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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 3:30am-4:50am MSK

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this stage is yours, we need your speed and agility here more than ever, so bring us this crystal, we believe in ourselves as a team. andrej, ja som si vybral preto na túto disciplínu, lebo je jeho výška, rýchlosť mršnosť je podľa mňa super na presne na túto disciplínu, sil som, že bojí sa vody, ale tento blázon vie tak dobre pláva ť, že to preletí tú vodu nespadne do nej.
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oh come on, come on, come on, listen, to be honest, now is a very dangerous moment, firstly, the web is very insidious, and secondly, thor is very afraid of spiders, so here, of course, you understand how stressful it is, you need to get your bearings here first of all, faster than your opponent, sing né uzle, nie, rukami, rukami, cha, come on!
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that's it, come on faster, come on, please, i remind you, the opponent is still nearby, come on, well done, you'll make it, thor, thor, thor, i believe in you faster, ramp and crystal, ramp and crystal, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let’s go there, thor, what are you doing, faster,
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it would be more strength to climb, you know, now he understands that he hasn’t brought everything to the crystal team, it’s probably harder to climb, emotionally, to overcome yourself to some extent is much more important, come on, come on andrey, he’s already tired, he’s started to catch up with ours, that’s why. there are so many cool exciting challenges ahead, well, vikings, let's get together, look, your torus injured his arm, in my opinion, at first glance , the injury is not serious, but you will still need medical help, look what else is wrong with your leg, let's hope, that he can continue our game. thor is very, very hesitant
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when approaching specialists, because he is still afraid of letting the team down, it seems to me, and secondly, with injuries it is of course very difficult to continue playing. no one said that it would be easy here, in my opinion, the injuries are not serious, you will perform, i don’t understand, i don’t understand, it’s still unclear what will happen to his fate in our game, but i still hope for the best that he can continue the tests, coach of the vikings team, now they will just decide the fate, thora, what to do after all. here everything is possible, you need to be prepared for anything, but it’s still a game, it continues, well done, congratulations, well done, done it, well done,
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it went by calmly, well done, well done, mate already got the instructions, my leg got tangled in the net and i couldn’t unwind it for a long time, when the bag swayed i didn’t expect it to be so abrupt, i didn’t have such a moment that i thought, that i would lose to him, i just told myself that i could do it. "na poslednej prekážke som sa šmykol kvôli mokrým topánkám, neustal som to spálil som si kožu na ruke aj na kolene, netreba dávať dole hlavu, treba ísť tým ďalej, andrej je silný chlapec, ur čite sa nevzdáva, nie je to až také zranenie vážne
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natoľko, aby nemohol pokračovať, neprestali sme bojovať, ideme stále za víťazstvom, máme len prvú disciplinu za sebou, máme ešte viac pred sebou, takže..." they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, came here to study , i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i didn’t have anyone left there, everyone left
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deliberately, because belarus gave me everything, the nature is beautiful here, i feel like i’m at home, i want it. not only my roots remain here, but also my children are here we also felt right at home , we stayed here at home, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t know if i was hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip, we will prove that i am belarusian.
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so, meet marta, the wife of mindaugas, during whose time in the novogrod castle guests were treated to noble zrazy, let us show you what they eat in different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on one side i see a viennese waffle, something sweet is projected, something like that tender, on the other hand, is potato pancake, belarusian potato pancake. look at the project, food at least. where on tv channel belarus 24.
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the surface of the water is fraught with danger. viking thor hanged. the pirate genie was able to win the crystal. e guys, pirates, mogelev, well done, listen, but this is just the beginning, i hope you understand all this, yes, we are determined to win, yes. well, let's somehow be energetically determined to win, yes, it was just a warm-up, it seems to me, but the most important thing is that we still have thor in the game, so dear vikings, show myself, i believe in you, you are strong, you are powerful, in fact, the first test is over, the next one is even more dangerous, only the one who overcomes all obstacles and... goes to all levels of the game will win the main prize, a grant for the development
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of sports in the country of the winner, the creators of the presidential sports club game, and the winners will also receive incredibly powerful tablets for new exciting battles, you will need the ability to maintain balance in the next test, the elements of air, meeting her is easy in... your head, but you won’t like it, you will defy gravity no matter what happened, stay on top, don’t fall into the abyss, even if you have to cling to the air, i’ll activate the second test, chosen against the element of air. in this test, the participant must maintain
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balance on the levitating steps and, deftly passing the yakar, have time to grab the bonus crystal hanging above the abyss, then step on the air washers and walk along them to the finishing platform to take the main crystal of the easy path. boni from the pirates team will take off, she is a prize-winner of the republic of belarus in fire and rescue sports, so fly, fly, fly, boni, because only those who are confident in themselves, think like a winner, will be able to overcome any obstacles, the air stage, it is very difficult, we consulted with the team for a long time and decided to choose lera, she said that she fearless, but i would like to test her fears, right? wrote: fear of heights, i see what is present in her, she must enter into her fear and overcome it.
