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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 12:40pm-1:40pm MSK

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the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how our life is built from all these little things, we want to look at this world differently every day, discover something new for ourselves, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love from belarus. is it really your birthday today?
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maybe i should show you my passport? hmm, what about the guys? did they really stay late, or did you ask them not to come? you’re always in a hurry to get somewhere, there’s also alyonka, olya, and i just wanted to be alone with you.
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tatyana viktorovna, my dear, why? immediately acts, it’s just a misunderstanding, as you understand, yes, tatyana viktorovna, i myself, i myself will figure it out, i will punish the guilty, i will punish so much that it won’t seem a little, well, you know, this is the first time in my department, leonid lvovich , i’m not interested in whether this is your first time or your last, ignore blatant violations of all instructions, i can’t, where are you going, well, yes, where are you going? i’m still looking, give me some money, i need
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to pay for the car, i need to change my sister’s key, come on, where are you, who are you, vasilevsky, well, i tell him, no, i’ll explain everything later, give me the money and the keys, well , yes, i, i understand, well, let this samsonova just appear, here she is, and samsonova, well , come here, this is your head nurse, yes, no, yes, yes, yes , samsonova, what is this? bix, what a bix, sterile, what is this, why is it a complete set of medicines, and why is the tag torn off from bix? i don’t know, al, well, tell them, you saw how i sealed it yesterday, but i didn’t see anything, that’s it, get out of here, leonid levoy, honestly, i’m out of here, i’ll deal with you tomorrow , leonid levo. maybe it’s not worth it tomorrow, because
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tomorrow is her birthday, that’s it, that’s it, and you’re out of here, workers, oh, nadyukha, what are you saying, it’s not at work, should you let me go? what about the clothes? aunt mash, i ’ll explain everything later. yes, i know how you will explain later. come on, tell me, are you screaming? mac, who are you with? oh, nadyuzh, aren’t you at work? not at work, look at what clothes she returned to, what happened? nothing happened, let me pass, nadyusha, were you robbed? nobody robbed me, daughter, but where are my things, my purse? i stayed at work. yeah, this means you were flogged by the authorities. yes, i'm for the nail. got caught, tore it, well,
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let me pass, nadyuzh, conscientious, we are without you, bore! i'm a mosquito, so what are we going to do? what can you do when there is zero information? they also couldn’t ask me properly? you, you try to talk to her yourself, it’s easier to talk to a fish, well , that means it’s a serious matter, nadyukha won’t just keep silent. but i don’t believe that andrei can turn out to be a bandit, his eyes are so kind, oh, nastya, everyone is so kind and good, she’s coming to his birthday i was going, well, to him, so that means
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i came back from him like that, but i’ll find him, well, i tell him, it’s time to collect dry hay. why are you sitting there with such faces? are we thinking about how to punish your offender? what kind of offender, who ingratiated himself into our trust, went fishing, told stories about his difficult fate, he himself told you. i didn’t beat you, but what did you come up with, but i was getting back from the dacha and got lost, and i defended my purse in the forest while i was getting to the highway, that’s all, why didn’t andryusha bring you himself, what’s wrong with him? i quarreled, but i don’t fight with anyone, forgiveness, i
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didn’t do anything bad, it seemed to me that the girl liked me, i made it so that we ended up together at the dacha by the fireplace with a guitar, what’s wrong. well, he lied a little, yes, well, brother, a small lie gives rise to big suspicions, well , by the way, pasha is right, well, if a woman ran away from the first date, this does not mean anything, no, more precisely, it can mean anything, well, for example, there, i wanted to sneeze at the most inopportune moment, or i remembered, maybe i left an iron at home turned on, but not, listen, maybe she read in some stupid magazine that today is not the most suitable day according to the horoscope, listen, what are you talking about, and what are you talking about, an expert on women's souls, well, tell me who is better than a gynecologist maybe he knows a woman with a fifteen-year-old guy, stop everything please stop tomorrow we’ll go and figure it out, no, that’s right
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, yes. hello, lionit levovich, i ’ve been waiting for you since the morning, why? well, you told me yesterday that i would come? have you read the order? with what order? yes, read it! behind systematic evasion in implementation should.
