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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 12:25am-12:56am MSK

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this is not just a website, it’s interactive communication with an application, you can make an appointment, you can ask some question either at the executive committee or a hairdresser or a service station, that is , customers appreciate it, today there are more than 1000 users in my city, that is, the application is used, used demand, so we will further develop the area covered by this application, who is the most active, well, of course, the vitebsk region, the most active today is vitebsk... the region is almost completed by all cities in the region, then we have there is a similar project, my university, my university, we opened the first pilot with a linguistic university, this is also a similar application, in fact, but here is a slightly different story, the story is such that communication between teachers and students, these are changes in the schedule, some announcements, some... then educational materials and so on and so forth, we also see...
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this is the event program for belarus 24 and we continue. the external border of the union state is under reliable protection. the sixtieth meeting of the board took place in grodno border committees of belarus and russia. our columnist elena puntus knows what the heads and experts of departments discussed. the situation that is developing outside was discussed at the meeting. borders of the union
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state, and measures to protect external borders have been adjusted. existing threat challenges require modern approaches to ensuring the security and protection of allied borders. the focus is on modernizing infrastructure and technical equipment. the parties reviewed the progress of implementation of the joint program for the development of border security until 2027. this is already our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023 during its implementation due to technical re-equipment.
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external border of the union state. 3 years since the tragedy in belarus, the feat of military pilots is remembered. tell us the details. nikita kukanenko and andrey nicheporchek took the falling plane away from residential buildings at the cost of their own lives. the officers were posthumously awarded the title hero of belarus. on the anniversary of the tragedy , a monument to nikita kukanenko. the hero of belarus studied here. in his honor , an exhibition was created in the cadet corps, which also preserves the memory of the pilot. the officer’s life was cut short at the age of 22, a tribute to a patriotic man, a hero of belarus, who, at the cost of his own life, generally averted trouble. i think that this monument will organically fit into that historical and cultural environment in order to educate true patriots of our country. and in baranovichi, on the third anniversary of the tragedy, a memorial plaque was opened in honor of immortal feat of andrei nicheporchik and nikita kukanenko. at the monument. forever in
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a peaceful sky, a rally was held, colleagues and, of course, relatives and friends came to honor the memory of the heroes. we want to thank everyone, every resident. a memorial to the fallen pilots was erected in the very place between the houses where the plane fell, and since then , flowers have appeared here every year on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy. rest and recovery under a peaceful sky. the alexey atalay charitable foundation
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continues to accept children from donbass. in may a new rehabilitation program has been launched, what is its feature? it was created for children who suffered from mine explosion wounds and received disabilities. all the necessary... the first participants of the program receive help in the sanatorium of the mogilev region, in addition to medical psychological support, steam swimming classes, motivational meetings with alexei talai, as well as excursions have been prepared for the guests. the program is being implemented with the support of the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova, speaker of the federation council russia valentina matvienko. the main task is to draw up a roadmap for each child for the next 10-15 years, in order to first of all help restore health. one of our girls, who suffered back in the fourteenth, back in the fourteenth, and there really was a threat of amputation of her leg, it was in belarus that the leg was saved, let me say, this is not just a miracle, it is a gift, this is a gift, now tanechka is already an adult lady,
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she will soon be 18, and on behalf of tanya, on behalf of her mother and on behalf of every resident, i say thanks people. over the past 10 years, more than 700 children from the luhansk and donetsk regions have suffered from hostilities, 40 of them have received severe disabilities. belarus has been helping them recover and adapt to peaceful life for several years now. belarus is preparing to welcome guests of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk. the international art festival will be held for the thirty-third time. what bonuses await participants and viewers of this form. one of the most pleasant moments is that there are no visas for foreigners. take advantage of it residents of this city will be able to... vitebsk or the ministry of culture, and guests will receive original or electronic tickets to the summer amphitheater or concert hall vitebsk. one ticket allows only one-time entry and no
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later than the date of the event indicated on it. another bonus: guests will not pay a state fee for registering a temporary stay. the main events of the festival will take place from 11 to... hello tatyana, hello, how many young specialists from universities and colleges will join the collection? i will speak for ours
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university, knowing the specific number, the belarusian national technical university will graduate about 3,500 young specialists this year, and this is... only at the bachelor’s level, while we also have about thirty master’s degrees graduating from the walls of our university as young specialists, these are the young specialists who will be able to carry out further scientific activities, including at their workplaces . our university has nine colleges, so this year more will become technical workers. about 2 and a half. thousands of specialists, that is, you are replenishing the labor market so well, of course, most of this number of young specialists go through distribution, get their first job, and of the university graduates, about 2.0 will receive distribution this academic
