing is that children come who want to learn this instrument, well, there was a girl, i wanted to study, i had to leave for st. petersburg, you know, either there is no teacher or... but in this case there was no teacher, that the point here is not the instrument, the fact that people probably don’t go to college to teach, well, for example, the same instrument, bassoon or double bass, it has its own characteristics, that is , certain physiological prerequisites are needed here, but to receive education in this instrument, the same double bass, even just moving it from room to room is quite a big problem , that is, not everyone. a child, let’s say, well, he’ll take it on; moreover, in schools , as a rule, these instruments are not taught, well, especially the double bass, that is, there is already a specialization here from secondary vocational
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education, i think that now there is a tendency towards revival again, that is, it is always in the focus of attention, in principle, when you asked what has changed in 20 years, yes, when i entered the music school, was it called the school then? the competitions were quite large, it was prestigious, everyone wanted to get a music profession, teach at school, then, when again there were the nineties, zero years, a little bit of a trend began, well, everyone wanted to become lawyers, economists, then the last decade, it-sphere, yes, it is so attractive, by the way, i have my own story about the it sphere, because in general i am. i was preparing to be a programmer, until the ninth grade i had no doubt about participating in the olympiads, it was very interesting to me, and just one of the philharmonic concerts took such a turn, that is
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, something material, it suddenly went so sharply to one of the latest plans, i just felt that i couldn’t live without it, so returning to this problem, yes indeed times change, as they say, trends change, yes young people react very sensitively to them, but... now, visiting many concerts, i see a lot of young people whose eyes are burning, they want to get it, they also want to be with the musicians, they want to perform on stage, to prove themselves, another question , what else is it connected with colossal labor costs, well, you can compare it, probably, with sports, it requires a lot of dedication, well, yes, but if we are talking about the fact that the school has collapsed, this is already alarming, you know, that is, no one has ? yes, well, no, the school did not collapse, these schools, they are where they were, they are generally preserved there, this is in our college, in
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the gymnasium-college at the belarusian state academy of music, in the academy of music, in our colleges, the republic, we have the whole, let’s say, system preparation, it exists, it’s just that the teacher’s personality still plays a big role here, but for example, too... cool, the main desire, let’s take a break for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests , we are connected!
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i have no one there.
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and belarus deliberately, because belarus gave me everything, beautiful nature here, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel right here , home at home, stay here, watch on the tv channel belarus 24. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the director of minsky glinka state music college, teacher, conductor, art history researcher, alexey snetko. while talking about problems, you and i almost forgot about anniversaries, but don’t you think that we are
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somehow missing out. ears that the college is 100 years old, this is certainly a beautiful date, you have come up with not one, but 10 concerts for your centenary, this coming sunday, as you said, the stage of the belarusian state philaria will host the fifth choral festival, sung by the capital, and i'm curious that you came up with it, yes, before how to become a college director, why do you think the project is alive and successful, well, what keeps it afloat? well, the key word in the name of the project is a choral festival, so of course, of course, it always pleases its participants, its spectators, there are so many of them who want to take part in it that there are very few places left in the philharmonic for spectators who do not sing, so in this holiday, almost 90% of the hall will be seated by choral groups, which will also unite together to sing songs, and well...
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the roof falls night and day on the brightening block, summer days are painted, there are distant paths, mountains are often there, their planets are patched. stage, well, about 500 people, probably, well, four hundred somewhere participants, this is all college students, no, these are students from children's music schools in the capital, and college, yes, we are uniting, this is also very interesting, because for children collaborate on the same stage with
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college students and older peers, the main thing is that the work of the leader and the children is united by a love of music, if there is one, then enough, well, completely simple, understandable words and such rehearsal work, that is,
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art in itself has colossal power, including educational, but if there is art, everything will be fine, the main thing is not to fake the very essence of what it is you are studying, that is, it is not just the pitch of the sound. yes, this and do you convey the meaning correctly, can you explain to the performers the meaning of what they sing, that’s why we sing this song, we want to sing the anthem once again, sing an ode to our capital, which we all love, which indeed , all our friends and guests can truly be proud, just recently we hosted the amazing moscow choir group vesna, this is one of the best children's groups in the world, i am not exaggerating, they were so delighted with...
