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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 9:20am-11:00am MSK

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weekend with the project the route has been built, see the program the route has been built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. a sad star hung over the river, i’m coming to you. moored, it just so happened, i moored to you, it just so happened, a random sliver, washed up on the shore, nailed on, washed up on the shore. at sunset
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, the ponies swam in the distance, we understood each other, but didn’t fall in love, we understood each other, but love was special, stomped side by side, thank you for that. thank you, thank you, in the gilded sky, the month is like a brooch, to me today i want happiness, at least a little bit, i want it today. the song of long-standing joy
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ended early, but the other one didn’t come out, didn’t come out, but the other one didn’t come out, it’s my fault. why are you so upset? are you going to the dacha? red-haired, she's filled her bags, what kind of dacha is there? i’m going
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to remember my mother 40 days after she died, well, don’t worry, it certainly doesn’t interfere with remembering, but the main thing is that we are alive. that's right, red-haired one, why do you smell so sweet, i work at a confectionery factory, and then everything is clear, but what is your name, anna aleksanna, anya, and you’re not anya, i’m not quiet, why bother getting younger, we’ll get to know each other, tikhan, well, very well... and you’re still far from beautiful.
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otherwise we’ll go to our village, it doesn’t matter where to pick mushrooms, and we have as many of these flus as you want, no, no, it won’t work, i have my own places, but don’t be afraid of him, i was joking, she’s also beautiful, alone - then you’re riding around without your husband, but knightley and i separated, the man was very heavy, what are you doing? heavy, and that means you are light, but we’ll see, goodbye, anisan,
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look more, don’t cry, goodbye. somewhat weak-willed. my hands don’t rest on anything, the pennant will have to be taken away, so where should i hide it during the day, lord,
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i’m talking about this again, it’s some kind of nonsense to get into my head. for a wardrobe with a mirror you can take 50 rubles, for the table again twenty, the same claudia will take, lord, what am i thinking about, i’m an unfortunate fool, here is emelyanich daevich for... mother gave you to direct your knives, well, what are these people she’s not going to, klavdeyka, she wasted money, because she was lucky, she tried, she brought in 20 extra rubles of food alone, but what’s the blame, but you’re calling someone porus, everyone’s at work, well, come on in,
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the summer resident churinsky is interested in how much the sales are, he would take it, what impudence, it’s a memory, they may not have a price, but he’ll stick in some five. well, sit down with your luggage, even if you remember my mother, she was a businesswoman, not a blade of grass was wasted in her, it’s eight miles to the market, but she didn’t care about anything, yes. my mother was right when she told me that the people here don’t give a damn about other people’s grief, i’ll go, otherwise the kids won’t do their homework without me, why the hell, i’ll go to the farm.
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what have you done mom? why did you leave me? am i all alone now? niurk, your cheeks will burst, they won’t burst, we’ve already
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eaten enough here, and in two weeks you won’t want to look at this marshmallow, but i ’ll ask to go to the caramel store, there’s jam in balls, just like in your village, nyuka! girls, cute, pretty, i beg you, call me anya, i’m so beautiful, okay. the water flows slowly, they promised to fix it, there is one pump for everyone, it’s time for us to have a second one, there was a conversation last year. “can i get a bucket from you, otherwise we don’t have people alone in the whole hostel, please come in,
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they said they would install a water supply for us, but where is it? oh, i don’t need you, i’ll get it myself, otherwise you ’ll get sick, it’s so warm, but it’s nice in your garden, it’s nice to read books, i’m studying medicine, exams are coming soon, tell me, what’s your name, starting with the letter a , maybe. alla, what else, anya, and my
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name is larik, allow me, i’ll take these buckets to you, take them halfway down the path, otherwise they don’t let kids into our dorm anyway, although they climb into the windows, but i personally live on the second floor. it’s hard, thank you, come in, anechka.
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fate's turn, you won't give me any more sweets buy it, they made it for me at the factory, i like herring better, i didn’t know, but won’t your people scold you? for what? well, what brought me here?
