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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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and then became a commissar of a partisan detachment, carried out a raid on the dopinsky forests with the partisans, from 1944 a major engineer, commander of a sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was part of a landing force of sappers, while clearing mines from a building and the streets of the city, he died. a street in pinsk is named after vladimir alekseevich goidaenko. for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle, every meal is important, but especially the morning one. a hearty breakfast gives you strength for the whole day and energy for training. how one of the fastest spends his morning.
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armwrestlers of our country, the champion of belarus in armwrestling vladislav stefanko, now we will find out, and at the same time we will prepare something tasty and healthy, you need to squeeze the spanders, well, squeeze me tightly, keep them static, but even stronger, let's start with color and tactile sensations so that determine that our avocado is ripe. remember that whole oats are always better than small oatmeal, hercules, but rolled oats are better than five-minute porridge, if your knees crunch, then it’s okay, what we get is slow carbohydrates, protein and good fats, a balanced, healthy meal that will give you energy throughout the day. beets,
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cucumbers, avocados, radishes, and these are just some of the products that we need to buy. we go to the market to get them. if you want to enjoy tasty and healthy beets, you need to know how to choose them correctly. good beets should have thin, dense skin. to the touch without damage, and its color should be dark burgundy. let's take it. uh-huh, thank you very much, thank you. let's start choosing radish. did you know that it contains as much ascorbic acid as tomatoes, peas, raspberries or bananas? in order to replenish the daily supply of vitamin c, you need to eat approximately 250-300 glo. and the most
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important feature of the root vegetable is the essential oils, which give the product a piquant bitterness and additional benefits. a good radish is easy to identify; it should be firm and have a bright, evenly colored skin. if the fruit is flabby and soft, then most likely it is overripe or has been left on the counter, and the root inside will be loose and not very pleasant to the taste. our radishes are excellent quality. let's take it! exotic avocado. a very tasty fruit if you choose it correctly. determining its ripeness is not at all difficult if you know some rules. if you still bought a green fruit, don’t worry, you can let it ripen at home. so, let's choose. let's start with color and tactile sensations to determine that our avocado is ripe. if the peel is light green and
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the fruit feels hard to the touch, it means it is not ripe, but it can be placed on the windowsills within 5 days after purchase. moderately the greenish hard fruit will become ripe in 3 days. is the avocado ripe with a bright green surface? know that if it feels slightly soft to the touch, it is best to eat it within 24 hours. so, the shopping is done, let's go cook. breakfast of the champion. good morning, dear tv viewers. vlad, hello. how does your day start? my day starts with a delicious breakfast. i think it's even correct. actually, this is what we will do today. let's prepare the champion's breakfast. vladislav stefanko, champion of the republic of belarus in arm wrestling. came to armwrestling in 2007,
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and already in 2010 passed the standard for master of sports, the armwrestler has more than 40 awards of various types, multiple champion and prize-winner. among juniors, students, multiple champion and prize-winner of various belarusian tournaments among men, participant in the world cup championship among professionals, included in the world ranking of professional athletes, loves active sports, has been playing table tennis since the age of 6, and has a second rank in basketball. what will you do to me today surprise? today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables. it sounds interesting, but i think it's difficult. mash, don’t be afraid, you can prepare this breakfast for the weekend. for the salad, prepare 40 gulgur and one small beetroot. what is a proper salad without greens and vegetables? we will take radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cherry salad mix. also
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prepare 50 g of green beans and green peas. if they are frozen, no problem, we will sauté them. we will use avocados as the right fats. and the highlight of the salad is the shrimp. us you will need five or six pieces, no more. let's start preparing our breakfast. i'll boil the bulgur, and you bake the beets in foil. do you often cook your own breakfast? well, i almost always cook breakfast alone. which? well, for ordinary athletes it’s usually an omelet, oatmeal, cereal with milk and a mug of coffee. that’s it, i’ve packed the beets, now into the oven, now into the oven, what do we do next? now you’ll fry the peas and beans and add a little garlic, and at this time i’ll cut the vegetables, come on, and you stick to some diets, because arm wrestling is such a unique
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sport, in fact , i don’t use any diets at all in preparation, only before the competition we minimally remove carbohydrates in order to fit into the category, and so... we eat everything we have, this is a long process of preparing for competitions ? well, the process usually takes us about 3 months, these are several cycles of strength recovery, nothing like that, but how do you feel about seafood for breakfast, because today we have shrimp, seafood is good for everyone, they are very healthy, there are a lot of minerals, a lot of proteins, so i advise... the more you eat seafood, today i really like it, there are
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shrimp and avocados, let's go into more detail: bulgur, a great side dish, slow carbohydrates, low glycemic index, gives you energy for 3-4 hours, just... here 40 g of it is used, as part of a salad it’s great, but for myself i like to eat more in the morning, i would of course boil it somewhere else, but again, yes, the combination in the salad is simply amazing, what do i need next? i really like it here - it’s shrimp, protein, good protein and many, many different microelements, which we also need in the morning, and as i already said, the zest of avocado gives us excellent unsaturated fats, which are also necessary for our body, for building our hormonal background, what the doctor directly prescribed, and what we get, slow carbohydrates, protein and good fats, plus to everything there is also a huge amount of vegetables, and tomatoes, radishes, lettuce and so on, that is, we also get