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oh, this height is mesmerizing, you just want to stop, admire the views, what kind of stop, what can’t you do, you can’t do this do. you need to remember that there are teams, there are crystals that need to be earned, firstly, you need to take every step more confidently,
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that's what i can advise a member of your team, because thanks for the advice, okay, leg, leg, leg, really - you should not be afraid of the aerial staircase, because - everything here is quite simple, there is nothing simple here, in the world, what are you talking about, the aerial staircase is very difficult, you need to monitor the center of gravity, each, oh, step can be unique. here we really have a little something happened - an interpreted descent from the steps, it was just a swing, we saw it with you, but everything worked out, that’s it, we don’t have a bonus crystal, well, okay, god bless him, go, go, don’t be afraid, the main thing is to reach the end so that at least one. steel appeared in our team's collection. listen, how scared was she? we don’t worry,
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we walk confidently. come on, come on, come on. where is your cly? well, we can rename you as a whole, but to be honest, there’s no time for that now. now there is no time to search for a fly, because boni coped with the aerial stairs. that's it, shake your hands, shake your hands, monkey bars, they are so unpredictable, you need to jump. the girl is difficult on this one, and... oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, can you imagine, caramba, she didn’t expect it, look how her hands began to beat, literally a little bit was not enough, two monkey bars in order to move on to aerials pucks, okay, that’s okay, it’s okay , if she had a second try, yes, then i’m sure she would pass this test -
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it’s possible that even the bonus crystal would stick to the end. well done, i got it, yes, when they lose more hands, let me go without a hand, that’s it, i could have reached the end, but let go of my hands, here i am standing in front of the monkey bars, my legs are shaking, stop breathing. what are you doing, well done, well done, you haven’t dealt with it, you haven’t dealt with it, okay, everything is fine, i know we have guys, so i’m telling you, what are you worried about? that's it, well done, that's it, well done, well, you see, i overcame my fear, it turns out that it's not as high as it seems, in general, well, that's it, well done, before this stage i was a little
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afraid of heights, i overcame my fear when i stood on this one. .. the platform is just my legs my knees themselves began to shake and seemed to go down, my hands began to beat, they began to slip, and because of this i fell, at the moment when i fell, my heart began to pound strongly, i realized that that was it, there might be some kind of disappointment . then, because the command did not carry the crystal, but nothing could be done. einor dreams of becoming as super fast as spiderman loves the air, so it seems to me that today all the stars have aligned, dear vikings, we don’t
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worry, we just support einar today, einar, come on, na 200% to music jednoducho dať, je silný chlapec bojovník.