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i don’t understand at all why you came here, you should have gone straight to the village, what if she’s at work, what normal person would go to work on his birthday, pasha, where have you seen any normal doctors, why are you stuck, flowers in your teeth? go ahead, don't wait. suddenly there’s a drinking party, there he is, hello, i’m your aunt, why are you still too early for drinking, you, i don’t recognize you, are you in a daze or something, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go , let’s go, let’s go, wait , wait,
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don’t worry, everything will work out, nothing nothing terrible happened, because you understand how we all treat you, how i treat you. rely on me with everything, i ’ll help you, hello, hello, well... congratulations, nadezhda, thank you, i didn’t understand that she’s so gloomy, there’s trouble again, vasya, are you stuck, what is it, she, no, everything’s fine okay, but she was fired from work, covered in mud from head to toe, she’s glad, don’t look at me like that, i don’t want to be silent, i understand, so what? go to the main one to talk, but no, there’s no need, they all went, and rightly so,
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especially since you would have to leave here anyway leave, remember, you said that you dreamed of opening a first-aid post in your village, well, i knocked out, bobble health, the go-ahead for this business, how, how, how, i took over the funding, ha, where would they go, i don’t understand , are you happy about this or not? ivan ivanovich, i have no words, oh, well, let's go then, maybe it's some official from the regional health care, of course, he came to congratulate a simple nurse, yeah, yeah, they took her to present her with an order, listen, i saw this guy somewhere , yes, that’s right, it’s morozov himself, we did the same thing in his accounting department, vasya, wait. maybe it's some kind of official from the regional government? tell this to nadya,
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ivan ivanovich, maybe we won’t go today. village, next time we'll look at the first aid station, otherwise i'm afraid you'll get into trouble again, what are you talking about, about your wife, she won't cause any more trouble, like this, she's alive , alive, alive, the boss just built her that way , tsets, they’ve completely blossomed, sorry, i’m not for you, she ’ll hand me over. i tracked him down, started blackmailing him with a divorce, and said, even today, now
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our madam is like silk, i’ll drive away the bollocks to hell, i’ll hire the deaf and dumb, assistants, why am i silent? i don’t know if i’m hungry or what, but i really want to go on this trip, we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, very unexpectedly, in fact, in essence, the dish is very similar to carbonara, but here are potatoes, we... found ourselves in the 13th century, it is associated with the name of prince voyshelk, there is
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information about his delights of culinary masterpieces, and we discovered one of them, this dish is meat under a puff pastry in a monastic style. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. so, meet martha, the wife of mindaugas, during whose time guests in the novogrodsk castle were plagued by noble infections. we'll show you what they eat in different parts of our country. countries, my brain can’t cope with this very well, because on the one hand i see a viennese waffle, something sweet, something so tender is projected, on the other hand, it’s a potato pancake, a belarusian pancake, watch the food project anywhere, on the tv channel belarus 24. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when will you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver.
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they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do advertising. i simply invite you to a meal at our slorov military school. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes inconvenient ones. shrouded in intrigue, it’s true, it’s a myth, it’s true that cadets have to train for a very long time to learn how to march so beautifully, there’s a lot to say time, well, you probably don’t need to say that it’s a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it takes, you can teach me, the chin is higher, step is
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a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward, look, there are 100 questions in the project, adult on tv channel belarus 24.
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so be careful here, steps, thank you, thank you, ivan ivanovich,
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what is this? nadya is our laugh. nadezhda was probably taken hostage. so, katerina, what? quickly run after semyon and nastya. yeah, take care of your crooked sciatica. ish gave up his orders. so what did i tell you? go-go. so that one leg is here, the other is there. it's momentary now. this is the reception area. there will be a department, there is your office, there is a doctor’s office, they wanted to finish everything before your birthday, they didn’t have time, because someone took up the matter, but as always they couldn’t finish it, let’s go, you’ll look at the manipulation room, by the way, some whoever hasn’t finished the financial report yet, don’t doubt it, i’ll finish it, i don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it, i
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don’t doubt it, it’s just that last time i finished it, so i doubt it, that’s why i i doubt. doubt it, but my heart senses, wow, we started all this in vain, in vain, why is it in vain, birthday, it is a birthday, once a year, you know, she’s in such a mood, maybe she won’t want to celebrate it, yes, you never know what she doesn’t want, but we want, nastya, oh, our katya is running, why, they brought your nadya on a yacht, why, no...
