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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 3:50pm-4:45pm MSK

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participation, after which the awarding of masters, exhibitions of masters, groups will take place, and after the break from 20:00 to 22:00 amateur creative groups of the city of minsk will continue their performance on the stage. minsk is musical, with different cultures, dance and street arts. take your coin, show it to everyone, it really is. goitan and andrey ivanenka, minsk. and these were the most important and most important events of the belarusian regions. look at the project of the country on this coming saturday and on our website adoptive weekends and holidays.
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the idea of ​​​​creating our project was suggested by fugitive opponents of our government, who are abroad, heard the broadcast of our radio... they said that how is it that
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belarusian propaganda gets into the territory of the baltic states, into the territory of poland, we need to do something about it, we we recorded this signal, which means our information, our news is reaching the target audience, we decided to develop this project, well, based on the fact that the residents of poland experience a large information deficit of information about our country.
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program, news releases, which, by the way, come out every hour, here is operational information, an agenda that will be of interest to the polish viewer, the polish listener, our current news, our programs go on spiritual topics, they
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are hosted by catholic priests, they talk about , how life is here, how the catholic church functions, this is also a very interesting one...
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exactly in a minute a hero will come out to us and answer all the questions: are you ready to meet our guest! vladimir stepanovich, how often do you have to communicate with teenagers? constantly, considering that my eldest son is 16 years old, and my daughter is 12 years old, that’s all. i am well aware of the delights of all the difficulties of communicating with teenagers, you agree that children should not be lied to under any circumstances, absolutely, you promise to tell only the truth, i promise, then good luck! so, we welcome our guest, governor of the grodno region, ex-minister of health, candidate of medical sciences,
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vladimir koranik. vladimir stepanovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer the question, i hope, in your name... use it and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you have to choose the best one. well, now you have one minute to tell yourself a short story. time has passed. born on january 8, 1973 in the city of grodno. in 1990, he graduated from school and entered the grodno medical institute. that's what it was called back then. in 1996, he graduated with honors and worked for 15 years in non-oncology and medical radiology in borovlyany. candidate for medical doctor of the highest category, in in june of the eleventh year he was transferred to the chief
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physician of the minsk oncology dispensary, in june of the nineteenth year he was appointed minister of health, in august of the twentieth year the chairmanship of the grodno regional executive committee, married, raising a son and daughter, you consider yourself a happy person, you did it in one minute, with us there are 100 children in the studio, each with their own question, let's see how quickly you can answer. so, kids, who's ready to ask your question first? vladimir stepanovich, hello, how should you study at school? to become a big boss like you? you know, the key word here is not how, but learning. if a child, excuse the taftology, has learned to learn, is able to acquire knowledge, analyze it and work to improve his educational level, he will make up for this later, as an adult. life, because to study in order to occupy leadership positions in
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the public administration system, to work in science, healthcare, education, you need to study constantly, and if you managed to see this skill in school, then everything is possible. vladimir stepanovich, please tell me, were you an excellent student at school? i graduated from school with a silver medal, college with honors. did you let me write it off? my best friend. with whom we sat at the same desk, we are still friends, he is more of a humanist, exact sciences were worse for him, and my desire to express myself in complex applications, using complex figures of speech arose earlier than this sense of punctuation marks, here i had certain problems with this, we had a healthy symbiosis, he checked my presentations, and i helped him solve a test in physics and mathematics. why did you have troubles at school? fortunately, this was not very often,
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it was mainly due to our increased activity, but we loved to run around with the desire to joke somewhere and prank someone. thanks to the teachers, they eventually found the right outlet for our ebullient energy. a young history teacher, oleg altanyuk, came to us and created a school basketball team, and we got the opportunity to release energy. very, let's say, in a large volume, well, then i had the opportunity, my friend and i led discos, participated in kvn, that is, this made it possible to realize the opportunity to joke and somewhere, to some extent , prank someone, again to the detriment of the pedagogical process and for classmates. what did you want to become as a child? honestly, as a pilot, i planned to apply to... aviation schools to become a fighter pilot, but i didn’t pass the medical examination
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for height, because i still remember those standards -85 standing, 93 cm sitting, i still passed while sitting, but standing was already problem, on that moment was 88, in this regard, if we take it this way, well, these are in many ways children’s dreams, but if we take the choice of a profession more seriously, do you know how it came to do this in the eleventh grade? then medicine at that time really denied me the opportunity to help people, to realize myself. as a child , could you imagine that in the future you would become a big boss? yes, even as an adult, in adulthood, i could not have imagined this, that is, it turned out quite unexpectedly. before becoming governor, you were a minister healthcare. when you were appointed, were you happy? not that verb, rather puzzled, was somewhat surprised by the trust shown, but puzzled by the tasks
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that stood before me, but the civil service, it’s a service, that in many places the job and position are chosen by the manager, well, in my case this is the president of our country, lukashenko, and then my task was still not to let down the person who entrusted me with such an important line of activity, secondly, having worked as chief physician, i saw certain problems that exist in domestic health care, i had an order from my colleagues that try this, this is what prevented you from working and prevented you from developing as much as possible.
