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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 7:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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my father has the most reliable rear, with my mother, they got married, they were 18 years old, they have been together all their lives, having moved here, my mother went to work on a dairy farm, lyschitsy, she was a member of the club of milkmaids of four thousand, so i also came to i helped my mother on the farm, we sat around four o'clock, went to work, and started cleaning. then clean the feeders, then bring in the feed, then finish eating, and then after that they cut up some more chaff there , only when they came home, he is a very responsible father, if he does something, he does it conscientiously and efficiently, he never leaves without looking at or walking around the equipment. he must make sure
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that there is oil everywhere, coolants, nothing is unscrewed, in those years when i was at school, my father worked here, sitting at home by the window, i could understand from the sound of the tractor that you father, i’ll tell you a story like this, this story sits, if you don’t call him fedya, “i’ll tear up the documents that you brought these councils until you name it, i see, i’m forced, there’s a wonderful song that starts with homeland, from the picture in yours abc book, good and faithful comrades, living in the neighboring yard, is my homeland." this is the land
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in the expanses of astromecia, where i grew up, created my family, raised my children, instilled in them a love for the land, for the homeland. our generations must love the land , we must work on it, and we must take care of it. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous people. belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan. kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day.
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be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, club of editors on tv channel belarus 1.
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lunch has already ended a long time ago, although not all of us have lunch - at these moments the heads of belarus and russia are holding negotiations in minsk and of course. we talked briefly in front of the press, well, in general, the issues, as far as we understand, are being resolved, being resolved much more effectively than they were just a few years ago, probably four years ago, maybe 5 years ago, so i prepared a few figures,
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of course that two components are being discussed and the president talked about it, the first is of course, security, we understand what times and where we live, the second is... economics, about the economy, maybe we can talk about this and that later, but with the economy, look, here are simple numbers, after completing 28 independent union programs, legislation was unified, the legal foundations of a common economic space were formed, bilateral trade turnover between belarus and russia in the twenty -third year was 53 billion, an increase of approximately 10%. russia is our main market; in 2 years we have grown export supplies there by 8.5%.
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between belarus and russia at the end of 23 years reached 92%, this is generally my favorite thing, i believe that all of us and our allies should come to such figures, russian investments in the belarusian economy were over $4 billion last year, this is the most important figure, investments are the most important thing for the development of production, including about 2,1500 russian companies operating in the republic, i immediately remember.
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countries russia trades in asia and so on and cross out all this in order to make washington happy blinkin someone said, well done guys, he patted me on the shoulder, he hung some kind of medal on you, well, on the solifa of the russian federation, it’s just a crime, i talk about this more than once and will say it, i want to say it again, it doesn’t rule out that we should have and will now trade with western europe, you remember our famous multi-vector approach, well... we talked about this a lot, the west doesn’t give us such chances, why? because we are not a determining market for the west, but from the point of view of a security approach to russia, yes, we occupy a key position, and well, we remember the construction of a nuclear power plant, the wonderful flight into space of marina vasilevskaya, in general, this is the situation, and
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i am not an economist, although i spoke with embassy employees, with representatives of various ministries, with business.
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everyone was prepared, all as one, well , what began began, it’s no longer possible to intimidate the belarusian people of the russian federation or not, it seems to me that this topic has gone into these fairy tales no longer... well, you know, i would say so, we are not we are afraid of the russian federation for one simple reason: we know it very well, this is what someone wants to tell, that they will come here, take away our sovereignty, swallow up our economy, something else, and we will work as laborers for russian companies, people already understand perfectly well that these are all fictions, fears that they feed those who couldn’t resist... young people, perhaps, because the most important
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reason why this is not happening, and the russians don’t need it, yeah, it’s clear, the president and ukraine didn’t need it, i have a different philosophy of development, they have a philosophy development through cooperation, and we found this form for two states, unique, probably, in the entire political history of the world, as a union state, where... both states, retaining their sovereign powers, resolve common economic, political, at the moment, most importantly, defense issues, in fact in fact, it’s more likely that all this is being done in order to weaken the position of our state, to trample our economy, then it will be easy to subordinate belarus to those people, the westerners, we really will...
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everyone began to fear the loss of sovereignty, they passed years, today we can already look around, all the countries that moved away from russia and shouted that today they, having abandoned the soviet past, abandoned economic ties with the russian federation, although it did not work out completely, someone who ran away, like georgia once did, but now, on the contrary, they want to restore something, because it’s hard to develop the economy without russia, where is their sovereignty, i have a question, where is the baltic sovereignty, which...
