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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of friday, may 24, i will tell you sergei lugovsky. hello. reliable ally and strategic partner vladimir putin is on an official visit to minsk. what did
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the presidents discuss in narrow and wide formats? nato is preparing for war with russia, the prime minister of hungary openly declared the bloodthirsty plans of brussels. and why the west’s project to create anti-russia on the site of minsk failed. myths of the twentieth year and real results. heated debate in the editors' club today after the panorama. see also in our issue. for today, what the presidents talked about during the official visit of vladimir putin. economics-security, payments in national currencies, industrial cooperation of the cost of oil and gas for the years to come, and also about peace in ukraine. we'll tell you more about everything in the panorama. transport corridors, industrial cooperation , barrier-free trade. today the council of cis heads of government met in ashgabat. what are our western neighbors doing, or more accurately, doing? the illusion of defense or like poland
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an important message from the commander-in-chief to the world is preparing for the offensive. more details in the new issue on the form. in vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk, active preparations are underway for the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia, which will take place on june 27-28. dozens of regions of the russian federation have already confirmed their participation in the panorama material regarding joint interests and preliminary agreements. a large-scale procession along the central street of the city, the waltz awards in brest for almost 300 of the country's best graduates , the farewell school bell rang. who will take the cup belarus, neman or islach, we will find out tomorrow, and today at the football house, the teams held official press conferences. there are no insoluble problems in relations between belarus and russia. our countries remain on course for strengthening. our president stated this during
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negotiations with his colleague at the independence palace. the leaders first discussed the bilateral agenda in a limited format. after a short protocol, negotiations continued behind closed doors for almost 2 hours. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin exchanged views on the most pressing topics for minsk and moscow, touched upon the situation in the region, options for responding to emerging threats and challenges. we are connected by projects in different areas, not only on earth, but in space, the president emphasized that the belarusian side is confident in maintaining continuity in the work of the new russian government in the belarusian direction. katerina krutalevich has all the details of the big negotiating day. taking interviews before events begin is also part of the work of journalists, probably even more interesting, before, because, as a rule, participants of delegations, and these are ministers, heads of major departments and...
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well, despite the fact that all security rules are an absolute priority will be unconditionally observed, who is closed to the press is the minister of defense, no one has ever spoken to his russian colleague viktor khrenin interviewed, our colleagues say, andrei belousov, he was appointed recently, and is not yet available to journalists. as the delegation prepares, vladimir putin will lay flowers on victory square. this has been a tradition for more than one year. tribute to our memory general history. absolute readiness in the palace and the cortege is approaching. in the atrium , the presidents will warmly greet each other and proceed to the first position of the protocol, while
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the national anthems are played. an obligatory part of the meeting - the belarusian honor guard company is impeccable. the presidents will walk along and then greet their delegations.
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we have always postponed economic issues for consideration by our governments, but today is precisely the occasion to hear what has already been done in connection with our instructions, and one and a half or two issues that we would need to resolve, we will also listen to the experts, they will report to us, at the final press conference we will inform the media about this, we will tell everything. now, i think we should, if you don’t mind, listen to our leaders of the groups present, they will report to us about problems, if there are any, and i think that today we are able to accept close native states,
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so that in this regard, in in this context, we were able to make these decisions, work, in my opinion, is going on at a good level, if talk about saving.
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despite everything, minsk and moscow remain committed to strengthening integration, we support each other and will continue to support each other in all areas, and our projects have already gone beyond the earth’s surface. this is space, which is now ours, thanks to marina vasilevskaya, but we must remember that the parties have long had joint space programs; in general, optoelectronic and radio equipment was created in belarus to measure surface photography trajectories. we have developed technologies that are now they are used in the manufacture of the skin of spacecraft or spacesuits, and what belarusians know how to do is preserve scientific schools of industry, including. we plan to continue concrete work on the implementation of joint import-substituting projects in
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microelectronics, mechanical engineering, machine tool manufacturing, and military-technical cooperation. in other words, in directions that ensure the achievement of the goal. technological sovereignty and economic security of our states. you and i, vladimirich, have made all the decisions, and the government should. a unified industrial policy of the union state, both sides benefit from this. many of our conveyors operate on each other's components. at the legislative level there should be no protective measures from their partners. we need to defend ourselves, as we agreed, from those who introduced it.
