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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 12:15pm-1:15pm MSK

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the main thing is to work in a well-coordinated manner. more than 7.0 hectares have already been mowed in the mogilev region. almost 2 million tons of synage need to be prepared to meet the optimal needs of the region’s livestock complex. and in the leading farm of the klichevsky district in the state farm, a volunteer has 12,500 sown areas. 15% is allocated for grass feed. here, the preparation of a succulent diet is in full swing. the faster we prepare, the better quality feed we will have.
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detachments have been created, appropriate training has been carried out, so all farms in the region we started mass stocking of feed. the volunteer agricultural enterprise needs to prepare 130 thousand tons of silage . the fifth part is already in the bins. the technology is followed at all stages. modern preservation methods make it possible to preserve nutrients, and the result is an increase in milk production. parrot show, tanga with tigers and mongolian. not
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only the stars of the belarusian circus, but also world-class performers from russia and mongolia will perform at the arena. the magical show will be accompanied by dance numbers from the artists belstate circus, bright costumes, musical accompaniment and a light show will help you immerse yourself in the summer atmosphere. mongolian artists came to us, this is great, we are just lucky, so to speak, because they will be showing their skills for the first time at the belarusian state circus, because before that they only generally performed at home in allanbater, so i think , that in general this will appeal to our viewers, well, the rest of the program with... i’ll say
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in a balanced way, why? because look, there's a good trick part, there's magnificent are clowns, that’s how training is. first of all, we are going to surprise the viewer with energy, ah, an indefatigable thirst for extreme sports, let’s say, and well, with the high professionalism of our business. the performance consists of equestrian acrobatics, on horseback, this is the right energy, this is the right presentation, this is drive, or something, extreme, again. the first show of the new show is today, viewers will be in for surprises and magical miracles, and clowns will bring a touch of fun to children and adults. the performance will run until august 4. the end is near belarusian women's handball championship. today in the capital's sports complex uruchye bntu bilas and gomel will play the second match as part of the final. the first meeting was celebrated by konstantin sharavarov's team (34:25). if the girls are from minsk. regions repeat their
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success, they will become tournament winners. the decisive series lasts up to two victories. watch the live broadcast of the fight on tv channel belarus 5 at 14:45. my colleagues will continue the sports news. we're on air at 15:00. see you. dynamo brest on their field in the match of the tenth round of the football lost the championship of belarus with a minimum score of 0:1.
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how it neutralizes, and i, i’m happy that we got through this. in another match on friday, vitebsk beat novopolossky navtan 2:0. the advantage of torpedo bel with the previous second neman is. two points. today, the team from grodno, let us remind you, will compete for the belarusian cup with isloch. the live broadcast of the fight from joden will begin on belarus 5 at 18:30. wieten beat the capital in the third match of the semi-finals of the belarusian mini-football championship, reducing the gap in the series to 1:2. after two defeats to the current national champions, the arushans won at home only in a penalty shootout. the main and extra time ended with a draw score of 4:4. the six-meter one is better. with football player witen. the fourth meeting will be held at the uruchye sports complex on may 28. let us remind you that the first finalist of the championship was gomel vrz.
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hey, fast boys!
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early obviously making money who dezhi no one i myself husband or partner yes no yes no i myself prepare the operating room okay valentinovich valentinovich hello vasya hello i’m here i hit a woman, but where is the victim, but that’s not true, i just fell, well, since nothing serious, wait for petrukhin, well, wait , hello vasya, hello gal and valentinovich, well , then we’ll go to x-ray ourselves. let's go, yes, yes, go, how does everyone here know you, yes , i'm a chronic loser, i often come here with all sorts of fractures, i'm serious, you work here, well, actually, i'm an emergency doctor,
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and i bring patients here, ribs, well, a crack in the sixth or seventh rib. well, yes, yes, skull, well , everything is clean here, ah, yes, thank you very much. let while you have some time, go ahead, thank you, yeah, thank god, i should also do an mri, i don’t have any symptoms of a concussion, my head doesn’t hurt, i don’t feel dizzy, i don’t feel nauseous, my ears don’t ring, i didn’t lose consciousness at the moment of the impact, medical worker, or something, a nurse from the regional hospital, listen, exactly, but i’m thinking, where could i have seen you before, well, nurse, let me take you to... let’s go, thank you, of course, but you’re taking so long they spent it on me, but by the time
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you get to my village, what kind of village is it, deserted, this is the one on the island, or something, uh-huh, uh, well then, all the better, we’ll go, otherwise you’ll start throwing yourself under buses again, let’s go, let’s go, the rain seems to have stopped. maybe we’ll get to know each other after all, why? well, why, i don’t know, nadya, andrey, why do you have a traumatologist? they called you vasya, because stop addressing me as you, my last name is not vasilevsky, please,
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i’m old, i won’t, but what are you anyway, what happened, explain, they took my child away from me today, what does the child mean? taken away germany? they weren’t taken away, it’s a long story, after the divorce my wife won’t let me communicate with my daughter, but for the child to be taken abroad, i can’t imagine that.