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when the president of our country makes a decision. throughout this entire history of our statehood and independence, the president of belarus has always independently made decisions regarding the economy, regarding.
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russia and belarus will stand back to back , two presidents will defend both belarus and russia together, that time has come, the words have come true, and today, driving around russia, i traveled 5 years ago.
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two presidents, when i watched the ceremony of the meeting of the president of russia and the meeting of our leaders of the union state, i honestly had such pride, a feeling of the power of the union state.
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from the first to another place, well, we are lowered, russia, germany, georgia, kazakhstan, lithuania, latvia, slovakia, the united states of america, this is the top viewing club of editors, so these are the clubs of editors, do they watch the president, it seems to me that this is a very funny question, they only watch him, is it possible, i would like to clarify, oleg serge is also remembered.
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i want to say again, we are sovereign, sovereign, independent, independent, the economy is growing thanks to cooperation, the numbers are growing, what complaints can there be, yes, when we discuss the topic of integration, naturally, our opponents give an example the european union, or there is integration within the nato bloc, but you always need to understand how western countries integrated the same eastern ones. countries of eastern europe into their alliances, it was not economic integration, it was debt integration, they are the same baltic countries, poland, romania, like bulgaria, as they integrated at the beginning, destroyed industry, destroyed agriculture, which was created during the period
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of these countries into the organization of the warsaw pact, only later, when you no longer have an economy, when you you generate surplus... value you were told, and now we will give you loans, naturally, when the whole country is in debt, any political decisions are made either in brussels, london or washington. our integration of belarus and russia is integration based on an economic basis, when each country develops its own economy, and look what happened, well, now after the twenty- second year, the growth rate of the russian economy is 5.5%, now for.. . the first four quarters, the imf admits openly. says: “we did not expect such high growth rates, moreover, they are beginning to recognize that russia is currently becoming the driver of the world economy, and most importantly, we take statistics on the belarusian economy, exactly the same dynamics, almost five,
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a little more percent for the first four quarters, what does this mean, that our integration model - at that time, foreigners could not buy land there, but these restrictions were lifted, large foreign corporations from europe and america were able to buy lots for 25 thousand acres at a time, that's 10 thousand hectares, as a result, today european corporations have bought up more territories in the west of ukraine
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than the russians captured in the east, this is a difficult time, a debt trap from which ukrainians can no longer escape.
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voices were heard, guys, in belarus this is impossible, people don’t understand how you can abandon russia and build something economically successful, completely abandoning such a market, but these twentieth years they
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quickly turned into ordinary nationalist, that’s the same opposition , which has been the case throughout the entire time, money is only given for this, and from here comes another conclusion, why the president chose the course towards a union with russia correctly, today we already see this, this is not the nineties, that the west is good for no one, here we are on... in the soviet space does not want, and the first sanctions that they imposed on belarus, all subsequent ones, not for elections, not for democracy, not for freedom, they don’t care about this, only for one thing, only that lukashenko, the future people's president, chose a course towards a union with russia, only for this, it means it’s right, since sanctions are being imposed for this, it means the right course, if we’re talking about the opposition, we need to speak clearly,
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so you say that the people didn’t accept it, after the twentieth year i was in the vitebsk region, met with my colleague, and he said that it would have been a disaster when this rhetoric began, and suddenly, you remember, the language issue came up in this mess, and the end of business was a fence with the russian federation, and you know religiously that mogilev is from vitebsk , including at the expense of the russian federation, he says, we talked, i talked with ordinary men. he said, truckers, he said, we would rise up, especially when they tell us to do this, that is, break, abandon religion and people are so strange,
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i’m saying this mildly, people with names so strange for us, like franus, you you know what i’m talking about, i’m telling you literally what they said, there was a civil war in the west , consider that i want it, i want to complement my colleagues, firstly, it is very important that today’s visit, by the way, it was planned. in vain those who say that it was unscheduled are worried, it took place one of the first after the election of the russian president, after china, this emphasizes what importance the russian side gives to its partner, especially since now we are actually the external circuit that ensures the security of the russian federation and the union state, the second point, everyone who... politically, if there are still any left, opposes cooperation with the russian federation and a strategic partner, instantly turn into political outcasts on...