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organizations to investment projects being implemented in russia, we discussed this problem a lot in a narrow meeting, vladimirovich talked a lot about this, how to work together, integrating our enterprises into common chains. in connection with the so-called sanctions, and more of them were imposed on russia than on anyone else in the world, 16.00 different ones, they create certain problems, of course. we see it, we feel it, but they create for us certain opportunities for development,
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where we have lost previously existing competencies, we quickly restore them, and where they were not there, we need them, we create them, the volume of belarusian of russian goods last year amounted to almost $49 billion, and in the statement to the press the parties will emphasize: 90% of payments go through in national currencies, in the language of finance this means safe. we must honestly admit that today we have resolved all the issues, and there are no unresolved issues today, i am sure that in the future we will work similarly, in fact, we must eradicate the remaining protective measures of restrictions once and for all, otherwise not only our peoples , but we ourselves won’t understand each other, of course, today we and...
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minsk for the traditional, traditionally warm welcome, as is well known, this is a trip, one of the first foreign visits after the election assumption of office as president after the formation of the government of the russian federation. thus, we would like to emphasize the importance that russia attaches to fraternal ties with our closest neighbors, reliable allies and a truly strategic partner, looking forward strategically, as with china, for the long term.
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russia supports belarus in joining the shanghai cooperation organization, so that the scope of the five central asian states is clear, until only turkmenestan has become a permanent member of the sost, this is huge market and huge opportunities. we proceed from the fact that already in july, at the organization’s summit in astana, it will be announced that all the necessary procedures for this have been completed, and belarus will become. the tenth member country of the shanghai cooperation organization. immediately after the statements, the journalists have the floor, the first question is about the main security: will it be strengthened taking into account nato’s actions and how do you assess the exercise? to work out issues of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, we constantly, as i said, do not just discuss issues of our security and defense of our states, we have created a joint group to protect the union state, we constantly keep in sight everything that is happening on our borders, we see and know it, starting from
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the construction of various injection fences from syria.
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we are not doing anything special, we are preparing, we are training, we must be ready, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we are not escalating situation, we don’t need war, we talked today
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only about peaceful prospects, but we keep our gunpowder dry, nothing special, we...
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i am here or we are often reproached that we are dictators, there are someone else attached to this, that’s democracy, no constitutional court, no other courts, nothing they can’t say,
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therefore there is no legal purity there and cannot be in this... situation, as for war and peace, the main questions, what does it matter, anyway, neither the current president nor the future one, i think, will solve these big questions who stand before the state of ukraine, before the people of ukraine, the presidents will not solve these issues, you know who will decide, much has already been decided overseas, what has not been decided, they will decide later, i... deeply analyzed for myself, in general, these problems with the powers of vladimir alexandrovich , now i realized that this is all useless, what.
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the question must be answered in ukraine itself, first of all, i think, from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court, or some other government bodies, as far as i know, but we need to look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine, which bodies authorities have. the right to be extended according to the constitution of ukraine without elections, without election procedures, and which of these rights
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cannot be counted on, this can be done on the basis of legal analysis, these are questions for the ukrainian political and legal system. another issue with the president in the east is the death of the head of iran. protecting the interests of its own people, what happened and so on, a lot is being said about this now, i think iran is the kind of country that will figure out what happened there, but as
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a person, not a president, i will say it’s disgusting, the disgusting position of the united states led to this, i mean, first of all , sanctions, these scoundrels had no right to impose sanctions against ships, against airplanes. helicopters and so on that transport people, this is normal, it’s people who move, you sold this ship, it doesn’t matter whether this helicopter has existed for 40 or 50 years, maybe in 50 years it has flown three times in total, it seems like it would be normal if he was served properly, but they also forbade their companies to serve him, so this is also their fault, they are all believers.