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well, what are you saying, they don’t quarrel at all? i’m so glad we met, the flowers smell good, but how many rooms do you have? four, what's that bruise on your forearm? where on his hand, and the fool grabbed hold of it, but now i ’m all done with him, uh-huh, i would have beaten him for this, you would have knocked him down, he’ll put you down with one left hand, but don’t be offended, at least you’re not a coz... and frail, but you know what kind words, manners so pleasant without impudence, you don’t fumble,
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you don’t meddle, i wonder what you ’re thinking about now, but what am i going to think about, since you always think, i’ll pour it now, no, i’m like that. okay, if you want, i’ll read you poetry. come on, thank you, i would only like to look at you, see the eye of the goldenberry, and that the past,
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not loving, you could not leave for another, gentle, light step. tan, emotional poems, don’t be afraid, i composed them myself, this is yesenin, please tell me, can i kiss you, kiss me if you want. you must be very tired today, yes, 6 on my feet for hours, don’t be offended, now i won’t come back until another day off, i go to choreography in the evening, we study the party, we attend the minimum, we master the qualifications, so
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think about it, rack your learned brains, dear. of course it’s not good, we ourselves cannot understand what could bring them together, there is nothing to bring them closer together, they will figure out their own interest, i don’t refuse to get married, i need you in pain, and why don’t you love our larik, do i really love, what about love - that? interpret, her stomach will soon crawl on us, and she’s still wandering around, i wasn’t here, i would have shown you, shameless thing, the main thing is you register it as soon as possible, but for this, it seems, they must get married, i won’t get married, you
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won’t get unraveled with you later, but from the student from your alimony it won't run at fifty. the state will give me more, please don’t talk, so don’t let her interfere, i’ll ruin my young life, your food is all like in a hospital, everything is grated for the time being, who will eat it, maybe you’ll keep quiet, you ’ll be whole day with my pipes and my books, and what am i going to do between to do with you, to stir up dirt behind you, unscrupulous, what course is this girl in, what course is she even in... what course, i understand that you need a completely different husband, but what will you do alone with the child, what everyone is doing, then and i’ll do it, i’ll get a room from production, as everyone, of course, my nyuka won’t want to live with your student, you can’t force it, so you, be kind, although for
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the first time, don’t leave her with the child, god be with you , not your prosecutor. it stings, you know what, rice vanna, i won’t spend the night with you anymore, it’s like, otherwise i raisvann will be evicted from the hostel and will not be given a room, but you know now what good ones they give, to carry him with all the amenities. no, but what about yurochka? so, as soon as i get the comot, will i take it? but we’re not denying you space, are we? lord, why would i covet someone else’s property, the state is obliged to provide for me, what is she saying? lord, i’ve treated so many people for nothing, they can’t cure themselves, anya, maybe you’ll stay,
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don’t be offended. to you, in front of me , you will be carrying bags from the market all over the arava my conscience won’t allow me to sit idly by, so i can carry the laundry, but you won’t bring another husband back to your place, but the year is passing, i’m sorry now, i’ve become careful about love, so as not to get into trouble again, but i’ll try not to miss out on my happiness. now the course will not be the same.
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anh, will you take yours to the children's party? he’s still quite good at going to the matinees, but he’s only four years old, and he already knows all the letters. last night i came home from work, and he was out of qubit. so that mom can be put down, the other one has nothing to do, so she teaches him, i’m an oak green, a golden chain on the tube, and day and night the cat is a scientist, he keeps walking around, oh my sweet, santa claus sent you to the hotel for this, thank you mom, oh, please, not all at once, but what is there, sweets, 200 grams, a pack of cookies, waffles and chocolate, eat, yurik, go, come and visit, go, say, grandpa, sharpen your teeth, grandpa, sharpen your teeth, please, i ask you, oh, no, i’m full, isn’t it? there are only
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herrings here, heaven, what he said, he became completely deaf, this is not the worst thing, lately he has a very bad heart, lord, and i was a fool and used to think that doctors never get sick, doctors don’t like to be treated, don’t play around, go and play the piano.
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we need to find someone to go out with yurochka, we’ll pay, we’ll go on a spree, or give away the money, it’ll work out that way in the summer. i’ll send the village, there’s a golden one walking around there, you want to take him away, so what, mom’s cow will soon give milk, let the milk blow.
