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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 10:35am-11:30am MSK

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military for the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often this is the video information that we produce military tv, so to say how many there were in 30 years, well , probably several thousand, maybe several tens of thousands, that’s all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers, about the equipment that the belarusian army receives, this is all what the belarusian army lives by today, and what it has lived by for 30 years, well, your films like the border or the brez fortress, soldiers memories have become the flagships of military documentaries, what are tv channels working on today these days, on what projects? there are also a lot of them, i’ll probably focus on the main points, now the television company is focused on the historical project of the liberation of belarus, we tell this in several episodes, in which we talk about the main historical points, our correspondents.
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and indeed, if you open or turn on any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what kind of army is today, it it’s modern, it’s mobile, it’s high-tech, and well, it’s worth saying that in our reports we always focus on people, we talk about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well, probably this aspect, it doesn’t change, these are those who love their own business, those who love their homeland, and are truly ready to fully devote themselves to this profession.
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rosslav nikolaevich, good evening! a former military commissar in belarus, there are almost 800,000 subscribers on tiktok, a post or an agenda, which do you think works better with young people? well, of course, a summons, we can’t get away from a summons, this is an official document according to which a person comes to the military registration and enlistment office or some other institution, there are different summons, but of course, before a person
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must be prepared to receive this summons , and it is desirable, of course, uh, for this to happen, well, it’s easy for him, that is , prepared with psychological knowledge, psychological knowledge, yes, in my understanding, when the channel was formed, uh, what exactly is this, well, i don’t know, friendly, cheerful attitude, discussion of something somewhere military, about military issues, well, it will help the conscript, come to this. psychologically, well, more prepared, which is why here, probably, everything should be resolved in a complex, like many other issues. well, okay, content and target audience, yes, concepts that are close to us, television people, but not entirely clear to the viewing audience. in simple words, yes, content is what you show, and the target audience is who your content is aimed at. and who is actually watching, right? how do you choose?
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that is, this is pre-conscription age, of military age, there are people much
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older, parents write, respectively, military personnel who are actually serving now, and of course it’s nice to read such reviews from mothers, when there... you and i can more easily endure separation, let’s say, it’s different there , well, there are people who are really old, that is, somewhere else, again, you can watch this from the comments, well , which the soviet union also gives as an example, that is, you understand that these are people of an older age, that is the audience is completely different, well , i roughly told you how it is divided, well , male or female, that means 60% is a male audience, 40% female, well, as i understand it, some stereotypes are triggered by the soviet school...
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skete i i remember it from mine, and to be honest, it’s still not somewhere, no, when the question comes up, you can come across a comment about what to do there, paint the grass, well, excuse me, it infuriates me, because i’m talking , in 34 years i have never seen anyone paint the grass, not, you remember, in the film dmbb, this was shown before the arrival of the three generals, how they painted themselves, well, this is necessary, it was satire and humor in general, that film, well, look, you are the colonel to whom they write, and you have... for today the shortest path from an ordinary person to a representative of power, yes, i’m not kidding, you really are these eighteen-year-old men, it’s difficult to influence them through standard media, through newspapers, through tv, radio, that is,
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in fact, influence through your channel, through you can do tiktok, and this is the shortest way, but what really interests young people when, well... when you communicate with them, well, let’s do this: the likelihood of war, the opportunity to avoid the army, or in general the usual everyday life associated with the army? well, here we are talking about tiktok, technically, let’s say, it’s difficult to answer questions, because there it is determined by the number of characters typed, for this there is an instagram linked to tiktok, on instagram you can send voice messages, on instagram you can make links to. .. documents for some, if we talk about serious issues, you can rarely find them on tiktok, but comments about how to get out of the army, i always say that i don’t know about this, the prosecutor knows, here’s how to get out of the army, but one young you showed the person so specifically how he got it, in my opinion, there
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was a suspended year there, yes, well, here, let’s say, my impact was minimal, i just wanted to spread what the person was filming, what he did not understand, that this will happen, yes, and then, of course, not expecting this for himself result, in principle, he didn’t say that guys, don’t do this, but it was distributed through my channel so that people would look, well, the questions, of course, concern first of all, they can be divided like this, if they are conscripts, or mothers often write , yes, what can you take with you into the army, that is, everything, now a person has come to the point when he is sent directly to the troops, they write, what can you take? with you once, the next question often arises regarding the medical examination of conscripts, that is people, well, this is the plan, that he has a disease, let’s say, how to show them, well, so that they are visible at the medical examination, we
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don’t need sick people in the army, naturally, yes, well, and you give advice that we need to make copies from the documents, bring them to the military registration and enlistment office and present them, they will be taken into account then, accordingly, if you keep silent about diseases, then well, about some... the answer is that in our ministry of defense this is a fairly common practice, there are hotline numbers , where can i call
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, you just give such basic advice, that you need to approach, in any unit there is a board with documentation, where there will be hotline numbers, including the ministry of defense or their immediate deputy commanders for ideological work, that is, there is nothing here, well, a person somehow, well, sometimes the mother doesn’t know , although here i say when the oath is taken. all the telephone numbers of all commanders are being distributed so that there is feedback, there have never been any problems here and there are no, that is, global issues, i mean, no, global issues, they happen, but this is extremely, extremely rare, this probably a single option, you have millions, tens of millions of views in total, yes, and which of the well, let’s say, posts got the best results, that is, what views were on the best video and what was the topic.
