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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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among the storms of loss, the infinity of days, we will save our land with our love, belarus is us, belarus is us, it is you, it is you. yes, i am, we are relatives to each other, neighbors, friends, we are a big family, belarus is us, i am proud of you, fair, honest, wise, bright, white, russia, belarus is us!
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, the first weather forecasts, people started. done back in ancient times, with the help of what modern equipment do you make a weather forecast today? weather radar data, data satellite, and numerical modeling, and i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. for the first time , belarus encountered this problem in 2000. the first, then there was an outbreak in 2003, but
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after a lull for almost 10 years, they are literally ignited by cary beetles, where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build passages inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science project nearby on tv channel belarus 2
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hello, club of editors on tv channel belarus 1, let me at the very beginning of our program introduce the guests who came to our studio today, sak, editor-in-chief of the publishing house belarus today belarusian. senator, oleg gaidukevich, member of parliament, leader of the liberal democratic party of belarus, alekseevin, political analyst of bce, andrei krivasheyev, general director of the minsk news agency, head of the belarusian union journalists and yuri voskresensky, political scientist, head of the ksds, we are writing at lunch, lunch has already ended a long time ago, although not all of us have lunch, at these moments the head of belarus.
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russia is holding negotiations in minsk, and of course, the most important topic for us, the outgoing week, a wonderful, beautiful ceremony was in the palace of independence, the meeting of the president of russia, vladimir putin, such a pleasant sight to the eye, well, of course, everything is taking place in a very friendly atmosphere, and we will sum up the results of this in the coming days. visit, the presidents met, talked briefly in front of the press, well, in general , issues, as far as we understand, are being resolved, being resolved much more effectively than they were just a few years ago, probably four years ago, maybe 5 years ago, here i am i have prepared several figures, it is clear that two components are being discussed and the presidents have spoken about this, the first is, of course, security. we understand what times and where
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we live, the second is economics, about economics, maybe we can talk about both later, but about economics, look, here are the simple numbers. after the implementation of 28 toroslev union programs , legislation was unified, the legal foundations of a common economic space were formed, bilateral trade turnover between belarus and russia in the twenty-third year was 53 billion, an increase of approximately 10%. russia is our main market, in 2 years we have grown export supplies there by $8.5 billion, imagine for such a country with 10 million people, $8.5 billion. get additional income, of course, we remember that ukraine disappeared from trade relations, well relatively, perhaps , the european union has disappeared, although just at the peak there were 7 billion, although the european union, although we see the hysteria of our runaways, it turns out that the european union
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both traded and trades, and who is hysterical the most, i mean in i mean , the baltic protectorates of the united states of america, in general, leaders in trade, in particular with the russian federation, settlements in national currencies between belarus and russia at the end of 23 reached 92%, this is generally my favorite thing, i believe that we are all with our allies should come to such figures russia's investments in the belarusian economy exceeded $4 billion last year, this is the most important figure, investments, this is the most important thing for the development of production, including about 2 5 russians working in the republic.
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how many countries does russia trade with in asia and so on, cross out all this so that washington is happy with blinkin saying, well done guys, patted you on the shoulder, hung some kind of medal on you, well, to the salt of the russian federation, it’s just a crime, i say this more than once and i will say it again i want to say, it doesn’t rule out that we should have and will now trade with western europe, you remember our... vector is famous, but we talked about it a lot, the west doesn’t give us such chances, why? because we are not a decisive market for the west, from the point of view of security, approach to russia, yes, we occupy a key position, and we remember the construction of a nuclear power plant, the wonderful flight into space of marina
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vasilevskaya, in general, this is the situation, and this is not me economist, although he spoke with embassy staff, with representatives of different...
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and they have a different philosophy of development, they have a philosophy of development through cooperation, and we found this form for two states, unique, probably, in the entire political history of the world, as... a union state , where both states, retaining their sovereign powers, resolve common economic, political, and at the moment, most importantly, defense issues, in fact , rather, this is all being done in order to weaken the position of our state, to trample our economy, then it will be easy to subordinate belarus to those people, westerners and...
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sovereignty, years have passed, today we can already look around, all countries, integration with russia began to be frightened by the losses that moved away from russia and shouted that today they, abandoning the soviet past, abandoning economic ties with the russian federation, although it didn’t work out completely, someone who ran away, like georgia, once, now, on the contrary, wants to restore something, because it’s hard for the economy without russia develop them, where are they sovereignty, i have a question, where at...