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"i'm sorry, i'm from the factory committee, i wanted to see my uncle, please come in, but you'll have to wait, i saw her went out somewhere, well, i’ll wait, where is your kitchen, why go to the kitchen, come in.” my room, please, thank you, sit down, please, thank you, i’m a fear delegate, i visit the sick, who needs it, who needs it hospital, you’re doing a good job. your room is nice, you’ll be envious, yes, the room is not bad, but i keep wandering around the hostel, you
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can’t imagine how tired i am, one will throw her skirt, another will leave a plate unwashed, the third will drop everything around her. , you can’t put your head and your hands on everyone, i ’ll tell you honestly, so we can only live for the youngest, grass, when you feel yourself, such a life cannot satisfy, excuse me, what is your first name and patronymic, my name is aniy, kushakov, nikolai egorovich, glad to meet you. yes, oh, i didn’t bother you, but i can’t hear your voice, nikolaich, thank you for greeting me, please,
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please, let’s go. thank you, please, are you crazy that i’m in the maternity hospital, or something , well, tomorrow they’ll take off the bandage, it’s okay, i’m not teaching on my own, tell me what else you need to do, but the golden man, honestly, yes ok, so is it golden, what is it, wash it, no, i yourself, no, really, the other delegates are afraid, you know, how the ballot workers are afraid, oh, horror, they will examine you and report that bed rest is not being observed, but you will never give it away, and why talk, let me iron your linen. yes, something like me? come on, come on! no, really! listen, this attitude is good for you! here they gave me a ticket to a one-day holiday home. well, what kind of a ticket is it to run around with your tongue hanging out? not just for the ticket, but for the authority! previously it was all nyurka danechka, but now it’s all anya danechka, dear! listen, lit, who is this neighbor of yours? yegorych? he works as a mechanical foreman and trains young animals. not a womanizer, a
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domestic disabled person! war, and i don’t notice that i’m disabled, by the way, single, but how are you doing with this from the garage, what the hell is this a pre-conscript, you know me, how many, bro, cases are not at all based on age, you ’d better tell us how with you to pass the ten-year mark, and all with diplomas, well, a diploma, lord, what else was missing, now you and i need to think seriously about life, communicating. family, and you have a diploma, you know how university is now deciphers how to get married successfully, our people from the factory were sitting behind us, everyone really liked the production, you also made a very good impression nikolai egorovich, i don’t know what it is, but i know, you smile more often, a smile suits you very well, you open it, see if anyone is in the corridor.
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about something now you won’t regret later
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anna. and you do this, since i don’t regret it, that’s it, girls, i’m getting married, he’s a very good man, jokes, he has a triorden, congratulations, so i made it to the theaters, oh, the girl’s art about love is very helps, i also have my evening school. he sends you to study, yes, he refers to you, he’s doing the right thing, oh well, i missed my opportunities, i should have finished eight grades in the village, i was stupid, you should be smarter, but are you kidding me or something? there will be laughter if i’m for the children’s party, but what about the tan student in our class who’s older than you? is he married? mom, don't start! he
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just gave me a lift, consider him to have fulfilled his medical duty. well, you know, we have a lot of doctors, but he was the one who gave me a lift. andryush, is the girl a believer? i know, hello thank you, we don’t need your services anymore , i didn’t say anything, it was our neighbor, grandma lisa and dad who saw us. how long have we been looking for each other, wandering in the world at random. i just wanted to be alone with you, al, well, tell them , you saw how i sealed it yesterday, but didn’t see anything, that’s it, get out of here, remember, you said that you dreamed of opening a first-aid post in your village, so here, i knocked it out, hello bobble, good for this matter, where is nadenka, nadenka won’t be there, why, very heavy, damaged spleen, hurt
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large... blood vessels, watch the series rare blood type on the belarus 24 tv channel, i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really... want to go on this trip, we’ll prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, very unexpectedly, in fact, in essence the dish is very similar to karbanaryra, but here there are potatoes, we are in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince vyshalka, there is information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and one of them we opened this dish with meat under a puff paste monastery let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so, get acquainted. martha is the wife of mindaugas, during whose time in the novogrudok castle guests were treated to noble diseases. we will show you what they eat in
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different parts of our country. my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on one side i see a vienna waffle, something sweet, something so tender is projected. on the other hand, this is a potato pancake. belarusian potato pancake, watch the project food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, my excellent student. school uniform for you buy? no, i don’t know what to tell you, just listen to what’s written here: at the middle stage of savagery, matriarchal
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clans arose, from the decomposition of group marriage , a paired family began to emerge, just some kind of dregs, oh! you see, i didn’t find history for the eighth grade, i took it for the pedagogical university, okay, now i ’ll draw a trapezoid for you and we’ll figure it out, since we’re wasting our golden time on all sorts of nonsense, we still have a day off, what for is our family a stepping stone to savagery. it’s difficult at the beginning, then it will be easier, that’s how it’s been lately it hurts, then let’s go to the village for yurka, you’ll unwind, oh well kohl, let
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’s live at least a little together, maybe they’ll give me an apartment, that’s where to get him now, i don’t want to wait for any apartment, the motherfucker has arrived for you. some guy, look, he has his hands full of suitcases, and she walks like that.