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well, like, jokes aside, well, no one demanded to take initiative in this direction, no, i’ll really say, well
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, if you see that the channel has been running for 3 years, there are no, let’s say, attacks in this direction, from the management, from the management there was no ministry of defense, i will say more that despite the fact that the department is very serious, yes, he deals with extremely serious issues, but in the ministry of defense. initiatives are always welcome , non-standard approaches are always welcome, well, probably at that time this was a non-standard approach, which, well, allows you to achieve a certain result along with other, somewhere traditional methods of work, and it was not a joke to ask for advice , the thing is, when you want to learn, i can give you this example, i’m done. let's put it this way, simply put, well, infantry school, i have a command specialty,
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tactical, always our competitive school, a team of tactical motorized rifle troops, but by the will of the judge i ended up serving in the airborne troops at that time, and knowledge had to be absorbed from everywhere, that’s because, well, once a week, commander training classes , well, it was extremely insufficient, it was necessary to engage in self-education.
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on average, well, i’ll answer a little more broadly, they ask, when do you have time, well, usually this is done after the service, yes, now it is done on the weekends. due with a change in work, that is, you stay, well , you shoot there for an hour and a half, well , just write them down there, write them down, yes they are saved in drafts, and then you just post them there every day, when you have time there, you keep these vows rules, they mean regularity or timing, you know, you once said, there is some kind of conservatism , yes, or there is discipline in time
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, i try to lay it out at one time, i don’t know, it helps, it doesn’t help, here you go they say it helps? yes, well, i try to post at the same time, well, if it works out, of course, because it doesn’t always, it’s disciplined, and it’s impossible to beat popularity on the internet, well, this is our president, but obviously the entire russian-language internet is filled with videos of him, we sometimes we even talk about the fact that in reality it is he who provides us with views, this is true, well, what is the secret in your opinion, why, well, here, probably... so to speak, succinctly, clearly, always truthfully and interestingly, just look, often, speech president, but not often, always, it’s just sorted into quotes, of course, it ’s sorted out, they said russian speakers, but i
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know that non-russian speakers translate these quotes, that’s why... that’s why it’s interesting to people, that’s what i think , the most important thing is that it always sounds, well, it is always true, that is , whether we like it or not, it can sometimes be inconvenient, for some it is inconvenient, for everyone it is inconvenient, but the president always tells the truth, when a person speaks the truth, it always causes interesting, what else would you like? i have to say more than once.
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i don’t rule out that it attracts interest, you know that... very often the president jokes, so he can make a biting joke, a caustic joke, you just need to remember the past all-belarusian people’s assembly, but that’s the same thing, so i think humor also helps with this , that is, this is such a set of characteristics, qualities, that exactly attracts people’s attention to what the president says, well, this is probably how it should be, this is what a leader should be, and even if he speaks, then it should be interesting to listen to him, so he’s interesting .