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the most difficult, as it seems to me, because the most ambiguous, falls 30 cm down and already knocks the participant out of the water, pach, clot, clot, i believe that enrar will cope with this, it goes slowly but surely, this is important, well, now i can already say for sure that most likely you won’t have a bonus throne, well, if you think about it objectively, but it ’s holding on, good thing. listen, the main thing here is not the bonus crystal, but the important thing here is to reach the finish line, because the air staircase is like that, yes, it depends on what are you counting on, of course, you need to support him very well, that now the stands are applauding him, steadily, great, each
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step is unique in its own way, yes, it can descend, when you stop on it, it can rotate around its axis. this is an element of the show, no, to be honest, it’s not planned, but it’s very good, a kind of transition from one stage to another, in fact, the main thing here is not so much how long it takes, what’s important is the fact that he went through this section smoothly, then hand walker, success is very important for nara: go to the end, reach the finish line of this test. well, come on, come on, come on, well, this segment is not easier, it’s very difficult for him now, but in my opinion he’s passing, it can’t be any other way, well done, inar, you wanted to learn
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to fly, please, there are all the possibilities for you, fly over, these are all the air pucks that you see, so for some reason einar stayed for the second time, i don’t understand what the problem is, he’s afraid to jump over, what happened, it seems to me that his hands got tired, that’s why he’s tired, kind, but i’m sorry, dear, i was tired during the monkey bars, now i need heroically getting to the finish line will definitely be an act if he makes it to the end. come on, come on, the last step, literally, and he
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was so good, well done, he took his time. took the treasured crystal that he wanted, a real hero, oh, so happy, how he smiles, he still doesn’t believe that he reached the end, he didn’t expect that it would be so difficult, that means the guy is strong, i’ll go through the click fingers, but that was not the case, i want to say, that was not the case, they are so happy, strong teeth, but not crap at all, i’ll tell you, dear,
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a tretia disciplína, som nevedel na to prísť, že ako sa otočiť na tom hne, vždy ma točilo doprava, najhorší moment bolo, keď som sa nohami nevedel dostať na poslednú platformu, som sa musel vytiahnúť z posledných s íl, rukami, ale dal som to, nezdávam sa, to emócie boli veľmi dobré, asi najlepšie, čo som zažil, ešte som také na takom niečom ešte nebol, cítil som sa veľmi dobre. the desire to conquer heights is nothing without overcoming oneself,
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the vikings took possession of one crystal, the pirates were left with nothing in this test, that’s us, now we have a truss movement like you did there like that, now. we do everything like this, tough guys, yes, well done, well done, that’s how we do it, let’s show that we are one whole, we are one team, what we came for, to win, victory will be ours, hurray, the next test, which you have to go through, the element of earth, the bravest of you will find yourself in a labyrinth, it’s dark, very risky, there are no more souls, build the right route, everything will work out. every step can change the course of the game. what it will be depends on only from you. i activate the test. element of
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earth. this is an underground quest. the player must. in 4 minutes get to the main crystal and pick it up, to do this you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass the key through the pipeline and open the vendmine with it, get through it, called the swampy imps, end up at the storage facility to open the door to it, don’t miss it on the way hints with numbers, their sum is the code for the lock, when you enter it, you can only touch the lasers three times, take it...
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with your feet you crawled out somewhere on the left side. i also see 864 864 did you hear yes yes 864.
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now i'm opening the pledge, the next one you 'll have is when you go down right away in the maze right away, right away in the maze, come out and at the end of this there will be a hint, there will be at the top at the end, at the end, not at the end. why, well, it’s almost there, look, you have 2 minutes 40 seconds left, i’m still trying to open this lock, uh-huh, i can’t figure out how to open it, take it off here, that’s it, look, here on this side, seven 716, and which one , what is the first digit? 716, 716 here, and you collected 854, you collected, yes, which ones, wait, say the number again 864, 716
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wait 864 and 716 yes - 1500 10 then 654 count let's do it again 716 716 716 well 864 and that means 1.580 yes plus 654 21 count it yourself yes 1.580 you have a minute left. once again what was this number 1.580 1.580 it turns out - 2.200 - 2.200 - 34 wrong well what else let's do it again 4 2.234 come on let's go faster faster you have 20.
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5 seconds carefully 25 seconds faster 5 seconds yeah but carefully let's go faster faster grab it back from you 40 seconds all the time ended three times i was hooked why did you count for so long and what does it have to do with you counting you're hooked, you're hooked, but you can't count the code , okay, so he's hooked, he's hooked, it's not us anymore, he would have had time, you still had 20 seconds, you could have been more careful, we were talking about you, the readers, okay, ok, one jasin. we still
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have a relay race, yes, well, there’s still a relay race , there wasn’t enough time, there weren’t enough 20 seconds , you’ll have 20, well, you would have made it there, but in the end it’s difficult that there are three lasers almost in a row there. okay, basically, it’s my mistake, okay, let’s see how the slovaks are looking for it, there are also shields there, so don’t be upset, everything is fine, everything is fine, hurry up, everything will pass, don’t worry, we still have stages that we must go through, okay, yes, don’t worry, the tower will decide everything, whatever, that’s it, everyone is great, don’t be upset, i behaved selfishly, and because of this i believe that i let myself down, the command, then all in my head was that time was running out, i thought that i would have to make the last roar myself, because of this i did not listen to my command, i just decided to speed up, and it drove me, made me lose, i'm now
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i feel guilty, i plan to make up for it by listening to the team more and listening to myself less. belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you will learn and master. colons, heta not columns, pelasters are like this, they are very important in the scene, and they also act as a sufficient act. at the eyes of geta abavyazkova zachepizza. history of the creation of significant cultural objects.