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listen, how do you get back there, and grandfather tikhan leaves the boat for the night, yeah, i understand, listen, i’ve never been to this place. well, thank you, i'll continue on my own. do you want to row with broken ribs?
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nadyukha, what are you doing, my mother and i don’t know what to think, nastya, hello, i saw natasha off, the plane was delayed, i said so, she let’s call, let’s call, and your phone is turned off, but it’s armored, where? nadya’s daughter is back, thank god, oh-oh-oh, be careful, be careful, she has ribs, it ’s okay, i fell, and who are you? good evening, i'm a doctor, good evening, is there anything serious? yes, nothing serious, mom, if you want, i can show you a picture, andrey just gave me a lift, we work together, andryusha, andrey, but how can we treat her now, god, she knows everything herself, but in principle... if possible, rest, bed rest for several days, make sure that she does not lift any sudden weights, well
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that’s it, nadyukha, now you’re in my hands, and i ’ll keep an eye on you, and it’s advisable to take more calcium, and this is milk, fish, yes, and i also heard that jellied meat is very good for bones, it’s true, mom, well leave the man alone, it’s time for him to go, goodbye, stay with us, it’s late, you’ll go tomorrow, thank you, thank you, you’ll find the road to the crossing, not the wave. i’ll find it here, yes, how about this daughter, lord, we were so worried, here you can generally scare us like that, baby, yes! so much for the ufos, they got to us too, well, go ahead and climb the fence, it’s a bit high. hey,
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be more polite! what are you building here? and we build what is needed. and what? they seized the land and started self-construction. yes, probably build some kind of dacha for the oligarch. or even harmful production. what do you care? like what? this is our land. we won’t allow you to build anything. that's it. i’m running after the district police officer, come on, go ahead, i went myself, vasily, only without violence, they lived and lived, without bothering, without violence, non-violence, we went fishing,
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natasha called, yes, he says, we arrived okay, already at the apartment that edik’s friends rented. and mishenka, how normal. how is he eating well and not getting bored? i don't know, i didn't ask. so, what do we have here? milk soup with meatballs. mom, you know i'm not. nothing, nothing, eat it like a darling. come on, father, sit down to dinner. well, the village council said that all the papers were in order. yeah, but i won’t leave it like this, and you didn’t see what kind of fence they built behind petrovna, no, today they brought in a whole bag of bricks and the secrecy is as if they’re building a military base, but don’t worry, maybe someone bought the land for a dacha,
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come on, sit down, pour it and eat, come on, come on, pour it for yourself, oh, this doesn’t concern you much, i ’ll figure it out myself. pour it properly, what the doctor told you, go ahead, but what did you pour there, go ahead, pour it for yourself, what am i telling you, if you buy this very corset in a store, then it costs a lot of money, you know, it’s theirs throw it away, here we can do it to you ourselves, what did i come up with, look, these are stiffening ribs, we’ll take them and do them with you, spit them out, let's go find some women, well, let's go, daughter, hmm, this doctor andrei, well, he's so sociable, but i don't know, he recently worked for us, well , he's a good doctor, where did you get this from, you can see it in his eyes when you managed to look at his eyes, you managed to, but he’s married, mom, don’t start, he just gave me a ride, yeah, consider
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him fulfilling his medical duty, well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but he gave me a ride... he, we need to get it from above, oh, hey, nadyuh, and listen, my father and i decided that why spend money on this corset, we’ll make it ourselves, oh, they carried it, they carried it, look what they carried, do you have some extra money or something, me too, godmother, listen, you don’t need a lot of anything, just a good meter of leather, yeah, and 2 m of copper wire thicker, i have four squares. 34 a lot, that’s a lot for rigidity, we’ll put felt inside, the only inconvenience is the roofs, there will be fasteners at the back, yes, yeah, come on, what will i give, well, i’ll cry immediately, well, now i’ll pick apples, lord, i’ll tell you i'll give it to you, i'll collect it, come on, dad, come on, you'll break the regime, we're about to
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we’ll also go with tikhon and get drunk, that’s exactly what you’re saying, we’ll knock you out with a wedge, yes, judging by the way you’re talking now, you’ve probably already accepted, and well, he’s also an expert for me, yes, with a charlaque from his skirt, and don’t even think about adding, nadyuh, what kind of camouflage is this, huh? don’t give me away dad, okay, don’t you know me, i’m a grave, oh, when... should we expect you back, and in the evening, as usual, but of course,
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a review of the most interesting sporting events, the ruslan soley prize received sergei kostitsin, that is, the hockey player who showed leadership qualities, the best coach. extra league dmitry kravchenko was finally recognized, mikhail shalagin became the best hockey player in the extra league. in the seventh round of the major league, slutsk created a sensation by beating mazyryan 1:0 at home. thanks to this victory, slutsk moved to tenth place in the standings. exclusive interviews with athletes. a huge number of people are waiting for me, like at a master class, it’s so easy to see, communicate and have the opportunity to speak for clubs. we have a new team, a new team, this is how we start ours. well, long-awaited, i think so the path to returning to the major league, bright moments , real emotions, 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have not seen such emotions, it seems to me
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that no team has, how happy the metalgo players are, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, we work every day to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information.
