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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 25, 2024 10:40pm-11:35pm MSK

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everyone should feel responsible for what is happening in the country and express, show their opinion so that it can be seen, after the twentieth there was, well , we had a surge of patriotism, yes, we went, we just thought that everything was fine with us , here we are all the same, but then we realized that we have, i won’t call them anything else, we have an enemy, and he is internal, who wants to destroy what they tried to do, now they are trying from abroad, really.
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did, that’s the only thing, you will understand me, that you are correct, we started with this conversation, there is a target audience, there are topics that are interesting to them, yes, i had another channel, it also touched on political life within the country of the republic of belarus, then slightly touched on topics of a special military operation, it was blocked immediately, successfully, immediately there was no temptation to talk, about 500 subscribers gathered immediately after cutting it off, but they cut it off, right? then all that remains, accordingly, is streams, you also need to be careful there, you have to be very careful there, and i, well, really, with the beginning of a special military operation, i was very actively conducting these streams, i’ll resume this matter, it’s just that now there’s a change of job, residence, that is, it’s necessary here, well , they say that tiktok has now changed its policy a little, because they themselves encountered freedom of speech in america, but they were so influx, i was very active in the streams telling what this was for will lead, that is, well, in principle , this whole two-year process and he said that
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he directly analyzed what he had achieved during his presidency, that is, it was, well , what can you do, ex-president, nothing can be done, that’s how a deputy , don't you think that some legislative acts on your topic, but it’s time to unify them with russian ones, or vice versa, with ours, well , the thing is that work, well, international military cooperation implies, well, work, in principle, with the russian federation.
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as far as i remember, we have about 35 international treaties signed, yes, but here you can’t take out a saber and wave that everything needs to be done like they do, because we have experience when the russians, that is, we are going somewhere in some directions their own way, they go their own way, but with us very often contacts are taking place, and we are learning from each other, we receive a lot of russians, i’m even saying... on mobilization, they, well , sometimes, well, it would be correct to say that they have a very positive attitude towards those issues, that’s how we work in the military registration and enlistment offices, and they say , why not do this from us, they directly adopt experience or are ready to adopt experience, we adopt from them, we are different due to this, we can share, that is, here you cannot get a saber, but very actively, you know, work is being carried out on, say, air defense for the air force - military-technical
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cooperation, where we have the same approaches, here too it is necessary for specialists in each field to understand it, well, this is how it happens, you can say this step by step, oh, let's do it. to work with specialists, we have plenty of them, so, well, by the way, about fakes, yes, everything connected, for example, with mobilization, we discussed this issue, but i’m interested, since the debate has been going on for some time on this topic , we have enough conscripts today for our belarusian army, i’ll tell you this: if
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we go a little deeper into history, ten years ago, we had more conscript resources than were necessary to staff the armed forces. we all remember about the demographic hole, of course, well, it doesn’t depend on us now, and the number of conscripts in our country has decreased, no one hid it, but we had shortfalls, now, firstly, we started, albeit a little - a little, but our conscription is underway, we are completing 100% of the required number of conscripts, thanks to the accepted measures and contract service, that is.
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the last is a near-philosophical question, as i like to say, that according to our old soviet traditions, soldiers become grandfathers, now, well, they say, after 300 days of service, when and how they become real patriots,
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it’s really philosophical, and you understand, probably, so we touched a little on the topic, yes, that patriotism cannot be born with it. when you were born, you don’t understand anything at all, a person spends his entire life teaching him something, he’s raised by his parents, school, kindergarten, that’s it. and the sooner we begin, when people become patriots, the sooner we begin to cultivate this patriotism in people, in children, i don’t hesitate, the sooner it is conveyed, it reaches him that this is his land, this is his house on this land.
