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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 1:45pm-3:00pm MSK

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what are we going to try, carvay or a knot? oh, let's start with the twig, it's very interesting, i've just never even tried it, i'd like to have a twig, you don't need to eat the twig, you have to eat it, i understand, well, that is, yes, yes, well, it doesn't matter, it's on the twig , uh-huh, um, really , uh-huh, what an unusual taste, because in the oven, god, how delicious it is, i... it reminds me of something, but i can’t even say that it’s very tasty, but you can also bite, you can do anything, it’s so delicious, friends, i’m finishing my journey through the dubrovno region, and the loaf came from lyady, and lyady has all the slyads, and lyady has no slyads, you’ll come and stay, with pleasure, see you on the new routes of native belarus, bye-bye.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around
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the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland. lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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the hero is not looking for easy ways, he challenges himself, overcoming doubts and fears, the chosen ones are ready to conquer the world of the game, the time for testing has come.
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they believe in the impossible and are ready to do it incredible. adventure lovers are back in the game, they are ready to hunt for crystals. all our participants, real athletes, have been tested in more than one test, but what we have prepared for them will definitely shock them. today , two new teams will take a step into the unknown, but will they be brave enough to get out? i don’t doubt my guys, because there are no hopeless situations for them. sea robbers. i love extreme sports, i really like it, my most cherished dream is to jump with a parachute and dive qualalgo, it’s very interesting everyone should try this, i would like to become a rescuer, i don’t have any fears, i motivate myself by the fact that if i can’t handle it, then maybe the team won’t, then i have to help. to win for everyone, i
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strive not to be afraid of anything, i would like to jump from a parachute, my favorite hobby is running, playing sports, drawing, there is a spirit of competition in... competitions - it increases self-confidence, you understand that there are no weaklings on the track with you people, and you try to win, yes, i love risks, 13 years old, my dad gave me my first motorcycle, i don’t have fears, i'm absolutely not afraid of anything, i 'm into kickboxing, i like this sport because it teaches character, my dream was to become a fireman, in this profession you can save people's lives, i'm... the fastest on the team, my opponents should to be afraid of me, because they have no chance of winning, my team is a single organism that works, it’s a chain, they
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support each other, they chose the strongest, dexterous, fastest, the main thing is to communicate with the team more, maintain morale, talk that they are the best and better than them here no, the heroes of our future, the heroes of today, they are all... the guys who are here on the site, they are already a hero for getting here, we came to win, only victories are all, nothing else interests us, they are pirates! will go today in search of crystals, hello guys, hello, how are you doing, everything is fine, we are determined to win, yes, super, great, the chains of these formidable warriors have passed more than a thousand years, but
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there are still legends about them, meet me, my team vikings! mám rád výšky a mám rád adrenalín, mojím snom je byť hasičom pomáhať ľuďom zachraňovať životy, tak ako mne už neraz zachránili život v mojom childhood, tak chcel by som keby im to okvatiť, že moje... čo ma už od malička v tom i , aby som pomáhal ľuďom, požiarnicky šport, ako hasiči ma k tomu ešte viac dotiahli, som dvojnásobná majsterka, teda na slovensku na výstup teda na hasičskú
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vežu cez 100 m cez prekážky aj majsterka slovenska v 60, keď väčšinou sú tak v n údzi, tak väčšinou im vždy pomôžem, aj cudzím aj blízkym , preto. no pedagogy, no však sa dostať čo najďalej a vyhrať ju, ak by sa to dalo, takže história toho filmu a ten obsah bol v pohode, väčšinou času tam bolo o hasičoch, čo chcem robiť, alebo to je taká zaujímavá krajina, tam pir ati, to je to celkom zaujímavé , chcel som tam pomáhať tým chudobným ľuďom a tam kupnúť, ak tam žijú silné stránky, tak ja si myslím, že rýchlosť celkom sila. eh vŕšnosť, určite mne slovo hrdina znamená hasič, lebo hasič je určite ten najväčší hrdina, ohľadne záchranárstva, či aj po lekárskej stránke, povodne, oheň,
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sila, vytrvalosť, psychika na mieste, určite ich namnadiť s tou psychikou, aby sa nebáli ničoho, aby si to prišli u what important people are coming, nazdar, hello. oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, lords of the seas of the oceans, my vikings, clap louder, come on, hey, teams, today you will go to conquer new worlds,
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dangerous adventures, exciting chases and grandiose battles await you. today you are at the first level of the game, in order to win it you need to pass. the four elemental tests are water, air, earth and fire. it's up to you to defeat your opponent the crystals collected throughout this will help. we will find out who will take the main crystal at the tower. the ability to calculate the battle in advance will be useful to you in the first test, the element of water. this will not be just a fight, but a headhunt, sharp, intense, merciless. vikings and pirates in their native element. who will defeat whom today? the nature of the water is unpredictable, calm