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fiber, balanced , healthy dish, which will give you energy for the whole day, right. you know, tell me, in armwrestling , first of all, you train the whole body, or do you put more emphasis on the arms, well , when there are no competitions, we, of course , train the whole body to develop greater strength, but already before the competition itself we we do our own specific basic exercises, and the emphasis is only on the arms, hands, forearms, angles, and so on, but what are the specific exercises? this is wrist twisting, pronation movements, supernational, lateral presses, training fingers, training fingers, this is how we train the strength of compression so that the opponent cannot break with us during the fight, and this
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means that if two opponents fight with the same technique called top, then it may happen that their hands will break. and for this we strengthen very strong fingers, but if we are still torn, we are tied with a special tie, well, that is, they are torn, you mean the muscles, yes, the hands are torn when they fight alone. is torn by the string, yeah, interesting, but i’m still about fingers, well, look, there are fingers, how to train them, there are fingers, we do special exercises with an opponent, with handles with expanders, in order for us to have strong fingers, so that you close them tightly, you need to squeeze the expanders tightly , keep them static, but even stronger, wow, it seems like i’m already ready here,
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well, everything is clear with training, but what do you do during exercise? during exercises, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times, the minimum i do is 10 pull-ups on the horizontal bar, 10 push-ups and 10 presses, so that... before breakfast, so to speak, the body wakes up. today i will show you a full-body exercise that will allow you to stretch your joints and get back to work for the whole day. the first exercise is to rotate the neck clockwise and counterclockwise.
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we do 10 turns in one direction, 10 turns in the other direction, now tilt the head forward and back, this is a classic warm-up that is used by all athletes at the beginning of training, rotation shoulders forward back, 10 times in one direction. and 10 times the other, now we perform the exercise of rotating the arms forward, backward, 10 times forward, 10 times backward. classic exercise of rotating the pelvis
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clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times in each direction, the next exercise will be legs together, squatting a little, rotating the knees clockwise and... counterclockwise 10 times, if the knees crackle, then it’s okay, the next exercise is, uh, stretch your ankle, move one leg back rotate clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times.
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now we will perform forward bends on each leg, legs shoulder-width apart, legs straight , and stretch our hands as far as possible towards the leg, to one in the middle and to the second. now we breathe in and we are ready for a productive day. acquaintance. with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we
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are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally unique the company is the only one that is engaged in the production, development, of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. approach to the matter. which everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, the information is processed, and, if necessary , corrective measures are developed. first of all , this teamwork is welcomed and present here, without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the quality mark project on the belarus24 tv channel what does a tractor consist of? this is a pedal, right, can it be assembled in 5
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minutes, now it’s like on formula 1, let’s go faster. is it difficult to drive a big car? you don’t even have to steer, he drives on his own. turn on belarus 24. and you will find out. i feel like i'm in windigi. from the forge shop with hot metal to the main conveyor, tractor factory. my head was constantly throbbing like a hammer. this saturday we will organize a master class and tell you how it’s done. the guy with this gun, roughly speaking, is like that. mash, our bulgur is cooling, now you fry the shrimp, and i’ll cut the beets and chop them,
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come on, oh, i also wanted to ask you. by the sum of two hands, and this is of course offensive for the athlete. do you think there is a prospect that armwrestling will become an olympic sport? i think
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not in the near future, but in 10 years, i think we will get there. ours gets very little coverage. sports, very little works out financially, but i think that everything has its time, i think, and we will be there in this big olympic family ever, if you ask any person what kind of breakfast is? the most useful, i think that without a doubt most of you will answer, of course, is oatmeal, the most commonly consumed and oatmeal is ordinary rolled oats in packs, which is cooked for 10-15 minutes or simply brewed with boiling water, it cooks quickly, and this oatmeal healthy, it can
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be diversified with various fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts, everything that is tasty, but do not forget that oats are still much more useful, this whole grain, which, as a rule, no one wants to cook in the morning, but due to the fact that it is not processed, remember that all grains, when they go through the processing stage, firstly, they increase their glycemic index, and secondly, they lose nutrients, so oats are the maximum source of micro and macroelements, in order not to spend a lot of time in the morning on preparing them, because to cook... you need several hours, i recommend soaking them in the evening, in the morning you just have to warm them up add it there and of course there are various ingredients to make it tasty, and as for instant cereals, no matter how much we would like to think that they are healthy, because it says oatmeal, but there is little benefit
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due to the fact that they are very crushed and, as a rule, already include sugar, and especially... those in small bags, it says oatmeal, breakfast 5 minutes, when choosing what kind of oatmeal to eat in the morning, i recommend using the rule of the lesser of two evils , remember that whole oats are always better than small hercules oatmeal, but rolled oats are better than five-minute porridge, and five-minute porridge is probably better than no breakfast at all, so choose from the two... the ash is always the least, remember that breakfast should be tasty and healthy, now i’ll add it to the bulgur...