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how are countries deprived of their sovereignty, heaven and earth, so of course there cannot be alliances without problems, there were problems in our union, but today i also want to return to the words of the president, which he when something he said before the start of the svo, before the introduction of the sanctions regime, when he said, the time will come, russia, all these differences will go aside, russia and belarus will stand back to back, two presidents, together to defend both belarus and russia, that time has come , the words came true, and today, driving around...
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a little about today’s meeting of the two presidents, for me, when i watched the ceremony of the meeting of the president of russia and the meeting of our leaders of the union state, honestly, there was such pride, a feeling of the power of the union state of belarus, russia, and you know, i am convinced that our enemies are watching this ceremony , uh, in the west everyone is sitting, glancing, watching, and i’m sure that looking at tv, looking at this meeting, they understand that their plans... to destroy belarus and russia will never come true, not even today, i’m
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sorry am i just looking for confirmation or no, i watched the last club of editors from the first to another place, well, we’re leaving out russia germany georgia kazakhstan lithuania, latvia, slovakia, the united states of america, this is the top views of the club editor. so these are editors' clubs, do they watch the president, it seems to me that this is a very funny question, they only watch him, i wish i could, i would like to explain.
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people of the russian federation, i want to say again, we are sovereign, sovereign, independent, independent, the economy is growing, thanks to cooperation, the numbers are growing, whatever they can there may be complaints, yes, when we discuss the topic of integration, naturally, our opponents cite the example of the european union, but or there is integration within the nato bloc, but you always need to understand how western countries integrated the same. eastern europe, the countries of eastern europe into their alliances, it was not economic integration, it was debt integration, they are the same baltic countries, poland, romania, like bulgaria, as they integrated, at first they destroyed industry, destroyed agriculture, which was created during
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the period the presence of these countries in the organization warsaw pact, only later, when you no longer have an economy, when you didn’t...
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probably eight years ago, if not nine, one of these bright seminars was held in riga, both i and marat sergeevich markov participated, we had a dispute with our then baltic partners and colleagues, why russia doesn’t suit you, that’s what lies at the core, they began to sort it out, they gave their arguments, arguments, arguments,
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arguments, in the end they came to the conclusion that there are only two facts: first , russophobia, they admitted, well , yes, we are at the level... such a representative government team, me, me in the foreign media, of course, i was amused by one of the headlines where they wrote that vladimir putin brought to minsk.
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how are the exercises going on now, by the way, related to tactical nuclear weapons with their use and what level of trusting relationships the dialogue is built between both presidents and security forces. by the way, the first visit is newly scheduled.
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everyone who, politically, if there are any left, opposes cooperation with the russian federation and strategic partner, instantly turn into
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political marginals. ours, our people, they understand perfectly what it is, but they know very well those three pillars on which belarusian stability and the belarusian economic miracle are based. three whales. this is the knowledge, wisdom, genius of president lukashenko, his political flair and his rejection of corruption. the second pillar is the belarusian hardworking, tolerant, humble people, who do not allow internal conflicts, including over clan or local issues, remember ukraine there, westerners, easterners and so on, and the third whale, the third whale, so i say everywhere at meetings that we have three chinese. this partnership with the russian federation, it is the russian federation that, i will support all my colleagues, ensures ours, which means their preservation. close
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space, for which we thank you very much, but also cooperation, they entrusted us with not only tactical nuclear weapons, and thus what happened, colleagues, we had parity, because our army could not effectively resist the army of nato countries, and now, after such high trust, we have parity, which means, i continue my thought, our protect...
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protects the border of the union state in the western direction, this goal was and will be, and we have no other goals, moreover, that there did not speculate on this topic, it is beneficial for the russian federation itself, so that someone there does not start talking again about these delusional fairy tales and the second point, in the context of these arguments, i definitely want to say that it is time in general, thank god this is happening now, to stop tell who contributes what to this union of belarus and russia, when someone starts dividing there, who is more, who is less? we have already discussed this many times and should have understood a long time ago: belarus is doing a lot to strengthen russia, russia is doing a lot to strengthen belarus, we mutually strengthen each other, mutually make each other stronger in strength, well , russia is a great country in size, resources, but and belarus has already proven over the years that it is doing no less to strengthen the russian state, a simple example of why the west is fighting so hard for change here?
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i say: i will do it, connect me with macron. and so macron, the leader of france, picks up the phone. emmanuel, how are you? his name is emmanuel. a beautiful name, especially when pronounced in french, emmanuel. emmanuel, how are you? oh donald, donald, i feel so good, thanks for asking. how is your wife? by the way, his wife is wonderful. i 'm asking how is your wife? thank you very much
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for asking.
