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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast of the main events.
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saturday may 25th i will tell you sergei lugovsky. hello. a course towards strengthening integration, a noticeable rise in relations between belarus and russia and a clear signal to the west. together with experts, we are summing up the first results of the negotiations between lukashenko and putin. nato. the alliance is exclusively for war. the secretary general of the organization is inventing new ways to attack anyone. now they are developing new myths and legends like paola's test tube for iraq. now the story is even simpler: cyber attacks. and the most exciting and touching day for graduates, more than 55,000 eleventh grade students begin their journey into adulthood. see also in our issue. all fans are waiting for the outcome of the belarus football cup - the second national trophy of the season and who will win it? neman or islach? only facts within the framework of the panorama. decision to avoid
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negativity, i’m alexey avdonin, i’ll tell you how big politics, the economy and the well-being of the population are connected. simple economics in panorama. the words of the oath were heard throughout the country today. young in the armed forces the replenishment became full-fledged military personnel. unique slutsk belts, nesvizh castle, mound of glory. the cultural and tourism potential of the minsk region is presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. the need to restore order on earth, to involve empty houses in economic circulation, to develop regional medicine and to work with the population of the deputy corps in the regions. the council for the interaction of local self-government bodies, created under the council of the republic, is a good platform, as it shows practitioners, to summarize emerging issues in places. we will talk about collaboration using specific examples. the long-awaited day for graduates. in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums the last bell rang, and the last bell rang.
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100% readiness for the swimming season : barbecues, gazebos and shady canopies from the recreation area, all this awaits visitors on the banks of the capital’s reservoirs, safety in the water area is under the control of asvod employees, we will tell you all the details in the panorama. get rid of any restrictions, integrate each other more. industrial cooperation chain, increase trade turnover and regional cooperation. the day before, negotiations between alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin took place in minsk. the presidents held several meetings in narrow and expanded formats. among the main economic topics are transport, gas and oil, investment and mobile communications, decisions have been made on all of them, as in defense issues. journalists were able to ask questions, including on peace negotiations in ukraine. how do leaders now
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see this situation developing? this is the fifth time this year that the leaders of the two countries have held negotiations in person, and this is certainly a definite political signal for the whole world. here the thesis will be sounded: truly strategic partners. there are currently no globally unresolved issues between countries. the presidents will hold negotiations, where delegations with key government officials participated from both sides. minister of foreign affairs and defense. leadership of the union state. the russian side arrived with the composition of the new government. trade turnover in belarus and russia today tends to $49 billion, with 90% of transactions taking place in national currencies. and this already speaks of financial security. this year, direct investments from the russian side in belarus amounted to more than a billion dollars. partners are trying to create joint companies and integrate each other more into industrial chains. sanctions, on the one hand, are, of course,
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sensitive, but on the other hand, they give impetus to development with reliable neighbors. on the international stage. belarus and russia also continue to adhere to common positions. russia is actively involved in the process. restrictions, otherwise, not only our peoples, but we ourselves will not understand each other. of course, today we touched upon the pressing international agenda, security issues in the world and the region against the backdrop of the unprecedented level of tension
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that we always have to deal with. here our approaches are absolutely identical. we will not deviate from the chosen path of creating a fair one. multipolar world order, we paid considerable attention to the development of the transport and logistics sector, here we are unanimous in the opinion that this very promising industry requires serious additional investments. in recent years , we have taken a new look at regional cooperation and appreciated its potential. without exaggeration, belarus and its regions today cooperate with almost everyone.
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bryansk, but there is potential in murmansk, primorye, tatarstan, magadan, novgorod. russian governors come to minsk for negotiations with enviable regularity, hence the success of bilateral contacts. the topic of cooperation in defense was raised separately during the official visit. included the delegation also brought the new head of russia to minsk.
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mandatory for our safety. as for peace negotiations on ukraine, they can only be continued taking into account the agreements that have already been reached in belarus and turkey and, of course, only with the legitimate government. zelensky's powers have expired. we see now that
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conversations have resumed again about the need to return to negotiations, but let them return, but not return based on it. from what one side wants, but based on those agreements of a fundamental nature, which were reached during difficult negotiations in belarus and turkey and based on today's realities that have developed on earth. as for the confluence of powers of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, there is no legal purity here and cannot be, because there is deep democracy there, you understand?