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that’s it, you’re safe, daughter, we ’ll find justice for you, bandits , here, now we are special forces , you shut up, ivan ivanovich built us a first aid post, and you set up here, well, really, how first aid station, katerina, what about katerina, i didn’t know that they weren’t bandits, so they look alike, wow, your efficiency, how inconvenient it turned out, nadyush, you invite ivan ivanovich to visit, however, still not everything is ready, but we are moving very quickly, come now. thank you, we have things to do, we’ll build a first aid station, then hope will cover the clearing, and nat? ay, free yourself!
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nadyuh, why didn’t you say anything, i didn’t know it myself, he helped us, he saw what, i’m stunned, let’s go home, olenka, it’s me, andryushenka, i’m so glad, with happy birthday, thank you. well , hello, hello, hello, my dear, hello, here, my dear, come in,
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come in, uh, here i am for you, come here, i knitted a sweater for you, uh-huh, over the shoulders, oh beauty, good for you, oh, so beautiful, oh so beautiful, only the seventh. there won’t be, come on, come on, nothing, in general, sit down, come on, sit down, tell me, tell me, tell me, did you offend her in some way, no, you didn’t offend her, then what’s the matter, she
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she accepted my invitation with such joy, she has another man, what are you talking about, andryusha, well what are you saying, this is some kind of misunderstanding, andryusha, listening to gossip is not good, so believing it, andryusha, it’s ignoble, do you hear, this is not gossip, i saw it with my own eyes, my god, my god, what a horror, how...
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to swing, oh, the hospital and i will live together, listen, can you see the club there? they will open, young people will return to the village, and maybe they will build a school, yes, single men will go, what do you want, stop, i need to drink, give him a penalty quickly, here you go, this is for you, thank you, sit down, anatoly, here, here, nat, what are you doing? no, nothing, everything is fine, fine, for that i can’t reach it in any way, come on, come on, here you go, i actually don’t drink, everyone here doesn’t drink, everyone, well,
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let’s have a toast, well, in general, nat, you know how much we love you, nat, in general, it’s bitter ! and quietly, why, have you gone completely crazy, why, how many times can you get married, it’s high time to have children, marus, well, you too, well, daughter, where are you going, i’ll be right back.
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harfis, well, i feel for her with all my heart, but why did she get so drunk, out of habit, this is breakfast. she’ll be sick, so be it, since she doesn’t care about me, it means i don’t care either, i’ll go drown myself, colic, let me put you to bed better, but how can you drown yourself, well, morning and evening are wiser, in the morning you’ll drown yourself. fisochka.
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hello, hello, hello, is this the therapeutic department? yes, i want to talk to the head nurse, it’s me, but i wanted to talk to nadenka samsonova. she doesn't work for us anymore. how? wait, how does it not work? where should i look for it?
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i have no idea. good morning, grandfather tikhan, great, talyan, i would like this, city, did you run away from otanfisa, huh? i didn’t like it, but i didn’t spend the night with her at all, yes okay, you’re not with her, listen, don’t be a fool, she’s a woman, you ’ll be behind her like behind a stone wall, okay, sit down, i’ll deliver you in the best possible way, the jig is intact, what kind of
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jig? well, that’s it, oh well, we’re talking about the most fascinating things from the world of science. people began making the first weather forecasts back in ancient times, with the help of what modern technology and equipment do you make a weather forecast today? weather radar data. satellite data, and numerical modeling, and i want to say that the forecasts are still without qualified specialists are not made. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. for the first time this problem was encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in 2003, and then there was a lull for almost 10 years, and they are
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literally fueled by beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel. we we know exactly how to start the morning right. this has been talked about and will be said thousands more times. the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i of course highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates for lunch so that you have the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but i think it’s difficult, these are proteins, good unsaturated fats, what omega 3 will give us, then what...