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that’s what my country is called, but if you remember, you haven’t seen this video, and she, no, he ’s like, well, what’s the difference, belarus, no, my country, these are girls, it was about 10 years there, my country is called belarus, that is, this in a person, well, i don’t know, in some sense it can be called a patriot. someone before someone later, but for us it is important, for the country it is important that the sooner this happens, the sooner we show the beauty of our country, the achievements of our country, yes, we teach a person to love his country, the better it is, probably this does not happen age, yes, when... at 10 years old or 20 yes or once passed the army, but the sooner we learn to do this with our children, with
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our people, that is, i mean love their homeland , of course it will be better for us. only for our tv viewers. we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, you know what, for a long time i thought we would fight here, because this is a city, real history, is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, the second year, the post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey around our country, girl, this is a children’s museum, but i’m already an adult, they don’t let me in here...
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over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus and neighboring countries, but also distant the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, the usa, and a number of other countries. it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, a completely new museum was created, a new museum exhibition, which was visited by more than 100.
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it was decided that in order to recreate the church, then, of course, we turned to written sources, this church, this is not the
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creation of some new church, and not the reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but besides the the church was also recreated with a bell tower, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars, it had three bells of different weights, so everything is really this part of the village of khatyn ... it was really recreated, well, let's say, completely down to the smallest grains , very important, they say that the new interactive one is also of particular interest to visitors.
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there are information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, generally historical, it covers a large period of our history from the 10th to the 20th century, there is information about the post-war period, about how the memory of those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the 3 years of occupation was preserved, but of course it the emotional part of us...
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the visitor who goes to the museum, he sees how important it is to preserve peace, how important it is to know about those tragic events so that such tragedies do not repeat themselves, because for our country, for every resident of our countries, the great patriotic war - it was a humanitarian disaster.
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81 years have already passed since the nazis massacred civilians in khatyn. and we keep this memory, why do you think this is really important today? well, it must be said that you cannot build the future, you cannot live even today without knowing your past, and a central place, a very important place in historical memory, is occupied, of course , by the events of the second world war, the occupation that lasted on the territory of belarus for a full 3 years, led to huge human losses.
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its creative so that we can continue to enjoy the peace, the peaceful sky that is above our heads today.
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hey, pass boy!
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yes, obviously making wounds, no one, myself, myself, husband or partner, yes no, yes no, myself, prepare the operation. fine. i had an accident, i hit a woman here. where is the victim? yes, that's not true, i just fell. well, since it’s nothing serious, wait for petrukhin. well, how are you waiting? gal. valentinovich, well, then we’ll take the x-ray ourselves. let's go, let's go. how does everyone here know you? yes, i am chronic. i come here often all sorts of fractures, well, i’m serious, you work here, well, actually, i’m an emergency doctor, and i bring patients here, ribs, well, a crack
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in the sixth-seventh rib, well, yes, yes, the skull, well, everything is clean here, yes, thank you . huge, let it rest for now, come on, thank you, yeah, thank god, i should also do an mri, i don’t have any symptoms of a concussion, my head doesn’t hurt, i don’t feel dizzy, i don’t feel nauseous, my ears don’t ring, i’m conscious at the moment of impact i didn’t lose it, a medical worker or something, a nurse from a regional hospital, listen, exactly, but i think where could i have seen you before, well, nurse, let me take you. let's go, thank you, of course, but you spent so much time on me, and by the time you get to my village, what kind of village is it, deserted,
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is it the one on the island, or something, yeah, well then let's go anyway, otherwise you'll start throw yourself under the buses again, let's go, let's go, the rain seems to have stopped. maybe we can meet after all? for what? well , why, i don’t know. nadya, andrey, why? and please stop calling me names, i'm not that old, i have today
