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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 2:20am-3:10am MSK

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no, i don’t live for myself, not to fallen fashions, i serve the eternal music, any human gift, and for the sake of peoples, i serve the eternal music, any human gift, and for the sake of the peoples, i think geta is not right. .. i give my rights, god willing , i’m alive, i love, i’m sleeping, i’m sleeping, i ’m sleeping, i’m dying, i’m still alive, i’m here ! radzima, i
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don’t live for myself, i don’t live for fallen fashions, i serve the eternal music, any human gift, and be at peace with peoples, i serve the eternal music, any human gift and love for peoples. if you are not 50 years old, then you are not 50, then 50 is not worth it, for... a stranger's man, i
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am not an amal for myself, i do not fall in love with hellish fashions, i serve the eternal music, any human gift and for the sake of peoples , i serve eternal music, any gift of humanity and love for peoples. vocal instrumental ensemble syabry and anatoly yarmolenka. and of course, happy
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fiftieth birthday to you, daliks, dyakuy, dzyakuy, the next nomination presented in the song. yes, that's what it's called, the best composer of music, but in these three words contain a huge, huge meaning, this is a lot of work, this is talent, this is energy and this is productivity. well, to deserve victory in this nomination, you need to be not just a composer, you need to be a composer with a capital c. so, the award has found its winner. the winner in the nomination, best music author, becomes.
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this is him, yuri vashchyuk, aka trevo, aka olga rizhikova’s husband, thank you. friends, thank you for your warm welcome, thank you for your applause, and of course, i will continue to say thank you to the organizers, everyone to the organizers of today's amazing show, which we witnessed together with you, the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus, the ministry of information. of course, i want to say a huge thank you to the distinguished jury for such a high assessment, for the trust, my dear, respected colleagues, authors.
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music that is now present here in the green room, on the sofas, i, friends, convince you that it is absolutely fair that each of them could stand here today and receive this award absolutely deservedly, but i know that now they are happy.
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tatyana, what nomination do you think is inextricably linked with the previous one? this is elementary, of course, the best author of words, words that are remembered the first time, words that you want to hum on stage, alone with yourself, and even in the soul. so, according to the unanimous decision of the jury, the best author of the words becomes the winner in the nomination. anna seluk!
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good evening, standing here today and holding this award in your hands, it is, of course, a great happiness and doubly happiness to see and hear the texts written by you turn into songs as they are... the audience likes it, did i ever think that this could happen to me? probably not, did i think that such an event could happen to me twice, definitely not, i want to thank the dear jury
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of the song of the year project, i want to thank the ministry of information of the republic of belarus, the ministry of culture of the republic of belarus, i want to thank every performer, artist, who performs songs for the best lyricist, anna seluk, dear friends, today on stage you saw the best artists, the best musicians, favorite
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bands, of course, wonderful composers, our next artist, although she is not a participant in the song of the year in belarus, she is nevertheless a very winner... a yellow leaf is being thrown by the dossier in my city, don’t
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save the warm whip and more coffee not just the two of us quietly taily promises to serve. squirrels and squirrels, why should this happen, is everyone waiting for something? birds fly into the gray sky,
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direction south, i know exactly where you are, the place, heaven and earth, where we can be together again, take care. take care of yourself, take care of yourself, just know that it’s not here during the day or at night, god’s light doesn’t stay for you, i’m just waiting, i love and i believe very much, even if it makes no sense anymore,
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take care of yourself, just know that there’s nothing here at night, for the mighty light doesn’t extinguish you, i’m just waiting, i love and believe very much, even if there is no more meaning, your applause, win!
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artists stage.
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dear friends, right now in front of you on this stage are the best artists, the best musicians and the best composers of our country, and we will find out which of them will receive the most prestigious award of the year, and we invite the stage to announce the winner. all the songs that were performed today by these wonderful artists, they are all the best songs of the year, the jury had a difficult time. the problem is how to choose, we argued about something, decided, argued again, and so
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we voted, the best song of the year was the song created by two annas, anna blagoova and anna seluk, in the plot named after me, well, your applause! anya, this is your day today, and this success, this is applause for you, thank you, thank you
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very much, this is the word thank you, i guess it... uh, will not describe all those feelings and those words of gratitude that i want to say to each of you who are in this wonderful hall today, thank you belarus, thank you minsk, thank you song of the year, of course, i want to address special words of gratitude to my co-author, this is a very modest but very talented person, anna seluk, this is bravo, bravo, bravo!