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and sovereignty, as a result of close cooperation they entrusted us not only with space, for which we thank you very much, but also with tactical nuclear weapons, and thus what happened, colleagues, we have parity, because our the army could not effectively resist the army of the nato countries, and now, after such high trust, we have parity, which means that i continue my thought, my conclusions, which means...
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this is already in the headlines, it will open a second front. i want to reassure our ukrainians colleagues, the doors and borders of belarus are open, but not to the second front, to negotiations and interaction. and we invite our ukrainian colleagues, if there is at least anyone left there who is sensible, to come to minsk again and try to talk on the topic of peace, so there will be no second front, we speak out clearly and progressively. for the need for a peaceful resolution of any armed conflicts, all these fairy tales about belarus entering into conflict, which means that now in ukraine, they have been circulating in the media for a long time space since the beginning of the north military district, the president has said many times that this will not happen, that this is not true, that belarus adheres to a completely different position, while we remain a reliable ally of russia, we will not allow russia to be stabbed in the back, this is our main task, belarus guards the border. union
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state in the western direction, this goal was, is will be, and we have no other goals, moreover, so that this topic is not speculated there, it is beneficial for the russian federation itself, so that someone there does not start talking again these fairy tales are delusional, the second point, in the context of these arguments, i definitely want to say that it’s time in general, thank god this is happening now, to stop telling who is contributing what to this union of belarus and russia, when someone starts dividing there, some more, some less, many times... we have already discussed this and should have understood a long time ago, belarus is doing a lot to strengthen russia, russia is doing a lot to strengthen belarus, we mutually strengthen each other, mutually make each other stronger by force, well russia is a great country in terms of resources, but belarus has already proven over the years that it is doing no less to strengthen the russian state, a simple example of why the west is fighting so hard for a change
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of power here for...
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what it is now faced with, we will definitely talk about it, colleagues, let’s talk about security , let's finish about the economy, about sovereignty, they say that we are not sovereign, although in this regard we are sovereign. there are no states in the world if you trade with each other, but i came across an interesting video on the internet, france, you know such a country, sovereign, it seems, yes, listen donald trump's story of how he talks with the sovereign, with the president of sovereign france. i say, i will do it, connect me with macron. and so macron, the leader of france, picks up the phone. emmanuel, how are you? his name is emmanuel. a beautiful name, especially when pronounced in french. emmanuel. emanuel, how are you? oh donald, donald, i feel so good, thank you for asking, how is your wife? i'm asking how is your wife? thank you very much for asking. emmanuel, i
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understand that you are going to charge american companies 25% for the privilege of leading business in france. oh yes, yes, it was passed by our legislature. this is already happening. but that won't happen, emmanuel, no, donald, that's already happening, no, that won't happen, emmanuel, you revoke it immediately, i don't care whether it's signed or not, it doesn't matter, no, no, we can't do that , this has already happened, we talked about it for a long time inside france, i said it's good, i also talked about it for a long time in my country for about 3 hours, i said emman, if you don't cancel this tax, i will introduce a 100% tariff on all wine and'.
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trump played on this, yes, sovereign for exactly 5 minutes, i have a question, and if this is so, then what questions are there for us? ivan mikhailovich, europe is not sovereign, if it were sovereign, there would already be peace in ukraine, the trouble is that,
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despite the fact that the european peoples, europe itself suffers from war every day, every day europe, not the americans , americans live on an island, great britain lives on an island, australia on an island, they don’t know anything at all, by the way, i know what the president answered if trump didn't like it, trump wouldn't like it. i wanted to say about this, look, this is what we saw, their relations are built on this principle of mutual relations, yes, our relations within the framework of the union state are built on a completely different principle, if i had said exactly the same about lukashenko, here it’s simple i don’t know, he just destroyed, razed to the ground, it is very important here that in our country this is based on mutual, i emphasize, mutual benefit, it is beneficial for belarusians, these are...
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our presidents, they are not connected with capital, they are connected with the people, this is the biggest difference, you see, one is to pursue the interests of the bourgeoisie, and the other is to pursue the interests of the people, this approach, it clearly demonstrates that there are
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people, they, in principle, do not make any decisions, everything is oriented purely in the interests of big capital, but here we have development and ukraine has fallen into this trap.