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the holiday is not only for the city and, of course , for the country, i can say this with absolute confidence, because the amount of music that is created by it, this responsiveness, that is, it is very important that the composer keeps up with the times, ours, well, let's say, great composers of past centuries, they always very subtly accurately felt the pulse of time while listening to their works.
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we periodically come to elina viktorovna with creative ideas, she has never refused, she is also passionate about it, at the next festival there will again be several premieres of elena viktorovna’s works and another very important area that composer elena trashkevich pays attention to is preserving the preservation of the best samples through - there may be an update of the very form of the work, but for example, many famous songs, rankings are created for performance by the same children's choir, for a special instrumental composition, some songs that were intended for soloists, but the choir is a collection in which
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there are more than twenty new, interesting, bright songs, such as the song prominsk, nothing it’s worse than a winged swing, which is already on fire, but i mean by some kind of message to the audience that you are emotional.
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at the end of april named after glinka, i read the applications, musicians submitted from belarus, russia, this is understandable, china, israel, ukraine, poland, slovakia, guatemala, this is what it says, so i’m wondering if there are really still few music competitions in the world, as they considered the first international competition at glinke college? well, firstly, graduates of our college, it has generally happened over the course of a century that
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there are actually much fewer such prestigious competitions, and that’s normal, that’s how it should be, because, well, let’s put it this way , musicians, performers of a fairly high level, of course, this number is not so massive, and we thought how event to celebrate our centenary in such a way as to give the opportunity,
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are you not afraid that you will be accused of using your official position, the first competition winner is yours right away? the peculiarity was that when the decision was made on the grand prix, members of the jury of all specialties took part in the voting, that is, there is a special interest in this, that is , everyone, let’s say a pianist, he proved himself to be the best of pianists, received, became a laureate first degree and received his well-deserved award, the grand prix is... an opportunity to conquer the public, and despite the fact that in our
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country, when we really competed for the grand prix, each finalist was better than the other, but after calculating the opinion of each member of the jury, each member of the jury could vote for only one of his favorites, and maria received the most votes , so i believe that the most important thing is what wins... the one who was the most convincing, the competition is the result today, here now, the choice of repertoire also plays a very important role, a piece that is too long, for example, it may not produce that effect, which the performer is counting on, or vice versa, if it is so miniature, then look, well, or in this case, the jury that makes its verdict, it may not feel like there is some kind of understatement.
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what to improve, it seems to me, this is the most valuable thing in the competition, if you are moving in the right direction, if you do everything as you were taught, if you yourself learn, develop, victory will always be yours, and we can see how well in your college there is an amateur recording of the final ceremony awards, glory, glory to the native land, glory to my holy fatherland, it will be forever and ever, hay, our beloved native country,
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glory, glory from generation to generation, glory to the great, mighty people, wash those who have gone to the edge, my, fight mercilessly, mighty hand. you have already said that one of these bonuses, or something , of your competition is the jury, our music lovers got a brilliant opportunity to watch excellent concerts of such staplers, rodin also gave a solo concert at the philharmonic, how long did it take you to persuade such stars, firstly, to sit on the jury of the competition, the first international one, which does not yet have a name, and secondly, to perform concerts. valery vorony and i are already connected by many years of
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cooperation at the glinka college, a cooperation agreement has been concluded with the state musical and pedagogical institute named after politov ivanova, who heads valeria iosifovich, our cooperation, it began with my work as chairman of the jury of the ippolitov choral spring competition, also a wonderful festival that unites choirs of moscow, moscow region, and also gives the opportunity to communicate, compete, and indeed, i had been nurturing this idea for a long time, but the stars aligned in 2024 , well, firstly, the name of an outstanding one. geographically between moscow and minsk, in fact, well, yes, we will still argue, the smolensk region is belarus, in any case, there, there are also our people, it’s all
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native, everything is close to us, and mikhail ivanovich’s music is also absolutely close to us, of course, this is also our music.
