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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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sunday, may 26, i’ll tell you about the main thing in the morning, vladislav bunder, hello, watch the episode! the belarusian football cup is in the hands of neman, who started dancing after the victory? sly comments and analysis of the match by goals? all juices have survived, germany is talking about the limit of assistance to ukraine, and the eu.
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calls for the denial of benefits to refugees. farewell chime at the school threshold. latest loud chords graduation lines. the decisive battle of vzhodin and a football festival for grodno. their team neman won the belarusian cup this season. in the final she beat isloshch with a score of 2:0. how igor kovalevich’s team commented on the devastating result. and also. victory dance and analysis of the match in the report by maxim kembel. it's been a long time since the torpedo stadium in joden has seen such a large number of spectators. the belarusian football cup final caused a real stir. the local arena, which seats just over 6.00 people, is almost filled to capacity. a powerful crowd of fans from grodno came to support their home club. isloch was not left without support either.
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comment, but also gave a good dance igor kovalevich. the treasured trophy is in the hands of neman football players. the grodno torseda does not stop talking, which means that neman wins the belarusian football cup for the second time in its history.
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it’s just an educational institution, but it’s probably become more like a home and even some kind of family, the walls, the teachers, everything has become so familiar, so of course it’s a pity to leave, despite the fact that there are a lot of people in the classrooms. the number of children was always for everyone, if someone didn’t understand, they could explain separately, they always met halfway, i i remember very well how i just brought my child to the threshold of this gymnasium with bows with flowers, oops, that’s it, eleventh grade, everything is fast.
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11 years of school, we are already entering adulthood , growing up every day and this is like a new stage of life that we are moving through, i will really remember this day today, it gave me a lot of emotions, both positive and maybe somewhere with some hand...
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before exams, this holiday should be remembered for a lifetime, because each of us, saying goodbye to school, retains in his i have a good memory of the school, of the teachers, it is very pleasant that young people are talking about this today, and of course, they received very serious knowledge, because at school they proved that they were truly students who were eager to learn, serious and important tests: the entrance campaign will begin with centralized exams on monday, the first subject to choose from, then languages ​​will be taken, and the most touching, final chord, graduation ceremonies will be celebrated on june 14. negotiations took place in minsk this week alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin. the presidents held several meetings in
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narrow and expanded formats. we watch all the details about the big negotiations in the main broadcast. and also how to respond to the hypocrisy and pressure of the west, why there is no such thing as safety. and what minsk was told in tehran, let’s look at the political week from a different angle in the time of the first section. a friend and ally flew to minsk. negotiations day and night. we asked lukashenko and putin about security. we don't need war. the cool ambassador about gas and oil, the head of the foreign ministry about iran. punishment or some kind of sanctions, but improvement
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, reasonable control, we do not need fines and the work of the enterprise and an audit of the control work. essentially, your work is criticism, but how do you personally feel about criticism? and also a real race? around the palace, fascinating shots of pulov's bustle, ahead at work, photo tradition of the personnel day: political smoke and what is always in the foreground. germany has reached the limit of its capabilities in terms of... military assistance to ukraine, but as chancellor olaf scholz noted, it should stop not intentional. earlier, the heads of municipalities of the all-russian workers' republic made statements that assistance to ukrainian refugees had already exhausted local resources. scholz doesn't seem to care. he noted that germany will provide assistance to kiev
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as long as needed. the scale of military support for kiev was estimated at 28 billion euros, and 7 of them are provided for in this year’s german budget. the head of the polish foreign ministry called. eu countries will not pay benefits to ukrainians of military age, he stated this in an interview with the guardian. according to the minister, those ukrainians who evade mobilization do not have the right to social security in the european union. he emphasized that any scheme to limit benefits must be pan-european, otherwise ukrainian citizens will begin to migrate to countries with the most favorable conditions. earlier it was reported that the polish authorities were ready to assist kiev in the return of citizens of military age to their homeland. initiative. supported in lithuania. anti-government rallies again took place in israeli cities. participants demand early elections and an immediate deal on releasing hostages held by hamas. in tel aviv, during the dispersal of the rally , clashes broke out, arrests were reported, and water cannons and
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mounted police were sent against the demonstrators. the israeli police also came into conflict with a group of orthodox believers, who tried to go instead of pilgrimage to mount miron, where it is traditionally celebrated and...
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plunge into different eras, where history is captured in outfits, photographs, accessories, jewelry, shoes and even perfumes. the oldest dress dates back to 1860, and the newest is more recent. was cut in the workshops of belarusian designers. at the exhibition you can also find out what relation grand duke dmitry romanov had to the creation of chanel no. 5 perfume, and what this perfume has in common with soviet paint.
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excursions with the participation of historical heroes, as well as jazz evenings, opera and ballet performances, grandmash and performances of the local theater, local theatre. they replaced white coats with tracksuits, and instead of syringes and scalpels, they picked up tennis rackets and volleyball swords. in raobichi in...
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not only treat people, but can also show excellent results in various sports. old meetings of friends, our team practically does not change, the composition of the team changes the situation, the medical workers are always practically the same, so of course we were glad to see each other again. raubichi is a very beautiful place, we found out that raubichi turns 50 this year, we congratulate them, this is a beautiful place, everything is very good, we really like it here, but if you don’t study, there will be no results. moreover, this sport should be at the forefront and promoted, therefore, everyone rode in a great mood
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and everyone showed good results. the spartakiad takes place every 4 years, the results of the current competition will be summed up today. she fell in love with the belarusian athlete, and even if not immediately, she decided to move to her husband’s native country. since this off-season , a new biathlete has appeared in the main team of the belarusian national team, who has replaced her. russian sports citizenship to ours. ksinia schneider will now perform on the same team with world-class stars like anna sola and dinara smolskaya. and from the first days in i felt in a new way that in our country biathlon is a national sport. and how much do fans follow him? well, winter is probably figure skating, and also skiing. probably even skiing attracted me more as a child than biatlan, that’s already somehow. it started to happen in my teens, then i liked
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watching luge, yeah. thanks to the main broadcast, ksenia shneider got acquainted with the history of the olympic movement of belarus, visited the museum of the national olympic committee for the first time, and also spoke about her dream to take olympic gold. broadcast tonight at 9:00 on belarus alone. and this is all the news by the morning, more information on our social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. see you at noon on the first button.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for everyone ages, in the countries: finland,
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sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france. spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the tv channel belarus 24. and discover belarus. let's go on a trip to belarus. hello travel lovers. it's going to be hot today. despite changeable weather, i go to the southernmost warm region of our country, to the brest region. let's take a historical excursion.
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moscow speaks. last hour. keymo. you can try, it’s working, you’ll be stunned, and we’ll also visit the bright sights of our country, agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event, but we ourselves build the joyful moments of our lives every weekend, along with the project, the route was built, see the program the route is based on the tv channel
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