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oh, tanya, i forgot the folder in the staff room, go get it. hello, what are you doing anyway, in general, i came to check how you are keeping your sick leave, it’s my business, whether i need sick leave or not, listen, i know better in general, i’m a doctor, and what do you know better, i
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feel good, and stop controlling me, excuse me, please, i didn’t come for this at all, this is for you, what is this, this is a mobile phone, you lost yours, but i didn’t i'll take it, yes, okay, then i'll go to the police now, write a statement that i hit a girl, ran into her out of... out of sorts, well, you know, goodbye, well , let's go, yes, i'm on the bus, no , this
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is out of the question, i just promised your beau to take you personally, but i’m no beau, well then let’s go anyway, let's go, let's go, take the strap. did you know that emergency doctors have regular patients? yes, yes, for example, i have sofya stepanovna, a granny, 84 years old, lives alone with a parrot, and she constantly comes up with some new diagnoses for herself, sometimes even very complex ones, how does she know them, i don’t i know she doesn’t seem to use the internet. so we understand everything, we laugh, but it’s impossible not to come, so one day we arrive, she sits, eats sushi, drinks tea, i say to my stepano,
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what happened, what are you complaining about, she tells me, andryushenka, it seems to me that i was poisoned, i think, let me joke with grandma, you know, sofia stepanovna is now walking around the city with a terrible, terrible intestinal infection, so immediately go to the hospital, immediately hospitalization, and you know what, she was happy, yes, hospitalization , he says, can i, he says, take the parrot with me, i say, well, take it, of course, at this moment i got a little excited about the poisoning, go save. a person, just like that, so how did you stop pretending? yes, of course, but relapses sometimes happen, sorry, yes, olenka, yes, yes, of course, i will definitely come in the evening, no, i can’t now, now i have to deliver the patient to the island, yes, i
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kiss you too. well, again i haven’t dug up any worms, that’s it, i’m more of a sponsor. i won’t, look, what kind of disgusting thing is this, disgusting, you smell it, it smells like gingerbread, and what kind of gingerbread, here are bread crumbs, potatoes, fragrant butter, this is honey and this, what’s his name, no, this is vanilla, or something, vanilla , from katya, from katka i got the recipe, from which katya, did i come up with it myself?
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because he follows the smell, we bet he is today won’t look at your worms, well, let’s see, good afternoon, here i’m returning the fugitive from where, you went to the river when you had time to change clothes, you were transporting and didn’t say anything, you’re called a friend, why should i report to everyone? they asked me, i transported them, well, look, i have partisans, i caught her near the hospital, she’s on sick leave until monday, so i recommend being vigilant, she might run away again, yeah, i thought i was on duty, well, all the best, i'm off, what a smart guy, wait a minute, don't you want to give up on us? fishing, and what’s biting, that’s all, it’s roach, uh, crucian carp, rudd, bleak, pike comes across, maybe catfish, well, about what you
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bent yourself, what you bent in the year ninety-six , i caught this one, you dreamed about it, dreamed why are you laughing, i saved a vertebra especially for these people, if you want i’ll bring it, no need for a vertebra, yes, i agree, i want it, that’s it, i’m getting a spare fishing rod, wait, oh, hi, sorry, you’re late again, listen, imagine, there was no one to leave my son with, my mother-in-law promised and failed. alyoshka for now waited, uh-huh, oh, here you go, your loved ones, from some article, just like that, just nadya, please don’t say anything, otherwise she’ll be indignant, i thought you were friends, i thought so too, what are you, now you can’t recognize her, head nurse, let’s line everyone up, she has such a patron that you can afford anything, who, nadya? don't you know?