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every year they become more and more powerful, and sometimes they are much inferior to the guys. often girls are afraid to come to armwrestling, even to the gym, because
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they think that if they lift some kind of dumbbell, they will have huge arms, huge legs, shoulders, they will look like a man, i can help you to assure everyone that this does not happen, that if you come to the gym, you will simply look better. now we need a large plate, mung beans, i’ll ask you to mix the salad and peas with beans, come on, i’ll mix it all, but what do you think about sports nutrition? well, basically i don’t use it, i only use complex vitamins and amino acids, i try not to use anything else, but why? well, it seems to me that this is more marketing than anything else, and i’m fine with it. i cook for myself normally, that is, i i don’t see any plus or minus in this, that is, complex vitamins, amino acids in training, that’s all, this is the only thing i use, but you still, when
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you cook for yourself, calculate the kbzho, no, in fact, i never calculated it for myself, heaven i live because i believe that you just need to be a fanatic of your sport, i always just tried not to eat too much, balanced, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, that is, salad, i try. drink less soda, eat less fast food, and the result will come like it 100%. now let's add butter, well, sometimes you want to somehow please ourselves by eating junk food, of course, our athletes probably even want this more than ordinary people, and we try, i don’t know how anyone else does, but i allow myself to go somewhere once every 10 days, so something so unhealthy to eat, some kind of shawarma or a burger. i think that, but then you work it all out, of course, i work out in the gym for a very long time, our training is very hard, especially during competitions, i spend 3-4 hours in the gym, i
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think that with such an expense i’m not afraid of anything, now we collect all the ingredients in one plate, our salas contains a lot, we ’ll practically meet this requirement today, we’re almost ready, yes, avocado is a healthy source of fat for us, oh, now we’ll add them, that’s beautiful, oh, it’s ready, well, that’s not all yet, now we’ll add our bulgarian, yeah, it’s a source of healthy carbohydrates, that’ll be it. so, the first thing to
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do is bake the beets. wrap it in foil and place it in an oven preheated to 180° for an hour. you also need to boil the bulgur, this will take you 15-20 minutes. in it sauté green peas and beans in a frying pan for a while. if you wish, you can add a little garlic. place the prepared vegetables in a bowl and fry the shrimp in the remaining sauce. 3 minutes on each side will be enough. prepare fresh vegetables. cut the cucumber and radish into rings, cut the tomato and cherry in half. cut the avocado into thin
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half rings. grind the finished beets using a blender, a little salt and pepper won’t hurt, add the beet puree to the bulgur, the main thing is not to overdo it, the cereal should turn a delicate pink color. now in in a large bowl, mix the salad mix, legumes and chopped vegetables, use olive oil, a little salt and pepper as a dressing, put the base on a dish, top with shrimp and avocado, sprinkle the salad with...
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school bulgur and our breakfast of the champion is ready, here's the pash, look at the salad we made, it seems complicated, but we managed it, and i immediately remember. lines by the american writer robert heinlein, he said when, as soon as a man wakes up, he immediately needs to be fed, we succeeded on the contrary, vlad fed me today, bon appetit, masha, friends, don’t forget about the most important meal, breakfast and be healthy, bye-bye.
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they were born in different parts of the world. i came to belarus from siri, i came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i had no one left there, everyone had left.
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vladimir mikhailovich, what weather reflects your mood, is it clearly sunny, or is it cloudy with clearings without precipitation? sometimes i'm clear and sunny, sometimes i'm cloudy with clearings, and sometimes i have hail, snow, and tornadoes,


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