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i say, for a good life in the village, for all this, yes, you need to have two things: purity of thoughts, firmness of intentions, watch on belarus24 tv channel. valhalo is already at a low start in the command post, einar and thor, they will help her find the way to take the treasured crystals, well, let's
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see how the vikings cope with this test. pan, stay disciplined, got out. preto, lebo fakt je húževnatá, silová, rozumie rozkazom, nakoľko som jej tréner, tak som mu tam vybral, chalani navigujte, viete presne, ok, ok, ok, kde je, vidíte miesta, kde sa nachádzajú kódy, naviguje len jeden, v poriadku, jeden ticho, jeden naviguje, držíme palce, otázku, nemáme, dobre, super, ideme, držte sa, chalani, čau, dobre, vanes, ešte raz všetko v poriadku, aha, ok, keď teraz ešte môžeš si pretri špičky, aby sa ti nešmykalo, ty máš rukavice,
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si tu sama, si tu so mnou, aká je tvoja pesnička? poď, poď club na. poď, chyť lano a zapri špičky a ťahaj hore, poď, poď, poď, paráda, poď, poď, poď, si von, poď, kľudne, dobre, poťahaj, kľudne, kľudne, tam niekde po ľavej country by si mala mať prvý kót, z ľavej, áno, z tvojej strany po ľavej strane. počujeme ťa,
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poď ťahaj, ešte, ešte, ešte ťahaj, približne v strede by mal byť, čiže približne v strede by mal byť na ľavej strane pri pletive blízko, kde je bližšie, ako niekde tam, hľadaj, kukaj ho, poď, otvor si onú, poď, daj kľúčik vnúka. kľudné, kľud dole je, áno, poď, poď, máš 2,50, poď, dávaj, dávaj, dávaj, poď to dáš, opri sa nohami poriadne, tak, paráda, poď, lez, lez, lez, lez, lez, lez, tak, dávaj, tam máš hore po pravej ruke, po pravej ruke máš hlano, čo si odopneš, kde si tie. poď dole, poď dole, kódy budeš mať dať v
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piesku hľadaj, kde je kód, hľadaj, hľadaj kód, však povedzte mi kde, kde je kód, však tam vidíš, to je keby ampulku, eh, potom druhý kód by si mala mať ako ideš smerom ku, ku to hovorte, máš naspäť. "skys sa vrátiť, choď naspäť, choď naspäť do tej totej, postav sa, choď naspäť do a ako si šla , aha, počkaj, mám, zerán, ti to zabudol vedať, 994, hej, kde, tú tretiu, tú tretiu máš niekde tiež na zemi, sa mi zdá, máš naspäť, choď naspäť, asi vnú tam v tej šachte, pôjdeš?” " tam, tam niekde by mal
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byť, eh, keď vylezieš, tak niekde tam by mal byť kód, nevidím ho, máš 50 sekúnd, neviem kde je presne, neviem, 10, hovorte, však nevidíte to, nevidím, neviem presne, kde si, nie je tam niekde e všakte, nie, nie je, tak veď pozeraj, ja neviem, kde to je presné, máš 30 sekúnd, kde je hovor, dave ti?