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kubrakov, as well as the head of the capital’s police, for the fact that in our city, in our country, it is safe, very good, and we know that... our children are walking boldly into our a beautiful, happy tomorrow, and of course, many thanks to my family, my colleagues and the most important person in my life, my son, my son, who
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probably gives me strength, the opportunity to go win, thank you very much, and of course, thank you , i love you all, at night, vigilant, emerge along the blue rivers,
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the song will not be developed, back to the hearts the song of the land, unfolded, rivers and kahanna, our galas dance for the sky, with the song will not be developed, back to the hearts the song will shine , with the song there will be no development, back ў get in touch. for a moment i want to stop running and see
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the rain falling and the leaves moving. the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently, discover something new every day, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus. sleepy-analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24. with you is the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier kirill kazakov. supreme
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i'm glad i rebelled. an extremely interesting situation, tiktok, all kinds of information platforms, they are just making a flash mob, an expired president, people take a jar of sour cream out of the refrigerator, as i understand it, with the inscription president, many scoff, take out this jar in green, open the car window, they say it smells like something , yes yes yes. i really like it with sour cream, in my opinion, sour cream, fermented baked milk, i don’t know, i won’t go into such deep, let’s say, questions, but they open this jar, smell it and say that the green president, that’s all, this delay, what do you think about this, in ukraine they have already stated that this is a pso, it is the russians who are doing everything, but the ukrainians are generous , they do not share this position and everyone is confident that zelensky continues to exercise his powers, absolutely legally, legitimately, and so on , what do you think about this...
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now any signing of a peace treaty with russia, it will happen in a month, it will happen in 2 months, it will happen in six months, it can then be broadcast in such a way that the authorities that are now in ukraine are illegitimate did they have the right to sign some documents, and this question will no longer be raised from moscow and minsk, as it sounds now, but will be raised, for example, from london, paris or washington, that is, excuse me, everything that was signed does not matter at all , in fact , now - the most constitutional subjects of power in ukraine are the constitutional court and the supreme court, these are two two one vedas or rather the judicial power, two such institutions that
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essentially have the right to some kind of conclusion of agreements, some decisions that are being accepted into the verkhovna rada, they also say, the verkhovna rada, its powers will officially end by the end of this year, that is, elections to the verkhovna rada should also be announced and should take place in the near future, but apparently... neither presidential elections nor elections to the rada will not take place, but it seems to me that the western world is quite happy with this, because on the one hand, putin has already said in order to conclude some kind of agreement with ukraine, and everyone is already saying that in after all, in a year, in two, in in six months, in a week, these agreements should be in place, because naturally, no one wants any victory for russia, everyone wants to conclude some kind of peace, and so putin has already said that, well, we must determine, the ukrainians must still determine the degree legitimacy. president, because i think that the lawyers in moscow are also quite competent, and any conclusion of any agreement, it must have, well, some kind of initials after, for example, some kind of
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parliament, or not the sco structure or the eurasec structure, i i don’t know, that is, which ones structures must be involved in order to ratify, for example, these agreements, because, for example, nato, of course, is essentially a country of conflict, the un, well, it seems to me that it... has completely degraded from the point of view of the organization that fights for peace throughout the world, so it’s a complex design, it seems to me that there will be peace negotiations, and the fact that zelensky will drop out of political life at a certain moment, well, you also probably just need to give somehow in demobilization 100 days before the order, that is, the reverse has already begun this period, because as even the same ukrainians joke, even small dictatorial african countries, well, they imitated elections, as it is believed, in order to remain in power in ukraine, a democratic ukraine, which in 5 minutes is a candidate for the eu, and a member of the eu , of course, nothing like that is happening, well, those same 100 days that you mentioned, they are already starting
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to grow quite brightly, we see a blocked podium in the verkhovna rada, poroshenko , interestingly, let’s say, is starting to bravado with his statements, it seems speaks to the tribunes of the same verkhovna rada that zelensky is legitimate, he still doesn’t have any questions in this vein, but there is one. the nuance says, it is of course legitimate, but elections must take place, and accordingly, taking into account the fact that no one is going to hold them, the question will most likely be emphasized not that zelensky is illegitimate, but that elections are not being held, but on they will put pressure on this, and the most interesting thing is why right now the question of recognition or closure of the ukrainian orthodox church has arisen, again poroshenko is promoting, lobbying for this moment, including questions being raised...