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year, that’s the benefit why this is good today, we can name positive aspects from different aspects, for example, considering the state’s economy as a whole. in this way we are able to ensure continuity in providing personnel for our enterprises is certainly beneficial for enterprises. since they can also plan their personnel potential over, well, a certain kind of perspective, let it be a perspective of 2-3 years, but nevertheless, they will be able to assess the potential of each of the young specialists. well, in fact, here it largely depends on the enterprise whether they will retain these personnel after 2-3 years, of course, of course, so i would also like to note the benefits for the graduates themselves, since they are guaranteed... to get the opportunity to first workplace, well, you must admit, when a young
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person arrives, well, most often they are assigned to a place other than where they are from, there are not always vacancies there and they leave for the other end of the country, how important is it today to support the endeavors of young specialists, both financially and perhaps by creating some -working and living conditions, and moral support in general, of course, well, firstly, we note that the belarusian national technical university... promotes the distribution of its specialists, what kind of enterprise he will come to, what he will be there do what kind of atmosphere reigns among the team, and this is also a positive bonus for feeling comfortable, at the same time, you correctly noted, there are various incentive payments from lump sums that are provided to those who are assigned to another territory different from theirs places. incentive payments exist and are long-term, for example, for
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the entire period of distribution of a young specialist; they range, depending on the field of activity, from 10 to 50% of the salary, while the young specialist has the priority right to use rental housing, including benefits for being placed on the waiting list if he needs housing, that is, this complex of social benefits. baninov and, in any case, on the territory
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of the post-soviet space has been operating for more than a dozen years, today it can be noted that the alternative to the traditional, in our understanding and distribution, is targeted training, its advantage in this aspect is unconditional, and this is experience in that including the russian federation, that is, targeted. preparation provides that even before arriving at the university, the applicant, the future student, makes a decision about what specialty he will study in, what company in what position he will subsequently come, thus, the goal on the part of the future specialist is clearly visible here direct interest from the enterprise's point of view.
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review of the most interesting sporting events, the ruslan salei prize was awarded to sergei kostitsin, that is, a hockey player who showed leadership qualities. the best trainer extra leagues recognized dmitry kravchenko. and
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finally, mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league , slutsk created a sensation and beat them on their own. gnitka is a champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me, in no other team, how happy the metallurgists players are, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes
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you to move forward and keep up with the soul, the stomach sings, and thirst. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show what they eat in the west and east in... our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie, we go to a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. this summer they served it in novogrudok. coffee adam mickiewicz. what happens if
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you carefully read the classics. arkhas. the magical transformation of milk and curdled milk. slekhetsky zrazy - a vigorous heritage novogrudok. novogrudok is one of the main tourist centers of belarus. it would seem impossible to be here and see something that tens of thousands of people have not seen before you. it turned out to be easy, but this is if you come to look not at a castle, temple or other real estate, but at an event. excellent, i would even. said a festive way to travel around belarus is to travel with the itoki festival. it is held twice a month in completely different places in our country. this is a great chance for you to take part in the celebration and get acquainted with historical sights. in itoka krok to olympus. this is a large cultural and sports festival. it combines creative
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competitions, an extensive cultural program and sporting events. at the festival you can literally see from the inside how your favorite sports, for example, biathlon, work. here you can not only watch, if you wanted to try yourself in some sport, no problem, go for it, but you can also get recommendations from famous athletes and trainers. i broke these skis in the fourth grade, these were the ones in fifth, these in the sixth, i took these without my father’s knowledge in the ninth, unfortunately, i also broke them. i still ride these today. the atmosphere of the festive novogrudok is imbued with sports excitement. today, none of the participants, and it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. will be left without medals, suddenly
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it turned out that medals are not handed out just like that, they must be earned, i decided to run, selected worthy opponents for myself and rushed in my special technique, this was the only medal of the festival, won in a tense, unfair struggle, but even for the sake of it ... i had to work hard on the drains, not only do the participants in sports competitions receive their prizes, the city where they end up receiving a tidy sum of money for the development of sports infrastructure. at the festival, not only physical culture was widely represented, there was an exhibition of paintings by belarusian artists, a competition of young vocalists was held, special attention was paid to children's creativity, the best works of the region's children were awarded diplomas and prizes. these days the city belongs to the holiday, the central streets become pedestrian. by the way, for navigation i recommend using a map. if you love
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wrestling, this is the place for you. if you love cycling , this is the place for you. if you love volleyball, this is the place for you. where should i go if i like to eat? i was pleased that among sports , cultural, historical, art venues, as well as numerous master classes and seminars, there were enough. with treats, there are a lot of farmsteads and food courts at the holiday, it seems like something delicious is being prepared everywhere, for example shish kebab, it smells, it smells like bread, i follow the smell, what an amazing smell of fresh bread, how delicious it smells, i want to eat it, you are right, you definitely have the right choice, come to us, this is the mother of god bread, which is baked in the lavish obitera with altar sourdough. on a bay leaf, you can not only try it, come to the monastery, they will teach you how to bake it, you will learn all the secrets of this aromatic, fragrant, delicious bread.
