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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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there are fewer and fewer red lines; the nato secretary general called on the alliance countries to lift the restriction on strikes on the ukrainian armed forces by western weapons on russian territory. one of the main football matches of the season is neman vs islaci, who will take the winning cup? minsk and moscow have taken a course towards strengthening integration. the presidents confirmed this.
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in belarus, we have been discussing this for several years, today vladimir vladimirovich made a corresponding decision, i think the government will finalize these agreements in this direction in the coming days. we have analyzed all the nuances in detail. as a result of the negotiations, our president noted that today all issues in bilateral relations have been resolved, minsk and moscow have no insoluble problems, there are deferred ones that require attention at high senior levels. so. our countries will have to remove the remaining barriers of restriction. one of the issues on which agreements were reached is the abolition of roaming in the union state. mobile communications will be provided in home network mode. the leaders discussed security issues and responding to threats emerging near our borders. belarus and russia intend to continue working to strengthen their defense capabilities. joint exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons are aimed at this.
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we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, but we are not escalating the situation, we do not need war, today we spoke only about peaceful prospects, but we keep our gunpowder dry, nothing special, we treat the security of belarus in exactly the same way as the security of the russian federation, and this is probably
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negotiations with ukraine, taking into account the expired terms of zelensky’s presidential powers. the leaders commented on the likelihood of peaceful minsk and moscow having a common position. negotiations must be resumed, but with the legitimate authorities of ukraine. zelensky has lost his legitimacy. with whom to negotiate, the answer must be given by the ukrainian political and legal system. belarus and russia are each other's number one allies. this applies to a variety of areas, such as trade and economic, humanitarian and military. this is what the deputy director of the institute thinks
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history and politics of moscow state pedagogical university vladimir shapovalov. according to him, thanks to joint efforts, the union state is actively confronting new challenges and threats. significance. the republic of belarus as a partner of russia, of course, is a key russian partner, just as for the republic of belarus, russia is the main partner, and in fact, currently our level of cooperation in the economic sphere has reached, and i think, the level of absolute connection into single production chains , into unified trade and economic chains in russia. a huge number of belarusian goods that are in deserved demand among the population, a large number of joint ventures, the same applies to the social sphere, the cultural sphere , military-strategic, it is certainly necessary to emphasize that belarus has a powerful
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military potential, which is worthy for the republic, in this regard it reliable protection of the country from external threats, but the combination of two military forces... in russia and belarus creates an absolute guarantee for our countries in military-strategic terms. aggressive plans of the west, curators are pushing the kiev regime to escalate the conflict. the secretary general called on the alliance countries to lift restrictions on the use of western weapons by ukraine on objects on its territory. russia. stoltenberg also believes that the time has come for alliance members to consider whether it is worth lifting some restrictions on the issue of arms supplies to russia. at the same time, he emphasized that nato does not plan to send troops to ukraine and rejected the idea that the alliance countries should shoot down russian missiles over ukraine with
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using their air defense systems. and the same american secretary of state blinken announced the allocation of another tranche of $275 million for ukraine. it is noted that... the new package will, among other things, include ammunition for the haimars missile system, the jevelin missile system, anti-tank mines, as well as chemical, biological and radiation protection kits. in ukraine itself, a new scandal against the backdrop of total mobilization in zaporozhye, the uncocenter team, after submitting a petition to zelensky about the illegal reorganization of a medical institution, received summonses and was wanted. according to the director, the regional leadership is liquidating the antitumor center. to scatter money. the doctors, in an attempt to prevent the reorganization, filed a lawsuit, after which an order came for these employees to appear at the tsk. there are a lot of cancer patients in the industrial city; now they have nowhere to get help. africa day is celebrated today on
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the continent for the first time; this holiday was proclaimed in 1963 in the capital of ethiopia during the creation of the organization of african unity, renamed the african union in... alexander lukashenko noted minsk’s readiness to cooperate fruitfully with the african union and its state members, as well as to contribute to the success of the african renaissance, support the rights of peoples to self-determination and protect their sovereignty. who will be the winner? nemman or islach? the final of the belarusian football cup will take place today. one of the main matches of the season will take place at the torpeda stadium in zhodina. the battle for trophies will be shown live on tv channel belarus 5, beginning at 18:55.
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the guys have a good mood and the movement is good, i think for such yes, matches, there is no need to say extra words to the guys, after all, this is a trophy. islich has never won such serious trophies before. farewell to school and the road to adulthood, the last bells for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades will be heard today throughout belarus. the ceremonial lines start at 10:00 am. this year, more than 108 thousand people are graduating from 9 classes, about 55 from 11. by tradition , representatives of government bodies and patronage leaders are invited to the event. afterwards, the schoolchildren and teachers will celebrate flowers to the memorial monuments, and on june 14
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, graduation ceremonies will be held for the children, boys and girls will be presented with certificates, special attention to security will be attended by police officers in each school, employees of the internal affairs bodies will ensure the protection of public order in all places of celebrations, and road safety near educational institutions is also under special control. places where citizens gather in large numbers, parks, public gardens, and the embankment will be taken. our task is to prevent the commission of offenses and incidents, including those related to drinking alcohol. parents should pay special attention to where and how their children will spend time after the celebrations, because only through joint efforts can they make the holiday safe. bouquets of lilacs, field daisies and huge bows in hair. school changed. and ceremony, but on this day it was always the same, in the hands of the first-grader there was a bell that
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gave the last ringing, watch the nostalgic joint project of atn without retouching,
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on the eve of the summer holidays in belarus the campaign attention children has started, from today until june 5, drivers need to drive with low beam headlights on in order to be more visible. state traffic inspectors are responsible. intensified service near schools and kindergartens is carried out by conversations with children, so the children of the capital’s school number 161 showed their knowledge and reminded their parents of safety rules by writing a letter. i wrote a letter to my parents asking them to follow traffic rules , watch their speed, let pedestrians pass, and pay attention to road signs. signs, go and cross the road to the green...
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75 years since the birth of the voice of the cult songwriters leonid bortkevich, it became the main timbre of the hits of the legendary at the personal invitation of vladimir mulyavin at 70. alexandrina, belarus birch sap, sounding in these musical hits. honored artist of belarus forever inscribed his initials in the golden composition of the ensemble.
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will bloom in time for the big stage. he graduated from music school in the trumpet class, played music in a choral ensemble during his youth at the conservatory. architect with first degree had a hand in the visual appearance of minsk. the oktyabr cinema was built according to leonid's design. with songs and singers, we traveled around the councils, we were the first to appear on the developments of events , we will tell you at noon, let me remind you that the projects of the television news agency are available in all social networks, as well as in our mobile application: by qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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what is a familiar life for belarusians may seem truly exotic to others. volkovysk, if you have already arrived at the swedish mountain, then please count the number steps, and for what it is necessary to count, this is such a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the ninth-tenth centuries, well, in
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those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins... however, it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, it only costs get to know its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river; it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka-vyya,” which literally meant a wolf’s neck. and this team has a special style. execution kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in the overlap; our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. watch travel shows like at home on our tv channel.
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