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to resolve these big issues that are facing the state of ukraine, the people of ukraine, the presidents will not resolve these issues, you know who will... decide overseas, much has already been decided, what has not been decided, they they will decide later, i deeply analyzed , in general, for myself these problems with the powers of vladimir alexandrovich, now i realized that it was all useless. according to experts, opponents do not expect such firm positions, but nevertheless, there will obviously be no other conditions. the west would like to see confusion. i would like to hear vague formulations about the fact that we are simply for peace, that
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a negotiation process is needed, well, what a negotiation process with them, but what should we talk to them about now, they are behaving extremely aggressively, and here, of course, there is a very big question for the population of the countries of the european union, for the population, for example, of lithuania, for the population of poland, they generally understand where they are being pushed, russia and belarus want peace, they have wanted this for a very long time, and they are talking about this... constantly, the leadership of belarus generally strived for belarus not to get involved in any conflicts, to deal only with the economy and resolve the issue of the well-being of citizens, but it has to, well, it has to show its fangs and be on guard. two more topics in the request rating. first: have the parties agreed on energy resources? answer: yes, and in a long-term formulation. and the second news is for citizens of the two countries, especially those who travel a lot. there is a solution for a single home network for mobile operators in belarus and russia. there will be
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a sufficient informal part in the negotiations between the two leaders. in total, the official visit lasted 25 hours. this was counted by the first pool, after which the russian side headed home late the night before. for more details about the negotiations between the presidents, see the main page air. and also how to respond to hypocrisy and pressure from the west, why in...
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reasonable control, we do not need fines , punishment or some kind of sanctions, but improvement of the work of the enterprise and an audit of control work. essentially, your work is criticism, but how do you personally feel about criticism? there’s also a real run around the palace, fascinating shots of pulov’s bustle, the photo tradition of the personnel day, political smoke and what’s always in the foreground.
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the football boom today has occupied the torpedov stadium and its surroundings. a couple of minutes ago we learned the name of the winner of the belarusian football cup. in a great football atmosphere, following an exciting match, neman won the trophy. right now andrei kozlov is going on air from the scene and he has all the emotions of this fight. yes, from such bright shots we burst into the air of the belarus 1 tv channel, in general, neman, winner of the belarus football cup, is live right now, egor, very briefly, live, the emotions are clear, you have great ones, yes, how much can you share with the audience directly? now, honestly, i am grateful to everyone, all the team members, the fans, the most important thing is that this is a victory for my family, my wife, children, parents, a big hello to everyone, i adore it, i don’t give it to anyone, good. you won’t give the champion’s jersey to anyone, but all with victory, well done, yegorich, your attention, right now,
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let’s see how the players of the grodno neman rejoice, we see that there are officials here, completely honorable, let’s come closer ilya, such great guests in zhodino, all to your attention, so the grodno region is rejoicing today, you see this very well.
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let me remind you that the notorious fifth article provides for the joint use of force in the event of an attack on one of the nato members. and given that the authors of any cyber attack can only be determined presumably, stoltenberg actually said that the alliance can attack anyone, the main thing is that it meets its interests. that is, there is no longer any need to invent any paola test tubes, as was the case before the attack on iraq. at the same time, militant. the secretary called for ukraine to be given the go-ahead for strikes with western weapons for targets on russian territory. let me note that so far the british, americans and germans have nominally officially banned this. well , sekorsky has appeared on your screens: the blanket of militarization in the region is increasingly being pulled over by the polish regime, foreign minister sekorsky said: shtatals, there is
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a suspicion that he has passed off the imaginary as the real. the fact is that there is a threat of this kind. the americans definitely wouldn’t transmit through warsaw. washington has an emergency line with moscow, and it is used very regularly, to the envy of poland. zelensky today raised the issue of his own illegitimacy; in fact, he admitted it, and in russian, and this worries him little. from his statement it follows that he read the ukrainian constitution every line and has a poor understanding of its contents. but i am completely sure that he is adequate. ukrainians know their constitution, they know the law, we understand that these statements, these statements by the illegitimate president of the russian federation regarding the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, frankly speaking, are boring, uninteresting, all adequate people who
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they know how to read the laws, and i think that you know how to read, well, read it and find the conclusion of everything. that's why it doesn't bother me much at all. the constitution of ukraine presupposes that in the absence of a legally elected president, his duties are performed by the head of parliament, but even if we assume that zelensky rightfully is io, then even in this case he exceeds his powers, for example, io zelensky has no right to reward state awards. and since the only thing that allows this illegal to claim the presidency if the chair is a martial law, then there is no doubt that io will ignore any attempts to bring peace to the last. even ukraine’s allies have already realized that territorial losses for the country are inevitable. the welt publication, citing intelligence sources, reports that losses will be much greater and should be expected before the end of the year. this is all the more likely since ukrainians categorically do not want to go and die for the interests of washington and london. this is the kind of massacre
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that unfolded in odessa, where employees of the military registration and enlistment office tried to forcibly send slaughter. several townspeople. given such public sentiment, io’s chances of remaining in the presidential chair until the end of the conflict are quite doubtful. how the guardians of world values ​​have become the standard of double standards, inhumane repression, murder, violations without borders, all this is their democracy marked dangerous. for life, what rights washington has trampled, we will break it down point by point in an understandable policy, only the facts on monday after the panorama.