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a lot is being done to ensure that belarusians and russians become closer, the efforts of official minsk and moscow in these matters are completely obvious, and this visit is just
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as well as ukrainian markers or the beginning of the end of the conflict, what zelensky led the country to and how his actions evaluates the people, the new issue of the editors' club, we look right after the panorama, because you know, in the world there is an increasing demand for real unions of countries with common cultural and historical foundations, with common interests in the development... of the region, equal and stable relationships. the cis meets all the needs of the current moment. prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko spoke about this today at the council of heads of government of the commonwealth in ashgabat. there were 12 questions on the agenda, most of them about the economy. svetlana lukyanyuk about what unites us. aashgabat was included in the guinness book of records as the whitest city on earth. all the buildings here are made of snow-white
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marble. and, of course, only white cars ply the roads, of course, they have their own traditions and their own way of life, but it would seem that such different countries in the commonwealth today are united by a commonality of interests, this is economic and food security, so that we can all together confront global threats. the council of heads of government of the cis, a large-scale event with all the attributes. before the resolution of important issues of the commonwealth , each of the cis prime ministers will have a meeting with the president of turkmenistan, now we see how the belarusian delegation is going to go to negotiations, of course, each country will talk about bilateral cooperation, in particular belarus will note support for turkmenistan in international
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organizations, as well as readiness to decide. all problematic issues that currently hinder mutual trade, as well as the export of educational services. mutual trade turnover is still modest, about $30 million, but the main thing is there is a demand for belarusian goods. our dairy products are here with a quality mark, we also supply sugar, we try woodworking products. our trading house is here. textiles and dishes are being sent to belarus, and negotiations are underway on tomatoes. but the youth of turkmenistan study in belarusian universities was and remains in price. 5 years ago , the number of turkmen students who studied at belarusian universities reached 12 thousand, every fifth foreign student in the republic of belarus was from turkmenistan, now this figure has dropped by about half, but after the pandemic, turkmen young people and applicants are starting to wake up, last year we issued about
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200 visas to freshmen. this year this figure will be increased even more, so i hope that in a few years we will reach a very large, good level of cooperation by the number of turkmen students at belarusian universities. there is potential and free niches within the two in the common market, also in different areas. premiers of the commonwealth gathered in ashgabat to discuss them. the economies of the cis countries grew last year, this year, so in 4 months the total gdp was plus 5%. the share of settlements in national currencies has already exceeded 85%. investments over the past year increased by 10%, and cargo turnover by almost six. therefore, deepening economic integration is important today. the prime minister of belarus will emphasize this in time of the meeting in a narrow format. in the near future, the cis development strategy until 2030
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will be discussed. at the working group, where the main thing should, of course, be the elimination of obstacles in mutual trade. at the same time, there are a number of issues that may require a search for mutually acceptable solutions at our level, at the level. heads of government, therefore, i propose, with your support, today to instruct the cis economic council to prepare for inclusion in our agenda for our next meeting an issue that would reflect the systemic problems that prevent mutual trade and possibly their solutions, well, in particular on the most basic topics - export duties, differentiated excise tax rates on imported domestic products and technical regulation measures. as i was informed, a draft agreement on technical barriers to mutual trade is at a high level of readiness. i call on all interested parties to complete the internal state procedures for this agreement and propose to instruct
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the executive committee to submit an agreed draft to the economic council for approval in september this important document so that we can sign it, perhaps at our next autumn meeting in the russian federation. already in the commonwealth's treasury. makes the community stronger and more resistant to government restrictions and its own provision of agricultural products. yes, we grow a lot ourselves, fortunately the climate is different, each country can supplement the common table with its own products. belarus also proposes to ensure the movement of seed varieties and
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hybrids without obstacles. to implement this proposal , we propose to work out the issue of allocating quotas for free state testing of varieties of foreign selection for their admission to agricultural production of state participants. cis on a parity basis. the second proposal from belarus is to reduce the time frame and procedure for registering fertilizers. we propose to carefully study this issue in the intergovernmental council on issues of the agro-industrial complex of the cis. and an additional incentive for the development of the agro-industrial complex in our countries should be an updated agreement on interstate relations in this sphere, the draft of which has been finalized by the parties for about a year. this document is intended to define. necessary targets and prerequisites for the further development of cooperation in the agricultural sector; this is the most important topic for ensuring our food security. the interests of the commonwealth countries today intersect on the roads, or more precisely in building convenient
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routes. the north-south corridor is the movement of goods to the world market, ours are already moving along it. today belarus is participating in the creation of a multimodal trans-afghan transport directions, together with russia, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, afghanistan. and pakistan. the council just approved an action plan for the development of cis transport corridors. due to, among other things, international transformation and due to the fact that both authority and status, trade turnover in general, our interaction is gaining momentum in a new quality, with a completely new content. naturally, this arouses incorruptible interest among our people. external partners, so we will not only welcome such a process, but will do our best to to promote, those in the world who are impressed by our commonwealth union are becoming more and more numerous, yes, the demand for equal dialogue is growing, and the unipolar world is collapsing,
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new centers of power are emerging, one of them is the commonwealth of independent states, so for those who are not in union, but shares its principles, the possibility of establishing an observer status, such as it exists, for example, in the sco and... in brix, is being discussed. it’s time to discuss everything in detail before the next council, which means until the fall. based on the results of this year , bilateral documents were signed. among initiatives - this is the holding of a forum of cis regions. but what has been definitely decided is that ashgabat is now a city of sports opportunities for the commonwealth. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey youth, tv news agency. turkmenistan, ashgabat. neman about... against isloch, poster of the final match of the belarusian football cup, tomorrow in zhodeno we will find out the owner of the second national trophy of the season. for wolves, this title could be the first in the short history of the club. neman also
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hasn’t won a trophy for more than three decades. well, mentors who know each other well due to disqualification, the teams will be forced to watch the most important meeting only from the stands. why the match in joden promises to happen. alexander yakubovsky dealt with those rich in emotions. first, let's fast forward to the year 2009, on the last day of spring at the dynamo olympic stadium, naftan from novopolotsk won his first.