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the child was taken away, which means the child was taken away, germany was taken, it’s a long story. after the divorce, my wife does not allow me to communicate with my daughter, but for the child to be taken abroad, i cannot imagine this. listen, how do you get back there, and grandfather tikhan leaves the boat for the night,
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uh-huh, i see, listen, i’ve never been to this place, well, thank you, then i’ll do it myself, do you want to row with broken ribs? nadyukha, what are you doing, my mother and i don’t know what to think, nastya, hello! i
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saw natasha off, the plane was delayed, i so she said, let's call, let's call, but your phone is off, but she reserved it, my daughter is back, thank god, oh-oh, be careful, be careful, she has ribs, it's okay, i fell, and who are you? good evening, i’m a doctor, good evening, is there anything serious, nothing serious, mom, if you want, i can show you a picture, andrey just gave me a lift, we work together. andryusha, andrey, how can we treat her now, lord, she knows everything herself, but in principle, if possible, rest, bed rest for several days, make sure that she doesn’t lift weights, that’s it, nadyukha, now you’re in my hands, and i ’ll keep an eye on you, and it’s advisable to take more calcium, and this is milk, fish, yes, and i also heard that jellied meat is very useful for the bone, it’s true, mom, well, leave the person alone, it’s time for him to go, goodbye, it’s late
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, you’ll go tomorrow, thank you, thank you, you’ll find the way to the crossing, don’t worry, i will find it, yes, what about this daughter, lord, we were so worried, well, mom, don’t worry, that you can scare us like that, baby, yes, that’s it you and the ufo, they got to us too. and what are you building here, and what is needed, we build, but what? “they seized the land, started
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squatter construction, and they’re probably building some kind of dacha for an oligarch, or harmful production in general, what do you care, this is our land, we won’t allow you to build anything, that’s it, i’m running fetch the district police officer, go ahead, i’ll go myself, vasily!” only non-violence, we lived, we lived, we didn’t bother, non-violence, non-violence, we went fishing, natasha called, yes, she says, we arrived well, already at the apartment that friends they took it off, and mishenka, like, okay, like him, eats well, doesn’t get bored, i don’t know, i didn’t
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ask, so, well, what do we have here, milk soup with meatballs, mom, you know that i’m not, nothing, nothing, eat like a dear, come on, father, sit down to dinner, well, the village council said that all the papers are in order, yeah, but i won’t leave it like that, and you didn’t see what kind of fence they built behind petrovna, no? and today they brought in a whole barge with bricks and the secrecy is as if they were building a military base, but don’t worry, maybe someone bought the land for a dacha yourself, just sit down, pour it and eat, come on, come on, pour it for yourself, oh, it doesn’t concern you much, i’ll figure it out myself, pour it properly, what the doctor told you, come on, and what you poured there, come on pour, pour, i'm telling you what, if you
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buy this one in the store. you can see in your eyes when you managed to look at his eyes, you managed to, but he’s married, mom, don’t start, he just gave me a lift, consider him fulfilling his medical duty, well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but it was he who gave the lift, we need to get it from above, uh-huh, oh, uh, nadyuh, ah
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listen, my father and i decided... why spend money on this corset? can we do it ourselves? oh, they carried it, they carried it, look what they carried? do you have extra money, or what? me too, godmother? listen, there's a lot there. you don’t need anything, just a meter of good leather, yeah, and 2 meters of thicker copper wire, i have four squares of 34, that’s a lot, we’ll put felt inside for rigidity, the only inconvenience is that there will be fasteners on the back, i’ll tell you that i’ll give it, well, the tears are not slow, well, now i’ll pick apples, i’ll tell you i’ll give you some, i’ll collect it, okay... come on, if you break the regime, now we’ll also go quietly and get drunk, as you say, we’ll beat you out with a wedge, but judging by the way you ’re talking now, you’ve probably already accepted, well, also an expert for me, yes,
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don’t even think about adding a charlock from your skirt. nadyuh, what kind of camouflage is this? don’t give me away, dad, okay, don’t you know me, i’m a grave, oh, when should i expect you back, but in the evening, as usual, but that’s understandable. belarusian doilitstva, which is your jumping spirit even now
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mastatstvaznaўtsa. colons, geta not columns, geta pelasters like this, yana streets ў stage, but also appear dastatkova actyўna, eyes, geta abavyazkova. zachepіtstsa, the historical creation of significant cultural objects in the karst of the country, the pazelishcha, that which became the sweaty meats of the fire, was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon and a sabortak, and the hell of the city began to develop and the monastery itself. the actions of these ladders were marooned by the muscles of the saints, and it is factual, if they were the saviors of the altara, then there was a need for the price of these ladders, and the faithful prahodzili.
