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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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with such a global number of incidents against state leaders, as one of our colleagues, dmitry kiselyov, says, i don’t think it’s a coincidence, i don’t know, i won’t add another phrase here, because it’s absolutely possible, too many, too dense, and relatively speaking, great britain 500 for years they tried to rule this world and the phrase that they did it only this way, by dividing to rule, if it didn’t work out, for example, to divide peoples economically, they simply killed the leaders. listen, they killed their presidents, the same kennedy, why they will disdain the leaders of other countries, they say that war is just a continuation of politics, and politics is a concentrated expression of the economy, yes, in this vein, of course, this situation is partly unique, because many, including political scientists and ukrainian and european agree in their conclusions that at the moment britain and america have different opponents, so they do not act... as a united front, if for america
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its key rival is china, then for britain’s main, let’s say, competitor is traditionally russia, and maybe it’s some of their fragmentation that helps us in this situation due to the fact that it’s somehow observed and we want to believe that brix and the sco will act, despite the difference in their cultures, mentalities and maybe interests still form some kind of united front - thank you. for participating in our broadcast, the information and analytical project, the current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, the presenter was with you andrey sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier kirill kazakov, see you.
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today is the main day of vladimir putin’s official visit to belarus. late the night before, the russian president arrived in minsk, already at the airport, the leaders announced. the agenda of the meeting, topics from security to economics. for vladimir putin, after the elections, this visit to belarus is one of the first, which speaks of the countries’ close allied relations and a high level of trust in political dialogue. the main round of negotiations took place in palace of independence. the parties emphasized that relations between belarus and russia are of a strategic nature, and there is close interaction between the countries in a variety of areas. issues of bilateral military and technical cooperation, taking into account. the current
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military-political situation was discussed today by the russian minister of defense of belarus. the head of the belarusian military department noted that this meeting is another confirmation of strong fraternal ties and strategic partnership between states. russian defense minister andrey belausov, in turn, noted that belarus is a loyal ally and a reliable partner. union machine as a response to sanctions pressure. the belarusian exposition is presented at the international exhibition metalworking 2024 in moscow. this year, the key exhibits were allied machines, which consist entirely of belarusian and russian components. the governments of the two countries concluded agreements on cooperation in the field of machine tool manufacturing last year. today at the exhibition there are five allied machines that can perform different programs complexity and for different areas of application. we have been producing this type of equipment for the last five years, but they were manufactured using european components. after the introduction. we
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refocused on russian components, this machine is made of russian metal, bearing system. cnc, everything else is belarusian, but this machine allows us to feel independent in the machine tool industry and localization will further increase to 100%. the machine will be made from components from russia and belarus. this is independence, this is stability of supply spare parts, and the most important thing is that we are the keepers of both the design documentation, that is , the documentation, and therefore in any place, even if not in minsk, then this can be done even at the customer’s place, sometimes we use this if. we are definitely handing over the drawings for something, so that the customer can quickly produce what has broken down, the machines are reliable, durable, repairable, there are very few calls there regarding claims, regarding quality, very few, practically none, an international exhibition with an emphasis 12 countries are taking place in gomel for the growth and development of mutually beneficial relations,
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half a thousand participants from belarus alone, 90 leading enterprises in the country. the spring economic forum in gomel continues its work today. large industrial for 4 days. the scientific and industrial city is becoming a center for the development of international relations. the forum has become a dialogue platform for discussing the hottest trends of modern challenges. we want people to know us not only as a manufacturer of spare parts launchers for minsk motor plant engines, but also to know that we have new types of products. this is a device for pumping large volumes water. we are talking today about business cooperation in the sphere of production and agriculture. in the field of mechanical engineering, elevator construction, our enterprises have made big steps towards each other, here are our official contacts, they lead to the fact that entrepreneurs began to develop relationships among themselves, who
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were the first to bring mowers into the field before the zhlobin region, to prepare succulent diet for animals technology are observed at all stages, modern preservation methods allow you to preserve nutrients and, as a result, increase milk production volumes. in the grodno region, the first mowing began 10 days earlier than usual. despite the capricious weather this spring, the grass has already reached an optimal state for mowing. during the season, the farm must produce almost 32 centners of feed units per conventional head of livestock. and this will make it possible to provide the region with a one-and-a-half-year supply of grass-fed feed. they have been harvesting in such volumes for 3 years. today is the day of slavic writing and culture. may 4th is associated with the veneration of the church calendar of the brothers of the enlightenment, the creators of the slavic alphabet, the pioneers of writing, equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius. on the eve of the holiday , the thirtieth anniversary international cyril and methodius readings were held in the capital. solemn services are held in orthodox churches.