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for belarusians, this is beneficial to the russian state, given the scale of russia, could russia try itself in a similar way? a story, well, of course it could, but they have a different understanding, this is the basis, it is much stronger, which is for mutual benefit,
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one more important remark, you remember how trump started that in relation to american companies, the french were going to take 25% tax, that is, yes, that is, donald trump. he is still a hired manager from american corporations, these owners of american corporations called him and said: listen, we put you there, go figure out who macron is? he also turns out to be a representative of the national capital, but here is the size of capital, but it is clear that american corporations are much more powerful and here the most important message is that they are these political figures, they are extremely connected with...
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they see it, look, beautiful words, endless: we support ukraine , yes, this is a violation of international law, at the same time they see the following things: growing trade with russia, russia can easily sell mineral fertilizers to any
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european country, it can sell grain, it constantly sells oil, this is the threshold price the price, remember, they told a lot, here is the threshold price, the cost of oil and so on, yes, it turns out that it doesn’t work, well, it doesn’t work, sanctions that don’t work, and china sees a large number of european companies that are telling how much they successfully worked in 2023 on the market of the russian federation, they see european banks, which, wow, we paid so much... taxes, they see neutral athletes who are invited to the olympics in paris, well, it’s like really, they see european components inside the caliber , who flies into the city of odessa or inside iskander, who flies into the city of kharkov, and what should neutral countries take for themselves, what, what conclusion should they draw, so as a result they were drawn into the war, continue to trade, bought up land, as we have already heard, here latest information: from the ministry of finance of ukraine, in the next 25 years ukraine must pay
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about 210 billion dollars of government debt, of which 75 billion is interest, this is official, not counting, well, probably some corporate things and so on. i don't know why he i’m surprised, the fact is that it was initially clear that the war in ukraine was started to make money for american corporations, by the way, the income of their military-industrial complex over these years.
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we are in a world at this dangerous point of nuclear war or war of nuclear states with each other, but nevertheless, the eyes of those who believed in these fairy tales, in these mantras about some kind of superiority, of some political systems, but this is good word, they are always for us, we have political institutions there, what kind, where do you have macron, where are the institutions, he’s over there for 16,500 km to new caledonia flies so that...
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i say again, for all people who are able to think critically, they show you how the whole institution itself, but the beauty of the moment, in fact, the past world was going to be ruled by a hegemon and his satellites, and this is unnecessary times pushes us. and the russian federation, and china, and the sco and brix countries, in order to build the world on new, fairer foundations in our interests, vinenko said, the secretary of the national security and defense council, that this story of russia and ukraine will end with negotiations, that’s all they understand this, not with a parade on red square, but as we, modest people in the editors’ club told you 2 years ago, everything will end in negotiations, it’s no longer clear. very, we just watched the video, a terrible thing
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happened to the ukrainian mentality, ukrainians, first of all the elite, stopped thinking about their own development, about their own interests, they filled their minds with the interests of other countries, these interests included this trend of anti-russia, they are not concerned its development, but how to destroy a neighbor, this path will never... give results, moreover, they will ruin themselves, their land in the next field, the main thing is to cut videos, put planes behind them, tanks, shoot videos and go. well, you can literally have a couple of such economic statistics for ukraine. ukraine lost its economic independence and sovereignty in 2004, when the first maidan took place. our viewers can check everything, take statistics and look at statistics on the trade turnover
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balance of ukraine. before the maidan , ukraine had a trade balance. positive, that is, it exported much more than imported and earned a huge amount of foreign currency for her country. as soon as maidan happens literally 3 months later, what happens? all this elite completely opens the market, the internal market of ukraine for western goods, and this happens, this never happens in the economy, and this happened only after the immediate change of power. there is an opening of the market, a powerful influx of western goods and services, the destruction of the national economy, this is what an alliance with the west means, the next stage was that since you are already trading at a minus, then you naturally you will come for loans, this figure that ivan
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mikhailovich called, it was not formed after 22 the second year, it has been growing and growing since 2004, now, naturally, like... yes, they owe so much, any politician, it doesn’t matter, zelensky, put anyone, they will come to him and say, give the money back, if you are so independent, listen, well , they will declare defaults, i will say that they are not able to pay off, if lenin comes, he will say, and if i say it even easier for the audience, so that it is it is clear that in ukraine they’ve already sold everything, there’s nothing left of their own, no grain, no beaches, no enterprises, they’ve been sold for a long time, but today they’re selling the last thing that is human life, that’s why there’s a war going on? yes , there’s nothing left to take, they’ve taken everything, what else can be taken from ukraine, that’s the tragedy, that they’re taking away the very last human thing, yes , ukrainian journalists once went there, they’re all there, your dad is building everyone there, but it’s hard for you there , i say, hear, sweep the streets in kiev, teach us life, i say, i was recently in kiev, there are sporting events,