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will turn into a storm in seconds, a test, the element of water, in this test the opponents need to walk along suspended platforms above the sand and hold on to their hands. you can't go down it plunging into the water, then climb along the web to the downhill on the trolley, slide down on it and accurately land on the island, accelerating, fly up to the frame and pick up the victory crystal from the totem. don't get your feet wet. the belarusian pirate jim is ready to conquer the element of water, although in my opinion pirates are
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no strangers to water. jim, winner of the republic of belarus in fire and rescue sports and kickboxing, that is, the battle will be powerful. it seems to me that fighting the vikings in general is not an easy task, especially with thor, the patron of thunder and lightning. let's, thor! create a real storm here, go, go! andrej, ja som si vybral preto na túto disciplínu, lebo je jeho výška, rýchlosť mŕšnosť je podľa mňa superná presne na túto. disciplinu, sil som, že bojí sa vody, ale tento blázon vie tak dobre plávať, že to
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preletí tú vodu nespadne do nej, of course it’s always exciting, the main thing is not to make a mistake, tima, well done, it’s good how slowly they started this test, what good, super, guys, i remind you that there is a rival, thanks for clarifying. there is only one crystal, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, you need to speed up, a little bit, thor, come on, come on, i understand , listen, i almost slipped, hush, hush, hush, both here and there, ah, be careful, be careful, hold on,
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so here, of course, you understand how stressful it is, you need to get your bearings here first of all, faster than your opponent, don’t be afraid, singing knots, no, with your hands, with your hands, fight, rubbish, come on, extremely focused, let the force come out, come on, the bench press will now descend on the load along the trolley, come on, come on, come on, that’s it ,
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if he had come to the ramp first in any case, then most likely he would have had more the strength to climb, you know, now he understands that you can’t take all the crystals to the team, it’s probably harder to climb, emotionally , first of all, to overcome yourself to some extent - this is much more important, come on andrey, it’s not okay, he’s already tired, he began to catch up with ours, so there are so many cool, exciting challenges ahead, well, vikings, come on, get together, look, my thor injured his hand, in my opinion, at first glance the injury is not serious, but you will still need medical help, look what with a leg. more,
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let's hope he can continue our game. thor is very, very hesitant when approaching specialists, because he is still afraid of letting the team down, it seems to me, and secondly, with injuries it is of course very difficult to continue playing, no one said that it would be easy here, in my opinion, the injuries are not serious, well, i only see sadness so far, to be honest, sadin, why are you going to perform?
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net, my leg got tangled there and i couldn’t unwind it for a long time, when the bag swung, i didn’t expect it to be so sharp, not i had such a moment that i thought that i would lose to him, i just told myself that i could do it, on the last day
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kvôli mokrým topánkám, neostal som to spálil som si kožu na ruke aj na kole. netreba dávať dole hlavu a treba ísť s tým ďalej, andrej je silný chlapec, určite sa nevzdáva, nie je to až také eh zranenie vážne natoľko, aby nemohol pokračovať, neprestali sme bojovať, ideme st ále za víťazstvom, máme len prvú disciplinu za sebou, máme ešte viac pred sebou, takže budné.
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the most important thing is that we still have the torus in the game, so dear vikings, show yourself, i believe in you, you are strong, you are powerful, in fact, the first test is over, the next one is even more dangerous, only the one who overcomes all obstacles and completes all levels of the game will win the main prize , a grant for the development of sports in the country, winners and creators. you will need the ability to maintain balance in the next test: the elements of air. meeting her will easily turn your head, but you won't
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like it. you will defy gravity no matter what happens. stay on top. don't fall into the abyss. even if i have to cling to the air. i activate the second test. favorites vs. elements of air. in this test, the participant must maintain balance on levitating steps and, having deftly passed the yakar, have time to grab a bonus crystal hanging on the bezny, after which he must step onto the air washers and walk along them. to the finishing platform to take the main crystal of the easy path, take off for yourself, thinks
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like a winner, will be able to overcome any obstacles, the air stage, it is very difficult, we consulted with the team for a long time and decided to choose lera, she said that she fearless, but i would like to check her fears after all, whether she wrote it that way. the fear of heights, i see that is present in her, she must enter into her fear and overcome it.