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the minsk choir assembly was held at the national memorial complex, the church of the monument in honor of all saints. the celebration brought together about 450 students from 25 vocal choirs. in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot, vera horuzhy. a terrible day for the soviet people , june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pinsk.
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without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. a brave underground woman lost her husband in... he died heroically in a battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground soldiers of the military group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing they suffer great damage in manpower and equipment. anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers and seeking to decapitate the partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even
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under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her in public. on the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhie was awarded the order of lenin and a medal. zolotaya was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. star of the order of the red banner, as well as posthumously. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. do not take the light ones, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef
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is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know that... you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will really help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, look in the breakfast of champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, who helps and how: to make our lives better, what are scientists working on today?
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a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation, this group designed for exploration of near-earth space. weather forecasting, just a network of surface non-theoretical stations is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need high-altitude observation data, complex things. in simple terms, today we are observing a trend when the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this, such an effect as the northern lights is already observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we a hydrometeorological institute was opened. watch the “science is nearby” project on our tv channel.
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in ancient times there was a technique of wood filigree and lace, then it was lost, but more modern ones saw it and decided to recreate it. a group of masters gathered under the leadership of vladimir tsukunov, so they decided to come up with something.
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they made a machine that makes thin shavings and removes them, from which you can make beautiful jewelry, that’s basically where the name filigree comes from, because the thinnest shavings are made of wood. i came, i i was little, i came to this, my father was, in principle, one of these masters who. and they worked on an invention, that is, i was little, i came, i knew them all personally, we walked there, did our own things, the grandfathers did theirs, and then it turns out that our father died, and vladimir tsukunov took his older brother to work as an artist, my older brother came there, and we, well, he gave it
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to us, here you go, try it in childhood, well, we tried it, so that we liked it a lot, but no, well, it’s interesting. there was a little bit there, i never thought that i would do this, but already when they became older, after the army, the bulk of them there, that’s when interest and perseverance appeared, firstly, because i wanted good things when they were little, so that they would appear quickly, but quickly and well it didn’t quite work out, in principle i’ve been in this situation almost since childhood, and while i was basically on maternity leave, i started helping vitalik little by little, there were some little things, there with velvet, first all these rags in the box, and then little by little i started there, i see somewhere , then not he has time, well, i think, let me try, well, i tried it and decided that, in principle, after maternity leave i would kind of work with him and i would, well , i have enough perseverance and patience, why
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not. our works have spread almost all over the world, we know for sure, in england there are 100% of them and there is more than one work in america, bill clinton was once made a box for a weapon for a pistol, several works left the vatican, two icons left.
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no, we don’t keep such a count, they exist, well, even if we try and sit down to count them, at most we can have large icons list, on average we make dishes, mostly we do, on average each dish takes 3-4 days, each member of our workshop takes part, that is, in production, we have divided the labor so that everyone has their own...
