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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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for 10 years from the mid-nineties , the institute of theology, which was then called the theological or theological faculty, was an integral part of the then well-known european humanities university in belarus, which is exactly how it was conceived as one or the leading faculty in the classical university of the origins -
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theology, as it seems to me, uh, achieves, is called upon to achieve two such, two such goals, there is a dual goal, yes, the first goal is precisely the formation of a worldview, the formation of a worldview with the help of which, a person then he will not only be able to be successful in some profession, yes, it... gives certain skills, competencies, yes, they can be acquired with the help of, well, special techniques, the acquisition of knowledge and skills. the institute of theology of bsu is the only educational structure in belarus that trains professional theologians and religious scholars in the field of secular education, training highly qualified specialists in the field of philosophical anthropology, theology, and religious studies.
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it is worth saying that religion, yes, like us all we studied, but classically we know that religars are about connecting, this is, first of all, the union of god and man, the lord calls, and man responds to this call, or they don’t respond, but the lord is always waiting, i like to work, first of all, this is academically , since our theology is, to put it mildly, not yet developed, it is in such an embryonic
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state... we have a lot of work, both for teachers, and for researchers, and for the future generations that we are now teaching, so there can’t be a lot of work do not like, i... always when preparing for lectures, for classes, i always try to ask myself the question: what will be the outcome, will they like it? it’s clear that sometimes it’s clear that students are tired, to put it mildly, but nevertheless, sometimes it’s not always possible to spark interest in them, but it works. the institute of theology named after saints methodius and cyril prepares spiritually educated specialists needed at the present stage of development.
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composition are living people with a living mind who are interested in transferring their knowledge first of all, these are not just people who wanted to do science and were forced to teach in order to somehow exist, no, these are people who purposefully came here to pass on their knowledge to the future generation, for many of the teaching staff this place is just as native, many teachers are graduates this institute, and one feels a connection with previous generations; they also feel a keen interest in the institute. there are quite a lot of interesting disciplines here, and some may interest you a little more, some may interest you a little less, teachers are able to make any discipline interesting
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for students. in this modern educational institution, in addition to foreign languages , church slavonic, ancient greek, latin, and hebrew languages ​​are also studied. so that students can read and analyze theological texts in different languages. every year, the institute of theology of bsu continues to develop and expand its educational programs, offering students the opportunity to deeply immerse themselves in the study of theological disciplines, theological teachings and spirituality. practices. here students gain knowledge about religious traditions, church history, biblical texts, and philosophy. and ethics. particular attention is paid to spiritual and moral disciplines, such as theology, religious philosophy, liturgics, the study of the holy scriptures, the old and new testaments. secular disciplines such as history, philosophy, sociology and psychology
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are also important for students at the institute of theology. they help you understand the context of your faith in a broad historical cultural sense, as well as develop critical thinking and understanding of the worlds. around us is our institute of theology, which gives the specialty of theologian-religious studies in the current format - this means a teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines, a theologian, a religionist, a teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines, that is, we, on the one hand, we study theology, orthodox theology, we study there are also different branches of christianity, and different denominations, catholics.
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a practice that is aimed at familiarizing oneself with the process of worship, traditions, and the history of church liturgy. as part of this practice students can participate in worship services, study canons and prayer practice. from the second to the fourth year of study, students undergo teaching practice, which is designed to prepare them for their future profession. both practices aim to develop in students the understanding and practical skills needed for the future. in church and society, we are now in the chapel of our institute, we have the opportunity to taste with our hearts, but what is it like to be with god? student life is a period of personality formation, yes, and it is very important, when during this period a person answers
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vital questions not spontaneously, but this, well, somehow you know, i study there, for example, economics or chemistry or medicine, it is very important, very valuable. but still, being a student is the time when i have to ask all the questions about the meaning of life and answer them, and so, when i study some such disciplines, let’s say, technical ones, yes, then this... this general one is like this for a person, the most important foundation of life’s meaning is such attitudes, he somehow spontaneously rebuilds like this, we are doing this purposefully, in this sense, the institute of theology, despite the fact that there is a direction that i said, at the same time it is engaged not so much, not only, more precisely, in directions, but in the formation of a person’s integral worldview. there are three departments at the institute, this is the department of theology, this is the department of religion.
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material, the use of various forms of interactions, social experiments in
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practice. the main goal of the institute of theology of bsu is the training of highly qualified specialists in fields of philosophy, anthropology, theology and religious studies. the history of the institute dates back to 1993, when it was decided to create a unit for training the clergy and... the institute pays special attention to the preservation and study of historical documents and books. one of the unique features of the institute is the presence of a bible museum, where valuable copies of the holy scriptures and ancient manuscripts are collected. the museum is not only a center for storage and exhibitions, but also a center for research and teaching, where students and teachers have the opportunity to study.