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i go into creativity, that is, this is like my outlet, i don’t know, healing the soul, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. oh, tanya, i forgot the folder in the staff room, go get it. oh, why did you come? are you on sick leave? on what sick leave? well, due to a traffic accident. well, who told you? well, the doctor came from the ambulance and said that you had been in an accident and insisted on sick leave. i don't need sick leave. and i don't need trouble. come on, come on, come on, go home, go home, until the end of the week. hi, what are you doing? you’re doing, but in general i came to check how you ’re complying with your sick leave, it’s my business,
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whether i need sick leave or not, but listen, i know better in general, i’m a doctor, and what do you know better, i feel good, and stop controlling me, i’m sorry, please, i didn’t come for this at all, this is for you, what is this, this is a mobile phone, you lost yours, didn’t you? i won’t take it, yes, okay, then i’ll go to the police now and write a statement that i hit a girl, ran over her and fled the crime scene, hello? sick leave, what is it? never mind scary, well, let's go, i'll walk you to the bus, or go to work, otherwise hello, aren't you at work? and i ’ll be late, no, nothing, nothing, i have to see you off, but don’t worry, i’m in the car, i ’ll take nadya, and who are you anyway, i’m a doctor, go, otherwise lvovich is not in the mood, well, as you know . goodbye, well, let's go? yes, i’m on
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the bus, no, that’s out of the question, i just promised your boyfriend to take you personally, but i’m not a gentleman at all, well then , let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, take the strap. do you know that emergency doctors have regular patients, yes, for example, i have sofya stepanovna, an 84 -year-old granny who lives alone with a parrot and constantly comes up with new diagnoses for herself, sometimes even very complex ones, i don’t know how she recognizes them, it seems she doesn’t use the internet, so we understand everything, we laugh, but it’s impossible not to come. and then one day we arrive, she sits, eats sushi,
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drinks tea, i say to stepanno, what happened, what are you complaining about? she told me, andryushenka, it seems to me that i was poisoned, i i think, let me joke with grandma, you know, sofia stepanovna, now there is a terrible, terrible intestinal infection going around the city, so immediately go to the hospital, immediately hospitalization, and you know what, she was happy, yes, hospitalization, she says, can i speak to myself parrot i’ll take it, i say, well, take it, of course, at this moment, a call from the poration, a man with a field wound, an urgent need to go, loss of blood, and you know what she said, she says, andryush, excuse me, it seems to me that with the poisoning i’m a little i got excited, go to the rescue a person, like this, well, i stopped pretending, yes, of course, but relapses sometimes happen, sorry. yes, olenka, yes,
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yes, of course, i will definitely come in the evening, no, i can’t now, now i have to deliver the patient to the island, yes, i kiss you too. well, haven’t you dug up any worms again? that's it, i won't be a sponsor anymore. wow, look, what kind of disgusting thing is this? goodness, just smell it, it smells like gingerbread. and what kind of gingerbread?