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will give a good hormonal balance, beautiful elastic skin. and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can spend a great time in a way that suits you. what the body really needs is energy, health and vigor. during exercises, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel.
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great, great, son, great, opachki, healthy, lumberjack, why couldn’t they call, but look at your phone, it’s already red, so where’s my phone, meet me, this is lisa, sorry for not being invited, the guys persuaded me to relax in nature, so what, everything’s fine, it’s been the same for 20 years , yes, where can i wash my hands here? let’s go, i’ll show you, what is she doing? also a gynecologist like you, no, she’s a dentist, let’s call your wife, why, well, call, we’ll tell you that you came to my dacha with a girl, that you’re crazy, she’s not with me at all, yeah, what for did they bring me here, you’ve become suspicious,
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what have you been thinking lately, we decided to arrange your personal life and in general, pasha is hitting her behind her, relax, it’s clear, it’s clear, the evening will be long. good afternoon, hello, hello, hello, great, hello, ivan ivanovich, let’s get started, well, let me introduce you, i’m not afraid of this word, an island village of the future, the basis of which will, of course, be the continuous cycle greenhouses that we plan to locate here in the western part of the island, as you understand, this is a fresh product all year round, moreover, they are environmentally friendly, here we will have a cottage community for service personnel. of course, right next to it there is a school, along with a stadium and a kindergarten, which already exists today, a first-aid post, and, by the way, we will soon open, on the site
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of the old boat station, we plan to build a bridge connecting directly the city with the island , a rather expensive project, but, as you understand, it’s absolutely impossible without it, i don’t understand, ivan ivanovich, i don’t understand that there’s nowhere to put the money and how much this garbage will be swimming for 20-30 years, you say garbage, valera, bring it, my friends, kebab, oh, yeah, meat, andrey, my friend, why did you choose such a stressful job for yourself, there wasn’t enough extreme sports in life, why, work like job? you won't envy me, why? well, probably everyone you know wants to come to you for free, but no, our people don’t like to solve problems, well, unless they really push you, that’s if they fire you from work, or, well, for example, there are
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people like that, but what are we all about? work and about work, let me put some meat for you, come on, between by the way, liza, like you, is interested in scuba diving, yes, yeah, but how does pasha feel about it, and what’s wrong, any hobby is a plus. really, liznka? andryush, don’t you have any ketchup? yes, by the way, that’s right, i’ll bring it now, come on, come on, this won’t work, guys, he’s prickly like a cactus, and with you i can’t even get close to him, should we leave or what? so, what do you tell him? and these are my problems. let's! wait, come on, come on, run, come on, come on already, vasya, grab some mustard, okay, let's go, let's go, and mineral water without gas, if possible, don’t forget the mustard, come on, come on, try it, well, the cucumber is like
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a cucumber! if you grew durian or passion fruit, i would understand, but this is passion fruit, i ’m offering you the business of the future, our russian one, and you’re being stupid? this is the taste of our childhood, without any chemicals, and a cucumber grown on our native land cannot be confused with anything, agree, here our children live on this land, we must leave something good, and not just chemical plants gas stations, okay, ivanovich. you know, i’m always with you, that
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’s great, nadyha, look who i am for you i brought it, what about you, let’s fill it up, shura and kicking, hello, share the news, nah, this is going on here, well, let me see vera dmitrievna off now, yeah, nadyush, i’ll go, see you tomorrow, grandfather tikhon, take you to the city , what, have you screwed up our new doctor, ver dmitrievna, like an arrow, oh, please, what’s going on there? the patients complained about marina, well, of course, not without my help, hmm, the doctors don’t want to work with her, alla and i are making bets on how many days later lvovichay will fire her, so get ready, you can come back soon, well what are you saying, tolik, i’m not going to come back, well, i’ve been waiting so many years for the opening of this first aid station. and i thought you’d be happy, well