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oh, this height is mesmerizing, you just want to stop and admire the views, but you can’t stop, you can’t do that, i came up with an idea.
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here, in fact, we had such a slightly interpreted descent from the stage, it was just a swing, we saw it with you, but everything worked out, that’s it, we don’t have a bonus crystal, well, okay, god bless him, go, go, don’t be afraid, the main thing is to reach the end so that at least one crystal appears in... the files of our team, listen, how scared she was, don’t worry, let’s go confidently, come on, come on, come on, bonnie, bonnie , bonny, bonny, bonny, where is your klay, well, we can rename you as a whole, but honestly, now there’s no time for that, now there’s no time for searching, klaydo, because go couldn’t cope with the air staircase, that’s it, shake your hands, shake hands, monkey bars, they are so unpredictable, you need to jump, the girl is difficult, stop there, come on, come on, oh-oh-oh-oh, look how it’s swaying, and your hands can start to pound now, smart girl, smart girl, bonny, come on, come on, hold on tight, listen, what a great guy,
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really, wow, come on, come on, a little more, a little more, come on, come on, come on, come on, she forgot that it’s just, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, can you imagine, caramba, she didn’t expect it, look how her hands began to beat , literally... a little bit wasn’t enough, two arm walkers in order to move on to the air pucks, okay, that’s okay, no big deal, if only she had a second one attempt, yes, then i’m sure she would have passed this test - perhaps even a bonus crystal would have stuck to the end, well done, she got through it, yes, when will she lose more hands? i keep sucking off my hands , i might have gotten to the end, but my hands were fast, here you are standing in front of the monkey bars, my
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legs were shaking. exhale, what are you doing, well done, well done, we dealt with it, we didn’t deal with it, okay, everything is fine, i know we have guys, so it’s rehabilitating, what are you going through, that’s it, well done, that’s it, well done, well, you see, the fear has been overcome, turns out it's not as high as it seems that's it, well done! before this stage, i was a little afraid of heights, i overcame my fear, when i stood on this platform, my legs just started shaking, my knees themselves seemed to be going down, my hands began to beat, they began to slide, and because of this i fell, at that moment , when i fell, my heart began to pound strongly, i realized that all the time...
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maybe some, because i didn’t bring the crystal to the team, nothing could be done, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling, in window,
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watch on tv channel belarus 24 export scientific and technical production and development in the twenty-third year amounted to almost $56 million, this is an impressive figure, but what do experts say about this? the effect on the economy was announced at the session of the general meeting of nanbelarus. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry. among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and
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it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners of pellet boilers, the country is actively developing alternative energy, pellets from belarus we are ready to buy from the countries of central asia, china, turkey, but the main thing is that the energy sector of our domestic market has paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. an electronic portal about ghetto prisoners will appear in belarus. a memorandum on the implementation of the project was signed in minsk. information about the camps of concentration camps, which were located both on the territory of belarus and in others. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts: watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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well, the first step, the most difficult, as it seems to me, because the most ambiguous, goes down 30 cm and already knocks out the participant, look, pach, clot, clot, i believe that anar will cope with this, it goes slowly but surely, this is important, well, now i can already say for sure, most likely... a crystal, but here it is important to reach the finish line, listen, the main thing here is probably not a bonus because the air staircase is like that, yes,
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it depends on what you expect, of course, you need to support him very well, that now the stands are applauding him, good talk, she is unique in her own way, yes, she can fall when you stop on her, she can rotate around her axis, creepek, a minute has passed, so the bonus crystal is all, oh, a little on the splits now did not sit down, the participant, this is an element of the show, no, to be honest, this is not planned, but it’s very good, a kind of transition from one stage to another, in fact, the main thing here is not so much how long it takes, what’s important is the fact that it ... passed this section with aerial stairs, then handlebars, success is very important for enar, go to