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i managed to get dressed, you, you were transporting and didn’t say anything, a friend is called, why should i report to everyone or something, they asked me, i and transported, well, look, i have partisans, i caught her near the hospital, in fact, she is on sick leave until monday, so i recommend being vigilant, she might run away again, i thought i was on duty, well, all the best, i went, who nerd? wait a minute, do you want to go fishing with us? what's biting you? yes, that’s it, it
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’s roach, crucian carp, rudd, bleak, pike comes across, maybe catfish, well, about catfish you bent, why did you bent, in the year ninety-six, i caught this one, you dreamed about it, quietly, i dreamed that you were laughing, i here for these were specially called. i saved it, if you want, i’ll bring it, no need to call, yes, i agree, i want, well, that’s it, i’m getting a spare school bag, wait, oh, hi, sorry, you’re late again, listen, can you imagine, there was no one to leave my son with, mother-in-law promised and let you down, lyoshka waited for now, uh-huh, oh, here you go, your loved ones, for some reason, just like that, you’re just nadya, please don’t say anything, otherwise she’ll be indignant, i thought you were friends, i’m like that too i thought, who,
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nadya? and you don’t know, she would have been fired long ago if she had not been morozov’s mistress. yes, our correct one, well, tihan, andryukha, i caught a whole bucket of worms, i caught crucian carp, and you, with your superbait, three unfortunate roaches, three unfortunate ones, yes mine, and you didn’t catch anything at all, well, we’ll just sit down at the table. i had such a rest with them, it seems to me that i haven’t had a rest for 100 years, and the main thing is that i remembered my childhood, and where are you from, i, uh-huh, i’m from kostomuksha, oh, israel, well, why israel, this is karelia , not far from
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petrozavodsk, but still 300 kilometers north there, and when he got to us, my aunt took me 15 years. after the death of the parents, what happened? yes, my father died while rafting timber, my mother, you know, as it happens, i felt sad, began to get sick, well, in general, oh, what a grief, but it’s not grief, it’s life, just like that, we go asking questions, so we were sitting well, what are you, what are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, the only thing is that it’s time for me to go, like it’s time, and this rematch, night fishing, eh? yes, i'd love to, but maybe next time, no, wait, like next time, let's stay, really, stay with us, place a lot, but leave the person alone, maybe he has a date, well then change things, well come on, then, as the french say, ampure, ampure, quietly, what are you talking about, speak
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russian, for the day, say so , am, ampere. hello, hello, why did you come? well, i came to ask how my charge was feeling, she’s still tormented by a sinking conscience, well, stop patronizing me already, and i didn’t intend to, to be honest, i came to ask you to go fishing there, it’s just the way i’m on duty today. even in the eyes it’s dark, there’s a lot of challenges, but that’s not the point, a young girl jumped from the balcony alone because of unhappy love, and we didn’t take her to the intensive care unit, clearly, like this, well, i think dad will be happy, and grandfather tikhan too, and you, i don’t really like fishing, but i’m sorry , yes, it’s
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you, i’m sorry, i was also annoyed at work today, but what is it, yes, one is sick. she accused me that i gave her a bad injection, she had a hematoma on the floor of her arm, and i remember exactly that i injected her in the other arm, well, there are not many options here, either she’s just drinking your blood, or one of your colleagues talked her into it , yes it’s unlikely, no, but if you need help , ask for help, you’ll scare me with an infectious disease again , no, why with an infectious disease, i’ll take a large syringe for 150 cc, make such a face, i’ll go into her room and say: madam, at your numerous requests, nadu has been suspended from injections, now i’ll give you injections, okay, okay, oh, now, sorry, yes, olenka, yes, yes, i’ll come by later, of course, i ’ll call you back, yes, that’s it, let’s go, bye, let
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’s go, i’ll get you i’ll introduce you to my aunt, olenka, with pleasure, it’s not far here, let’s go. olenka, hey, it’s me, andryusha, come in, come in, i'm not the only one, come in, oh, hello, hello, hello, hello, here, come in, this is my aunt olenka, and this is nadya, very nice, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, look, no i loaded him with nothing, i don’t know what he needs, i just don’t know, it hurts, well , you can understand that arthrosis, it won’t go away on its own, yes, i understand, yes, that you just need to go to the hospital, get treatment, no, no, to the hospital i won’t go, can you imagine, i won’t even go to the hospital, i’ll give you an injection now, “please sit down, sit down, thank you, excuse me, i’m in a robe, but i really don’t i was expecting guests, yes, but what do you, and you