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even if necessary, and the president said this, even with his life, we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements, this phrase was very important for me, you said it correctly, whoever is next to me, everyone already understands for himself, he is next to
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the president, because of course the president does not know who he is there. shkodin, ivanov, petrov, sidorov, he cannot know all the citizens of his country, so here everyone must determine for himself whether you are with the president or not, and are you ready to defend our country or not, i would, i think, the majority of our citizens are already after the twentieth year, mm, because there was such a phrase, yes, if there had been no twentieth year, it would have had to be invented, of course, so - so the majority of our citizens have already decided, the majority, this is shown by our whole... life after the twentieth year, that the majority of the country is with the president, well , this is exactly what the majority means, he understands perfectly well that these people,
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focusing on him, they are will be at risk if not god willing, the situation will change, and he directly says that they also need to be protected, in fact, this means protecting the country, the whole country, the whole country, absolutely right, this is normal, you have 15 years of work in the military registration and enlistment office, and... many are sure that the main task of the military registration and enlistment office is to recruit more people into the army, yes, there is nothing more to do, only the main thing is to recruit, although in my opinion, organization is even more important, especially in times like now, the organization of territorial defense, yes, that’s what in fact, maybe you can expand these concepts, the role should to play military registration and enlistment offices today, this is a very difficult time, it is clear that their role is... well, one of the first plans, well, based on the experience of the conflict that is happening, yes, that’s right, yes, this is the russian federation,
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so we can see how to work it’s not necessary, that is, this is a negative example, what is happening, what is happening in ukraine, this is in general, i ask for forgiveness, well , it’s some kind of game in a different way, well, there is no other word for this, and that’s of course the military registration and enlistment offices. uh play, let’s say, a decisive role in recruiting the armed forces, that’s if talking about peacetime, well, we know that we have a small and well -equipped armed forces, uh, but of course, if you look at the western countries that are now concentrating groupings of troops, even those that... exist, then, probably, the average person has a question: oh-oh-oh, how are we going to defend ourselves? well, yes, now there are 9,000 people training just at the border, this is more, well,
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almost twice as much as our armed forces, yes, but here, uh, that’s why there are military commissariats, where accounting, who, in principle, participate in the preparation of a military-trained reserve, are those military personnel who have completed compulsory military service, those who are. registered, it’s not just that they were raked up en masse, they are distributed according to positions, they are distributed in parts, these are those who are in the reserve, and those who are in the reserve are intended for positions according to the wartime states, and if , accordingly, god forbid someone decides to, let’s say, encroach on the territory of the republic of belarus, on the sovereignty of the republic of belarus, our mood constitutional, then the armed forces at the expense of a military-trained... reserve will simply increase exponentially, mobilization, let's say, this is probably the basis of all the activities of the military registration and enlistment office, but
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let's say, in historical terms, not so long ago, we, by the way, we were the first in the post-soviet space who began, as you said correctly, to develop a system of territorial defense, yeah, at the expense of a system of territorial defense, that is, we increased the grouping of the armed forces to wartime states, it increased multiple times, then
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they will also be able to exercise their right to defend the fatherland, and there are a lot of such people, well, the numbers in open sources were that at least 100-150,000 are the minimum of those who are ready to join the militia, yes, yes, yes, there are already such people a lot, now imagine, armed forces that are deployed to wartime states, territorial defense that is deployed in every district, city, village, when people are already directly defending their home, plus again... if someone has
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the courage , strength, and i'm not even talking about a regional joint grouping of forces with the russian federation, we will leave this, well , let’s say, behind the scenes, we will not talk about it, now we are talking about that component or those components that we have in the state to protect our fatherland, to protect our people, we saved the soviet system from this mobilization, which means... it’s relevant, yes, but life stands still, a lot of new things have been introduced, starting from documents that are being developed in the system for preparing mobilization reserves, but if we take some kind of core probably remains, right
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now... i heard that the approaches to military training lessons for schoolchildren have changed, well, finally they really began to take such extended classes, diverse, in addition to this there is a lot, of course, military patriotic clubs, now all over the country, some parents are against this type; we are anti-militarists, or some call themselves pacifists, and we don’t want our children to engage in basic military training.