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come back, well, there is a certain wisdom, the ways of god are inscrutable, so in the medium term i don’t see any chance of returning back to the healthcare system, we again return to the answer that i am a civil servant, where it will be necessary to serve the country, if so medicine, i won't be upset. vladimir
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stepanovich, hello, do you miss medicine? if yes, then why exactly? you know, they don’t let me get bored with medicine, because if patients who still turn to me for advice, and my wife remains in the health care system, therefore, disputes about the current state, prospects for the development of medicine in our home are constantly happening, so medicine is in it doesn’t let me go in many ways, i probably wouldn’t say that i miss it, but what ? there was no feeling when they asked how fiurgy was, what was probably the most joyful moment, i say, firstly, the most joyful, when you leave a patient, uh , a healthy patient being discharged and you see his happy eyes, he shakes your hand and says thank you, and uh, an intermediate option, when after a rather difficult operation with the feeling that everything worked out with the feeling of
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a job well done, you are in the preoperative you take off your gloves and realize that now... there will be an opportunity to sit down somewhere, drink water and sit with your eyes closed for at least 10 minutes, this feeling of fatigue against the backdrop of a job well done, which is reinforced by happy eyes a patient being discharged, you know, this gives a very large charge of positive emotions , a charge of wisdom, well, now naturally it ’s not, well, there are other reasons for positive emotions, which mistake is worse?
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and you are emotionally worried about some wrong actions of the leader, they are indirect, they do not appear immediately, and you can, as it were, not feel them to the same extent, but for this, the doctor must constantly feel and understand the extent of responsibility that is in his hands, a person’s life, and the leader must constantly analyze the consequences of his actions for in order to make timely adjustments if necessary. so that these decisions also do not bring any negativity into the health and lives of not just one, but ten, which is hundreds of our citizens.
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hello, vladimir stepanovich, my name is alexey, what privileges does the governor have, maybe you have a personal housekeeper or are you allowed to skip the line? there is no housekeeper, but i’ll tell you right away, and there are no plans, as for skipping the queue when you are there. in this regard, everyone is equal, do you go to the store yourself? yes, that's many too at first it was surprising, now, in principle
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, it doesn’t surprise anyone, you have to understand that my mother lives in grodno, who is already 82 years old, it is clear that due to health reasons due to her age, she can no longer go to the store herself, so at least once a week, i go to the store in order to buy a standard set of products in her case. for her, but at the same time, from time to time , naturally, you need to buy something for yourself, at first, of course, when the family arrives, that is, the wife buys what she needs, but still within weeks i have to stop by the store, i don’t see anything wrong with this or anything unusual in it, and you remember that the last time you bought in the store, well, if i answer this question purely formally, then the last time i stopped in the mainland, because that i needed to buy batteries for the remote controls and tape for the car. how do you generally distribute expenses in your family? collectively, that is, in this regard, we have a common budget, so everyone who
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receives income earns money, it’s all earned for the family, here i have the eldest son, from the age of 14 he also got a job in the summer months and also proudly contributed to the family budget, it is clear that everything was spent on him, and even more than... he earned, but the very fact that the family budget is common, this probably disciplines everyone. hello, how did your parents encourage you for doing well in your studies? did they give you gifts for getting straight a's? well, in soviet times there was a very good joke that the absence of punishment in itself is an encouragement. but i can say that in our time, studying was considered a saint duty, a child and a teenager, encouragement was mainly, of course, there were encouragements, but they were mostly moral, and in this regard , sometimes it was really nice when
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the father, with whom we had a very warm relationship, whom i respected, and i always like i would say, well done son, i ’m proud of you, or a mother who dotes on her children would hug and kiss with gratitude, at that time, probably in soviet times, this was enough, and it gave the same positive emotions, to say, what do i have... it’s like we have life everyone’s childhood was so sad that there were no gifts, there weren’t any gifts, but mostly it was still some kind of holidays, but can you remember what the most expensive thing was given to you as a child? well, of the two probably gifts that left the deepest impression on me, this was when my older brother gave me his gdr railway, that is, a german one, it was the dream of all children in soviet times, i don’t know who gave it to him, the second was when my parents gave it ... a bicycle, a folding one, a stork, and me with a big one with joy, i actually didn’t get off it all summer. and my parents often say