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"aha, však tu je kot, tu je kód a tu tu, tu je keby hore na tom ventile, ak šla dole, tam, no kde bola tá mulka, keď ju nevidela, neviem, kde to bolo na začiatku, alebo na začiatku , ako si ťahala tú, ja som sa pýtala, že kde tá tam v strede bola, ja som ti vravel v strede na ľavej strane." hej, a potom som sa opýtala, že či mám otvárať už oný dole a že hej, nevadí, nevadí, nevadí, neskoro, v pohode, nevadí. nevadí, ťažké to
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bolo, bolo ťa no som nahnevaná smutná, že proste som to nestihla, aj keď si myslím, že by som to proste stihla, na začiatku som hneď mala problem s tým, že sa mi vlastne noha zasekla, potom sme sa s chalanmi... trošku nepochopili, tam ako som ťahala ten kľúč, tak tam bolo ten jeden kód a vlastne nevšimla som si ho a proste som pokračovala ďalej, potom už som zmätkovala, musela som sa aj niekoľkokrát vraciať aj hore a potom som spadla, tak síce moža mňa by som to dala, ale nejak to nevijalo, no nie, však sme
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test a p okazali sme to všetci a takže. the chosen ones were unable to solve the dungeon puzzle, both teams were left with nothing, one good thing is that the opponents also did not earn a single crystal, but guys, this experience cannot be repeated in the next test, we agree, let’s get together, let’s 1 2 3, and we won’t be upset us. the score is still 1:1, the next test will decide everything, i i think the canopy, everything is vague, cool, the strongest, the best, wow, vikings forward, your passion will now flare up with renewed vigor, it’s time to fight the element of fire,
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the viking clan is eager to fight, sea robbers are unstoppable, give fire! show what you are capable of! the fire flares up instantly, only by acting together can it be overcome. i activate the fourth test. element of fire. the first players. fire relay race, pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into the glass bowl, take it out him ventel. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it, fill the target with water so that the third players can
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get the crystal out of the flask, and then climb the mast to secure it at the top. whoever goes down first and takes the main crystal from the totem will bring victory to the team. wow, the sparks flew from such a start, from the vikings team i have volgala, from the pirates team, jim and i expect a powerful fiery start from him. volgala, in fact a three-time slovak champion among firefighters. when jim was asked. what is your main fear? he said i was fearless. continues the test from the einar vikings team. from the jack pirates crew. einor shows everyone his beautiful muscles and always smiles. what a great guy, and jack was determined to win from the very beginning, he will do everything
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possible, everything that depends on him, we’ll see, i believe, your team believes in you, well, i hope the audience will support you too. the pirate team trusts the girl, bonnie, to complete this relay. i hope the choice was made correctly. but from viking 2 will fight for victory, i’m sure he can bring it. we will watch the battle between the guy and the girl in the finale, this makes it even more interesting. na štarte máme postavenú vanes, kde sú prednosti jednoznačne silné, nehorázne silné nohy, na druhom úseku damián, rýchle ruky, tenučký, prepchá sa všelikade, na poslednom úseku, andrej, dlhé ruky a rýchlosť, hlavne v kľude, nikde sa
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neponáhľať, všetko má svoj čas a keď to má prísť, tak príde a... at the first stage i have timur, for him any weight is on his shoulder, he is in fire, in water, in the second stage i have gleb, he is elastic, this is his look, at the third stage i have lera, she will climb my pole, she climbs trees like a monkey, she was born in the forest, so i believe in my team, i just hope for the best, they will cope with these stages . well, jim, start the relay so that in a minute.
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well done, you did it, you heard it, great, jack has already started cutting a passage for you into the tunnel, great, in my opinion, they even found the valve, so don’t rush things, oh, oh-oh-oh, how are they so fast, great , we have never passed through a tunnel so quickly,
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oh-oh-oh, how can it be, come on, come on, come on, come on, ropes, ropes, ropes, great, everything, super, by the way. there is a 25 m fire hose, and the distance is only 15 m, so you need to straighten this hose so that the flow of water is even, you need to hit the target, exactly at the target, so that the water level quickly reaches the bulbs. the crystal rises and most likely, as i said, khudani will now end up with the crystal in his hands, nobiva, come on,
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come on, come on, einar, come on, speed up, please, quickly, quickly, almost practically, hands, get up, is it really like that for my team, it will all end, einar, come on, come on, come on, literally a couple of centimeters, millimeters, yes, in my opinion, we have a clear advantage, come on, come on, more, come on. come on, come on, she, yes, the crystal is great with us, i wanted to straighten the hose, ah-ah, i did it now at this stage, well done, listen, it’s going fast, but it’s not so easy, it’s so easy to fall down, crawl, a little - a little, come on, come on, i see enar sadly looking at this target. i think we have a victory already in the pocket, come on, carefully, carefully,
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it’s hard, but if, if they were on par, it’s not a fact that she would have gotten ahead of her opponent, it’s a hitch with the net, it had a very bad effect on the result of my team, it seems to me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. there is everything and how takura hurray is simply in shock, he did not expect everything to be like this, it seemed to me that the members of your team did not fully understand how to control a firefighter. here the problem is not so much in the fire hose, but rather in the fact that they did not raise the grate so quickly, in my opinion, participants, the pirate trick worked,
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the tower can still change everything, here in the world, i agree with you, the tower will really decide everything, well done!