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that i there, let’s say, somewhere , everyone didn’t accept their responsibilities, there’s no such thing, participation, we have four main artists and two apprentices, but for now we have children like that, we don’t force them, well , i think that maybe be they will come if ever themselves, that is, they sometimes when they become interested, they do something, but well, the bulk of them are... we have 4 + 2 scanners, that is, two are still in the stage, we are all in the learning stage, but two of us are a little weaker , and four, three of them, well, probably for sure, otherwise all four, these are the top best scanners, they are not found anywhere else, because this, in principle
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, originated here, and even in gomel, not to mention throughout the country, even with gomel is nowhere. gomel, from the gomel region own this equipment. getting to know belarusian enterprises and outstanding. as a result of their work, today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors.
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this is teamwork, without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, and he is married, mom, don’t start, he just gave me a lift, consider him to have fulfilled his medical duty, you know, doctors - then we have a lot, but it was he, andryush, who gave the ride, and the girl is world-class. "i know, hello, thank you, we no longer need your services, i didn’t say anything, it was our neighbor, grandma lisa and dad saw how long we were looking for each other, wandering in the world at
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random, and i just wanted to be alone with you, almu, tell me to them, you saw how i sealed it yesterday, but you didn’t see anything, you’re all out of here, remember, you said it was a dream.
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the fact that our ancestors put in their labor is our history and heritage. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. for our work we use everything we saw and we collect friends from our acquaintances. in the forest, this is acceptable, probably buckthorn, but firstly, it is very rarely found in the forest, and secondly, it is very thin, due to this we value this wood, that is, we use it. very carefully in the case, because we know that it is difficult to get, sumac, a very beautiful color, or as people call it vinegar tree, we love chestnut very much, because it is
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like that, soft wood is plastic, amenable, we use pickled oak, well, very rarely , because it crumbles due to this loose structure, it it crumbles very much, it is difficult to use, maple can be used, birch. can also be used, rebina, a very good color and also just not a forest color, because in the forest they are too thin, that’s where if someone is pruning, it’s also a very good color, we try somewhere, the only thing we don’t use at all is these are resinous, because there is a discharge, even if it is tapped, that is, well, they drained the resin, there are still residues there, it doesn’t behave very well... it can behave unpredictably, the tree is already alive and you can’t say how it will behave maybe no one, we still use frames in our work,
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we make special ones. that is, we make the frames so that the design retains its shape when we take it out, the whole difficulty is that first we find the wood, then dry it, then process it, then we cut special plates, in principle, in the end we use probably 5% of the wood, maybe be 10 from what we harvest, cutting affects how plastic or... plastic wood, how does it behave? each of our work is a unique product, uh, of course there are moments when we are asked to make so many identical pieces, we immediately explain to people that yes, they are the same, they seem to be the same, but at the same time, if you look closely, they are not the same, because somewhere the size is there some dots won’t match, there’s something else somewhere, but in general
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, we get ideas, let’s say i very often take some photographs of myself, so i saw some drawing somewhere, and i immediately think , can i use it for work, well, that is , as a rule, i show it to vitalik if he too i like it, we stylize it to suit ourselves, because after all, it’s not possible to put curls everywhere, we stylize it to suit ourselves, then we’ll try to do something. to say that there’s something specific, no, it just turns out, well, our top list includes this dish, the boxes, the cases seem to be the same, the pictures, and thanks to the drawings and pictures, our boundaries are expanding.
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that is, they turn out completely different, despite the fact that they are similar on the outside, but because of the design, they are completely different, they have different characters, we, in principle, have each artist has a slightly different style, character, mood in the pictures, well, it’s all conveyed, even with a good mood, if you do it in a bad mood, you can understand where you did it in a good mood and where you didn’t, because it was in a good mood. you look at the product in your mood, it breathes something light, well, it’s nice to even hold it in your hands, and if you’re in a really bad mood, it absorbs negativity and isn’t very good, so we basically try to work only with a good mood, and that's what we did we get two works, we did it for more than six months, we did it in parallel, one of them is done in the church of all saints,
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and... in my opinion, a person who wants to do filigree wants to create such things, but at a minimum, you must have nerves of steel, patience, just perseverance, health, eyes to see well, because the details are very small and it’s very hard, the strain goes
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on your eyesight.


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