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the end, reach the finish line of this test, come on, come on, come on, well, this segment is not easier, it’s very difficult for him now, but in my opinion he gets through it, it ca n’t be any other way , well done! inar, you wanted to learn to fly, please, there are all possibilities for you, fly over, these are all the air pucks that you see, so for some reason einor remained until the second stage, not understanding what the problem is, he is afraid to jump over. what happened, it seems to me that his hands were clogged, so he was tired, kind, but i smeared, kind the time of the monkey bars is tired, now you need to heroically get to the finish line, this
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will definitely be an action if he reaches the end, come on! let's take the last step, literally, and he is so good, well done, he was in no hurry, but he took the treasured crystal that he wanted, a real hero, oh, how pleased he is, how he smiles, he still doesn’t believe that he has reached the end. he didn’t expect that it would be so difficult, he says, the guy is strong, i’ll get through it with a snap of my fingers, but it didn’t work out that way, i want to say, it didn’t work out that way, strong teeth are so lucky, and in general they’re tough nuts, i
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i'll tell you, darling, na pána, na pána, to dal ešte doluza, chytaj nevidel, videli, máme ho, poďme ďalej, a tretia disciplina, som nevedel na to prísť, že ako sa otočiť na tom lene, vždy ma točilo doprava, najhorší moment bolo, keď... som sa nohami nevedel dostať na poslednú platformu, som sa musel vytiahnúť z posledných siel, rukami, ale dal som to, nezdávam sa, tá emócie boli veľmi dobré, asi najlepšie, čo som zažil, ešte som také na takom niečom ešte
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nebol, cítil som sa veľmi dobre. for nothing without overcoming themselves, the vikings took possession of one crystal, the pirates were left with nothing in this test. and... this is us, now we have a signature movement, like you did there like that, now we do everything like this, harsh guys, yes, well done, well done, we do it like this, that we are one whole, we one team, why we came, to win, victory will be ours, hurray, the next test that you have to pass, the elements of the earth. the bravest of you will end up in the labyrinth, it’s dark, very risky, there
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’s not a soul around. the main thing is to build the right route , everything will work out. every step can change the course game, what it will be like depends only on you. i activate the test. element of earth. this is an underground quest. the player must reach the main crystal within 4 minutes and pick it up. to do this, you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass a key through the pipeline and open the vein shaft. make your way through it, called the swampy demons, and end up at the storage facility. to open the door to it, do not miss the clues with numbers along the way. their sum is the code for the lock. once inside, you can only
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touch the lasers three times. take the main crystal from you will have 2 minutes to get back out. if you hurry, the ceiling can be pressed against the sand. the pirates decided that jack would be able to successfully navigate the maze. jim and bonnie will help him; they are already at the command post. how many crystals can you get? we will find out very soon, we consulted with the team about who to send to this rather difficult area, we decided to send gleb there because he is dexterous, fast, and has a mathematical mind, my team and i are waiting for him here with two crystals and hope for victory. i i’m calling you, okay, i’ll tell you right away.
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where i climbed out with my feet where on the left side the sixth oh the third column the third column is where i am now yes on this side no even further on this side consider the third and after the third i would say right away i said again i see 864. 864 you
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heard yes 864 now we are opening pledge, the next one you will have when you go down immediately, the maze immediately, immediately the maze, come out and at the end of this there will be a hint. 2 minutes 40 seconds left i’m not at the end why, well, almost there, look, i’m trying to open the lock, yeah, i can’t understand how to open it, yeah, here, take it all off , look here on this side 7 716 and which one is which first? the number is 716 716 here you collected 654
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you collected yes what wait say the number again 864 864 716 stop 864 and 716 yes 1.500 10 then 654 count let's do it again - 716 716 716 well 864 means 1.580 yes plus 654 2.100 count it yourself oh come on 1 .580 y you have a minute left less than a minute, gasp again, what was that number? 1.580 1.580 it turns out - 2.200 - 2.200 - 34 wrong well what else let's do it