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my partners, if we can’t do this stage without one participant, i grabbed the diamond and started climbing the log, started pushing with my arms, pulling myself up and doing small jumps, my legs were already falling off, i almost fell there, i’m not alone in this the team was, i feel that i gave everything i could and... akože som sklamaný zo seba, že to šlo tak pomaly a tak sa stalo, vanesa v pohode, všetko sa stalo, len jak ja som rozbil tú stenu, aj vanesa ťahala dohora, ja som ťahol zospodu, medzi drevami bolo kamienky nešlo to potiahnuť dohora, tam sme sa strašne zdržali, ale skoro sme ich dobehli, ale to už bolo neskoro, som
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celkom sklamaný, že sme prehrali, lebo nie sme naučení prehrať. the skin hero has his own unique history of life and creative development. yes, i studied with the italians, they were in the czech republic, the italians, we worked with them, then my older brother, he is a member of the yoli neapolitana pizza association, there was an opportunity.
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to ruin affairs in the country to please either the west or not the west. the vns must also insure us against possibly very noble-looking citizens who seem to be ours, but who are either weak or incompetent. your mission is to serve for the future of belarus. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. in the fire of struggle, the pirates snatched two crystals from their rivals, the vikings were again left with nothing, and
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the pirates, so you and i agreed, yes, what is needed. right now the very moment is coming, then so, you have been tested by all the elements, but what did you come here for, conquest. towers in this challenge, all the crystals you earn can affect the outcome of today's game. rough vikings against fearless pirates. which of you will be closer to the main crystal? justa, the teams are ready. just because the peak is close does not mean it is easy to conquer. the final test.
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tower. this is decisive. the pirates will rise by three, but which one will reach the top?
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i think so. one crystal, this is very good, well he is now trying to explain that they have no advantage, it doesn’t really matter, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, i hope this will help him, it’s my turn to take the main crystal, it didn’t work out in the first test, but now come on, you have all the capabilities for this, tor come on, andrej sem prišiel získať jeden kryštál pre seba, so ja mu verím a dúfam, že to dosiahne v tom jeho druhom pokuse. the final stage, where
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the whole game will be decided, at this stage i have timur, this is his path, since he is a parkourist, so i am confident in him, but there is still excitement for my team, so we hope to keep our fingers crossed for him. oh, stand like that, of course, come on, come on, it’s supposed to happen first, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, come on, come on, come on!
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what speed almost lost what speed come on, no, yes? yes, yes, guys, hurray, you’re great, listen, well, the advantage was small, well, maybe he took advantage of us wisely, wisely, what he chucked, i’m completely narikos there, you’re great, come back. blay, okay, when i heard the signal, all the fear, everything went away, i was sure
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that he wouldn’t catch up with me the second time pushed off from the glass, when i stood at the top with the crystal, i had no other feelings other than joy, i knew that i had not let my coach down, pride in my team.
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the pirates are rushing to victory, who can stop them, the game will decide, the champion is running, the hero, well, congratulations to you, cheers, well done. my pirate gang showed superpower, you guys are the best, you are a hero, you have moved to the next level of the game, continue to fight for the main prize from the creator of the game, the presidential sports club, even despite the defeat, my guys have found something for themselves priceless treasures, they have become even stronger, even more fearless and are ready to rush towards adventures again, this is a game of heroes and it continues. heroes, they are already next to you,
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just forward, heroes, luck, reward, hero, victory will be forgotten, a new day is ahead, boldly go to it and do it. the first step, without a doubt, this is our finest hour, time has chosen us, don’t miss it, in our time, friends, with you next to me and wings behind my back, hero, hero, and not
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already next to you, only fat for the heroes, also a reward , heroes, we are waiting for victory, heroes, they are already next to you, just forward, a hero. the hero's path, will the chosen ones cope with new challenges, welcome to the world where everything is real.