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me, we remember, maybe 10 years ago, when many here, not here in this studio, i mean, everyone in the country, with saliva, looked to the west, yes, and from there these ones flew in, that we are peaceful people, that’s all, even toys, let’s not, i i heard this, indeed, i don’t buy a tank or a pistol for my child there, because it causes aggression in him, well, it seems to me that this is well... some kind of clinic, but what should we proceed from? one must start from one’s history, one must go from one’s own roots, a man should always be able to protect his home, as they said, his hearth, his wife, his child, in case someone encroaches on
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what i just named. and i have not met a single belarusian, not a single one either among the military or among civilians, who would say: let’s start some kind of war now, well, not one in my entire life, and i’m already over 50 years old, not one , we are all peaceful people, but a normal person understands that if you are in danger, then a man, at least here, many women understand this, by the way, that... we must be able to protect ourselves , even if you don’t take this the word is incomprehensible to many, for many there is still a homeland, a country, yes, there are still such people, there are, but then you protect your mother, your father, who will be in danger, and in order to do this, you must be able to do this, well, to to be able to do this, you need to undergo,
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well, at least... some kind of military training in the form of compulsory military service, get at least some kind of base, yeah, at least , so that a person - with understanding of this treated, so you need him, many say, you can’t teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements, you need to tell how much has been done for people, how much has been done, for example, in production. in agriculture and we need to talk about this, because sometimes we are somehow shy there, this is normal, well, this is everyone’s job, but well, why talk about it, you once said in response to a question that this is patriotism, you answered very briefly that this is love and action, now decipher it for our viewer, i’m talking to myself, but since my phrase, i love my country, i... all
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the time i served, worked in public activities, was engaged in parliamentary activities even before that as a deputy of the regional council - this is an action, that is, i did everything within the framework of my competence and even more broadly, where i understood that it would be better in the country, this is an action and the final action, of course, for myself, well, we have already said, a person must make up his mind, well , always, and my action, well, it will end, if necessary, then i will even give my life for the sake of my country , this is action. but i will do my best alive and well and bring benefit with what i can do, with deeds, where with words, where with deeds, where with videos? i’m always amazed at how our generation, which probably began under the soviet union, studied and
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went to military school under the soviet union, yes, but they, in principle , react quite calmly to these things in exactly this way and this , well, i don’t know. why were we raised this way? okay, a few days ago you posted a post that europe has decided to return compulsory military service conscription, yes, although recently they considered this a relic of the past, well, you already said hello to our fugitives on this occasion, but what does this reversal really say? well, here, i’ll say right away that in no case should it be underestimated.
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here in the west, in the west, in the west, here, and i, well, as for me personally, yes, and we said that guys, we, well, we are our own, we cannot blindly follow what he wants to do to us the west, well, we are a sovereign country, with our own, with our own history, with our own values, with our own understanding of how it should be to live, well, and we have always said that we must educate men, we must educate defenders of the country. i’m not even talking about that moment, yes, that we cannot spend and maintain a huge army, because we always treat money in the state very carefully, we count every penny, so we have a sufficient number of people who can ensure
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military security in peacetime, and in order to ensure it in wartime, we have conscript service, where every citizen fit for service will receive military registration specialty is the base of military skills that... in any case, we see that all of europe, the collective west, they have set a course for militarization, they understand that those, those , these, the so-called contract army, that’s what , well, it’s not enough, and we
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see that the purchase of weapons, and here they , uh, let’s say, are building conscription into the system for compulsory military service in order to prepare people, well, i wasn’t kidding there, they uh... food, because , as i said, these pink ponies that grew up instead of men, now they won’t go anywhere and they won’t be able to re-educate them now, well , the day before yesterday, i probably saw information about how in one of the baltic countries, i think