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she would have been fired long ago if she hadn’t been morozov’s mistress, uh-huh, our right one, well, tihan, andryukha, i caught a whole bucket of crucian carp with my worms, and you caught a whole bucket of crucian carp with your super bait, three unfortunate roaches, three unfortunate ones and mine, and you?
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how did you get to us? my aunt took me 15 years after my parents died, but what happened? yes, my father died while rafting timber, my mother, you know how... sometimes she gets sad, it’s not grief, it’s life, just like that, we go to the trouble, well, in general, oh, what grief, but it’s just asking questions, they sat so well, what are you, what are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, the only thing is that it’s time for me to go, like it’s time, and this rematch, night fishing, yes, i ’ll enjoy it, but maybe next time, no, wait, like next time, come on, stay, really, stay with us, there’s plenty of room. leave the person alone, maybe he’s on a date, but then things change, well , come on, then, as the french say, ampur, ampur, quietly, what are you talking about, speak russian, nassok, so say so, um,
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ampere. hello, hello, why did you come? well, i came to ask how my ward was feeling, i’m still tormented by a sinking conscience, well, stop patronizing me already, and i didn’t intend to, to be honest, i came to ask you to go fishing there, but it’s just that the duty today is like that, even in the eyes it’s dark, there are a lot of calls, but that’s not the point, a young girl jumped alone from the balcony because of unhappy... love, and we didn’t take her to the intensive care unit, clearly, that’s it, well, i i think dad will be happy, idikhan will be happy too, and you, i don’t really like fishing, but excuse me, but
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excuse me, i was also annoyed at work today, but what’s wrong? yes, one patient accused me that i gave her a bad injection, she had a hematoma on half her arm, but i remember exactly that i injected her in the other arm, well, there are options a little, or... she’s just drinking your blood, or one of your colleagues talked her into it, but it’s unlikely, no, but if you need help, then contact me, you’ll scare me with an infectious disease again, no, why not with an infectious disease, i’ll take a large syringe for 150 cubes, made such a face, i’ll go into her room and say: madam, at your numerous requests, nadu was removed from injections, now i’ll give you injections, okay, okay, oh, now, forgive me, oh, yes, olenka, yes, yes, i'll come by later, of course, i'll call you back, yes, that's it, let's go for now, and i'll go with you
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i’ll introduce my aunt to olenka, with pleasure, it’s not far here, let’s go, olenka, oh, andryusha, come in, come in, i’m not the only one, come in, oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, here, come in, this is my aunt olenka , and this is nadya, it’s very nice, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, look, i didn’t load him with anything, i don’t know what he needs, i really don’t know, it hurts, well, you can understand that arthrosis won’t go away on its own , yes , i understand, yes, that i just need to go to the hospital and get treatment, no, no, i won’t go to the hospital. can you imagine, i won’t even go to the hospital, i’ll tell you i’ll give you an injection now, sit down, please, sit down, thank you, excuse me, i’m in a robe, but i really wasn’t expecting guests, but what do you need, and you’ve known andryusha for a long time, recently, we
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’ve been working together, yeah, andryusha, i won’t give injections, that i will not give injections, that i am not a guest, i am a health worker, a nurse, now i will give them, all the injections later, now go give them. we’ll drink tea, though i don’t have anything for tea, i wasn’t expecting guests, i didn’t count on it, but i have chocolate covered cherries, the patient was discharged, i’ll bring them now, andryush, and the girl is world-class, i know, i dreamed, you were drinking tea from a crystal... glass and the usual sadness receded, oddly enough, i dreamed, you are healthy, and our children are healthy, you and i have blood, the best home in the world, i dreamed, there are no worries,
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there is your laughter, your song, there is a simple pie, confidence, we are together, and there is no need to leave, tear your heart, cripple your soul, you can not wake up for a long time, and listen to your breath, listen, i didn’t dream about what your aunt is wonderful, yes, she reads poetry so wonderfully, you tell her i really liked it too, listen, let’s go to the store and buy her groceries, otherwise the refrigerator is completely empty, what do you think, i’m starving her, or something, the day before yesterday i brought two huge bags of food from the supermarket, and so she feeds half of her entrance , ah...