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zelensky several times went to some events on social networks, plus fortifications, they showed him something, he kept reporting there that yes, yes - yes, a huge amount of money has been invested, we are ready to repel attacks and so on, in reality it turns out that there is nothing, well, i don’t know, i’m actually speaking, it seems to me that this whole story that poroshenko has failed, again he’s on the topic tries to raise the church. again there are some thoughts that maybe there is no need to ruin a completely orthodox church, in fact, it’s very surprising that alekseevich, the man who got into trouble with thomas, yes, that is, now he’s changing his name in the air, but on the other hand , it seems to me that both zelensky and poroshenko are just only such active performers of certain behind-the-scenes structures, for example , transnational corporations that use ukraine as such
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a cesspool, that is, let us through. well, we’ll launder money, well, zelensky is in the past during the week, i also said several times that almost all the aid that was allocated by the americans remained in america, because new jobs are being created there, primarily in the military-industrial complex, they are investing in production, in fact, shells are becoming more expensive, well it is clear that everything that was allocated by america will go to america, or will go to where america has its financial interests, and therefore should not leave the borders of the united states. strictly speaking, it turns out that the group that lobbies zelensky, has earned her money, we probably need to return the group that once allowed poroshenko and those who stand behind him to earn money, so this is simply a change of people in this garbage office, in fact, it leads to that the war will continue, and political slogans, they can change once or twice, again, remembering zelensky five years ago, who said that i would only serve one term, no more, went,
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that is, what could happen to ... poroshenko, who is literally there in 5 years again he changes his opinion about the tomos, and now, let’s preserve the ukrainian orthodox church, let’s, another 5 years will pass, perhaps poroshenko will be the most important person who will bring, i don’t know, orthodox judaism to ukraine and will also say that it’s probably just like that how the ukrainians dug up the mediterranean sea, somewhere there, they organized this religion, that is , this can happen, so there is quite a lot of stupidity and insanity now, this is himself...
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this is such a tough president who brought there is so much evil in the middle east for all of america, and blinken was accused of the fact that there is no american leadership at the un, well, that is, this completely turns any news, any fact upside down the way you want, i was just getting ready today, i thought that for us, some moments in history, especially the last 4 years for information specialists, we look at all these things and are surprised at how easily we
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have to fight off those... fakes that are formed against our state, it was somehow easier before, yes, yes, that’s exactly the level of insanity, while i was watching the news from blinkin, this skirmish with one of the congressmen, when he was talking, he was accused of what it means, the state department condolences, i understand that american television has been focusing on this story for several years now decades, and for them it’s completely routine, that is, let’s make it so that raceran, let’s, okay, that’s it, the same thing is happening now on...
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the gardener published, made a post, let ’s say, jose borel about that i called zelensky, asked him are you legitimate, he told me, yes, i am legitimate, and i proceed from this, that everything is happening in general, no, what is this, this is verification, no, well, andrey,
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the most interesting story is unfolding with the international criminal court, this is also insanity number two , excuse me, in march last year, thanks to the international criminal court, that you decided that putin should be arrested, this year suddenly everyone remembered that...
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they vote for this, this is it, they believe that happens with the international criminal court, they will believe that, for example, the landing in normandy is a turning point in the war, they will believe everything, that is, in essence we understand that this, forgive me, europeans, i’ll call it a herd, this herd determines politics, even in those days when they pass elections, the rest of the time they are not allowed there, but this is a definition of politics, accordingly, no one thinks at all about any moral principles of information, you are for...
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openly, when the topic of us war crimes in afghanistan began to be raised , i said, so i generally i am in charge of sanctions personal against each judge, i will block their accounts in american british banks, and let's see who will find out and investigate what crimes and where, what kind of absurdity is this in general, no, absurdity, well , again, i remember this from this short interview, which watched blinken and the congressman, about how blinken is specifically accused of being absent. american leadership in the un, this phrase, it is actually very important, or 2 weeks ago, when the question of providing and, therefore, money to ukraine was adopted, the speaker of the american parliament also said that we could lose
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hegemony, he opened the word hegemony, spoke absolutely openly, that is, these are not some of our theses, delights, let’s say, of belarusian propaganda, these are specific, well, clearly voiced theses. how he lives in american society, american hegemony, american leadership, including in international organizations, there is no talk of any equal rights, even at the level of this interview between blinken and the congressman, american leadership, this phrase, which is actually the very apologist with whom we have to fight when we talk about the fact that states gather at the un to consider on an equal basis some issues of peace and war on the planet, and...