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you notice on the street, when you drive from kiev to minsk by car you experience a culture shock, we don’t notice it, especially by car. when you drive through ukraine, well, everything seems to be fine, the trees seem to be the same, the grass is the same, fences, and asphalt, but when you arrive at the border with the republic of belarus, it’s just some kind of culture shock, you still came to what - a toy country, compared to this, we have enough problems, but that’s how it is, here they are, i have a feeling that they’ve all been playing there in quarter 95 for a long time, unfortunately, here is the richest country, the richest, it was really stolen for 20 years, it would be second third in europe. they destroyed the europeans of their competitor in the person of ukraine, they definitely destroyed it, and this strategy was well thought out, starting with large industrial enterprises, they got a market, got cheap labor, qualified labor, they got everything, i have another question, now this is a large
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territory, there are serious population, people are absolutely normal, healthy, that’s how many? resources will be needed, about negotiations, there will be negotiations, the war will end in peace no matter how many resources and how many problems, this territory will create more for surrounding countries, including for us, because we are also diverting our resources, which could direct our own development in order to maintain security on this long border of more than a thousand km, these questions remain open, but we must know that there are, in any case, our neighbors, people close to us, and that the situation should somehow it will work out, well, let's hope that this will happen in the near future, and also always, let the audience, when we talk about ukraine, not for the first time, should remember that the belarusians were prepared
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for the same fate by the west, even worse ukraine, and if we had been very lucky, it would hardly have been lucky, what happened in the baltic countries and what we were led to in before 1994, before the referendum of 1995, this was a clearly structured strategy.
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between russia and belarus and further the destruction of the union state, and most further remark, i still remember this phrase, they say, this is the only window of opportunity to create the situation we need in eastern europe, well, what a situation everyone understands, yes, that is, the next stage is the elections in 2020 of the president of belarus, the buildup of this situation , russia.
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he refused to come there because he had a speech before the hollywood, so to speak, voters, so, that is, accordingly, answering your question, yes,
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indeed, until the elections of november, twenty -four, there is nothing, there is one thing, but, that means, despite us not getting into issues of legitimacy, let them sort it out, but that’s not the point, i remember the president’s words on this topic, he said, no matter how anyone treats them, but after this period , there will be problems with the negotiations...
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and if earlier his legitimacy was still absolutely unclear, but this is very important, it was supported by political support, remember, he had crazy ratings in the beginning with yes, it was 80% each, now court sociologists, i note, such as the kiev international research institute and others court sociological services announced a figure of 17%. it’s not the courtiers who mean sociologists, but the west specifically, because little by little they are preparing one of the options for leaking zelensky, so it’s not without reason that these ratings appeared, that he has such a small rating that his popularity is falling, at first they rocked him themselves, how popular he is, now they themselves they start writing, but the question
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is what to sign any contracts.
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the key point that he promotes is the destruction of european industry, with the message that you don’t care at all, where to produce, then produce with us, transfer your production to the territory of the united states of america, trade from our territory with the whole world, what this policy can lead to if trump comes to power, this will definitely
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close the topic of ukraine completely, the topic ukraine is a topic. biden's democratic party and naturally, in these conditions, they are in a hurry to somehow close this topic or somehow freeze this conflict before the presidential elections, but to focus more on the confrontation with the same china, the economic financial confrontation, but in reality for world politics, the world economy as a whole for humanity, the arrival of trump is focused on a global confrontation with...
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this means that the french economy was in dire need of this, extremely in relation to the united states, they would not have made such a decision, and despite for this, they didn’t... i’ll say that they did, well, we’ll remember the military orders that were taken from france, yes, the story is the same, you know, there was a lot of speculation in the press, zelensky’s loss of legitimacy and so on, yes , there is the question of de jura, there is a question of de facto, and so the question of de facto was resolved in istanbul, when those negotiations were terminated on, let’s say, the mild advice of boris johnson.
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signed and approved resolutions of the un security council, that is, it became mandatory for implementation in the international arena, and then poroshenko comes out and says:
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having realized this whole mistake, they are now focusing on restoring economic ties with russia, but not just in some black way supply their products to the russian market, but also gas and oil. get cheaper, then this will be a powerful blow for britain and the united states of america. orban - these are the words of macron, who openly calls on europe to prepare for war with russia, and the poles are not just preparing, indeed, the actions that are taking place on our border, they cause us concern, because we understand perfectly well that millions of dollars are just being lost , that means this kind of militarization, so many soldiers, so much equipment, it’s just not done that way, that’s why.
