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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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live news in polden in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue. slander of allegiance to the homeland, thousands of new recruits take the military oath. russian rap is a threat to hymers, the american media has recognized the ineffectiveness of western weapons. and rain, snow, sun, seething streams of water on...
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not only our peoples, but we ourselves will not understand each other. of course, today we touched upon the pressing international agenda, security issues in the world and the region against the background of that unprecedented level tensions that we always have to deal with. here our approaches are absolutely identical. we will not deviate from our chosen path of creating a fair, multipolar one. one of the issues on which
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agreements were reached is the abolition of roaming in the union state. mobile communications will be provided in home network mode. the presidents discussed security issues and responding to threats arising near our borders. belarus and russia intend to continue working to strengthen their defense capabilities. this is the purpose of the joint teaching on use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. alexander lukashenko emphasized: we have no desire for anyone.
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it’s stifling, they often reproach me here or we are that we are dictators, they attach someone else to this, this is democracy, neither the constitutional court nor other courts can say anything, so there is no legal purity there and cannot be in this situation , as for war and peace, the main issues matter, anyway, neither the current president nor the future one, i think... solve these big questions that stand before the state of ukraine, before the people of ukraine, the presidents will not decide these issues, you know who will decide, much has already been decided overseas, what has not been decided, they will decide later, but i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations must be resumed and not with the help of ultimatums, with the help of common sense, and should be based... on common
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sense, but if it comes to that, we, of course, need to understand who we need and can deal with in order to reach the signing of legally binding documents. must be destroyed. belarus and russia are not have turned away from the path of creating a more equitable multipolar world order, alexander lukashenko emphasized. the level of trust in the interaction is unprecedented, as minsk and moscow showed their allied strength. experts and
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guests of the editors' club discuss vladimir putin's high-profile visit. what projects have brought contact to a fundamentally new level in recent years and what do western opponents fear most? when i watched the ceremony of welcoming the president of russia and the meeting of our leaders of the union state, honestly, such pride, the feeling of the power of the union states of belarus, russia, and you know, i am convinced that our enemies are watching this ceremony, in the west everyone is sitting, looking, watching, and i am sure that looking at tv, looking at this meeting, they understand that their plans are to destroy belarus and russia... they are not destined to come true, and also, who is still hatching plans for an armed attack on belarus and speaks about it openly, all the details are in the editors’ club, watch the full episode on the youtube channel of the tv news agency. the american media recognized
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the ineffectiveness of western weapons. washington post informs that it is russian radio-electronic means that make it so. the publication notes that the level of accuracy of us weapons has decreased significantly in recent months. excalibur shells began to hit less than 10% of targets. kiev stopped using them. as for haymarc, russian interference could cause the missiles to deviate from the target by 15 m, the authors of the material summarize. and elon musk admitted that spacex is forced to spend significant resources to combat the suppression of russia and the starling network in ukraine. confrontation between civilians and military in odessa, a video of a fight between volunteer employees of the shopping center in arkadi appeared on the internet. you can see from the footage that civilians have a numerical advantage. a few hours
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earlier, parties began in arcadia in honor of the opening of the summer season. the exact reasons for the brawl are unknown, but some say that the tsk employees, against the backdrop of total mobilization, decided to recruit volunteers for the armed forces of ukraine. jordan celebrates independence day today. the kingdom was founded in 1921, and full arab independence the country acquired in 1946 at the end of the british mandate. the president of belarus congratulated the king of the hashemid kingdom of jordan abdullah ii on the national holiday. alexander lukashenko noted that belarus is aimed at deepening friendly, mutually respectful relations with jordan and developing comprehensive cooperation. exactly 80 years ago, the first independent french fighter regiment, known as normandie niemen, was sent to the third belarusian front.
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the squadron took part in the offensive operations bagration, including the defeat of enemy troops at the airfields of bolbasovo in the varshansky region, dakudov in krupsky, podtolochin and bar. for its successful action in crossing the neman, the regiment was given the honorary name neman. 148 pilots of the normandy neman air regiment flew over 5.00 sorties, conducted 869 air battles, shot down about 280 enemy aircraft and damaged 80. many of them were awarded orders and medals of the ussr, and four were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. in honor of the regiment normandy neman. a street in borisov is named. during this period, french pilots accompanied bombers on combat missions. and they managed to do this absolutely without a single loss. this was especially distinguished, so to speak, and as
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a special merit. yes, here in the soviet union they had to retrain on soviet aircraft, get used to completely different conditions, weather, natural conditions, and so on. well , by the time of operation bagration, in general, they had already gained quite a lot of combat experience and indeed they were masters and pilots business, who are they? checks that flew away from the vichy dictatorship and why for them the special mission of confronting the troops of the third reich shoulder to shoulder with soviet soldiers became a matter of honor. let's remember the heartfelt friendship of front-line friends and learn the lessons of history. watch tomorrow night on the main broadcast. today in belarus, recruits take the military oath.
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after the oath of office, the first discharge upon return, an intensive process of military training, study, participation in maneuvers - everything that the military themselves call army everyday life. and today the last bells are being held in schools for graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades. by tradition , representatives of government bodies and heads of sponsoring enterprises are invited to the event. afterwards, schoolchildren and teachers lay flowers at the memorial monuments. and on june 14 , graduation ceremonies will be held for the children. boys and girls will be awarded certificates. police officers are on duty at every school to pay special attention to security. employees of the internal affairs bodies will ensure the protection of public order in all places holding special events, as well as road safety near educational institutions. places taken en masse will be taken under special control. visits of citizens, parks, squares, embankment. our task is to prevent crimes and
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incidents, including those related to drinking alcohol. parents should pay special attention to where and how their children will spend time after the celebrations, because only through joint efforts can they make the holiday safe. snow flood amid abnormal heat in mexico recorded a powerful tornado in the city of pue. the disaster was accompanied by hail. the streets are flooded with water and clogged with branches and debris. devastating impacts on households from the structures have been reported. there are people injured. and these are shots from kazakhstan. snow has fallen in the north of the country, drivers are sharing videos on social networks, marveling at the winter landscape. and we have
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a warm weekend, today in the afternoon until 27 in the western half of the country short-term rains in some areas thunderstorms, increased wind, no precipitation is expected tomorrow, only short-term rains are possible in the west, there will be up to 28 plus, according to forecasters , next week will also please with warmth, such weather. helps farmers; mass procurement of grass feed continues in the country; the main thing is to work in a well-coordinated manner. in the mogilev region, more than 7,000 hectares have already been mowed; almost 2 million tons of synage need to be harvested in order to meet the optimal needs of the region’s livestock complex. and the leading farm in the klichevsky district, the dobrovolets state farm, has 12,500 sown areas. 15% is allocated for grass feed. preparations are in full swing here.
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legumes, then the second season of grazing alfalfa is approaching, we are in a hurry.


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