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that their dads and moms didn’t previously pamper them the way they pamper us, but at the same time they control them the way they control us, why does this happen, do you think? the world has probably become tougher, we understand with our minds that your child is on ours. their streets are not in danger, but this heap of temptations, this negative information background makes adults probably worry much more about their children, and somewhere guardianship is really becoming more than even necessary. do you allow your children to drive around the city without adult supervision? i simply answer that this is not easy for me, especially with my youngest daughter, but i allow it because i understand. that on the one hand , of course, these are my and my spouse’s nerves, it would probably be easier for us to drop them off somewhere, or drive up somewhere to meet them, or ask someone we know to pick them up, but i also
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understand perfectly well that if under control our child does not begin to acquire the basics of independent life, then we will probably create problems that will arise in the future can have much more negative consequences for him, so the children... we check the lessons, the wife even periodically checks with the elder, it bothers him somewhat that he already considers himself independent and is able to organize his
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working time, but periodic control in this regard. is a motivating factor, with my daughter, i really don’t quite understand yet, does she really need an additional explanation or does she need additional communication with her dad, so i have a feeling that it’s 50/50, but in this regard i never refuse if she asks explain something, i’m explaining, i recently read on the internet that you have a phenomenal memory, are you ready to answer three school questions? is phenomenal memory an exaggeration? but in principle i didn’t sting, i didn’t complain, let’s try , i hope not to disgrace too much, how the current strength is measured, well, here is my favorite physics, amperes, i can also say ohm’s law that the current strength is directly proportional to voltage, inversely proportional to resistance , with physics it seems to be normal. what is the longest river? well it i also have childhood memories when one of my friends constantly confused the amazon with the mississippi,
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so definitely amazon. and the last question: how many chromosomes does a person have? and here the answer is not as obvious as you think, here the question is, if you add the definition of normal, then of course 46, but unfortunately, nature sometimes makes mistakes, among us there are people who have either more or less chromosomes, if more is it’s as if it’s clear that this is always a problem, that is, it’s clear that it’s difficult.
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it doesn’t allow my employees to gather when people complain about their memory, forgets instructions, back in the mestray i had a principle that if i ask the same question a second time, then it’s paid, minus 10% of the bonus, you know, it stimulates my memory everyone, but again, if it concerns government administration, and this concerns important events, i still prefer not to rely on my memory to write down, and some instructions have to be in the form of minutes. register without hoping that the other party will also write it down, it’s better to let will receive a paper that clearly states what needs to be done by when. do you know any poems in izust? despite the fact that i still had a penchant for the exact sciences, thanks again to my father, he was the first who, well, my mother took part in this regard, at first, like everyone else, i was forced to read, there
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was naturally poetry and... in order to live your life wisely, you need to know a lot, two important rules, remember first, you are better off starving than eating anything, you are better off alone than with someone else.
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my name is evelina, i have the following question for you: do you believe in god? there are no atheist surgeons. if you had the opportunity to meet god, what would you ask him? maybe? if there was a possibility of not just another meeting, i would still ask from a personal point of view, based on the totality of my actions on earth, whether i managed to preserve my human soul, or whether the negative still outweighs the positive that i did, from the point of view, if we take globally, i would be very interested in what we all need to do in order for people to become kinder
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and... the world has become kinder and at least the wars have stopped and the suffering of people has been reduced. were you minister of health during? covid epidemic, was there a time when you were scared? it was never scary, it was alarming. i am very grateful to the head of state and all government bodies that medicine has never felt left to the mercy of fate. i had a schedule on my desk for aviatechexport cargo planes, they called and said that we have a plane in 3 days from shanghai, so-and-so there.
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i would like to ask this question: how are you do you feel about euthanasia? i can say that it is negative, for what reason, what is euthanasia, is this provision?