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mom, why are you driving your car like that? everything torn on it shows a lot of confusion, so it’s torn, what should i ask? i fulfilled all my deadlines, mom, are you throwing away numbers? look how many a's you got, well done, but writing, no, yes, you don’t write cleanly, yeah, not very well, but i read better than anyone else. do you want me to read your shift? i want, only yuri, let ’s be with you, come on, well, okay, you’re still a mother, you don’t know how other women and their husbands suffer in this matter, and since i
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want to adopt yurochka, how can he not want his own - then no, who will feed you later, you mom , there is only one self-interest in everything and you see, about your own, the question is difficult, for me it ’s enough for one yurka, what? my mother’s heart is still heavy. yurik doesn’t even know that the other his grandmother died right after the doctor, and he forgot to even think about them, your life was ruined, if it weren’t for these jokes that you need to go for it, yurik doesn’t have any bad marks, but i understand, oh, and what good things will yurka learn here, your mother is a fool, she only teaches bad things. how did she raise you to be such a smart girl?
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and i will raise a grandson. mom, you may or may not be offended, but we are taking yurka. i will not cross my husband. again, they’ll probably give you an apartment for three. but i was born of an honest father and lived according to the law of the lord. i did not disgrace another man's wife, i did not rob the dark night. a why are you in a hurry? so good. i said, i didn’t disgrace someone else’s wife, i didn’t rob a dark night, mom, dad and i are going to see the scarlet flower on sunday, oh, yes, you should go to the little flower, even to the little flower, what are you, oh, you have no idea, my dear, how people are sometimes they can ruin your mood in the morning, but what happened? yes, well, one of us didn’t apply for a resort card on time, so we took a different route.
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grandma behind the stove, it’s like you ’ve broken free so that i don’t hear this anymore, why are you freaking out, listen to me tell me you can’t, yurik, come on, turn the keys to the tv, dad said that i don’t need to look at this picture, okay, but your dad understands, well, go away, you’d better put the soup on the gas, don’t be angry with me, i’m tired, on the carpet i ran
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to check in, they brought a poetess to the club during shift change, i had to sit and listen to what kind of poetess, you know, i didn’t remember her last name, an elderly woman, well, just wow, in black jersey, why were you at a fashion show, poetry ? i still listened, but you know, since my head is not at all occupied right now, what is she doing with you, she’s knocked off her feet, i don’t know how to push my own son into the camp for two shifts instead of the village, push her away, you should at least choose a different word, the damn mother is warming up.