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tells how successfully they worked in 2023 on the market of the russian federation, they see european banks, which, wow, we have so many taxes have been paid, they see neutral athletes who are invited to the olympics in paris, it’s like, really, they see european components inside a caliber that flies into the city of odessa or inside an iskander that flies into the city of kharkov, and that they must accept for themselves, what, what conclusion should neutral countries draw? so as a result they were drawn into the war,
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they continue to trade, they bought up land, as we have already heard, here is the latest information from the ministry of finance of ukraine, in the next 25 years ukraine must pay about 210 billion dollars state debt, of which 75 billion are interest, this is official, not counting, well, probably some corporate things and so on, i don’t know why he is surprised, the fact is that from the very beginning it was clear that there was a war in ukraine. was started to make money for american corporations; by the way, the income of their military-industrial complex has increased over these years, no one hides this. the second goal of the war was to economically weaken the european union, and now returning to what you ivan mikhailovich said that european companies should stand will be in line to work in the russian and belarusian markets, they are already standing, many did not want to leave, and many did not leave, and those who left, by the way, did not want to leave, they were forced.
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we know how decisions are actually made at
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the international level in world politics, they used to tell us about the sanctity of democratic procedures, now they say in plain text, i’m calling kiev there, i’m appointing, remember victoria, i’m calling kiev, i’m appointing a new government there, i’m saying, so that krichko does not become prime minister, biden films the hapless prosecutor general of ukraine, trump talks about how he negotiates. i think that this part of the current moment is worth it, and the situation is alarming and the president of belarus said that we have never been so close in the world to this dangerous line of nuclear war or war of nuclear states with each other, but nevertheless the eyes from those who believed in these fairy tales, in these mantras about some kind of superiority, some political systems, but they always have a good word for us there and...
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well, you can literally have a couple of these economic and statistical data on ukraine: and ukraine lost its economic independence and sovereignty in 2004, when the first maidan occurred, all our viewers can check, take statistics and look at statistics on
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the trade balance of ukraine before the maidan , the trade balance of ukraine was positive , that is. she exported much more than she imported, she earned a huge amount of currency for her country, as soon as the maidan happens, literally after 3 months, what happens, all this elite completely opens the market, the internal market of ukraine for western goods, and this happens, this never happens in the economy, and this happened only after the immediate change of power, it happens. the opening of the market, the most powerful, most powerful influx of western goods and services, the destruction of the national economy, this is what an alliance with the west means. the next stage was that since you are already trading in the red, you will naturally come for loans, this figure that ivan
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mikhailovich called, it was not formed after the twenty-second year, it has been since 2004 grew, grew, now, naturally, when there are so many of them. any politician should, it doesn’t matter, zelensky, put anyone in office, i will come to him and say: “give the money back, if you are so independent, listen, well, they will declare a default, i will say that they are not able to pay it off; if lenin comes , he will say, and if he says more it’s easier for viewers to make it clear that everything in ukraine has already been sold, there’s nothing left of our own, no grain, no beaches, no enterprises, they were sold a long time ago, but today they are being sold the last thing is human life, that ’s why the war is going on, but there’s nothing left to take away.”
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everything is always, so let the audience, when we talk about ukraine, not for the first time, should remember that belarus was destined
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for the same fate by the west , better, even worse , ukraine, and if we were very lucky, it would hardly be lucky, we are too important to get to russia, well, in an extreme case , the baltics would do it, which means that nogla might not exist, but if in 9 year something didn’t work out for the radical opposition worse than in ukraine could not exist.
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and they are so insolent that in the public domain, everyone can also go and check, these sites still have these
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analytical materials about relations between russia and belarus, the end of the nineteenth year, they write, remember, at that time certain certain disagreements formed on gas, on the price of gas, they write: without fail, western countries must use this disagreement to create an intensifying conflict between russia and
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the fact that there will be negotiations, and now for almost 2 and a half years here on the air , the top officials of ukraine themselves
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are talking about them, only a logical question arises: it was necessary to kill and mutilate a million people in order to come to the point that any person , the expert could see, the politics should have been visible in advance, here is the second point that we discussed on the air, back when the war began, remember, we said that before the elections. president of the united states on november twenty-four, nothing will change, so i will repeat this thesis until the us presidential election, nothing will change at all, because now the political elite of america has entered the election campaign, they have absolutely no time for ukraine, biden chose to come to hollywood instead of coming to the peaceful, so-called conference on ukraine in switzerland, he refused to go there. to come because he has a speech before hollywood, so to speak, voters, that is, accordingly, to answer your question, yes, indeed, before
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the november elections, yeah. despite we don’t get involved in issues of legitimacy, let them sort it out, but this is not what to do, i remember the president’s words on this topic, he said, no matter how anyone treats it, but after this period expires there will be more problems with the negotiations, he said, start asking, start, because otherwise there will be more problems, in fact, russia now has a choice of who to talk to about what, this is the first, that means the second is about legitimacy in principle, well, i’m looking at the west. not only knows how to surprise so much about the recognition of elections, as in ukraine, they also mean elections in russia they managed to quickly admit when they started, when they just announced in belarus and russia about the exercise with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, how we will study, recognitions from the russian president putin immediately began pouring in, so it turns out they can do it too, they have a very strange approach to democracy, so the conclusion , for example,
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there is one for belarus, they have achieved what they dream of. it will be even worse, i have no doubt about it, the tough bot floats there, they are led, this one understands everything, an unprincipled person in relation to his rivals, and i think that this is kind of we watched the dialogue with macron even more trump - this could be a global economic war through the confrontation between the usa and china, you remember what he did with china
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and when mihai came to power.