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the goals clearly indicate the theses of the development of their state , they are completely far from morality, the value of human development, or anything else, well, we can say that, strictly speaking, we cannot even conclude any temporary agreements with these states, because we will be deceived as soon as we let's turn away let's go celebrate the victory, so it will be, in this context i really like the situation around international law, when well, these are not my words, these are the words of american and ukrainian analysts, sane ones, who say that absolutely, while the americans win the game according to the rules, and are not guided by these rules, as soon as they understand... that within the framework of these rules they began to be taken by the beard
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and asked from them, they immediately turn the board over and say: well, this all doesn’t work, in general, we will introduce sanctions, we will now beat you all with the same board, this is an extremely interesting situation, and one gets the impression that the ukrainians have taken it as a right, well, to be guided by the same system of legislation, we are already talking about the fact that some by-laws, including resolutions, they do not have legal force at the moment. they laugh on the territory of ukraine itself, but zelensky still managed to sign the law on mobilization and at the moment the situation that is taking shape on the streets of ukraine, when people go out and shoot videos that there is not a single man on the streets, nor in shopping centers, nor in any city squares, and so on, people began to actively quit their jobs, because enterprises were obliged to purposefully transport shopping malls male population metallurgical enterprises women not...
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the situation is such a hot one, when a man came to a meeting of, in my opinion, the city council of deputies and threw three grenades, how many casualties were killed there was just a huge number, so it’s interesting this situation, well, this is now being openly discussed, including at the level of the verkhovna rada, that the economy will come to an end, but you are simply destroying it with such actions, and interesting statements with which they are trying to counter this situation that, in fact, those who come to the shopping center, we don’t mobilize them, so... they just go through document verification - but data verification, but this
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situation is so structured, ridiculous, tough , and so on, that people prefer to hide in the attic and sit out in the hope that what this situation will end, because they really say that there are months left, conditionally, before some key decision on ukraine is made, the americans are actively saying that literally a few months should become the key events that unfold on the territory of ukraine, and this has been for a long time ... was discussed on the eve of the american elections and so on, what do you think about this big situation? well, i’ll return one more phrase from the past of belarusian propagandists, so you definitely want it like in ukraine, yes, that is, we will always they were accused of this, now i’m saying, you really want it like in ukraine, and now i have a few rhetorical questions, the first question means, how do they recruit into the shopping center? the question is, how do those people who later catch the hijackers turn out to be, how do these people get there?
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tsksk, but there are non-ukrainian ukrainians, when we start talking about how it seems like a couple of months before a decision is made, the same feeling arises, but why should i die during these 2 months, that is, if the issue is resolved in 2 months, that i will do something excuse me, it turns out that the point here is not patriotism, the point is that we see a specific division based on a supranational principle, this is a specific division based on a class principle. someone fell into the military class and this military class is now beginning
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to terrorize ordinary citizens, ordinary citizens find themselves simply in this position of an absolutely enslaved person, that’s why people don’t take to the streets, that’s why the economy suffers when they started talking about ok, we are we’ll come to the conclusion that ukrainians joke that if all restaurants and all service sectors are closed now, then we will come to the point where it will be like in europe, that is, they even joke there that there are 10 items on the menu in this room, for example, in a restaurant . two cooks and two waiters, in fact, it costs very much, and it is not very tasty, the fact that now we finally understand that europe is not the best story. ukrainians say that the service is great, but it will now suffer, and the number of qualified people, even in delivery, will simply disappear, that is if earlier they at least brought you a hot pizza, now it’s good if they bring it and good if it’s a whole one. the conversation, of course, is possible, it’s quite so - very
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harsh and cynical, but in fact - yes, the economy in ukraine is starting to slowly die, everyone understands this very well, but again we can say that those people... who are behind - inciting this conflict, well, we probably don’t need people in this territory, we need territory, we need fertile lands, it is quite likely that we need some deposits in these lands, we need access to sea, perhaps it is necessary to settle here a certain number of those migrants who came to germany and france, so that they work for europe, but are nearby and under control, ukrainians are not needed, it is easier to invite ukrainians to europe, digest them there, replace the arabs with them. return the arabs to kiev, make some kind of colony here, a territory that will survive all this, again it seems that these are conspiracy theorists, again it seems that these are science fiction writers, but in fact, when you start adding up a + b, maybe this may not be true, but it seems only one thing is that the ost plan is in action only by economic methods, it works
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precisely in ukraine, when in fact 15 million people were supposed to remain in belarus in the forty-first year according to the fascist plan for ... served 25 years, that is, when the son left the family to become a soldier, it was an honor, that is, in fact, ukraine at some points returns to the end of the 19th century, when the institution of rektuts appeared, and people simply left to serve, taking into account