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the story with the international criminal court, a month ago there was hysteria about the fact that this is the fairest court, as in this comedy film, long live mu, the fairest court in the world, when the criminal prosecution against putin began, but then it happened with...
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reprisals against political opponents and there is nothing from the court, from justice words at all, this is a tool for reprisal against opponents, that’s all, the point is, when the current head of the international criminal court said that these are also violating, these are their own, it’s impossible here, he will become the object of these races, do you want to know what a real gangster is? hitting? let's take a piece from the letter, which?
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one of the congressmen, yes, that if we support this initiative of mus on a warrant against netanyahu, the next warrant will be issued against us, yeah.
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we have suspected this for a long time, yesterday the prime minister of georgia on his page, it’s true, yes, yes, it means that irakli kabakhidze said that in a telephone conversation with one of the european commissioners, a political racketeer, can you imagine, the european commissioner
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threatened the prime minister minister of a sovereign state, straighten it out, i thought it was a joke, to be honest, i even my editors. they acted very harshly with the protesters who wanted some kind of democratic rights of their own, that everything that happens in other countries is the lot of banana republics, but here in the usa in a flower democracy, this is unacceptable, the fate of the country is decided on the street,
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here it’s possible for them, this is a banana state, that’s the whole attitude, so i still propose to return to the example of georgia, because it is the same...
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we have the opportunity to create our own, but not andersen’s army, but combat detachments, combat, well
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i don’t know, formations, i will be happy to donate to these formations, as i have been donating to ukraine since 1914, we must unite together, together we must make this strategy to defeat the common enemy, and he can only be defeated by force , no. ..
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these are the people whom ivan mikhailovich brought to the screen, thank you for doing this, we need to do this, they are ready, as soon as the opportunity arises, to kill us, to kill.
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dispose accordingly, but this is a matter of justice, so to speak, i have one the question is, if they have this type of apartment, what were they going to do on our part, it’s at least possible to clean this home, i just read an article on one, where they talk about what legal grounds they cannot clearly explain on belarusian television, what are the legal grounds, so i want to tell them, there is only one ground: “you, scoundrels and scoundrels, betrayed your country, we will take everything from you and do it according to the law, there is no need to look for any more grounds, said the legislator, yes alexey, we will finish it, literally, please note what are they, what are they focusing on, that is , come, they say, belarusians come to our territory here, train, and then, that is, this is a civil war, that is, belarusians must clean up, but they won’t
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like it, yes, that’s why i i think yes, only investigators can come there, task forces, it’s good if the investigators, someday .” otherwise they would accuse us of making it all up, they said, let the people, let the belarusians see that they want war, that they want to kill us, but we won’t allow them to do this, in this regard, i want to thank the leadership of the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, the state grammar committee.
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to aggravate the situation, we will act in the legal field, but they are, as it was correctly said, permanent lifelong goals for ours, we will judge according to the law of the mountains, can you imagine what kind of virodivas, they have been telling a fairy tale for 5 years that there were 97% of them, let’s imagine , now they have been calling for 5 years impose sanctions on belarusian companies and enterprises; they suffer and benefit from these sanctions.
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such a trident is now the coat of arms of ukraine, what is written there, the ukrainian trident newspaper of april 5, april 26, 1945, in this hour of decisions the genius of adolf hitler will win, a week later hitler shot himself, but by the way, to the last, he is still an idol unfortunately for many, trizup has become a national symbol in ukraine, and this brand, well, god bless them, thank you very much, our broadcast time is over. it's over, we see you in exactly a week on tv channel belarus 1 on tv channel belarus 24, goodbye,
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every corner delights them. i spent my whole life with bees, because i love them, they understand me, although bees also require an individual approach, and are ready to endlessly find inspiration in the simplest things, in childhood, when we ran
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along these trampled paths after the rain barefoot and we drove the wheel in front of us, it was such happiness. watch the poleshuki project on the belarus24 tv channel. while at the western borders belarus is conducting exercises and building up its military. contingent on our southern border , the special services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs, today all conditions are being created in our country to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, while their placement on the territory of nato countries everyone is happy with it, but this is probably different. there is a redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, well, besides, one.
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weapons of our neighbors. the author's view of ksenia lebedeva on the policy of dual standards in the project are different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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on sunday, may 26, i, vladislav bunder, will tell you about the main thing by the morning hour, hello, watch the episode, the belarusian football cup is in the hands of neman, who rushed from the victory to... dance, slick comments and analysis of the match golam. all juices have survived, germany is talking about the limit of assistance to ukraine, and the eu.


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