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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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there will be children's games with old names and we will divide people into their enemies for a long time. kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. first of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, commissar of the second battle regiment of the gomel people's regiment. courageously
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defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941 , the battalion, led by nikolai kuntsevich, repulsed two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, drawing the soldiers with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944.
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i was born into a peasant family, so i’m used to work, i can’t imagine another job where i’m not connected to the land, the land for me is a breadwinner, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor on it, well, nothing can be produced , my name is fedor khomich, production manager at the lyshchitsy site, ostramechev joint-stock company. i have been working on the farm for 30 years. my day begins. i had breakfast at 5:00 a.m.
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and at about 7 a.m. i was already at the dairy farm, communicating with the farm managers, learning from them the results, the flow of milk, marketability, suga rastelov, there are non-sick cows, how many in mastiya. there are two dairy farms on the lyshchytsy site. the livestock of the lyshchytsy farm is 485 heads. blyszczyce 2 - 490. today three heads were taken out of the stable department, four heads came out to dolnoe sado from the pavement. at the same time we talked that there were seven headrests, as far as i remember, that samples would be taken for the array. they took the sauce today, they took seven heads,
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but they only got through, only four got through, and according to the melts, we had three melts today, one heifer and two cows, well , they add heifers, yes, today they are already transferred to the milking herd immediately, the lych1 dairy farm was reconstructed in order to increase the number of livestock in order to produce a volume of milk, on farms free-stall livestock keeping, now in the summer during this period, fans are installed to cool them down in hot weather, so that there is no temperature stress and so that there is no loss of milk. a cow, she feels treated, even a stranger can come in, she can get stress, she gets used to all the employees who work with her. this farm has systems.
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giving, compared to what it was before, now everything is mechanized and more convenient and accessible, first of all you must love your work and love animals, the same cow, she will feel it and give what she must give what we
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we have been working for a whole year so that she can produce this for us, sometime back in the year eighty-five.
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more fun, also two for the farms, one is considered the manager, the second is the assistant manager, on each farm has two doctors, they can replace them somewhere, plus they can examine the cows more, pay more attention to them, the concepts of the cows that we said that you took to the massit, they removed the samples when we have tests, construction restrictions.
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the lyschensky plot provided the young doctor, when she came to work on this farm, with a residential building, it’s correct to say it’s a two-apartment house. she was given half of this house, she will live there while she works on this farm, and even after retirement the house will remain hers. ostrameneva, today is the village of the future, stramenschina is in a good geographical position, our youth need what, a good salary, where to live, where to spend the money. in order for young people to stay, we need infrastructure, we do everything for this, we have kindergartens, we have schools, we have a community center, we have clubs, an outpatient clinic, highways
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to get to the city and high-quality roads, now allocated to employees farm plots for development. housing provided with lighting, gas, water, everyone who wants they work on the farm, they can build houses for themselves, we attract good wages, the trade union provides us with good support, that is, we have weddings, when joining the army, money is given out, as they say, god forbid, well, in the event of the loss of loved ones, relatives are also allocated, stands out. in order to transfer these events, competitions, when it is held, cash rewards are also given out, for those who want, who want, say, to improve their health, they can order vouchers to a sanatorium through the trade union, part of the voucher will be paid for trade union.
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talented and ambitious, for me creativity is self-expression, it is identification. i like, of course, belarusian cuisine, and this cereal with blood, well
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, my grandmother used to cook it, i kind of fell in love with it since childhood. glyadzice project of belarus on our tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. at that very second, the merchant decided to praise the gods on the nearest island; he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city. and we set off on an exciting journey. it's like he the wizard controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon. are you entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. who she is is still unknown. locally she is called the patroness. small places. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes,
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ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany literally from everywhere the church of the holy trinity is visible. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a house of culture, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the tv channel "belarus2". yardstick, we are already determining the types of work there, what we need to do first, where we
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missed something, where we need to put things in order, we plan according to the order of work, this is a mono7 ng plus seeder, it is without fertilizers, without applying fertilizers, uh, tomorrow we go out with her polye, let's sow corn, kolya, what's the mood of the battle nasator?
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theory works without practice, it’s not very effective, the first car i worked on was a gaz-52, it was a fuel truck, i transported fuel across the fields and plus from the city i delivered it to the site, when i arrived, it was in poor condition, appearance , i cleaned everything, sealed it, painted it, put it under a special lamp so that it could dry, it worked for me for five or six years in such good condition.
