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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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live news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalaerova, hello, watch in this issue: ceremonial lines, a flower flash mob, white doves in the sky and a farewell waltz. the last bells are ringing in all schools. zelensky is not
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bothered by talk about his illegitimacy, and he stated this in an interview exclusively in russian. his memory is forever immortalized in the songs of the 75th anniversary of the birth of the golden voice of the cult songwriters leonid portkevich. get rid of any restrictions, integrate each other more. industrial cooperation chain to increase trade turnover and regional cooperation. the day before , negotiations between alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin took place in minsk. the presidents held several meetings in narrow and expanded formats. the main economic topics are transport, gas and oil, investment and mobile communications. decisions have been made on everything, as in matters of defense. journalists were able to ask questions, including on peace negotiations in ukraine. how do leaders see this development now? situation, this is
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the fifth time that lukashenko and putin are in this this year they are holding negotiations in person, and this is also a definite political signal to the world, the thesis will be heard: truly strategic partners. globally, there are no unresolved issues between the parties now, the presidents will hold meetings in narrow and broad formats, delegations with key government officials, ministers of foreign affairs and defense, and the leadership of the union state participated from both sides. the russian side arrived.
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have to deal, here our approaches absolutely coincide: we will not deviate from the chosen path of creating a fair, multipolar world order. considerable attention was paid to the development of the transport and logistics sector. here we are unanimous in the opinion that serious additional investment is required in this very promising industry. in recent years , we have taken a fresh look at regional cooperation on its merits. appreciated its potential. belarus and its regions today, without exaggeration, cooperate with almost all constituent entities of the russian federation. product exports are growing. by the way, june 27 and 28 this year in vitebsk, polodsk and novopolotsk the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia will be held. we count on you, dear colleagues, to come from russia to this forum.
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that there will be a very interesting agenda, direct contacts in the economy, a guarantee of results and specifically regional cooperation, now we need support in air and transport communications. belarus works closely with the closest regions, moscow, leningrad and the region, smolensk, bryansk, but there is potential in murmansk, primorye, tatarstan, magadan, novgorod. russian governors with enviable they regularly come to minsk for negotiations, hence the success of bilateral contacts. separately, during the official visit, the topic of cooperation in defense was raised; the new head of the russian military department also came to minsk as part of the delegation. belarus and russia have one thing. the combination of the two military potentials of russia and belarus creates an absolute guarantee for our countries in military-strategic terms; of course, no threats from western
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adversaries in this case will have any success, despite the fact that let me emphasize once again from a geostrategic point of view. the situation is difficult, because belarus is actually surrounded on three sides by either nato members, such as lithuania and poland or ukraine, in this regard , the russian-belarusian union, its capabilities, is a powerful shield against this aggression. journalists will ask the president about joint tactical nuclear exercises, the answer is that this is today’s reality, mandatory for our security. as for peace negotiations on... in ukraine, they can only be continued taking into account those agreements that have already been reached in belarus and turkey, and of course, only with the legitimate government, the powers of vladimir zelensky, we remind you, have expired. meanwhile, the handlers are pushing the kiev regime to escalate the conflict. the nato secretary general called on
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the alliance countries to lift the restriction on ukraine’s use of western weapons at targets on russian territory. stoltenberg also believes that the time has come for members of the alliance to consider whether it is worth... lifting some restrictions on the issue of arms supplies to russia, while emphasizing that nato has no plans to send troops to ukraine and has rejected the idea that alliance countries should shoot down russian missiles over ukraine with their air defense systems. poland could not miss such a moment. the country's foreign minister supported calls to allow the ukrainian armed forces to carry out strikes on russian territory, the guardian reports. moreover, sikursky advised the west to expand. assistance to kiev and called for the rapid rearmament of europe. the head of the polish foreign ministry also said that the united states threatens to destroy all russian facilities in ukraine in the event moscow's use of nuclear weapons. this is a rather contradictory statement, considering that washington has repeatedly stated that it does not
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see russia’s readiness to use nuclear weapons. against the backdrop of all this, zelensky spoke about his illegitimacy, saying that he did not care about these. he talked about this in an interview posted on the youtube channel of a kazakh publication, and admitted it in russian. among other things, to answer the question of legitimacy, i recommended turning to the laws and constitution of ukraine, but which articles exactly? appeal, did not specify. let me remind you that zelensky’s term of office expired on may 20, he was supposed to transfer his rights and responsibilities to the newly elected president, but he did not hold elections. on the one hand, everything is supposedly legal, martial law.