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the festival menu is traditional and varied, in fact it is modern belarusian fast food, you can just come and treat yourself to a pancake, for example, with meat, why not, it’s very tasty. the festival has an extensive theme, but there are two main emphasis: one on sports, the second on history, here everyone can get acquainted with the historical heritage, and in the most literal sense of the word: on an ordinary day you can only see our ancestors in such pictures, but during festivals they come to life. so, meet marta - the wife of mindaugas, during whose time in novogrod castle... guests were treated to noble diseases. every guide talks about the deeds of nindovg in novogrudok. of course, he is the first ruler of the grand duchy of lithuania,
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great warrior and king. his wife is not so popular, but mindovk owes his successes to her. this conclusion can be drawn from the livonian rhymed chronicle. she says that martha was a wise woman and advised her husband on political issues. prince egaila and sophia. golshanskaya was served gingerbread in their castle. what’s nice is that you can treat yourself to gingerbread cookies in golshany these days. they are called golshanskie and they don’t make them like this anywhere else. mikhail klyafasaginsky loved to eat croissants at his estate and goose pate. the diplomat and composer acquired this habit while emigrating to paris. but there is a person in the history of novogrudok who has eclipsed queen martha in popularity. and the composer oginsky and even king igail. this is the poet adam mickiewicz. here he spent his childhood and youth. and now in novogrudok there is a monument to adam mickiewicz. his bust is
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mickiewicz's mound of immortality. house, museum. of course, the street. and recently a coffee named after him appeared. good afternoon. good afternoon. author's coffee, adam mickiewicz. of course it's easy. well, by the way, the owner of the establishment, vladimirov, will prepare coffee for me. an interesting story, where the recipe for this coffee came from, it turned out to be straight from the literary heritage of the classic, the poem pantadeus. tell us how you managed to dig up the recipe and actually read a small coffee recipe in this poem. when we were opening a coffee shop, the first thought was that there should be some special feature in the establishment, some special signature drink. with assistance there.
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this is a text in the belarusian language, as you saw, a quote, an excerpt from this hanging on the wall, yes, this our pride, and we tried to bring this recipe to life as much as possible, in modern realities, without using an espresso machine, but to come as close as possible to how they could do it in those days, great, for some , the book of pantadeu is just literature, but for for some, this is a cookbook, just among such enthusiastic, interested people. vladimir, it seems to me that it’s time to stop tormenting me and get ready after all. we take freshly ground coffee, pour boiling water over it, and it turns out to be simple coffee. in polish, they took it and filled it all up. this is just the beginning, let’s give it time to brew and mature. how long should the coffee steep,
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a few minutes due to the fact that... he somehow raises the coffee, and what does this mean, now let’s ask him, volodya, what does it mean to raise the coffee? and using a pore installation, we raise it until foam forms, releasing creams, which gives the drink its unforgettable taste, creams are foam on the surface of the coffee, it consists of carbon dioxide,
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we filter it. but i see that volodya, you are not filtering everything, you deliberately took not the smallest strainer, why does some end up in the bowl? in order to give the drink density. ok, can i drink? no, but what about the cream cap? this is adam mitski coffee, our classic recipe. i was lucky, unlike other secretive chefs, friendly vladimir agreed to share the details of his signature recipe. how much water is here now 110 ml, how many spoons of coffee did you put here? 10 g. 10 g of coffee is about one and a half teaspoons, well, we didn’t measure, we didn’t measure, okay, you will definitely measure, and a few spoons cream, but this is to taste, but before i take a sip, tell me how to do it correctly, maybe i should stir it or not, it’s absolutely not worth it, the drink should
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go on its own. the cream comes in first , the coffee itself catches up with them, it’s delicious, first the receptors feel the cold, pleasant taste of the cream, it’s surprising that they haven’t warmed up, they’re still cold, and then with a confident powerful wave your receptors are flooded with strong, hot, black coffee, and the most it’s amazing that these layers don’t mix into drinks, thick like old honey, like coal black, which we brew from a nimble forge, without cream, the coffee is bad, there is no secret, that’s actually all that is written about coffee in the second book of the poem pantadeus. it's amazing what a good borista can do from three lines of a poem, even a world famous one. however, mickiewicz’s poem described in such detail and truthfully
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the life, habits, and way of life of the gentry. that even during the author’s lifetime it was called an encyclopedia of polish life, it contains recipes not only for coffee. they arranged their life in the village so that any city resident can envy. you are not offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to the museum. no matter where you look, it’s falling everywhere. look, everywhere there are some kind of man-made things, these are everyday objects. to the presenter from the capital. you have to experience all the delights of rural life, a lot of people come, because even some say that you have a good life here, you can relax mentally here, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything is real here, here you can go out and take a walk and see the roe, see that sorry. veska - this is a life that you are against, what we said earlier, but now you choose what you allow, in contrast,


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