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again 4 2.234 come on come on faster faster you 25 seconds neat 25 seconds faster. yes, but be careful, come on faster, faster, i grab it back, you have 40 seconds, that’s it, time is up, i hooked it three times, why did you take so long to count, what does it have to do with it, you’re hooked, you’re hooked, no, count code, that's okay, so it's hooked, hooked, you're already. we had time, if only you had 20 seconds more time, you could have been more careful, we would have told you the readers
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are fine, where is andre, we still have a relay race , come on, okay, is there an es relay race? there was still not enough time, you only had 20 seconds it was 20, well, you should have had time , it’s clear at the end that there are three lasers almost in a row there , okay, basically, it’s my mistake, okay, let’s see how the slovaks are looking for a shield gland there, too, so don’t worry, everything is fine, everything is fine, hurry up, everything will pass, don’t worry with us there is still a stage that we must go through well, but don’t worry, everything will be decided by the tower anyway, everyone is great. don't be upset, i behaved selfishly, and because of this i believe that i let my team down. then the only thing in my head was that time was running out, i thought, that i would have to do the last rmok myself, because of this i did not listen to my command. i just decided to speed up, and it drove
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me, made me lose. i feel guilty now, i plan to make up for it by... listening to the team more and listening to myself less. valhalo is already at a low start in the command post of einar and thor. they will help her find the way to take the treasured crystals. well, let's see how the vikings cope with this test. vanel stojí pred svojou disciplinou, vybral som ju na ňu preto, lebo fakt je húževnatá, silová, rozumie rozkazom, nakoľko som jej tréner, tak som mu tam vybral, chalani navigujte, viete presne, ok, ok, ok, kde je, vidíte miesta,
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kde sa nachádzajú kódy, n aviguje len jeden, v poriadku, jeden ticho, jeden naviguje, držíme. please e , však toto, nevadí, si je v poriadku, meni si tu sama, si tu so mnou, aká je tvoja pesnička, poď, poď, kľudne, poď, chyť lano a zapri
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špičky a ťahaj hore, poď, pojď, pojď, paráda. poď, poď, poď, si von, poď, kľudne, dobre, poťahaj, kľudne, kľudne, tam niekde po ľavej strane by si mala mať prvý kód, po ľavej, áno, z tvojej strany po ľavej strane, haló, počujeme ťa, poď, ťahaj, ešte, ešte, ešte ťahaj, približne. by mal byť, čiže približne v strede by mal byť na ľavej strane pri pletive blízko, kde je už či ako niekde tam hľadaj, kukaj ho. poď, otvor si onú, poď, daj kľúčik vnuka, kľudne, kľud dole je, áno, poď,
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poď, máš 2.50, poď, dávaj, dávaj, dávaj, to dáš, opri sa nohami, poriadne, tak, paráda, poď, lez, lez, lez, lez , lez, lez, tak, dávaj, tam máš. hore po pravej ruke, po pravej ruke máš lano, čo si odopneš, d dole, poď dole, kody budeš mať dne v piesku hľadaj, kde je kód, hľadaj, hľadaj kód, však a povedzte mi kde, kde je kód a však tam vidíš, to je keby ampulku, no však ty roztravaj, už mám, máš jeden, sedem osem, deväť, eh, potom druhý kód by si mala mať ako ideš smerom ku ku ku ... "kde je, no hovor, že máš naspäť, skutes sa vrátiť, choď naspäť, choď naspäť do
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tej total, choď naspäť do a ako si šla, ako si prišla do tsej, po: poomb j, mám, zerán ti to zabudol povedať, 994, hej, kde tú tretiu, tú tretiu máš niekde tiež na zemi, sa mi zdá, máš naspäť, choď na..." naspäť, asi brúkam v tej šachte, pôjdeš tam, tam niek de by mal byť, eh, keď vylezieš, tak niekde tam by mal byť kód, nevidím ho, máš 50 sekúnd, neviem kde je presne, neviem, kde však hovorte, však nevidíte to, nevidím, neviem presne, kde si, nie je tam niekde, ale v čakte, nie, nie je, tak... "veď pozeraj, ja neviem, kde to je presne, máš 30 sekúnd, kde je, hovor ti, davaj, idi dole, zemdi dole a
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cho, choď niekde ku dverám asi, neviem, je tam niekde, nie, máš 10 sekúnd, 15, máš, hej, neviem, 10 sekúnd, choď ku dverám, päť to nič, ku ktorým dverám. , užnič , sme skončili, aha, však tu je kód, tu je kód a tu tu, tu je ak keby hore na tom ventile, išla dole, tam bola, viď, no kde bola tam vulka, keď ju nevidela, neviem, kde to bolo na začiatku? "na začiatku, ako si ťahala tú, ja som sa pýtala, že kde tá tam v strede bola, ja som ti vravel v strede na ľavej strane, a potom som sa pýtala, že či mám otvárať už oný
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dole a že hej, í , nevadi, nevadi." v pohode, nevadí, nevadí, deti moje, ťažké to, ťažké to bolo, bolo ťažké, no nevedeli prísť na tú mapu, ja som je poradil, čo som vedel, a tam toto sme nevedeli, andrej vravil, že v strede šachty ako vidí po ľavej strane, tak to je bolo, ale bolo trebalo, lepšie vysvetliť alebo fakt povedať, že stojí, no nevadí, stalo sa, ideme, ideme ďalej. "hlavu hore, poďme na ďalšiu disciplínu, som nahnevaná smutná, že proste