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i have a sharply negative attitude, because capital punishment could have been imposed for some economic crimes, and under other articles of the criminal code. in the republic of belarus, the death penalty is applied in exceptional cases only to
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those people who have taken the lives of not one, but many people, and where the evidence of his guilt is confirmed by the most modern, including... is this problem already not being solved? i have my opinion on this issue, i believe that the main problem is not a shortage of doctors, this is possible, maybe their use is not entirely rational, this
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is inferior in the world to a small kingdom like andorra, in the neighboring european union the average figure, again according to open source of 28-30 doctors per 10,000 population, we have 58, that is... there are enough doctors, but at the same time there are problems with the availability of medical care, we also admit this. our task now is to optimize the healthcare system so that with the available doctors, firstly, give them the opportunity to develop professionally, and not send the same neurologist to a small hospital with a hammer, and where he does not have any methods for clarifying diagnostics, but send him to a support clinic, which will be equipped with ct and mri machines. everything necessary for laboratory diagnostics, we are all afraid of the word optimization, everyone believes that optimization equals reduction, that we want to save costs on the healthcare system, i repeat to everyone, in no case, we want to improve work efficiency
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healthcare, so that every invested ruble reaches either the patient in the form of modern , similar treatment, or the medical staff in the form of wages, which are constantly increasing. and did not spend money on ineffective repairs and maintenance of those buildings that no one needs. how do you feel about postpartum distribution? this is what concerns technical specialties. in medicine, there is
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probably a certain incentive to study, to be more, let’s say, more careful in preparing for the exam, in studying various subjects, because there are principles that if your average score is less than eight, and you can only dream of being assigned to a hospital, you will begin your working career at the clinic, if you have an average score, the higher than before. you go for distribution, the more you have the opportunity to choose a place of work in exactly the locality where you would like to go, that is, here in this regard, all the conditions have been created to provide a graduate with his first job, but at the same time you can also take a free diploma, reimburse the cost of training and, as it were, look for a job yourself, if you studied for the budget, if for... off-budget for your own funds,
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and why they also distribute, questions arise, i say, you know, i only take for the healthcare system , education on an extra-budgetary basis, on a paid form of education does not cover the costs of the university for training these specialists, the profitability when i was minister was somewhere around -20-25%. by training foreigners these losses were covered, this is an opportunity to prepare partially, together, sharing the costs. between the state and the parent of the future specialist, but there he has the opportunity, so to speak, of independent employment, but i, as it were, also left on assignment, given the diploma with honors, i had the opportunity to be assigned to a serious institution and, as it were, get a good good opportunity to do what i would like, so i don’t see anything bad in it. hello vladimir stepanovich, i
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was also born in grodno and i think that this is an incredibly beautiful city. tell me if you can meet on the city streets, or do you only travel by car? you can regularly meet me on the streets of the city, from time to time we practice walking there for about 10-15 minutes at a leisurely pace through the city center, as a family we like to walk on weekends in gilbert park. well, in different places in the city of grodd you can see me when my friends and i are going to play basketball somewhere, and when we had to stop at a gas station to fill up the car, people there also calmly greeted me, now considering that using an electric car, this meeting place has already shifted to electric charging stations, that is, you can meet in different places. vladimir stepanovich, we are turning 180°, the red sector is ready to ask a question. what was your happiest and saddest day in your life?
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the happiest are not one, two, these are the days when i learned the joy of fatherhood, i really love and am grateful to my wife for giving me this feeling of absence, i am very grateful to fate that i have such children, the saddest thing is it's probably not this is probably the exact day my father passed away. i understand that he was 80 years old and there were illnesses, but in any case we were very close, and i probably miss his wise advice and approval somewhere now, good afternoon, my name is masha, tell me if your children if they wanted to study somewhere other than belarus, what would you tell them? well, we ’re already discussing these issues, too, considering that the eldest is 16, well, he’s deciding for now. with the university still within the country, he once discussed the question
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if i wanted, for example, to study in the same russian federation, then come to work here, i have a question, you first serve in the army, then go, study, come back, but generally evaluate the level of education and the difficulties that you will have to face, fate in a foreign city and in a foreign one country, these are the advantages i... like the advantages of education, they are worth it, but i am very glad that my son analyzed everything carefully and said that, well, it’s probably not worth it, because he looked at the rating, well...