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it’s planned to hold a gay parade in lithuania, they officially asked the german bundeswehr, the troops that are stationed on their territory, to take part in this gay parade, well, in order to show the scale. i ’ll be interested to see how it is, well, in fact, it illustrates your words very well and confirms, subscribe to every word, because of course, well, let’s speak directly there are 5. or they see 5-12 thousand there with 20,000 in lithuania, and others have much less, and regular armies, they understand perfectly well that bullying with so many soldiers is , well, unreasonable, at least, but they are bullying they continue, okay, you are part of the national security commission of the lower house of parliament, but as a deputy and as a blogger, what is the concept of national security, in simple words? and what place nuclear weapons occupy in it, so if you
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need to tell your subscribers this, well as you said about this in simple words, but i’m explaining it, there were meetings with voters, i basically had this question, my voters in the district asked me, and i tell you, everyone thinks that this is a military document, but it’s about the war, this is a document about peace, how to ensure it, ensure its preservation, what needs to be done for this, firstly, what? we have risks, yes, here i am in simple terms, yes, you go, you see a puddle, that these are risks, yeah, what are you going to do, go around the puddle, that’s exactly what is written in peacetime, wartime, then you walk, you see a big puddle , you understand that someone poured it in there specifically for you to get your feet wet, so you take other actions, well, then you see that they want to drown you, you take a third, so this is a document, this is the concept that describes how to maintain peace in our country. earth, if in simple words, in fact, and intelligibly,
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you really came to bloggers in 2020, in the fall, yes, but just after the coup attempt, and in order to prove that there are, well, really a lot of patriots, yes, they are not are silent, we were embarrassed, in many ways, yes, and many say that they were really embarrassed to say what they thought, so don’t regret that you didn’t come to this earlier, as a cadet, i was a squad commander, yes,
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constantly, and you basically did the same thing, only without a camera without a lamp, with those people with whom you served, so you told them, explained, showed, that is, you were engaged in, well, we can call it patriotic education, explanatory work there, so, that is, it was just without this camera element, and here, well, we can’t say, that is , each person should at some... at his own level, well, a position with relatives, there with distant ones, or in a team of some kind, that is, if we each are not indifferent , let’s not be silent, so everyone won’t even need a lamp, probably there, well, it seems to me that everyone should simply feel responsible for what’s happening in the country and express, show their opinion so that it can be seen, after the twentieth there was, well, we had a surge in...
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arose, they looked at us, the majority, we are patriots who love our country, who do for our country, that there are many of us, we are the majority, well, i completely agree with the theses, the only remark is, you know, they often know that they are a minority, they know that there are few of them, but this technology is designed, and you lie blatantly, yes, that there are 97% of you there, everything will be great, because everyone else will count, well... since you say it, that probably means why they lied,
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i come back again, it’s like scales, if we had ours put it on one side of the scale before, and they put it on the other, then there is no point in lying, we talked about the truth, that the truth always wins, the truth captivates, if we had shown this before, then there would be no point in them, and so we sat quietly, but they shouted loudly, well, yes, you dispelled a lot of myths and fakes... about the belarusian army, thanks to your tiktok, right? tiktok, and partly instagram, there was no desire to help the russians after the start of the svo, let’s say , you? formation, well, it was, i am and did, that’s the only thing, you will understand me, that if you are correct, we started with this conversation, there is a target audience, there are topics that are interesting to them, yes, i had another channel, it also concerned political life within the country of the republic of belarus, then he slightly touched on the topic of a special military
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operation, but he was blocked immediately and successfully, there was no immediate temptation to tell the truth, right? subscribers were collected immediately by cutting it off and cutting it off, and then what was left was the streams there, too, you need to be careful it’s very important to keep an eye on it, and really, since the beginning of the special military operation , i’ve been very active in these streams, i’ll resume this thing, it’s just now that i’m changing jobs , living here, that is, it’s necessary here, well, they say that tiktok has now changed its policy a little because they themselves have encountered freedom of speech in america and their so i'm very active in streaming. he told me what this would lead to, that is, well, in principle, this whole two-year process and he told me that, well, we are slavs, we always harness slowly, drive quickly, but there is no need for this amusing joy, i told you that information about russians is available in ukraine from the right position, that is
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, i did it in principle, but this is our fraternal state, these are our dear people, the ukrainians are dear to us, well, they just clouded it there.