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i’ll take you, but only to the stop, okay, fasten your seat belt, yeah, i filled out the temperature sheets, the medication log too, write-off reports , well, that’s it, you can check it, yes, i believe you, no, otherwise you’ll be in trouble later talk about
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what lvovich said to raise our professional level, well, take it to my office, well, everything is in order, but in the duty transfer log, don’t forget to sign, allah, what kind of fly bit you, no, yes, by the way, maybe it’s none of my business, but you should have met. doctor away from here, otherwise morozov will find out that the whole hospital is already talking about this, and what is this whole hospital talking about, you shouldn’t have contacted him, normal doctors don’t rush in, although given his inclinations, the schedule there is the most suitable, for what else inclinations, nah, he drinks, that’s why his wife left him, who are they? spreads gossip, it’s not gossip, marina worked at the same station, oh marina, well... then it’s clear, she’s a woman of crystal honesty,
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you’re biased towards her, however, it ’s your business, i left, that’s normal, and i’ll see you at the hospital i’m waiting, you won’t move, but thank you, i beg you, don’t come to the hospital anymore, okay, what’s wrong? and i ’m compromising you, well, it’s just not my business to love and draw your nose, of course, i ’ll improve, and olya told you this, she says, since you liked tsvetaeva, you should have her volume, thank you, yes, how is she, you know, it’s better, here i went for a walk in the skeri, scolded me for letting you go alone late, let’s go to her, yes, come on, come on? she will be very happy, let's go, and then i'll take you home, well, let's go, oh,
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next time we'll have to invite her to our village, if she agrees, of course, but my ex didn't like it when olenka visited us , why did you break up, we didn’t break up, i left. in general, everything was like in the joke: the doctor returns from night duty early, and his wife is in the bedroom neighbor from the ninth floor. sorry, yeah, are you still worried? no, i miss my daughter. what, she doesn't let you see each other at all? yes, it seems to me that she thinks that if alyonka is not allowed to communicate with me. then after some time alyonka will begin to call dad and uncle, with
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whom mom sleeps. and the most important thing is that they don’t need alyonka, she bothers them. why do you think so? well, because why look for a nanny if your mother doesn’t work and stays at home, but maybe she wants to get a job? she wants to beautify herself in beauty salons with her friends go clubbing. look, i have an idea, here. nadya, well, the fact that you have a medical education is of course a plus, but i would like a pedagogical one, but you are looking for a nanny, not a governess, and besides, i have a lot of experience communicating with children, i raised my friend’s son, and i love him very much children, nah, you
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know, i’ll advise my mother, i’m hungry, but sit down, we’ll eat, i’ll call you back in the evening, drink tea, yes, thank you, hello, hello, what’s your name? alyonka, i’m nadya, nice to meet you, me too, alyonka, your favorite muesli, i don’t want it, i’m tired of it, i want fried potatoes, whoever eats fried potatoes is very fat, please, two, then you win, eat, if there are two or three, then you win, if there are one or four, i ’ll agree, go ahead, scoop them up. just chew, chew, yeah, well, how much? hello, two, you won again, hello, i can cook too? yes, mom, a nanny as a cook is a little expensive, it’s okay, i’ll pay extra, i ’ll add, finally you’ll eat normally, mom, later, please, yes, i
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agree, well, the load is small, okay, i agree, come on, let’s scoop , daddy! and thank you, hello,
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thank you, we no longer need your services, i didn’t say anything, it was our neighbor, grandma lisa and dad saw us, march. into the room, what else, you’re not just andrei, are you? do, well, alyonka, that not allowing two close people to communicate is a crime, as you don’t understand, it wasn’t enough for his mistresses to lecture me, i’m not a mistress at all, just an acquaintance, yeah, and you ’re crippling your own child, just because my friend, there is no need to meddle in someone else's life.
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you see, yeah, you see, they’re hiding, yes, i smell it, that there’s something wrong here, listen, maybe they want to set up a drug base here, but what is this or even a brothel, what do you think, who would go to a brothel for 3:9 land? you understand a lot about brothels, it ’s just convenient, the wives are all in the city, and these will board boats and come here to our island, in general , we need to collect signatures that we are against this construction, definitely, go to the region , complaints about them, they will take everything we have, as if
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they will take away the last thing, well, let's go, let's go. andryusha, sorry that this happened, hello, uh-huh, ah, it was a neighbor, yes, i’m already at work, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, i don’t know, well, i ’ll call you later, okay, come on.