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what are you allowing yourself to do? are you also considered a cultured person? well, i misspoke, why are you looking at me like that? have you ever asked me how i grew up without a father or a mother? and don’t touch yurka, he is now my son, why are you doing this, since i love yurka, he grew up in the arms of others, but i needed everything from work, oh my god. what is this, a boat or something? no, what are you talking about, this is
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a cruiser. cruiser? yurochka, come on, look at the kitchen behind the stove. why is it that you and i often quarrel over yurka, but before we lived so well, it’s because we have one room. i'll try to get him into the nakhimov school. he... wants to be a sailor, i ’ve never used my wounds, i’ve never used them, just once. otherwise something will happen to me, you, excuse me, all this is hard, but okay, since the school won’t go away, if the price is for you i helped you get an apartment, everything would have worked out, you could have made a decent frame for
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yurka, since... yes, he’s a good guy, you should at least write him a letter, but there don’t seem to be any events, well, why did you get an apartment from the factory, i already wrote it, but what else? tsrivnimi and grass in the race,
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everyone was talking about me being happy. you and i are two banks of the same river, the ducks are all in pairs, like a wave with a wave, all the girls are with the boys, only i am alone, i kept waiting and believing everything. tsulaki, you and i are two banks of the same river, how nice - a little girl in a separate apartment, even if you walk around naked, no one he won’t say a word to you, it’s lucky that
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you were disabled during the great patriotic war, otherwise we would be burning in a communal apartment right now, why did you paint? well, you little girl, as always, are not in the mood, i can’t hug you anymore , i can’t kiss you, someone else would be happy that they love him so much, but you forgot that you have a young wife, i myself believed, contrary to my heart, you and i are two banks of the same river , i completely forgot where you are, about the kitchen set, your set, i ’ll throw you down the stairs, be careful, for god’s sake,
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get fat, scratch it, oh, oh, oh! wait, so, where is it, so, won’t you help me from the closet in the basement? he’s kind of impudent, he’s impatient, you think, if you helped, then you can be like the last one, why are you
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shaking your cap here, here people eat, how much i owe you, nothing, well then go ahead. from here, otherwise my husband will come down the stairs and pull me down, come on, damn, some kind of sticky guy, god, why am i freaking out, is it my fault that i inspire love in young people, others? women go south specifically for this, probably one of them broke, but the store loaders helped me, i had to give them half a liter. what are you doing since it's too late he started coming, waiting for you, waiting, but
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he was late with the guys, i needed help, oh, i wish i could take care of my health, you really need this mentoring, you have to deal with twenty suplexes, you think that everyone only owes it to us, yes, well why? you know, yesterday i had a tingling sensation in my side, was it my liver, you eat a lot of fatty foods at night, what about school, i have to cut back on my diet or something, since it’s hard without a vacuum cleaner, but everything is very much in place, there’s a new movie shows on tv. oh-oh-oh, kolya, come quickly, comedy!
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tsakhkom, yes, kolenika, it’s me, yeah, that’s how it is with me today is the report for the re-election meeting, yeah, oh, since i’m so tired, i think maybe i should recuse myself. yes, and i have nothing to thank you with, it’s not you who work in the wrong store, ulyana petrovna, is it possible to charge me so irresponsibly,
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i’m illiterate, okay, no, no, no, well, tell me why, she’s illiterate, or better yet it turns out he thinks, by god he’s just giving up, but, well, what am i going to tell you, you yourself understand everything perfectly well. what kind of career litka is pursuing, she is already as a representative of the working class on they sent television, entrusted the cake to someone,
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as if there were no better workers than her, does it sound like she’s always running around in public, but that’s enough, are you a representative, well, you feel bad among working people? you should be in a shop somewhere in the market, but why are you saying that? yes, i’ve been at one enterprise for 20 years as a social activist, i don’t interfere with engineering, you’re a social activist, otherwise, you ’ve been tired of all this for a long time, you’ve done everything for now. yes, even if you work for another 30 years, you still
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won’t become a real working person, your interest in life is different, cuckoo-like, you know, i didn’t expect this from you, sashes. you're in trouble, you'll get burned, come on, mom, sochi is here, or something, they ruled, to heal your nerves,
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i chose this one myself. oh, this is how your life will go, it smells so good like dill, mom, to hell with it, it’s drowning out everything, damn it, come on, roll over, oh, i’ve lost the habit, oh, we’ve had all these in our city for a long time. they threw them out, but what, they sleep right on the boards, on what boards, on foam rubber, at least you can sleep at your mother’s in peace, i’m silent about your tea, i’m bored to death, oh, you love to repeat the same thing over and over again, mom, i would get tired of it, i would find someone else, the pressure is tormenting me, my head is swelling, so i’m waiting. yurik
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should send the medicine, otherwise he would come himself, raised and raised him, we slept together for almost 3 years, the first piece was for him, and now there’s no one to throw a word to, mom, the guy is almost an officer, why would he sit next to you, it’s not common in winter alone, deaf, snowy, house, not on the swamp, you’ll die, no one will catch you, mom, it’s your own fault, you need to maintain relationships with people, it’s good for yourself, in general it’s very beneficial to appear in life good, oh, how smart you have become, but i have nowhere to take you mom, the apartment is one-room,
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the kitchen is small, you can barely fit a refrigerator in, it’s a well-known fact. who needs me? just look, nyushka, what’s going to happen? don’t come to complain, oh, do you like mommy to honk? let me rest in peace, and so my soul is not in the right place, you are lying here, and the wormwood is pecked, kolya, look what i bought you, don’t hide, we saw you, nikolai, anya, i’m sorry, but i can’t live with you anymore, nikolai. it was he who
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found someone else there, how can i be the only idiot of him? i let you go, it’s like i didn’t take anything, today i took yuri to kindergarten with such a lion, damn, i ’ll call you at 7:00, let’s go, yes, let’s come, well, hello, hello, well, we’re off. have you found someone else? i ’ll tell your mom, give it to her, what’s new, is she better than me
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or something? better. “she’s good as a wolf, and so are you, don’t be afraid, she still lived with me, she’s already chatted with her, i’ve never chatted, then maybe i’m guilty of something in front of you, since, you don’t even imagine, since, how i love you, it seems to you as it seems, "i'm not interested in your core"?