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not everything is calm in the british kingdom; to put it mildly, london is on its doorstep large-scale unrest of new social.
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the new cabinet that will come to power following the parliamentary elections on july 4 will be forced to raise taxes and cut social services, which means the british will become even poorer. let me note that the united kingdom is the leader in europe in the number of homeless people. social inequality is generally the main scourge of the anglo-saxon world. for example, in the united states, one in seven children lives in poverty. england and the states are rapidly plunging into a serious economic crisis. this explains their persistent aggression in ukraine and palestine. well, then leading western economists began to recognize the detrimental nature of the sanctions to washington’s policies. instead of
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making big money for the ruin of belarus and russia, sanctions, on the contrary, resurrected high inflation in europe, america, and britain. wrong decisions hit the satellite countries even more painfully. baltic ports are on the verge of bankruptcy. why western policy is always peace. conditions, an incorrect understanding of the laws of economics , an attempt to change them to suit oneself inevitably leads to disastrous consequences. in the west they began to openly admit that
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washington's sanctions policy has caused more harm to western countries than it has brought benefits. so on may 10, business insider, citing the famous canadian economist jeff rubin, reported: the united states miscalculated by imposing tough sanctions against russia because the west. he himself faced the negative consequences of economic restrictions; the result of rash policies was the resurrection of inflation, which had not been observed in a number of western countries for more than four decades. sanctions became the impetus for her dramatic revival. in the united states and the eurozone , the inflation rate rose to a record 80% in 2020. now prices have fallen, but inflation is also at relatively high levels. more than 3%. previously, until the twenty- second year, inflation did not exceed 15%. wrong economic decisions by washington hit the satellite countries even more painfully. thus,
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statistics of cargo transportation through latvian ports showed that they are going bankrupt. the reason is the gap in favor of the united states and the eu, economic relations between the baltic states and belarus and russia. a continued desire to curry favor with washington may be inevitable. bankrupt the ports, while the united states is drawing in the ruin of its vassals, the russian and belarusian economies are showing extremely high results. russia's gdp growth in the first quarter of 2024 accelerated and reached almost 5.5% compared to the same period last year. according to the imf, russia has entered the top ten countries among the world's largest economies in terms of growth rates in dollar terms since the beginning of the twenty-first. centuries she increased eightfold. focusing on integration unions with the russian federation produces significant results for national
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economies. thus, in belarus, the growth of the volume of domestic product in the first 4 months amounted to more than 105% compared to the previous period of the twenty-third year. industry - growth of more than 107% due to the production of high-tech products and vehicles, construction 109%. food production more than 107%. wood processing and the pulp and paper industry are steadily increasing their volumes. inflation significantly below planned forecasts for four months of less than 103%. real incomes of the population increased by 9%. the average salary exceeded 2,000 rubles. there is an increase in pensions. the population today tends to spend, which is significant.
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non-western orientations determine the success of the national economy and lead to an increase in the well-being of each of us. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. well, we are returning to the stadium in zhodina. andrey kozlov, the belarus cup is in the hands of the winner right now. can we also broadcast for a second, we can come here for a second , please, it was really hard to pull out, let’s live belarus alone, first of all, it’s really heavy, yes, how heavy, tell me, well, so much so that it hit my shoulder at the beginning of the game knocked it out, it was hard to lift, to be honest, when they asked me to lift it three times it was completely impossible, it turns out that everything was clogged up, yes, but what is the inner feeling after such hard work, well, only positive, what other
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feeling can there be? belarusian football cup, grodninsky nemon, that's all for now. well, congratulations to all sports fans on the team’s victory. let's move on. the words of the oath were heard throughout the country today. in the armed forces , young recruits become full-fledged military personnel. the largest ceremony , according to tradition, took place on parade ground 72 of the second joint training center. vladimir korolev returned to his native parade ground 12 years later, but as a correspondent. just a month ago, these guys were living civilian life, not knowing about army regulations.