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the main measures were aimed at fighting china and returning production to the usa, and definitely, another key point that he promotes is the destruction of european industry, with the message that it doesn’t matter to you where you produce, so produce here, transfer your production to the united states america will close everything from ukraine,
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the topic of ukraine is the topic of the democratic party.
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what's the deal with the issue of legitimacy and the signing of agreements, including peace ones, they still remember the minsk agreements, their fate, yeah, they signed and approved un security council resolutions, that is, it became mandatory for implementation in the international arena, and then poroshenko comes out and says, and i won’t do anything. i’m using this time to pump up, then merkel, then oland, that is, all three, now the russian federation is in serious trouble dilemma, okay, but if there are still sane people, forces, we don’t even take ukraine,
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well, okay, in the united states of america this or that party wins, a peace treaty is signed with the mediation of the united states of america, how much to believe them, and if it wins republican? party and the same trump, he will be able to stay in power for more than 4 years, today orban, the prime minister of hungary, by the way, proposed his formula for peace, which means his formula for peace, this is also interesting, to what extent it has the right to life, but his reasoning also very logical, he said, the only way to stop the war in ukraine from the point of view of the hungarian prime minister, i repeat, is direct negotiations between the united states and russia, where security will be discussed, he said in europe. unfortunately, he says, without us, europeans, we ourselves led to this, that we will not take part in this and the period of this security will be determined, in his opinion, for 20-30 years, there is one simple logic in his reasoning: europe has lost
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ukraine's sovereignty, unfortunately, having lost much of its subjectivity, is precisely leading to that the fate of this country will be decided, but i asked this question, and the republican party is winning, and this is andrey evgenievich. the russian federation, it can be ensured through a bad word, sanitary territories, zones, demilitarization and so on. that is , those things that lend themselves , attention here, to objective control, because what a person has planned is very difficult to objectively control, these things are visible, and there are specialists who
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know how to do this, and i think what's without ensuring these conditions, this is hardly possible peacefully, by the way, orban said, i don’t know whether we have quotes or not, what he said, he said, let me remember, he said that judging by the rhetoric of european politicians,
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it’s cheaper, then this will be a powerful blow for britain and the united states. the americanization of orban’s words are the words of macron, who openly calls on europe to prepare for war with russia, and the poles are not just preparing, but actually the actions that we have on the border are causing we are worried, because we understand perfectly well that millions of dollars just like that, which means this kind of militarization, so many soldiers, so much equipment is not done just like that, so the only way... which is what the president
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is talking about, is to avoid some kind of conflict, to become even stronger, that’s why nuclear weapons turned out to be here, that ’s why the president of russia is also here today, one of the issues will be discussed is this security, so he will continue to strengthen his military , unfortunately, the general staffs of us, unfortunately, the current western elites are liars and two-faced, it’s a pity that, of course, you can’t explain it to everyone, because well, every person has their own life, i mean ordinary people, they probably understand this. and you have to wait, it’s bad, when they don’t read enough, listen enough to all these militant fairy tales here and they start making decisions, this is worse, here we have to work, the story with the international criminal court, a month ago, there was hysteria about the fact that this the fairest court, as in this comedy, long live the husband, the fairest court in the world, when criminal prosecution in putin's relations - it started, but then something really scary happened.