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gave thousands of recruits. according to tradition, the largest ceremony took place on the parade ground of the 72nd joint training center. over 2,000 military personnel took the military oath here. defense of the fatherland is the sacred duty of any citizen. so it was and so it will always be - emphasized minister of defense viktor khrenin. today we have radically revised the training of troops. more attention is paid. it is practical training that we, as our commander-in-chief demanded, left, there are fewer men, basically we pay special attention to such training subjects as fire training, driving, engineering training,
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tactical, of course, military medicine, and most importantly, their today they will be taught by real professionals, instructors who have passed. training in the russian federation and will teach what is valid today necessary in order to reliably protect your homeland. the first discharge upon return, the intensive process of military training, study, participation in maneuvers - everything that the military themselves call army everyday life. on a touching and exciting day today , schoolchildren across the country are ringing their final bells. many years are behind us, exams are ahead, and now there are ceremonial functions within the walls of my native school. gratitude to teachers, flower flash mob and white doves in the sky as a symbol of a happy future for the graduate. in 12
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gymnasiums of the capital this year there are over 200 graduates, future doctors and teachers, scientists, developers, diplomats, today they accepted congratulations and parting words from teachers, took touching selfies with their parents and, of course, twirled in the farewell school waltz, i want to invite me. and only you, and it is no coincidence that this dance, over the past year we have become very close, finally, the word school - it has ceased to be some kind of just educational institution, but has probably become more like a home and even some kind of family, so the walls, the teachers, everything has become so familiar, therefore, of course, it’s a pity to leave, despite the fact that there are always a large number of children in the classes... everyone, if someone didn’t understand, could be explained separately
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, the teachers were always helpful, they gave us a lot of basic knowledge that will be useful in life, which every person needs, and even more, i believe that they do their job correctly and efficiently, i remember very well how i just brought my child to the threshold of this gymnasium with bows with flowers, that’s all, eleventh grade, that’s all quickly, but there were difficult moments, was where... the fact that our children study chinese, that is, these are the main directions, children
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sing, dance, in the year of quality in the medal standings of the gymnasium, 15 gold awards are expected, educational results will be summed up a little later, centralized exams will begin in monday, the first elective subject, then languages ​​and testing, graduation ceremonies will be celebrated on june 14, in minsk alone more than 11 thousand eleventh graders will receive certificates. the last bell rang at the minsk cadet school; this year 44 young people graduated from the educational institution people, they all plan to serve in the armed forces of belarus. there were touching parting words from honored guests, parents and teachers. according to tradition , the cadets performed the waltz in elegant girls. i'm very glad that. i once came here to this school, it became very dear to me, i met incredibly good people with
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whom i plan to further my life, destiny, in service, in friendship, i also want to say that i am very proud of my family, and i really miss my grandfather, he is for me a very important person, and he is an authority for me, firstly, i’m happy for my grandson, i’m very glad that he chose this one. blue-blooded, as they say, as they say in the films of the officer, it is said in the film, there is still a rodin profession, he chose it since childhood, one might say that he has already passed the first stage, is preparing for the next, we are very happy for him, we hope that everything will work out for him, the celebrations will continue in the evening, thousands of children will gather at a big celebration in the minsk arena, our children will remember the heroic deeds of their ancestors, after the solemn rulers. graduates laid flowers at the stele of minsk, hero city. more than a thousand children from all institutions
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of the capital came to the memorial. the city administration and teachers joined the patriotic event. do not cry. keep moaning. bitter moans. in memory of the fallen, be worthy. 12 thousand eleventh-graders graduating from capital schools and gymnasiums lay flowers on...


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