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the intensity of the battles, which exist in xx century, there is practically no chance of survival, that is , we essentially get a country that not only has no... strategic future, not in terms of demography, not in terms of economy, not in terms of industry, there is no tactical future either, because in fact , no one knows when he will die, no one knows when his business will die and no one knows when his cities will, for example, be populated, well, either in the case of, say, a conditional world, by arabs who will come from paris, or if russia wins, it will appear here the russian state, in this situation the russian state is... the most democratic, but we essentially live in belarus in a union state, we perfectly understand the concepts and mental features of the ideology of belarus of russia, and we are really finally beginning to become that very support bastion of democracy, which the americans used to be, we are simply changing roles,
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because traditional values, certain christian values, certain values ​​of internationalism based on the soviet past and... in fact, the concept of a single mental space that exists between russians, belarusians, many countries of the former ussr attracts ukrainians more, so we are actually such an ideological showcase of a normal society, because when pride was announced in moldova at the beginning of june, excuse the expression, i worked in chisinau very often, i perfectly understand the traditions of this society, that well, i don’t know, people will leave the central stefan celmara avenue. somewhere around the corner and they will just to receive concrete blows like this, just because, excuse me, gays walked along the main street of the central, normal city of chisinau. these traditions do not work, now their artificial planting, in moldova and ukraine, can really turn into something very complicated. it is in this
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context that i constantly remember the president’s words that you will come to us to learn about democracy, absolutely, these words are confirmed today. as for the territory of ukraine, here is one of also the most discussed issues is the topic of how people swim the river, this famous one, yes, more than thirty people there have already indicated that they were caught dead, but no one talks about the presence of an autopsy, what they show and so on, but one, one of, say, the news makes it clear why people are drowning in a seemingly not so huge river and they are unable to swim, they are found shot. guards the border, he has no feeling of envy that someone has now been freed from this prison, and he can be sent to the front at any moment,
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well, out of anger and envy he shoots in the back, this is far from serving the law, well , everyone already understands this, because even the news that we receive from ukraine adds up to that picture in a certain way: people are angry, people hate each other, people are segregated in certain ways, and the most important thing is that it is segregation. will also affect the regions, mind you, well, for example, last week’s news, i can’t vouch for its veracity, but it was written in one of the telegrams channels that i trust that tsk from lvov came to catch people in zaporozhye, tsk from ivanafrankivsko, to dnepropetrovsk, that is , the west comes to catch the east, but i don’t know how much the east is allowed to the west, segregation in the west and the region, which was back in the times of yanukovych and kuchma, it led to the fact that some catch others, but... they hate the second, the second do not consider others as people, that’s the whole story that is happening in ukraine, that’s why they shoot, shoot
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with grenade launchers, throw grenades , at the end in the end, this will lead to the fact that the gang will go against the gang, the tsk gang is a gang of thieves, well, wait for the ukrainians in the cities to have a similar analysis, well, the civil war is just one of these discussed prospects for the further development of the ukrainian state, because they openly say that the state system of the state vertical has degraded, including... after may 20, when the legitimacy of vladimir zelensky ended, at the moment, there is no other way out of this situation, and many including openly talking about zelensky’s prospects of getting shot in the head after completing his powers, including, i think that no one will be particularly surprised by this after these rather serious events in the international arena, the assassination attempt on fitz, the situation with the president and iran . that this is some kind of deliberate story or is it some kind of coincidence in your opinion, because i went deeper into the topic,
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there are quite a lot of such events, these two - the assassination attempt on vucic, the assassination attempt on orban, attempted murder, catastrophe in russia, on may 15, let me remind you, an attempted coup d'etat in turkey was prevented, an attempted coup d'etat in the congo, before that zelensky said that there was an attempt on his life, this is kind of a question. suddenly suddenly become part of this cohort of people who argue with him a little, let’s say it’s soft in this world, it may be so, but in fact it seems to me that zelensky, medvedev has already called him a legitimate target of russia, that is in fact , dmitry anatolyich is sometimes the mouthpiece of what they say on official in the stands, although he is an official person. zelensky, in fact, the former president of ukraine, zelensky, let's call him that, is a legitimate target of the russian military. so, well, as they say on our streets, if you already live like a pachan, walk and look around, well, in fact, this can happen, and if we really see
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some beginnings or at least some ideas of the first civil war in ukraine , then this is simply the collapse of ukraine on a regional or supranational basis: galicia, rusyns, slobozhanie, please, odessa residents, they can now simply fall apart in order to somehow receive or at least influence those. orders that come from kiev, that’s all. literally briefly, regarding this international situation, is this a coincidence or not ?


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