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at 15:30, and in the morning the team held another training session in grodno and went to the capital around noon. at a press conference with igor nikolaevich, experienced forward egor zubovich. both took the national cup in 2012 navtan. the striker was 22 then, and less than a week later, on june 1, he would celebrate his thirty-fifth birthday. there is a chance to give yourself a good gift tomorrow; for zubovich this hypothetical trophy could become. second in his career. there are never too many finals, this game is one of the most important of the season, as
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nikolaevich said, so everyone is preparing for the last fight. it is the club from grodno that experts call the favorite. neman reached the decisive match for the fourth time in history. having taken the trophy in 1993 , he later lost twice in the final, that is the club has been without new titles for 31 years now. exile has not yet raised any serious trophies over her head. 3 years ago in the cup final. the regiments lost to bata, dmitry komarovsky’s precise strike did not help then, but now he will appear in a different status, well , let’s just say that i recently looked at a photo, but there is no one from that squad, only dmitry alexandrovich, dmitry alexandrovich, and he’s on the coaching staff , now a little bit, but maybe not even excitement, more anticipation of the game, i want, i want the game, i say again, i still want to be direct participant in this event. training in the capital and will go to zhodina tomorrow, the motivation of the players is exorbitant,
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because most of them have not played in such matches at all, we have a young team, how to motivate us, we ourselves want to, that is, we have, well, for example, korala money, if the first trophy in the history of the club can be so serious, therefore our motivation is beyond the limits, the club, by the way, allocated an additional bus for fans, now there are five of them, that’s more than 500 people, there are no more empty seats, but neman has taken the bar above, 10 buses. and the same number of minibuses with fans of the yellow-greens will go to the torpedo vzodina stadium tomorrow, a full house there is inevitable. here it is, the belarusian football cup, tomorrow one of the teams will lift it over their heads. the trophy is heavy in every sense, weighing more than 10 kg. follow the match on tv channel belarus 5. the live broadcast will start at 18:30, don’t miss the starting whistle at 19:00. alexander yakubovsky, ivan mozgo, telenews agency. all
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the cruelty of the collapse of the unipolar world is the bloody resistance to this fact of moribund ukraine feels the hegemon on itself. the anglo-saxons, as before, as in world war ii, are simply clearing this land of slavs. only today they call it mobilization. ukrainian cities are literally dying out. in deserted settlements it is impossible to find anyone willing to go to the bloody slaughter. all over. nothing good awaits those who have been identified; some do not even make it to the unit. a mobilized man died in transcarpathia, who had been declared fit for service the day before. his health deteriorated sharply, so, according to at least, according to the military registration and enlistment office. on the way to the training center in the lviv region, from a seizure.
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after my worms, and what should i tell you about i yogo, for 15 weeks he passed away, the cause of death, the initial information was about epilepsy, and now the initial information. so, that in novogo an apelectic attack, at the same time it is judged by the conclusion that no one is in despair, not an unknown speech. males are caught like stray dogs in pursuit of cannon fodder for the geopolitical needs of the west, employees even the presence of young children does not stop the military registration and enlistment offices. in the following footage, according to eyewitnesses, military commissars took the father into the so-called volunteers, leaving the kids
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alone on the street. creatures, creatures. yana blow. here is the famous integration in the european way, according to all the rules of modern western democracy, they understand in washington and in london and even in brussels that the nazi horns have been broken off for them again, and therefore they quickly switch to where they can still snatch something, the main one conflict monger biden and his decrepit companions in...
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and baranovichi, state secretary of the security council alexander levafovich inspected the level of training of the personnel of military unit 55-26 and fighters of the storm special forces detachment in brest. the servicemen showed a high level of combat training, and the unit’s fighters also demonstrated skills in tactical medicine and the use of
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drones. during the work , the readiness of military and special equipment to perform their intended tasks was checked. military tension in the region continues to grow, at these very moments our borders are already there are about 90 thousand nato troops concentrated, our leader spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin. military equipment maneuvers are taking place at training grounds in poland and the baltic states. in parallel, constant training is carried out under the chairmanship of the alliance. the other day another maneuver started in lithuania, which will take place just a few kilometers from ours.
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tact and restraint, because so calmly i admire his wisdom, only a competent politician can react politically to what is happening near our border, what our non-governors are doing today...


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