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machine operator, plus six more workshop workers, these are welders, mechanics, turners, here, to the best of our ability, we repair everything on our own, rakes, tedders, combines, tractors, the experience of machine operators, the experience of mechanics allows us to do this, only complex repairs, which concern mainly imported equipment and that which we do ourselves. ivan, how are we doing? won't people stay with us without potatoes? no, stop using your hands already, well, by the evening it will become clearer,
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you will already be able to tell exactly what is left. good, so we have to get everything done on time, we have enough time, we also have the tools , and the preparation of the equipment starts around here from september, because there is equipment, there is equipment that has finished work and will no longer be used, for example, cultivators, in the fall we judged not to use them. combine harvesters are washed, cleaned, driven under covered sheds, well , we do a list of work to ensure that the equipment is stored in the winter, all the hydraulic cylinders, rods, they need to be sealed from moisture, the load on the wheels should be relieved, we must set everything up for the winter on stands, whitewash the wheels, we have
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our own five godly combines, this domestic. kzs combines 12-18 uh, they already have quite experienced machine operators working for them, uh, all of their pine trees are defective, uh, parts are already being delivered to them in the last few days, so i also think another week, and we’ll start at full speed to repair them, helping harvester, our roles were assigned, my responsibility was included. lubricate the entire combine, then i worked on the harvesting auger, because we have a lot of stones in our fields, so every day i changed the fingers of the cutting apparatus, changed the fingers of the auger, my duties were primarily done by i needed to do. in order for us to work effectively and
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efficiently next year, all of our equipment must be repaired, well, to an ideal level. so that there are no failures in tilling the soil, or in harvesting collies, or in harvesting the crop. to do this, we must carry out troubleshooting so that we have spare parts prepared, even if in the event of a breakdown, we had these spare parts in order to quickly change them, it is impossible to work out the season without some specific breakdowns, but if monitoring is carried out and. .. engineers, machine operator know this, they won’t order these spare parts so that they are in advance, they’ve just arrived, but there, yes, that’s how it was, it wouldn’t work out, there’s a wheel here, which the twin should have a little lower pressure than the main one, this is great
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for the soil uh, so that the soil does not become compacted , the seeds are similar and the root system develops well. today, the fields are in the active phase; during spring sowing, depending on the number of fields, you can use 14 units of equipment, because you need to apply fertilizers, prepare the soil, organic matter, you need to dilute the plowing. sugar beets grow in our fields for delivery to sugar factories, corn, corn is mainly used for feed, silage is made, we produce grain crops for ourselves at coke feed factories, both for delivery to the state and for sale, for all corn we
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must add mineral fertilizers, collect stones in the fields, the poloshchensky site has 940 hectares of grain and... silt crop areas, including winter rapeseed. winter wheat 210 ha, winter wheat 346 ha, triticale 352 ha
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hectares, 70 hectares of spring peas, 55 early barley were sown, and 122 hectares were sown for green fodder in winter. zhenya, the village is set up, are you ready for this? eh, what are we going to sow? we will sow corn, the norm. adjusted, everything was set as it should be, the depth was adjusted yesterday, now we will check everything, the density of the seeds, at what depth they are laid, how they fall asleep, we will control and regulate all this during the village itself, now we are preparing the soil, immediately before sowing we applied fertilizer nitrogen, all that remains is to sow, we all basically prepare our own seeds, a hybrid of frod with the norm you... the optimal density of the condition for harvesting for grain silage, but we plan to leave it in this field for silage, since we have silage for the pit nearby, transport it not far, but here we also
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try to meet optimal deadlines, sow as quickly as possible, when you enter a field, you need to make sure that all technologies are followed, depths, butt seeders, that there are technological turning... strips so that all this is as it should be. mostly work on site young people who still have a lot to learn. the technology is complicated, but our people are trying. this year the weather is a little rainy, a lot of work that i would like to do exactly as i wanted is not working out. the same removal of organic matter to the fields, it was the rain there that spoiled it a little, because... i would like to bring it to one field, due to the fact that the rains have passed it is impossible to enter this field, we have to put this organic matter in other places, then it will have to
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be transported in a new way, all this to the fields that are needed, this there are extra costs, although there is a lot of moisture for the harvest, it will be good. there is a proverb: a spring day feeds the year, i agree with this, every grain needs fertile soil. in the vast expanses of ostromechevo there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people, with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. we always expect a harvest better than last year. last year he was in charge of 70 centers. we will hope that everything will be fine, god will help, and we will help ourselves with our work, so we hope that the harvest will be no worse than last year.
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that for belarusians, the usual life may seem truly exotic to others. if you have already come to the swedish mountain, then... the volkov river and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym "vauka, vya", which
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literally meant a wolf's neck, and this group has a special style of performing kupala and harvest songs , which are called songs in overlap, our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage. look travel show! like at home on our tv channel, they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. don't be offended, please, i mean this in a good sense, but you promised that i would come to your house, and not to a museum, everywhere you look, everywhere you look, everywhere there are some kind of hand-made things, these are everyday objects, the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life. a lot of people come because even some say that it’s good here, you can relax mentally here, that is, here is nature, this is not a park, everything
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is real here, here you can go out and take a walk. in 1985, my parents came here to ostromechevo to see this farm, they liked it, and we moved the whole
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family here. i was 12 years old for that generation and was considered quite an adult, because when my parents were not there, the entire household depended on us, that’s why i started working there with boxes, it was here in ostromeychevo that from the age of 14 i went to the so -called brigades, so it was necessary to put the fields in order, so we... drove, raked, collected and then delivered to farms or stables, it was all polished, i worked on grain in the summer, the first bicycle that i bought for myself, i earned it here on the farm, working in the summer, i met my wife at school, but at that time time, as if we didn’t pay attention to each other, after returning from the army we dated for 3 years, realized that... we were made
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for each other and decided to get married and lived for 25 years, in 2023 there was a silver wedding. three children were born, the eldest son, he is 25 years old, serves in the ministry of internal affairs under a contract. dolch daria, student at the institute of physical education, first year. and the least milania, well, it’s... such an outlet, you come home, and you always know that you will be greeted there with love, with affection, with joyful eyes, time flies, because you don’t notice when children grow up, every man i have to give birth to a son, plant a tree, build a house, uh, my father did all this exactly as for himself twice, because he built the first house there in balbany, when he came here, this house
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was brought here, it was a brick house, we they dismantled it brick by brick, brought it here, just as it was made there in the almanacs, he also planted trees, and his four sons were a brotherly example, our total work experience was about 120 years, my father started working in the village of almany, he also started working as a machine operator for mine. ..
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clean the feeders, then bring in the feed, then finish eating, and then after all that, they cut the chaff there, they only came home, he is a very responsible father, if he does something, he does it conscientiously and efficiently, he never leaves, didn't look, didn't bypassing the technology.


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