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can you imagine, dina called me yesterday herself, how did you do it, what did you tell her? she said that the child needs to communicate with his father, can you imagine, she herself offered to take alyonka for the whole day, so i’ll take you. now i’m kidnapping and we’re going to the water park together, i can’t, i don’t have a swimsuit, but wait, what’s the problem, we’ll stop by now, buy it, sorry, i had a difficult duty, go together, you need to be together, but i don’t want get under your feet, for now.
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you’re sad, i didn’t have a good day, it doesn’t bite, if it weren’t for the bite, otherwise it would eat all the bait and go away, it seems that the fish today... have a conspiracy against me, imperialist, but imperialist, not
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fish, agents of enemy special intelligence services, yes , are you having troubles at work, don’t worry, everything will work out, you just wait, and he, faith. not your father, just wait, okay, i’ll go deal with the agents of enemy special intelligence services, yes, everything will be fine, yeah,
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thank you, lovely, lovely, see you the sanitary stations are nothing at all, but they drive nobody away, so we did everything, we carried out disinfection, we did general cleaning, our documentation is in order, and the refrigerator. we checked, what is this? and what is it? yes, i wiped it in the morning, i’m trying my best, yes, yes, you, yes , tell me again, eliminate it immediately and wipe all surfaces every 3 hours, whose are they chasing, i’ll come. i’ll check, every 3 hours, i’m running and tripping, sit down, otherwise it’ll get cold,
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oh, at least eat a little, otherwise it’s scary to watch, i’m fine, fine, yours hasn’t come for what, a week, he’s not mine, that’s a different conversation. come on, delicious, hello, hello, something’s wrong, no, something happened, or maybe i did something wrong, okay. it’s a pity, i wanted to ask you for help, it ’s my birthday soon, my friends will gather, and i’m like a housewife like a canary from a hippopotamus,
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okay. why don’t you call your felcher? rita or what? rita, a deeply family person, husband, two children, house, full cup. if you want, i will introduce you to them all. no, no, no need. and when do you birthday? day after tomorrow. and i have it in 4 days. so we agreed, will you help? yes. good afternoon. “hello, help me, i need perfume, perfume for a girl, of course, for a young beautiful girl, something fashionable , something fashionable, something like this, i think, will be suitable for sure, uh, for a young beautiful girls, yes, great, please, yes.
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“i’ll take it, hello, girl, can i help you with anything? yes, you know, i need some kind of gift for an experienced fisherman, or what? well, the best gift there is, here i can offer wobbly, buy, this is a very worthy gift, i think, where are we going? to my dacha? but aren’t we going to celebrate at your place? well, there is my house at the dacha, but i left the apartment to my wife and child. is there a train or bus
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nearby? no, but i have to go to work in the morning, yes, i understand, i’ll take you to work in the morning, but why are you driving after a feast? well, you know, i'm not going to get drunk there. old taster, try it, come on, it’s very tasty, i know, let me hold it, yeah,
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where are you, pash, well, our kebab is already ready. well ok, come quickly, we are waiting for you, they are late, come on, now. girls,
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so subscriber. temporarily unavailable. in general, i don’t know whether he lost his phone, or whether the battery died, in general, maybe we’ll go and look for them, well, how can we look for them in such darkness. well, yes, let's know that if they don't show up by the morning, i'll take you to work, and then i'll go play pinkerton. let's celebrate what we don't celebrate, yeah, come on. like this, oh, andrey, i forgot to give you a gift, here you go, this is for you, there is pike, pike perch, perch, salmon with salmon and
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even for dancing, but what about neg? tuna probably has this one, thank you, this is a wonderful gift. but it’s not cold, just a little bit, maybe we’ll move into the house, let’s do it, in my opinion, it’ll be very romantic. i didn’t think that you were a romantic, but you know that i, i tell you, now, now, wait, the song turned out,
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if you want, i’ll sing, of course, how long have we been looking for... we are each other, wandering in the world at random, our life runs in a circle, in a circle of pain and loss, how difficult it is for us, out of tears, not to lose the distant light, when doubt, not for the first time, insists that there is no happiness, and the wind again pushes in the back, each house is the other's twin, in such a deserted city the lights
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of hearts wander, in such a deserted city the lights of hearts wander. is it really your birthday today? maybe i should show you my passport? hmm, what about the guys? did they really stay late, or did you ask them not to come? you’re always in a hurry to get somewhere, there’s also alyonka, olya, and i just wanted to be alone with you.
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