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don't you understand that i 've been living with you for a long time in my soul? you think i'm old, that's why i'm not interested in your beauty, scold me, my dear, scold me, just let's go home, eh! just the sight of you makes me sick, so that i don’t see you again. lord, why? just think, lit, that i ’m some kind of last thing to him, i’m still a leader in production, how did his conscience allow him to leave his wife for no reason, listen, an. , just think about it, what does your work have to do with it, i
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think i tried my best, well, i did it myself you know, cleanliness, order, furnishings, drink, food, everything is prepared, i earn good money, i haven’t sat on his neck for a day, where else will he find such a fool? maybe write to my employee? calm down, please, girls, then, i’m busy, so what do you write, think for yourself that your husband has stopped loving you, but why will he run after women, and i should be silent, yes. yes, it’s me, i’ll call you myself, in 10 minutes, okay, what kind of women, anya, what are you
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talking about, yes, at least not because of the women, how much of my strength and health he took away, because of him it’s possible to say, i see my son once a year, since he was 9 years old, he sent a guy away from home, or there is no justice against him, i know the attitude, why are you saying all this, after all, he loved you, don’t i know your yegorych, what are you talking about him? , you ’re listing your merits here, but he’s the last one at his factory, i forgot how she herself boasted about his orders, and it would be better if she kept quiet about yura, oh, sweet little ice, you can’t imagine how hard it is to be alone. i say i don’t know what, you have a husband, children study, you manage people at the institute yourself, but i have
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how can i continue to live, i’m not yet 40 years old,
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you can’t dig up these potatoes in a week, we’ll dig them up, we won’t throw them away, your mother tried, she planted them. klavda, tell me honestly why everyone didn’t love my mother, it’s not that they didn’t love her, she was painfully inaccessible, like a neighbor to ask, like tobeli, she lived on her own, no one said hello from her, you seem simple, hey , aunts. lord, you’re selling potatoes, great, anna alexandrovna,
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how did you find me, far away, after all, well, for... mad dogs 100 miles not a hook, you seemed to invite me. is your house nice, anelson? yes, i’m selling it, i’ve already taken a deposit, i have a separate apartment in the city, the landlady, where should i sit? ah...
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well, anna alexandrovna, for all the good things. will it be good, well, everything good depends on ourselves, let’s go pick mushrooms in the morning, oh, what do you mean you’re going to spend the night with me? but don’t be afraid, i
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’ll settle down in the blue, and you lock yourself in, sleep, calmly, and i’m not afraid, just as soon as the neighbors will talk about me, you’ll become guilty without guilt. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science: people began to make the first weather forecasts in ancient times, with the help of what modern technology and equipment do you make forecasts today?
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weather radar data, satellite data, and numerical modeling, and i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions, and look for answers to them. this problem was first encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and after a lull of almost 10 years, they rekindle things. literally bark beetles, how does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. as
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if i had arrived at some kind of seaside resort, cool, yes, yes, welcome, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the hosts of a show, at home, and we arrived at a farm, food, nani said that they prepare very tasty food here from natural products, did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome.