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’ve known andryusha for a long time, recently, we’ve been working together, uh-huh, andryusha, i won’t do what i can’t, i’m not a guest, i’m a health worker, a nurse, now i’ll do all the injections then, now go put the kettle on, we’ll drink tea, though i don’t have anything for tea, i wasn’t expecting guests, i didn’t count on it.” i have chocolate-covered cherries, the patient was discharged, i’ll bring them now, andryush, and the girl is a believer, i i know, i dreamed, you are drinking tea from a crystal glass, and the usual sadness recedes, oddly enough, i dreamed, you are healthy, and you are healthy our children, you and i have blood,
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the best home in the world, i dreamed, there are no worries, there is your laughter, your song, there is an ingenuous pie, confidence, we are together, and there is no need to leave, tear your heart, cripple your soul, you ca n’t stay for a long time wake up we are going to hell between the borders and the borders of the country. let’s open the roc in advance from the past land, let’s follow the history and meaty abrasions: mommy
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for that distance, let’s get a quick excursion past the adaminak district, which is in the lezninsky district e, she worked in the pockets of luscina for 50 family farmhands, selling a little, oils, honey, wave, horses, garden for rent. uvaskros, sapraudy uvaskros, let's go, brothers, walking, sleeping, lord god, lord, god, show the way to good luck, tired sleepy, yes on your races, asvyatsila poles for your beloved little one, and dad old traditions new life, fall i crush it, i crush it green, i crush it into pieces. together with the project in advance, we just passed on the belarus 24 tv channel, we
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know exactly how to start the morning correctly , they talked about it thousands more times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who trying to live efficiently, i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast so that you have energy. what your body really needs is energy, health and vigor. during exercises, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest,
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back, these are all light exercises 10 times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. what a wonderful aunt you have, and she reads poetry so wonderfully, she really liked you too, listen, let's go to the store and buy it for her food, otherwise the refrigerator is completely empty, what do you think, i’m starving her, or something, the day before yesterday i brought two huge bags of food from the supermarket, and so she feeds half of her entrance,
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i understand, i understand everything, i try, but sometimes i don’t have time, but can i come to her sometimes, yes, of course, i think she will be in seventh heaven, and i will also be very happy, well, we agreed, well, i’ll go, no, i ’ll take her, but only to the stop, fine. fasten your strap, yeah, i filled out the temperature sheets, the medication log too, reports write-off, well, that’s it, you can check it, yes, i believe you, no, you check it, otherwise you’ll later say, what is this, lvovich said to improve
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our professional level, well, take it to my office. well, everything is in order, but don’t forget to sign in the duty transfer log. allah, what kind of fly bit you? yes, by the way, maybe this is none of my business, but you should meet with your doctor further away from here, otherwise morozov will find out. what? the whole hospital is already talking about this. and what is this whole hospital talking about? you shouldn't have contacted him. don't go, although with it inclinations, the schedule there is the most suitable, for what other inclinations? damn, he drinks, that’s why his wife left him, who ’s spreading such gossip, it’s not gossip, marina worked at the same station, oh marina, well then it’s clear, she’s a woman of crystal honesty, you ’re biased towards her, but that’s your business,
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i left. it’s so normal, and i ’m waiting for you at the hospital, you won’t move, but thank you, i beg you, don’t come to the hospital anymore, okay, what ’s wrong? and i’m compromising you, well, just loving and drawing your nose is none of your business, of course, i’ll correct myself, and olya told you this, she says, since you liked it. tsvetaeva, you should have her volume, thank you, yes, but as she, you know, it’s better, then she went for a walk in the park and scolded me for letting you go alone late, let’s go to her, and come on, come on, she will be very happy, let's go, and then i'll take you home, well, let's go, oh,
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next time we should... invite her to our village, if she agrees, of course, but my ex didn't like it when olenka visited us visiting. why did you break up? we are not separated, i left. in general, everything was like in a joke: the doctor returns from night duty early.


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