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, since you’ve come so far away, let’s come to us, we’ll treat you to borscht, no, thank you, i need to go see one more person here, so don’t wait for me, and you’ve been here for a long time do you live here? until six months it’s no longer boring to be alone, no, i have the feeling that i’m talking with a special agent, you don’t want to tell me anything about yourself, you’re a psychiatrist or something, not a psychiatrist, a psychologist, but it’s clear, they came to treat me, not to treat me, but offer your help. help, what did these
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two handsome men tell you about me? nothing, okay, let's be honest, any personal drama is like a fracture with displacement. you can, of course, hope that it will heal itself over time, but you yourself understand that there can be consequences of unqualified help. “i understand, but i can handle it myself, and i’m like that too, i live by the motto, i myself, after my husband’s betrayal, lay flat for a month, barely dug myself out, so i took up crisis psychology, why bend over if you can quickly bring yourself to normal?" "i'm not going to give up,
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i met a person, a dear person, i realized that i was mistaken, okay, that's it, let's go, i 'll take you." let's go, let's go, let's go, thank you, you're welcome, maybe you'll come up to i’ll drink some coffee, not too late for... consultations, but i’m not inviting you as a psychologist,
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uh-huh, all the best.
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vova, vova, vova, we’re on fire, hello olga igorevna. what hospital am i going to? yuri grigorievich, yuri grigorievich, it doesn’t help, vitya, will you ever learn
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to speak russian? what doesn’t help? excuse me, please, but do you know where i can find out about andrei vasilevsky? who are you? his sister, his sister, is very seriously ill, the spleen is damaged, large blood vessels are affected, now we are digging for a blood substitute, but consciousness has not yet come, i’m telling you, the blood substitute is not helping, the pressure is falling and continues to fall, call the transfusion station immediately, i called, no there first negative, and i’m the first negative, but what’s the point? while we examine you, we’ll do all the tests, i’m afraid that... no, no, i’m not needed, i’m not needed examine me, i’m a medical professional, all my tests are fine, and i often donate blood, you want to take me to the monastery, and if this is the last chance, do compatibility tests, well, yuri grigorievich, quickly, i said, run. they
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were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i had no one left there, everyone went their separate ways , everyone found something here - then for myself, i have these masks in several shows participated, which we organized first here in our village, then i also in the city...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that... engaged in the production, development, integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general, an approach to a task that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary
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, corrective measures are developed, first of all, teamwork is welcomed and present here, without teamwork it is almost impossible to produce science... products are almost impossible, see the project quality mark on tv channel belarus 24.
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yuri grigorievich, yuri grigorievich, yuri grigorievich, he came from you. why yell like that? yes, i'm overjoyed. well, it's me, i 'll go. just don't tell andrey that i
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was here. fine? not normal at all. and we want to declare that the slogan no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten is relevant today. and the best proof of this is the opening today of an emergency medical station on the water in a village that officials have registered as dying, oh well done, you’ll start studying in september, i’ve already made an agreement in medina, and don’t argue, i’m old enough to retire soon, and then in the hospital your doctor. it should be noted that the opening of this medical
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institution would not have been possible if not for the help of one of the main philanthropists of our city ​​of ivan ivanovich morozov. i think it will be right that we hand over the cutting of the ribbon to ivan ivanovich. it is necessary to film, this is nadya samsonova, so to speak, a local nurse, if not for her, nothing would have happened here, and for even more efficiency of the work of the medical ambulance on the water, i am handing over this boat, quietly, quietly, quietly. wonderful, wonderful, greetings, greetings,
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we were afraid for you with the whole department, oh, how we were afraid, well, now it’s okay, you’ll get better. if you dug yourself out after that, now you will live a long time that you are silent, it hurts a lot, maybe you should call a doctor, don’t, be patient, well, be patient, be patient, your friends came while you were sleeping, grigoryich didn’t let them in, he said early, and your young lady is nasty, how are you on her grigoryich didn’t shout, she still... insisted for a long time that they let him in, what a good young lady, she obviously loves you, she donated blood,
