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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 10:05am-10:35am MSK

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broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries. azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the satellite dish satellitepace-1. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear.
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letters, lingonberries, for those who are not interested in picking berries and mushrooms, just relax, enjoy nature, breathe fresh air, spend time, fishermen can go fishing, these are the unique places of the belarusian woodland, this is our little river, the stviga river flows into the
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pripyat river in the gomel region, i am connected with this fate like childhood schoolchildren, and even more adults, i go to school near korotsich, in short, the river stviga, in former years the pripyat flooded heavily, we could not go to school.
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livestock were brought to the waters, some to relatives, friends, or even to attics people got out of the situation in different ways, well , now in recent years there has been land reclamation, damming, this is somehow already forgotten the treachery of the rivers, and so... we live, look at the water, enjoy life, for me polesie is mine, this is my small homeland , polesya - this is my family, my dzetsi, my unuks, palezhuks - these are our people, this is from our area,
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this is close to me, some, say, my youth, were even embarrassed, there oh, palyashuk, there or to say...
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and residents of the village of tolmachevo, who stay here to live, in addition to their main work, who works, say, in a school, in hospitals, fap stores, in shops, they also do subsidiary farming and farming, people produce a large number of agricultural products such as chain agurs, tomatoes, peppers,
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my whole life has been spent with bees, because i have them. ..
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from nature than from the beekeeper himself, the beekeeper should help only the bee, use what god gives, what is in nature, in time, so that the bee, the family gains strength, the working bee, to the main bribe, the beekeeper who lives his whole life in one area, he is already focuses on the main one. so knowing your honey plants, the time of their flowering, bring
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the bees to the honey plants in time, expand in time, the bee can only work, we are at the bottom of the middle polevskoye lake, it was called chernitskoye lake, after the reclamation of the 70s...
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and build honeycombs for yourself , or sit in a double
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tree, or maybe even in dense foliage, that’s not why, when we give smoke, they get into the goiter and cannot, so to speak, bend the brush, sting us, it’s more difficult for them to sting us, bee.
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in order to find a place for a point, you need to walk through, drive a motorcycle, the territory, because without choosing, without
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inspecting, of course.
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well, it turns out that these are the frames that we selected, now we need to remove the cast from them in order to roll honey from them, initially, when we started, i printed it with... a knife, this is a homemade knife, made from a band saw, curved sharpened, then we got forks for printing,
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we use zara forks, in principle we use zara forks in places where we can’t reach a knife, but the latest acquisition is a knife with electric heating, it sped up the process very much, but complicated the task for dad, because there were a lot of edges, due to the fact that the knife cuts well, he cut it down to... a lot and bought me this table, the casting by bees is used to seal already mature honey, we use it in the future, it is melted down, it turns out to be wax, we sell the wax, we get either foundation or material means, and so the blues is used for medicinal purposes, it must be chewed persistently for a long time with chewing gum. that all kinds of chewing gum, well, basically myself process, with a careful movement it is cut off,
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what is it... i really like this honey extractor, a manual honey gun of a summer honeycomb, i have never pumped out rabbet honey so as not to damage the honeycomb, here you roll this honey extractor, without shaving the honeycomb from the wire, at the very beginning ah i had a gearbox with open teeth and a gateless scraper to turn with a handle. the time has come for more civilized software control with a computer, all
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the frames have been installed for pumping, we close the lid , start the medical tank, then it works herself, turning the frame herself, stops from the procession.
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a clean, beekeeper performing work with bees, this is not only servicing bee colonies, in addition, the beekeeper is engaged in re-melting discarded honeycombs that are not used for circulation in the hives, i re-melt. cart using the childish method, i boil hundred frames in a feed steamer, get a homogeneous mass, stir it, bring it to
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the same consistency and use a bucket to pour it into a bag, use the screw of a wax press to squeeze out the wax, you get a circle. such beautiful bars of wax that later they are used for processing into artificial fiber, the artificial fiber is again put on frames, placed in bees, the bees build honeycombs, and such a cycle goes on, i am grateful to life that i chose this path.
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i am healthy, i am healthy, my children, my grandchildren, looking at them, rejoicing, this is also happiness.
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the supreme national assembly, with expanded constitutional powers, made its first strategic decision, namely, it approved the concept of national security and the country’s military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but there is peace themselves at home, ready to defend themselves with weapons in their hands and by any means that.
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why they recognize us, then the program by which our viewer knows us, also our programs full face and military review are the main programs that go on television, but it cannot be said that we are limited to this, and we are widely represented on social networks, in internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we became the first to receive such an award, and we also have quite a lot of
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other internet projects. and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly, recognizes us from our content. every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we give video information about the military to the main state...
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memories have become the flagships of military documentaries, what are tv channels working on today these days, on what projects? there are also a lot of them, i’ll probably focus on the main points, now the television company is focused on the historical project liberation of belarus, we tell this in several episodes in which we talk about the main historical moments, our correspondents on...


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