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they themselves talk about their changes. in the first month we had a test run with the tank, we shot, threw grenades, went out to training grounds, it was very interesting and exciting. the most unusual thing was diving under an armored vehicle and then shooting at it. at first it was difficult, but then over time you get used to it. for the uninitiated, the oath is a simple reading of the text out loud, but the ceremony has legal force. after it, recruits become military personnel with their own tasks, duties and... responsibilities, defense of the fatherland is the sacred duty of any citizen, it has always been so and so it will always be, - emphasized defense minister viktor khrenin. today, a significant difference between our people and young guys is that today there is no need to convince us about the importance of defending our homeland. we see and feel how much more united our society has become,
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how much people... understand the importance of this task. belarusians showed their high morale and patriotism to the world during the great patriotic war, when the whole country rose up against fascism. on the banks of the bug and dvina, berezina and dnieper , more invaders were destroyed in battles than all countries of the anti-hitler coalition in the west. after decades of peaceful skies, many still want to feel like soldiers; for them, military sounds proud. i'm proud that my son continues.
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changing, equipment is being modernized, in all in recent years, the belarusian army has been introducing advanced technologies into serious areas of military affairs, but the main thing is always the person, the military must show by their example how the country and society are developing, officers and parents of recruits understand this. after taking the oath, the military personnel will go to their first dismissal, upon return from which they will undergo intensive training. studying everything that the military themselves call army everyday life. vladimir korolev and andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. large presentation of the minsk region at vdnkh in moscow. the belarusian pavilion presented the cultural tourism potential of the region. why does the minsk region attract russian tourists and what details does a small copy of the mound of glory reveal to visitors? the identity of the central region of belarus in the report
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of our own correspondent. so similar that they were even counterfeited in europe. the most expensive payasas contained up to 200 g of gold. it was quite difficult, because the gold thread could not always lie very evenly, so
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they used such a kind of press, it turned out that when the gold was pressed it became smooth and shiny, and thanks to this the sun was shining on such a train. in 2012, by order of the president of the country, the technology of sludsk belts was restored and today this accessory for the clothing of the belarusian nobility is not a brand only the minsk region, but throughout belarus. looking at the queue near the stand with tourist routes of the minsk region, it is clear that the demand among russians is very high. over the past 2 years, the flow of tourists from russia has increased several times. the famous nesvezh castle attracts with its beauty and grandeur.
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this is 170%. today in the minsk region there are about 130 compared to the level of the previous year, then in 2023 there will be a hotel, almost 30 sanatoriums and more than 400 agricultural estates. tourists are attracted by the beautiful nature. an opportunity not only to relax, but to improve your health. belarusian health resorts always in the top among russians. more than 80% of vacationers are citizens of the russian federation. people come to us from nearby regions, such as moscow, moscow region, st. petersburg, leningrad region, smolensk region, tula region, and from distant regions, such as arkhangelsk region, murmansk region. the minsk region is a place that carefully preserves the history of the great fatherland.
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why the special mission to confront the troops of the third reich shoulder to shoulder with the soviet ones who flew away from the vichy dictatorship and soldiers became a matter of honor. let us remind you about heartfelt friendship. we'll watch it tomorrow night on the main broadcast. today is perhaps the most exciting and touching day for belarusian graduates. more than 55 thousand eleventh grade students began their journey to adulthood. awareness of the already passed stage of life will come later, but the main thing is in memory forever.
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over the past year, we have finally become very close to the word school - it has ceased to be some kind of just educational institution, but has become, probably, more like a home and even some kind of family. in total, in the twelfth gymnasium of the capital in this year there are over 200 graduates, including 3rd/1st grade, and that’s almost 90 boys and girls, who will be doctors and scientists, developers and linguists in the future.
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an important person and he is an authority for me.
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the tradition of celebrating this day on a large scale in belarus has been around for many years; graduates listened to the last bell not only in their native schools, but at the evening celebration in the minsk arena. the grand celebration brought together more than 11 thousand people. mixed emotions, in fact, trepidation and joy, you are at the same time very excited about the exam, in fact, but i i’m very glad that we have this opportunity to relax, enjoy, and watch a concert before the exams. first.
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