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well, the technician, the light has been pushed off him, he will rip off the hook and the crime. no, why did you blab to him about the deposit, what if he demands money, oh, you can’t do anything, you’ll give it back, just to leave him alive. he liked me as a woman, then
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i knocked, i certainly wouldn’t have let him in, but at least i knew. he never knocked, tihan, here you are, here you are,
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my dears. my rogues hid, tihan dmitrich, that i was scared, oh, nothing, i wasn’t scared, just you wouldn’t leave me, well... you’re closing yourself off from me, then don’t leave, wow, you’re sweet, well, vanilla, you’re frozen, hmm, what are you doing? i dressed up, covered myself with a shawl, somehow i’m going
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to walk like a village matryon, maybe you want me to like you, but i like you anyway, just before i dig a hole in my head... “it would be better if i braided my hair, stop putting on makeup like a fox, it’s grown up .” , about me, happy, they said,
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yes, i wanted to buy you some sweets, and then i remembered that you are already sweet, and you love there’s sweet stuff there, i love it, i don’t have it, it’s unlikely that you and i have any sweets. something will work out, why this, i’m used to living richly, but why don’t you and i live richly more quietly, no, with me. it won’t work out richly, i somehow don’t know how,
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i can’t grasp it, just wait, i’m calmer now, we’ll drink to our love, after all, you sold the house in the village in vain, let’s sit, go, we went to the winter one, but why bother with the house, it’s better to sign up for a car, why yes, you just have to drive a mercedes. and there are christmas trees in your garden they were good, remember, they were nimble, but
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we wanted to relax, we could go south, swim in the sea, well, the sea wouldn’t surprise me, i served in the navy, i went overseas, you could bring me something from abroad, but who should i bring it to ? , recently the whole workshop of us went to see the katko seeds, i generally liked it, wow, the main content is so clear, otherwise sometimes you sit there like a fool, it’s not clear what you gave the money for, well done, are you going to the self-coverer? some kind of painfully happy, of course, happy, oh, such a sailor grabbed it. tish, it’s you, it’s me, mom, yura, yurka, yurka,
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don’t let him strangle you, yurka, yura, he’s gotten kind of big, take off your clothes, quickly, give me your coat, let’s go. are you waiting for someone? no, yurochka, what are you doing? maybe i'm at the wrong time. sit down, sit down. just a minute, i'll see you soon. train with nikolaych, are you seeing each other, legal? of course, you don’t respect me,
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otherwise you wouldn’t go there, why? yes, he may shower me with the last words, you know perfectly well that no, of course, he is a cultured person, and your mother is an unenlightened fool, but why are you doing this, mom, yurchik the woman was right when he said that you were too proud, i don’t know, i think grandma loved me, but i have to go, mom, yur, you should eat something or drink tea, oh, yes, thank you, i’m in a hurry, well , time is running out, sorry, my imagination didn’t suggest anything witty, thank you, yurochka, you’re a good, well-mannered boy. well, goodbye, but you
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have a girlfriend, yuri, you do, mom, which means you’ll soon make me a grandmother, it won’t be long before you calm down, but i ran. he would probably have run to his father if he had shown me a train ticket, god, why am i doing this? again offended yura.