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that we must tell about what the bible is and do this in the most accessible format. the exposition of the museum of the bible was gradually replenished. the first exhibits, of course, were books from the library, such as the septuagint, the vulgate, a translation of the bible into partial translations of the bible into the belarusian language. here. then some books were either donated, yes, some books. purchased, we are still replenishing the exhibition. this museum is unique and
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important for the institute because it helps preserve and transmit valuable knowledge about theology and cultural traditions. at the moment, the museum of the bible has about 150 exhibits, and of course, due to the fact that our museum is not so large, not everything is on display, so, but in the future... our plan in the future is to expand our exhibition, we hope that we will be able to show everything that we have to our visitors. the translation of the bible into belarusian by the synodal commission of the belarusian orthodox church is directly related to our institute, because the person who for a long time taught professional vocabulary of the belarusian language and other subjects with us, and was directly... a participant in this translation, this person is archpriest sergius
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gordun. it was through his efforts, his passion for the belarusian language, that this translation was made, in 2017 it was published, for which father sergei gordon received an award for spiritual revival, which was personally presented to him by the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko. excursions that we have. held at the museum of the bible, in fact, the guys are very, very interested, because for them in many ways this is something new, and even guys who come are like us in their lives. in the museum of the bible we held the bible in our hands for the first time, it seems to me that this is quite a great achievement, and during the excursion our task is to tell people what the bible is, what its history is, yes, starting from the first meeting, yes, which of the most ancient documents that have been discovered, ending with modern
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translations, also special emphasis is placed on the history of the belarusian bible, since belarus is... our country, it was in belarus that the first bible, the francis skarina bible, was printed. in addition to educational activities, students actively participate in the social life of the institute. they organize various events, meetings and festivals that give a unique atmosphere of friendship and creative cooperation. students have the opportunity to reveal their talents and express themselves in various creative directions. let's enjoy the taste of the bulbs and the confusion, let's spoil the godzik, yes spring is coming, we will already become adults, we will already become adults, i am very happy that i work at this institute, and i am very lucky, this is my, in fact, my favorite job of all the jobs, yes, that was, and i like that i work specifically with young people,
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with students, yes, since i am the head of the department of educational work, yes, since i work with young people, they simply charge me with their energy. with their impulses and some of their projects, so together i am very happy that together here they are raising me and i will teach them something in life, our institute of theology is a unique place, because on the one hand it is the whole spectrum of secular education, but all that the belarusian state university can give is various platforms, the guys can go to the theater, and there, for example, that is, there is a theater studio at the philology department, there is a folk choir, the guys there may be our... students, but at the same time we are , to some extent, a spiritual institution and an educational institution, because everything that is connected with the belarusian orthodox church, for example, communication with orthodox youth brotherhoods, yes, we also take part in the events of the belarusian orthodox church, and well, the guys can realize themselves there too. the club's student organizations play an important role in
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shaping social life, supporting many activities, including charity events. other universities, teachers from different universities come, we take on very
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different topics, yes, for discussion, a lecturer speaks, and then we communicate, this is theater... here where batleyka, yes, when the guys also write the scripts themselves, go to orphanages, to schools, tell some biblical stories, or on spiritual and moral topics, they show such small performances, but also a very interesting project, let’s say i like this museum bibles, yes, where the guys can try themselves as tour guides and in general it’s very interesting to work with, and there with some archival materials, that is, the institute of cyology offers us work in different areas. yes, if all you are interested in is we will develop here, we will just get a new, maybe content, direction, here, ah, but we also have such a project as balance, our students, but these are more graduates, or senior students , noticed, that when a student comes to minsk, especially city students,
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in the first year it is difficult for him to adapt, because they find themselves in a new environment, like a dormitory, maybe, and there are some problems due to conflicts, maybe to be in a group, so we created such a social adaptation project, as if students, we first tested our first-year students, and now we are working with students of the faculty of philology, and the faculty of mechanics and mathematics, for example, yes, that is, we also have such conversations with the guys from some trainings, in some classes , well, we try to support others, because we understand who are not theologians, right? can understand another person, who is like a mythologist, yes, who really, well, can talk, yes, so that he has someone to talk to, something to talk about, about the meaning of life, about the same thing, yes, why me, why do i live. student life is filled with bright and cheerful moments that remain in the memory for many years. the guys spend their free time together, talk about free topics, sing and compose
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songs. such pastime brings students together and creates a friendly atmosphere in the team. the sisters of the st. elisabeth monastery often contact us, because they also host many different events in the kovcheg center, in the spiritual center of the ark. students of our institute help organize fairs, say, for christmas, for easter, our students, yes, they go to this kavcheg center, where they help the st. elizabeth monastery, also as volunteers, to carry out some events, various promotions, we have never had chess, a chess club, yes, but a student came who is interested in chess and he welcomed us all i got carried away by the fact that now, several times a year, we play chess with the whole institute and invite students there.