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som to nestihla, aj keď si myslím, že by som to proste stihla, na začiatku som hneď mala problem s tým, že sa mi vlastne noha zasekla, potom sme sa s chalanmi trošku nepochopili, tam ako som ťahala ten kľúč, tak tam bolo ten jeden kód a vlastne nevšimla som si ho a proste som pokračovala ďalej, potom už som zmetova." "musela som sa aj niekoľkokrát vraciať aj hore a potom som spadla, tak síce možno podľa mňa by som to dala, ale nejak to nevydalo, no nie, však sme tym a pokazali sme to všetci a takže puzzle underground." both teams were left with nothing. one good thing is that the opponents also did not earn
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a single crystal, but guys, this experience cannot be repeated in the next test. we agree, let’s get together, let’s do 1, 2, 3, and we don’t get upset, we still have an equal score of 1:1, the next test will decide everything, i think, they’re cool, the strongest, the best, woohoo, vikings forward, your passion will now flare up with renewed vigor, the time has come fight the element of fire, the viking clan... is going into battle, the sea robbers are unstoppable, give us fire, show what we are capable of, the fire flares up instantly, only by acting together can we overcome it, i activate the fourth test, the element of fire.
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the first players of the fire relay pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into the glass bowl and take out the valve from it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it and fill the target with water for the third players. give out flask the crystal, then climb the mast and secure it to the top. whoever goes down first and takes the main crystal from the totem will bring victory to the team. wow, sparks flew from such a start, from the vikings team, i have a volvo, the pirates team, jim
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and i expect a powerful fiery start from him. valhala is actually a three-time champion of slovakia among firefighters, when jim was asked what is your main fear, he said that i am fearless, this says, continues the test from the vikings team einar, from the pirates team jack. elnar everyone shows his beautiful muscles, always smiles, what a great guy, and jack was determined to win from the very beginning, he will do everything possible, everything that depends on him, we’ll see.
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no na štarte máme postavenú vanec, kde sú prednosti jednoznačne silné, nehorazne silné nohy, na druhom úseku damian, rýchle ruky, tenučký, prepchá sa všelikade, na poslednom úseku, andrej, dlhé ruky a chlosť, hlavne v kľude, nikde sa neponáhľať, všetko. i have timur, he can handle any weight, he is in the fire, at the second stage i have gleb, he elastic, this is his look, at the third stage i have lera, she will climb my pole, she climbs trees like a monkey, she was born
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in the forest, so i believe in my team, i just hope for the best, and not... cope with these stages, well, jim, start the relay race so that in a minute boni is standing with a crystal in her hands, valgal was very successful, yes, volgal, well done, did you do it, did you hear? great, jack has already started to cut his way into the tunnel, great, i think we even found a vent, so don’t rush things, oh,
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oh-oh-oh, how are they so fast, great. we have never passed through a tunnel so quickly before. come on, come on, come on, ropes, ropes, ropes, great, everything, super, by the way, 25 m to go further, oh-oh-oh, how can that be, come on, fire hose, and the distance? it’s only 15 m, so you need to straighten this sleeve so that the water flow is even.
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you need to hit the target, exactly, exactly on target, in order for the water level to quickly rise in the colby, well, the crystal rises and most likely, as i said before... yes, our crystal wanted to straighten perfectly ironi's hose is crystal now at this stage , well done, listen, it's going fast, but it's not so easy
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, it's so easy to fall down, crawl a little at a time, come on, come on, i see how enar sadly looks at this target. in my opinion , we already have victory in our pocket, let’s be careful, careful, it’s hard, but if, if they were on par, it’s not a fact that she would have gotten ahead of her opponent, this hitch with the net had a very bad impact on the result of my team, it seems to me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! there, everything,
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einar is just in shock, he didn’t expect that everything it will be like this, it seemed to me that the members of your team did not fully understand how to operate the fire hose, the problem here is not in the fire hose, how much?