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well, wait, tishka, i’ll remind you of this, there’s still a three-meter one there, and there’s also reinforcement, i’m sorry, where can i find tikhon dmitrievich here. zhanochka can’t go around, he might kill him, but i really need it, maybe you’ll do such a favor, call him, he’s unlikely to come down, proud, oh, hey, vira, myna, pick up, pick up, what’s there,
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good, chop! why did you show up, what did you do, where did you go, i ordered you to go, this is what i came up with, i can’t live without you, my son came, i didn’t accept it, how it should be, it’s all because of you, well, in vain, a son is a son, don’t pout your lips, it doesn’t suit you, what should i do now since i love you? i asked for time off from work, aren’t you talking about love too early, the third time you’ll see everything, the fourth time, it’s figured out, oh, you’re sweet, oh well, i have to work, it’s scary how they won’t let a drunk person in, nothing can happen with sobriety happens,
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okay, go ahead, don’t organize a raid on me, otherwise i’ll get angry. lord, this guy took such liberty over me, i don’t recognize myself. sokolov, tikhan dmitrievich, hostess, take the job already,
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your faucet is no longer leaking, but it’s better to replace it with a new one, thank you. crazy girl, i have some kind of housekeeping problem, well, let’s go and wash the repairs and my new dress, look how they started making it, you can’t tell it from an imported one, but i have to go, i wish i could stay quiet, i need to meet my daughter, she doesn’t go to my figure cat class, so ... well , why doesn’t your wife meet you, she also spends time with someone, well, it’s none of your business, i won’t discuss my wife with you, you
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’re sitting on a velvet sofa, watching big tv. you're badmouthing your ex-husband, why? you made money on your own, but it wasn’t enough for him to take everything out of here, oh well, you’re offending me, hush, i don’t understand why, when you understand, then maybe i won’t offend you, don’t be afraid, you ’re giving them all your money, you’re in poverty yourself , she doesn’t charge much, she works as an engineer, she has
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a salary, that’s why she’s arrogant that she’s an engineer. no, i probably fell out of love, but do you believe me that i love you? yes, you probably love, but there are different kinds of love, but what else do you need, you ’re putting on a show, a beautiful woman, a fighter, but you’re crawling, well! i have over there in the closet the lock doesn’t lock, maybe you can fix it, you’d rather be with me, comradeskolov, how do you know her rocks, from
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the camel, turns out to be a detective, well, be healthy, nyuchka, you have a woman. you are behaving rudely, sweetie, a remark to you.
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hey, don’t even think about leaving, there will be such a program, be healthy, only the quick pages didn’t let you down, am i really feeling bad, i don’t know how to work a shift, i wanted to take sick leave, and then i think, well, after all, march 8th, excuse me, comrades special feeling. congratulate those women whose working anniversary we we celebrate this year. ulyana petrovna
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baturina has been working honestly in our team for 30 years. dyadkina lidiya nikolaevna.
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anna alexandrovna, there’s a man there asking for you on the phone. me? hello, comrade sokolov congratulates you. thank you, tikhan dmitrovich. yes. listen, should you see this or not? i invite you to visit. are you kidding me or what? or you? yes , i wouldn’t have a drink with anyone, oh well, buzz, write down the address, i don’t have anything to write with, so remember, if
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you don’t want to, i have no complaints, consider that nothing happened, i don’t know you, i’ll come, be quiet, give me the address.
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tish, tisha, she’s finally come, sweetie, she’s come, where did you call me, it’s even scary, as if you have a lot of money with you, you’re afraid of being robbed, come on in. you are alone here, everyone has left, don’t be afraid, they are celebrating new years, but you, i am going under demolition, under a bulldozer, everyone has abandoned me, some, my ex-family.
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they left, completely, completely, they got a separate apartment, but i’ve been living here alone for 3 days, i took a separate one for myself, they’ll shove you into a shared apartment somewhere, you fool, they left him one bed, they tore off all the chandeliers, they’re not the ones i've been run into, let's come to me, what? yes, why are you angry with me, hush? i was congratulating you, whether you judge by yourself, i am
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everything to them. do you think you can hold a person between a sofa and a closet, i’ve lost more, now i’ll rarely see my daughter, but i didn’t know, but why did you go quiet? well, that means it didn’t fit as it is. you’re the one who agrees to anyone, but they have other demands, but why did you call me here? yes, you know, i kept hoping, but now i’m
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finally convinced. why am i not satisfied with you, my apartment, the floor is not suitable, ansan, you i’m sorry, maybe i’m guilty of something to you, but nothing will work out for you and me, we are different. it’s better than one, go home, that’s how you receive me, tikhan dmitrievich, and today people congratulated me, gave me flowers, look, they handed me a certificate, and i decided to take it so that you could congratulate me on the holiday, how can i drink it here? “well, let’s go home, honey, that means it’s your holiday, yeah, well,
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congratulations, thank you.” you understand your benefits, what do you think, licking cat, if i drink, then i can love you, well, open it now, come here, right? well, goodbye, sweetie, sorry it’s a sports holiday.
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nice, expose, expose here, good. she went hunting, forged the cut, pressed one
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and weighed, the crystal wind made noise in the trees, gave a strange path. and hotti asked me so that i could do it in time.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad; more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. viewers on the tv channel:
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