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is an extremely important discipline, which is the future, which is the future, because once again, the changes that are taking place today in society, they ask fundamental questions,
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not of a technical nature, not tactical, but strategic, theology is precisely a discipline, which is very ambitious, pretentious, this is a conversation about god, a conversation with god, without solving these questions we will not be able to competently . move into the future. gaining knowledge in the field of philosophy, ethics, religion, history, culture helps a person better understand the world around him and his place in it. the institute of theology of bsu is designed not only to train the younger generation of theologians, but to educate highly qualified specialists ready to serve, research in the field of spiritual culture and faith, thanks to their important missionary assignment. he continues to strengthen and develop the traditions of theological science, to form a new generation of theologians and specialists ready to glorify true
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values, spirituality and faith. i was with you on the program of truthfulness yangabelov, all the best to you. what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example, when geopolitical means is removed by the authorities a potential enemy in socio-economic terms, political there, was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this is the modern ruling elite, their personal future.
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usa for the first quarter of twenty-four 17.5%. the key word is consolidation. if we want a future for our children, we must all unite. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. is he married? mom, don't start. he just gave me a ride. yeah, consider me to have fulfilled my medical duty. well, you know, doctors we have a lot, but he was the one who gave us a lift. andryush, the girl is a believer. i know. i know,
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hello, thank you, we don’t need your services anymore, i didn’t say anything, it’s our neighbor, grandma lisa and dad saw how long we were looking for each other, wandering in the world at random, and i just wanted to be alone with you, al , well, tell them, you saw how i sealed it yesterday, but you didn’t see anything, that’s it, get out of here, remember, you said that you dreamed of first aid stations? open in my village, so, i knocked out, hello boble, good for this business, like where is nadenka, hope not why, it will be very severe, the spleen is damaged, large blood vessels are affected, watch the series rare blood group on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the name is aitz, the son and the holy spirit. amen. dear brothers and sisters of hrystse, dear tv presenters. it’s not for nothing that i’m burying the lord’s hell to the sign of st. kryzh. geta is a sign. simple and great for the skin, of great importance. in reality, this is the shortest recognition of our faith. i believe in god aytsa, as i love the light so much that i add the son of my adzinarodnag, if only for those who believe in yago, i won’t die, but i will live forever. i believe in my son, who is an ascension and shepherds the light.
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faith in the holy spirit, pan and the creator, who is the father of the egg and the son, and who owes worship and praise to the egg and son. this is how we read in the apostolic symbol of faith. gift, faith is the adzinaga of god and is unique in three ways. for the sake of christianity, no other religion recognizes the most holy trinity. adnosin's pamizh aytsom. and to the sons and to the holy spirits, this absolute love, love, which does not close itself in itself, but adds to the whole story in our minds: a good son, son of aitsu, holy spirit to aitsu and the son. any creative and life-giving, with the love of god, light and darkness would be created. adsul
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other vatykanski. the cathedral is built in such a way that the cathedral can be called an inter-sabove stone, which represents an assemblage of the triune stone to god, aitz, the son and the holy spirit. maci kascel gives us god's life, which comes from the crown of triadzinaya love, and lets us develop this life, where and the man is created into... the image and fall of god's bastards and love. however, only those who are united with the gods will create and live it up. grehapadzenne of the first people was parushennym getai ednasti. and the world is filled with pain, turmoil and death. and skin sins add up to trashiness in the lives of gods and men. remember. from now on, adam and eve
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have only harvested the fruit that was barred. why would there be such a horror here? however, then cain died, as abel was killed, and evil began to spread across the earth. and pan, bachachy, because the madness of people on earth has become weak and that all the thoughts of the sir and theirs did not extend to anything else, but for evil, they are plowing. that the old chalaveks are on earth, so we read from the prince. adnak, for the sinner of chalavets in the distance there is a hope on the safe side, because for god there is nothing nemagchymaga. as paul, the leader of christ jesus, apostled, you, who were far away from calis, have become close, under the warm wings of christ.


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