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likes he doesn't even have anything to say, then this is not entirely correct, but on the other hand we understand that, well, the time is probably like this, we must learn to communicate with young people, and of course, we can wait until they all come out of the virtual world into the real world and want to communicate with us, but i i think it ’s more correct for us to go into the virtual world in order to communicate with future generations, but on average i think... that it probably takes me 30-40 minutes a day to watch the news, where- then sort out the email somewhere write something, there are days when it’s less, because the load is such that there’s no time for the computer, there are days when it’s a little more, but on average i think somewhere around this time, you have instagram and facebook, you do you manage
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accounts yourself or does someone help you? in the regional executive committee we have a wonderful photographer with a very good eye and very interesting shots, and i often use his photographs in stories, and they help me in this regard, but as for the posts, this is my authorship. not very much, but to ask, that someone wrote for me on my account, i think this is wrong, because people will still understand from the style that it is not me. hello, my name is jaana, i saw on instagram that people often come up to you to take a photo with...
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in that case, can i take a photo with you? you can, of course, let’s do it, i’ll even sit down. no thanks for that. great, next up is the purple sector. politicians are often accused of hiding something or lying, but do you often hide something and why? there is a parable about diplomats, what the diplomat says: “
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they don’t give birth to shkorpor, but this is also part of the work of civil servants. what currency, in your opinion, can be stronger than our currency? well, what does stronger mean? which currency is more reliable? probably no one can answer this question now from economists will not answer, i mean from foreign currencies, because when
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he starts talking about what kind of internal external debt the united states has, japan has, about some problems in the banking sector of china, about the eurozone. took on a lot of obligations that the only reliable thing is gold, and that is , there is a lot to be discussed about it, and how to store income in the currency in which you earn it, buy other currencies in the amount that is necessary, for example, there for vacation or for business trips , and some economists say that if you still have extra money, which happens very rarely for everyone... then distribute the currency basket more or less evenly, this is the ruble, the yuan, and the euro, well, the dollar is skeptical, as what do you think the soul is? a very difficult question for today is the soul - this is
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the level of love, kindness, humanity and compassion. i see, but as a doctor, do you believe in the immortality of the soul? yes. i have long been interested in this question: how to distinguish falling in love from the love of all lives? really understand that this is the second half, and i am very grateful that i have a happy family, which has been more than 20
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years since the birth of our family, and i am happy, and if it’s not a secret how you met her, well where most doctors meet at work, that is, in this regard, i i worked there for almost 4 years, i felt like a veteran, i worked for the fourth year, i feel like she came as a doctor intern, so considering that let's say... well, i knew more than her, and that is, she thought that i was just for selfless purposes took some patronage over her, but even then i had far-reaching core plans, which, fortunately for me, came true, what would happen if you cure all the people on earth, there are a lot of unemployed doctors, good, but what will happen if you have a chance to invent per pill? given my specialization, what is it
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would concern oncology, no, i would probably, if possible, invent a pill for stupidity, for stupidity and for greed, because these two qualities, which probably bring much more trouble to humanity than all the ailments combined, are the first, second, if we save...
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money, and this is a reason for war, and to stop all the warriors around the world it is impossible to say, but in order to ensure a peaceful sky over our beloved belarus, we must be strong, so that we are respected and so that understood that nothing of ours could be taken away it will work out, but we declare every time that we don’t need anything alien, we have our own land, our own country, we would like more people, a desire to work more, everything will work out fine for us.
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there will be adjustments to instructions, there will be an extension of deadlines, and there will still be an opportunity to sort of realize the goals set, the goals
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have been realized, and the person who takes himself to task. as if to help, tinker, correct, but also give a second chance, probably, which characterizes me as a person, well, i won’t
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reveal medical secrets, the president is already admitted that he was in the twenties...
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what are the chances, you fed people, i probably don’t know, who saw, who didn’t see, when i had a very unpleasant experience of communicating with the crowd near the medical center, an hour later there was a call on my mobile, adjutant dialed, gave the phone to the head of state, he asked, how are you, you need help, you know, in these moments you understand that the person who treats you not as a cog in the system, but as a person, your experiences, your fate is not for him indifferent. and this inspires respect, would you like to become president? you know, in in childhood, when we formed our dreams, it was as if, well, none of us dreamed of becoming president, since there was no such position, all children dream of some kind of adventure, and not of hard daily work, without the right to a mistake, with age, with
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an even greater understanding of the scope of the assigned functions, these dreams... never appeared to me, therefore, if any of you chose the dream of becoming president, i want to say again that this is a very heavy burden, and this is a very big responsibility, if you still dream of someday leading country, then for this you need to study very well, work very hard on yourself. what law would you pass first if...


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