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she sat here, crying, and how she looks, how distinguished she is, mikhalovna, why are you stuck here, others there’s no need to clean the wards, oh, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming. irti, don’t you have anything to do? would you rather improve your life, and then decide for us whether there is a hole here or not? oh, yes, i ’m trying, i’m trying to fix it, so are there problems with vadim again? you know, we were, we even wanted to file for divorce, why? well , because i'm selfish and think only about myself. you know, one month i lived with friends, during that month i understood a lot, he was right, i
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really think too much about myself. i don’t notice the love and support of loved ones, you and your parents have done so much for me, but i want to thank you somehow, you first ask them whether they want to leave or not, but as for me, there is no better place in the world and i won’t leave here anywhere, but you know what, come to us, and ivan ivanovich is building a cottage town, we will have shops here, there will be a school . i don’t know, you don’t have a job, neither for me nor for vadim, well, right, savelin’s nephew is moving with his whole family, he says, what difference does it make where to sit at the computer, here or in the city, and in general a lot of city people gather for we need to get over, oh nastya, we need to consult with vodya, you know, i’m even happier became, vadim and i will have a child,
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what are you, irka, how am i for you? i'm glad, this is wonderful, listen, then you should move here all the more, the baby will be very happy here, air, milk, cottage cheese, let's go quickly and tell the parents, they will be so happy, let's go, oh, i'm so glad, listen, well- give me the bag, who carries something so heavy in your position, well, you give it, but to be honest, i’m just tired. you see, well, i’m a doctor and i know that i need to get treatment, i need to be treated, but i can’t, you know, these soups are pureed for me, here, here i’m already tired of it, i can’t, we’ll soon switch you to a normal diet, you can already live with this, hello, mr. sour, like a lemon, i saw how you’re feeling, the temperature is normal, look who i brought you, well
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, hello, andryusha, oh yeah, hi, thanks. how are you, well, i’m getting better, thank you for not leaving me in trouble, i found something to be grateful for, wouldn’t you have come to visit me, of course you would have come, well, that’s enough about that, uh-huh, pash, i have my phone number in general , strange things are happening, let’s go, tell me to me, everything just turns off. these are the kind of friends i have, yes, tell me what you want, nothing so far, bad, listen, let me drag you my laptop, it’s lying around idle anyway, and you’ll watch comedies, okay, although there are still comedies early, in the sense that it hurts to laugh, but i
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’ll drag it anyway, which means it’s swept away. yes, well, i 'm off, yes, just don't be bored here, okay, i won't, i'll come by tomorrow. and you, andryusha, it turns out that, i mean, your aunt is okay, he’s still shot, he nursed you, which means you’re alone, and you’re playing tricks with the other one, oh, guys, they're all the same, wait, wait, aunt tanya, wasn't lisa
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here when i... that's a freak, of course not, she was so real, thank you, aunt tanya, naty, nadyushenka . what happened, aunt mash, oh, yes, i was thinking of digging some potatoes, see how i grabbed it, and what a pain, sharp or nagging, sharp, but when i walk it gets worse, yes, well, let's go, oh, my dear, oh, it shoots like , lord, oh, oh, but the man on the other side
1:37 pm
is not... tikhon, is it you, or what, who am i, tikhon, take me to your island, and what do you want there? business, to a woman, to your food, to which woman, well, what kind, otherwise you don’t... you don’t know, to your future wife, let’s go, are you trying to fool her again, let’s go, quietly, what are you doing? you do something, just start, start, let’s go, what an impudent person, oh, i’ve been living for 100 years, this is the first time i’ve seen such people, but i’m explaining to you that most likely it’s renal colic, it’s very serious. well, it’s already passed, well, of course, i injected you with baralgin, this is not a joke, sit here, i’ll now go get grandfather tikhon to drive the boat to the first aid station, yes
1:38 pm
i don’t want to, i’m going to the city! good luck!
1:39 pm
do you need a qualified emergency physician?
1:40 pm


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