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partners, if without one participant they were no longer needed, i was very worried about ours , there was no way we could do this stage, i grabbed the diamond , began to climb up the log, and began to push around. stretch with your arms and make small jumps, my legs were already falling off, i almost fell there, i was not alone in this team, i feel that i gave
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everything i could, we have everything in our team heroes, akože som sklamaný zo seba, že to šlo tak pomaly, a tak sa stalo. vanesa v pohode, všetko sa stalo, len jak ja som rozbil tú stenu, aj vanesa ťahala dohora, ja som ťahol zospodu, medzi drevami bolo kamienky nešlo to potiahnuť dohora, there sme sa strašne zdržali. ale skoro sme ich dobehli, ale to už bolo neskoro, som celkom sklamaný, že sme prehrali, lebo nie sme naučení prehrávať, in the fire of struggle, the pirates snatched two crystals from their rivals, the vikings were again left nothing,
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they were on their way to conquer the tower! everything in this test the crystals you earn may affect the outcome of today's game. rough vikings against fearless pirates. which of you will be closer to the main crystal? justa, the teams are ready. just because the peak is close does not mean it is easy to conquer. the final test. tower.
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this is the ultimate test, selected participants start from different heights, casting up a vertical wall with hidden holds to a glass tunnel, using all their strength to climb to the top of the tower. and with it, the opponent wins. the vikings will begin to conquer the tower from one step height. the pirates will rise by three, but which one will reach the top.
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i think so, one crystal is very good, good, now he’s trying to explain that they have no advantage, it doesn’t really play a role, yes, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, i hope this will help him, yours. andrej sem prišiel získať jeden kryštál pre seba, so ja mu verím a dúfam, že to dosiahne v tomto jeho druhom pokuse. the final stage,
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this will decide the whole game, at this stage i have timur, this is his path, since he is a parkourist, so i am confident in him, but i’m still nervous is present for my team, so we hope, we keep our fingers crossed for him, oh, so stand, of course, come on, come on!
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what a speed, i almost lost it, what a speed, well, no, yes, yes, guys, hurray, we’re great, come back quickly, okay, when i heard the signal, all the fear, everything went away, i was sure that he wouldn’t catch up with me, when i
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pushed off the glass for the second time, when i stood at the top with the crystal, i had no other feelings other than joy, i knew that i had not let my coach down. pride in your team, in your hard training, in yourself. we knew from the beginning that it would pass at this stage. he communicated with his parents and relatives, that is, they somehow prepared him mentally. he is on his path, he also has athletic qualities, that he is very sharp, very nimble, that is, with one click he can change to any stage, to any type, he, well, is knee-deep in the sea, as they say. i was very worried, the fact of the cliff, the breakdown has not been canceled, it proved that we are ready to fight. with any countries and show what we are capable of, so i’m happy for my team and say a huge thank you to them for this, for this victory, the pirates are striving for victory, who can stop them, the game will decide,
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the champion, the hero is running, well, congratulations to you, hurray! to defeat, my guys have found a priceless treasure for themselves, they have become even stronger, even more fearless and are ready to face adventures with a new hour, this is a game of heroes and it continues, heroes, they are already next to you,
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just forward to the heroes, good luck... heroes suffer, victory will come, a new day is ahead, boldly go to it, and take the first step, without a doubt, this is our finest hour, the time has chosen us, don't miss it. our time, friends, with you next to you and wings behind your back, and you just have to believe, you are the first, you are a hero, a hero, and not
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already with you, only the heroes will shine. luck, reward, heroes, victory wait, heroes, they are already next to you, just forward to the heroes, luck, reward, heroes, victory is a covenant, they are already next to you, dear. yourself the path of a hero, will the chosen ones cope with new challenges, welcome to the world where everything is real?
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club of editors on the side of hitler's germany, european countries practically fought everyone except serbia and greece, so we must clearly understand that they will not recognize may 9 as a holiday, for them it is the day of defeat. it was may 9, by the way, that became one of those holidays that opposed itself to radical nationalism. remember how nationalists everyone is.
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live broadcast news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalaerova, hello, watch in this issue, in the ceremonial lineup, a flower flash mob. white doves in the sky and a farewell waltz. the last bells ring in all schools and gymnasiums.
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