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to the world, the second point, he generally lied , you see how they show how they relate to who he is, even if he said that this is for africa and this is for putin, no, this is just a political instrument that was created so that, when necessary, there they will judge someone for the right person, we remember, this is a disgrace, the trial of milosevic, we remember how they do it. we remember the shameful trial of saddam
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hussein in iraq, which was carried out when it became clear that, in general, to condemn milosevic, it’s somehow indecent what happened to him, look, ivan mikhailovich, we talked about this as witnesses to boeing’s work, remember, we also chose everything by chance, we’ve already said many times in this program that all these international tribunals, in the gaga, somewhere else, this is a tool, this is where the most important punishment is. with political opponents, and there is nothing at all from the court, from justice, it is a tool for reprisal against opponents, that’s all, full stop... when the current head of the international criminal court he said that these are also violating, these are their own, it’s impossible here, he will become the object of this reprisal, but do you want to know what a real gang attack is? let's take a piece from the letter that american deputies wrote to
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the international criminal court, there is rhetoric, of course, gangster petersburg is resting on the target, target israel and we will target you, if you continue to implement the measures indicated in the report, we will stop everything. american support for mus, we will impose sanctions on your employees and partners, we will ban you and your families from traveling to the united states, you were warned, they said it was okay to talk to the court, ivan mikhailovich, there was another speech, i don’t remember the name of one of the congressmen now, but that if we support this initiative of mus on a warrant for netanyahu, the next warrant will be issued for us, yeah, that is, they understand wonderfully. that they are the same bandits from afghanistan, remember the story, but imagine the very fact that mus decided to take such actions, no, well , the leader there was just very naive , i think they saw it, he says: wait, as in relations, we are international, we are not
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african and russian criminals, we are international, they tell him: excuse me, they tell him, are you a fool or something, well, they call him, they say, on the other hand, why not an element of pressure?
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they suspected, yesterday the prime minister of georgia on his page, and this is true, yes, yes, it means that irakli kabakhidze said that in a telephone conversation with one of the european commissioners, a political racketeer, he threatened him, along with a number of other then he
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threatened and blackmailed, you saw that happened to the fitsa, he said, and they must be very careful.
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let's listen, the situation can only be changed by military means, how difficult this path will be, how bloody it will be, depends on the belarusians. here is a very important point: those people who are in belarus, those people who want to return to belarus, and those people who are ready to support the next round of the revolution, which i already believe will be far from peaceful, they can now prepare here , they can undergo military training, walk shooting range. sign up for airsoft clubs, where you can also limit all the different combat actions and so on. i am for the power
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scenario for the reason that i have always been for it. we have the opportunity to create our own, but not andersen’s army, but combat detachments, combat, well, i don’t know, formations. i will be happy to donate to these formations, just as i have been donating to ukraine since 1914; we must unite together.
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these are the people whom ivan mikhailovich brought to the screen, thank you for doing this, we need this do, ready, as soon as the opportunity arises, to kill us, kill us, again. they don’t even consider other options, and this needs to be clearly understood by those people who
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are still building some illusions, not us, they are ready.
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and ivan mikhailovich, it is very, very important that - you give a direct speech to these scoundrels, because otherwise they would accuse us that we invented all this, invented it, let the people, let the belarusians see that they want war, that they want us kill, and, but we won’t allow them to do this, in connection with this i want thank the leadership of the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, the state border committee, and everyone else.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. the great patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grodno. on june 27 , the army headquarters was surrounded. in august 1900. in an unconscious state he was
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captured. the nazis repeatedly they tried to persuade karbyshev to betray, he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of february 18, 1945, in the mounthousen concentration camp, among other prisoners. was doused with water in the cold and died. for exceptional steadfastness and courage shown in the fight against the german invaders in the great patriotic war, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, dmitry mikhailovich karbyshev was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky ones
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questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey? well, there was such a very interesting story: seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him or immediately threw him into the river. and andrey should write detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos jalcaras. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to which the seven heroes from the fairy tale of alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that. i cleaned up their entire mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want
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to catch up with lesha in three, paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that ’s right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel, every corner will delight you. my whole life has been spent with bees, because i love them, they understand me, although to bees
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you also need to have an individual approach, and are ready to endlessly find inspiration in the simplest things, in childhood, when we ran along these well-trodden paths, after the rain, barefoot and drove the wheel in front of us, it was such happiness, bliss. see polishuki's project. on the belarus 24 tv channel . every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk through capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus. that are definitely worth watching, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in
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the ether 24x7 project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events.
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