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our beloved mother, please let us know our belarus. our beloved, mother, slave, eternally lived, and belarus, from time to time, stifling for
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centuries, we have destroyed, generations of people, we are for you.
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rashi belarus, our beloved, lived and drizzled.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of saturday, may 25, i will tell you sergei lugovsky, hello, a course towards strengthening integration, a noticeable rise in relations between belarus and russia and a clear signal to the west, together with experts, we summarize the first results of the negotiations. is inventing new ways to attack anyone, now they are developing new myths and legends like paola’s test tube for iraq, now the story is even simpler, cyber attacks are the most exciting
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, touching day for graduates, more than 55 thousand eleventh grade students are starting their journey into adulthood. see also in our issue. all fans are waiting for the outcome of the belarus football cup, the second national trophy of the season and who will win it, neman or islach? only facts within the panorama. sanctions have revived long-forgotten high inflation in the west. washington’s policies are hitting the fucking satellites hard, but we, belarusians, made the right decision and avoided the negativity. i, alexey avdonin, will tell you how big politics, economics and the well-being of the population are connected. simple economics in panorama. the words of the oath were heard throughout the country today. in the armed forces, young recruits have become full-fledged military personnel. unique sludka belts, nesvizh castle and mound
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glory. the cultural and tourism potential of the minsk region is presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. the need to restore order on the earth, involvement in economic turnover. empty houses, the development of regional medicine and the work of the deputy corps with the population in the regions, the council for the interaction of local self-government bodies, created under the council of the republic, is, as it shows to practitioners, a good platform for summarizing emerging issues on the ground; we will talk about joint work using specific examples: the long-awaited day for graduates, the last bell rang in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, the most gifted children were united by a holiday in the minsk arena. details in the material. readiness for the swimming season is one hundred percent: barbecues, gazebos, shade canopies and recreation areas, all this awaits visitors on the banks of the capital’s reservoirs. we'll tell you all the details in
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the panorama. get rid of any restrictions, integrate each other more into industrial cooperation chains, increase trade turnover and regional cooperation. the day before, negotiations between alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin took place in minsk. the presidents held several meetings in narrow and expanded formats. among the main economic topics. transport, gas and oil, investments, mobile communications. decisions have been made on everything, as in matters of defense. journalists were able to ask questions, including on the peace negotiations in ukraine, and how the leaders now see the development of this situation. this is the fifth time this year that the leaders of the two countries have held talks in person, and this is certainly a definite political signal for everyone peace. here the thesis will sound: truly strategic.
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belarus and its regions today, without exaggeration, cooperate with almost all constituent entities of the russian federation, product exports are growing. regions of moscow, st. petersburg and the leningrad region, smolensk, bryansk, but
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there is potential in murmansk, primorye, tatarstan, magadan, novgorod. russian governors come to minsk for negotiations with enviable regularity, hence the success of bilateral contacts. a separate topic was raised during the official visit cooperation in defense. the new head of the russian military department also came to minsk as part of the delegation. and here we remember, in belarus and russia. one defensive space, the connection of the two military potentials of russia and belarus creates an absolute guarantee for our countries in military-strategic terms, of course, no threats from western opponents of the opponents in this case will have any success, although i would like to emphasize once again, with from a geostrategic point of view... the situation is difficult, because belarus is actually surrounded on three sides by either nato members, such as lithuania
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and poland or ukraine, in this regard... nuclear exercises, the answer is today's reality, mandatory for our security. as for peace negotiations on ukraine, they can only be continued taking into account the agreements that have already been reached in belarus and turkey and, of course, only with the legitimate government. zelensky's powers have expired. we see now that conversations have resumed again about the need to return to negotiations, but let them return, but return not based on what one side wants, but based on those agreements of a fundamental nature that were reached during difficult negotiations in belarus and turkey and based on
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today's realities that have developed on earth . this is the confluence of powers of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, there is no legal purity here and cannot be, because there is deep democracy, you understand, everything there is strangled, i am often reproached here or we are dictators, there is someone else there they sew it on, this is democracy, not a constitutional court, nor other courts can say anything, so there is no legal purity there... there is no and cannot be in this situation, as for war and peace, the main questions, what does it matter, everything equally, neither the current president nor the future one, i think, will resolve these big issues that face the state of ukraine, the people of ukraine, resolve these issues -
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