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hold a meeting with the guys and share from your experience, you probably know that after college the most important thing that should remain with a graduate is love, love for music, love for teachers, love for the educational institution where the graduate studied, well, this is usually 4 years, oh again, what unites us all is art, so we always offer cooperation in what is dear to us, our graduates, including the illustrious ones you listed, i’m always very afraid to list any specific list, because the most simple - this is not mentioning someone who is also very, very important, in fact, graduates, they not only
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work in the most important concert organizations in the country, they are also college teachers, these are teachers of the music academy as well, without whom they would actually be new. .. generation and share their experience, probably also look at themselves a little in a new way, because children who are studying now, they can ask some interesting question, and this is also always food for thought, and people who achieve success - these are those people who never
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stop at what they have achieved, they always do it again in the future, but your college, your educational institution gives such an opportunity, that’s why we... named the brightest, those who are heard today. and now we’ll take a break for a while, after a short pause, we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our releases on the youtube channel belarus 1. belarusian doilitstva, what kind of jumping is important and this is the hour for you to get started and masters, columns, geta not columns, pelasters are like this, yana... they are very prominent in the scene, and the dastatkova actina performs, the eyes of this abavyazkova star. the history of the creation of
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significant cultural objects in the region. the paselishcha, the one that became the sweaty meats of the heater, was not here, there was a roof, a stone, an icon and a board. and the hell of the monastery itself began to develop. in the actions of the hetai of the forest, the might of the saints was killed, and it is factual. as soon as there is an altar, there was a need for the price of these forests, and the faithful remains of the heta on the knees, cultural and religious projects, architecture in belarus, there is no fallout in the architecture, the little one is finally there, here it was small, here it was broken, the pavin was there, as seen on our tv channel. this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, you are a historian, but i have one technical education, the other is history, but they decided not
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to teach, to immediately make a museum, so that whole classes can do it, the secrets of a good mood, i don’t know whether it’s necessary to put a second beauty on beauty, let's be afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, here are the girls, boys, he talks to me about the roman patricians, and i tell him how beautifully the sewing is, and how neat it is, so god, this is just a masterpiece. well, of course, and many more interesting educational stories, greeted dnevali, thank god, for everything. in addition to playing well, he also works with a weapon, we saw that, you waved so much that i just said it correctly, and then immediately, inspired by the song, that’s what i thought, my name is marie, misse sutin, artist, asked me to dress up in all white, as if for the first time. participle exactly this work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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good nanits belarus luva. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the director of the glinka minsk state music college alexey snyatko. alexey ivanovich, well, now the admissions campaign is just around the corner, probably somewhere in myadel or in any other belarusian city, children and parents are watching our broadcast, and will you somehow encourage applicants to enroll in your college? i am convinced, something... in the republic of belarus, every secondary specialized educational institution, it has its own unique traditions, and i have great respect for the work of my
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colleagues, we all communicate very closely, interact, share experience, and it is very good that in each region there are such centers of music education, our college, of course, it is also unique in its own way, i certainly...
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there are some difficulties, starting with technical ones, sometimes achieving some kind of result and getting some kind of purchase of a game skill, it takes years, it’s hours of practice every day, the one who really truly loves it, for him it ’s a pleasure, he doesn’t have to be forced, that’s why. i always, when they ask me whether it’s worth going into music, getting a profession, i ask, do you like it, if it’s the applicant himself or
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his parents, i say, does he really like it or?
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maybe even more captivating, motivating to overcome obstacles, which of course will be, well, in any serious business, you always need to work, well, i remember again it’s a classic that youth is a disadvantage that, unfortunately, passes very quickly, so here, well, both your person as a creative director of a college, and your parents, who probably already understand what the taste of this life is, will listen to your words, once again, alexey ivanovich, thank you so much for what you do, all the projects that you come up with, they live, what is most important, this is one thing, well, for show, as methodologists like to do, yes, carry out something, but another thing give, inspire, engage as many musicians as possible listen to these concerts, well, may the college prosper, good luck to you, and we, tatyana shcherbina
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and victoria popova say goodbye to you for today. goodbye, goodbye, alexey snyatko says now. dear viewers, i would like to wish you, love music, appreciate real art, enjoy life. alexey ivanovich, let's put a beautiful end to our skillful conversation today. we know that you are left-handed, so we will watch what you write, what autograph you will leave for us memory. more real music of inspiration.
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while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, it is increasing its military contingent. on our southern border, security services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs. today in our country all conditions are being created to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries suits everyone, but this is probably different.
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we are not going to attack anyone. military power and military force are defensive in nature, and this against the backdrop of the rapid armament of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of friday, may 24, i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you, hello, reliable ally and strategic partner vladimir putin on an official visit to minsk.


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