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it is carried out in, say, air defense , the air force, military-technical cooperation, where we have the same approaches, here too it is necessary for experts in each field to understand, well, this is how it happens, you can say this step by step, oh, let’s do it the same armed forces as they, no, here we need to approach it carefully,
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this work is being carried out, and in order to, let’s say, promote it, you need to understand that for this we have - in principle, a system has been created, if something is necessary, the ministry of defense will initiate these issues, then we will look in detail and understand whether we need it or we don’t need it, but in each area, probably, specialists should initially work, we have plenty of them, so well, speaking of fakes , let’s say everything related to mobilization, you and i discussed this issue, but i interesting, since there was controversy. some time on this topic, we have enough conscripts today for our belarusian army, well, i’ll tell you this, if we take a little less deep into history and go ten years ago, we had more conscript resources than necessary to recruit the armed forces strength, we all remember about the demographic hole, of course, well, it
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doesn’t depend on us now, and the number of conscripts has decreased, no one hid it, but we had some. shortage, now, firstly, we have started, albeit a little bit, but to get out of the demographic hole, and thanks to the measures taken in the state, the ministry of defense, and now we are undergoing a second conscription, we are completing 100% of the required number of conscripts, thanks to the measures taken, there is a contract service, that is, these are our medical indicators compared to the soviet one. they somehow changed with the union, well, that’s a different story, but when there were a lot of conscripts, we tightened the requirements for medicine to such an extent, right? that even in the soviet union i gave examples when a conscript comes, goes through a medical examination, does not pass
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it, that is, well, does not end up in the armed forces, is declared unfit, and he is such a soul, such a guy, he says, i wouldn’t be against the army, but the fact that i’m not good, also not bad, and what’s not bad, he says, so i ’ll have time to go to the european championships, i don’t remember there for some reason, but he’s a master there or a candidate for master of sports in some kind of sport, you know, in the army unfit, going to the european championships in a month, there... well, even before this, the income was deliberately inflated so that because there was a lot of it now , as i understand it, there are connections with the demographic hole , we need to roll back a little, unscrew it back, we did it, slightly reduced the requirement, and people are grateful to us because, well, again, when the price is healthy man, he was preparing for the army for some reason, well, it’s very insignificant , the armed forces don’t take him, he has tears in his eyes with such shoulders twice as big. how did you inflate your age just to go a professional during the war, for example, volunteers in the army, because they didn’t take you if you were 16, and you attributed
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2 years to yourself and went, but now it’s realistic that if a person wants to go, but doesn’t meet the requirements, he they won’t take it, no, they won’t take it, the short answer here is, they won’t take it for a contract, no, the requirements for a contract are even stricter, because well, this is already considered as a professional service. when and how do you become real patriots? really philosophically, you understand,
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we probably touched on the topic a little bit, yes, that patriotism cannot be born with it, when you were born, you don’t understand anything at all, a person spends his whole life, someone teaches him something , he’s raised by parents, school, kindergarten, so the sooner we start - when it becomes . patriots, the sooner we begin to cultivate this patriotism in people, in children, i don’t hesitate, the sooner it is conveyed, it reaches him that this is his land, this is his house on this land, stands, his mother, father lives here, and that this must be treasured, the sooner it arrives, yes, the better, for some, maybe, we sometimes see children at the age of 10, they
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will convince you, just like the girl she was, but she stood her ground, she is a patriot, she is probably already a patriot, some earlier, some later, but it is important for us, for the country it is important that the sooner this happens, the sooner we show the beauty of our country, the achievement of our country, yes, uh, we teach a person to love his country, the better it is, probably, there is no such age, yes , when at 10 years old or 20, or when you went through the army. but the sooner we learn to do this with our children, with our people, that is, i mean make them love their homeland, so, of course, it will be
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better for us. the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i of course highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but it seems to me that it’s difficult, these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, what omega 3 will give us, what we it will give you a good hormonal balance, beautiful,
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elastic skin, and we will get a boost of energy. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, a
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voluntary participant in the great patriotic war in october 1941, was a tenth grade student. the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, the first woman during the war, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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we continue to find out how different things are done and today we will talk about the car. sal, she popular not only in belarus and the cis countries, but throughout the world. they sow, plow, reap, harvest on it, it is used in road construction by public utilities, and it is an irreplaceable machine - a belarusian tractor. hello everyone, my name is arthur, rodomi from the city of minsk. i have always been impressed by the scale of the tractor plant, and even now when i drive past the tractor plant on my way to work,
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i am interested in what is happening at the plant itself. i would like to see how... the plant lives and, of course, how the tractor is assembled. arthur, not it’s no wonder we met today, one might say, in the fields, not far from the capital, because we have prepared a surprise for you, but first i want to ask you, what connects you with the tractor? in fact, to be honest, i don’t have much in common with the tractor.


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