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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 4:05pm-4:25pm MSK

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what will best test your erudition? is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seemed that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut him up, andrey wrote detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history. after winning the us open
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22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. whereby? seven the heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl came to them, i’ll call her that. and she removed all their territory. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone cleaned up the property for the owners. i was waiting, i want to catch up with lyosha at three. paris, london, new york, name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, in that very second, the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, the nearest island, he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded
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a city, birch bark and we set off on an exciting journey, he is like a wizard, controls the light, extinguishes and lights the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day. permanent, like the sun and the moon, you are entitled to a vacation, or you have a double to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger, who she still doesn’t know. unknown, locals call it patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities".
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you'll never forget once and you won't forget it again . everything here is correct.
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in the building of the izvestia newspaper on pushkinskaya square in moscow, where the editorial office of soviet belarus was located on september 22, 1943 , there was a situation with ovralu’s relatives, and an issue of the newspaper with a message of particular importance was hastily prepared for publication. editor ivan larionovich feshchenko could no longer contain his emotions when his deputy semyonov entered the office. read, it was just transmitted from headquarters.
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responsible secretary vladimir poleski immediately proofread the material. on september 22, 1943 , the soviet belorussia newspaper came out with a sensational report. in minsk on the night of on september 22, 1943, gauleiter wilhelm kube was liquidated. the explosion occurred in his mansion. newspapers that surrendered, captured by the fascists of belarus, however, with mourning obituaries and curses addressed to those who passed sentence on the laundering of the belarusian people. for the soviet intelligence services, this was one of the most successful operations carried out during the war in german-occupied territory. in february 1943
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, the people's commissars of state security of the ussr were urgently summoned to the kremlin. discussions began on the upcoming operation of the special services to eliminate hitler's governor in belarus, gaulatra of cuba. was the data that was regularly reported to stalin and his activities striking in its cruelty? the facts of their sadism are beyond the bounds in
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the reports of the meeting participants. intelligence report dated march 2, 1942. a raid in the minsk ghetto, during which a group of children were captured and thrown into a deep ditch. kube arrived at the place of execution, surrounded by several officers, and began throwing sweets to the children who were helpless from fear and horror. the rum was covered with earth. horrible facts of massacres of civilians minsk, soviet prisoners of war, jews, partisans, executions, torture, punitive operations. on the personal instructions of stalin, the executioner of the belarusian people of cuba included a list of nazis under. 12 special groups were identified that operated in the minsk region, they received an order for destruction, and then a series of unsuccessful attempts on gauleiter followed, it became clear that tactics needed to be changed. at the beginning of october 1943, at
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an isolated dacha of the people's commissariat. security of the ussr, three girls suddenly appeared. surrounded by special attention from the staff, guards, each of them could be alone with her thoughts. analyze what you had to endure recently. nadezhda troyan, opening the notebook into a square , began to write in neat handwriting. boss. fourth directorate to the state security commissioner of the third rank, sudoplatovo. after thinking about something for a moment, she continued. report from the resident of the operational group ivan fedorovich kanskaya. at the same time, i am enclosing a description of my work in preparing the assassination
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of the german general of belarus wilhelm kube. and then there’s the date. 10/13/1943. kanskaya. operative pseudonym nadezhda troyan. report hot on the trail to restore the sequence of events. troyan could not concentrate. the only correct decision is to come into contact with someone from gauleiter's inner circle, and these are his servants. first meeting with galina mazanik, that’s what cuba called her, not elena. it took place, as follows from the report, on september 8, and was organized by their common sign. a few days of acquaintance and
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a frank conversation, to help the homeland free the people from the bloody executioner. task - liquidation of cuba. and on the night of september 22 , an explosion occurred in the cuba mansion. this was the result of the work of another reconnaissance group, which was also looking for exits to the mazanik. on the eve of september 20, mazanik’s neighbors heard her quarrel with someone unknown. oh, i don’t know, it’s a bit expensive. the price is very good for these times, and the product is decent. where else can you buy shoes like this? well, let me take a look. the girls loudly sorted things out over the price of shoes, which they could not agree on. each stood on its own, no one to give in. i didn’t want to, i need to attach it with
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on this side, the factory is here, they’ve completely lost their conscience, it’s like ripping people off, you don’t have much time, my dear, they can buy shoes, but this is a present just in case. poison, if anything, the unfamiliar girl turned out to be maria osipova, one of the first organizers of the minsk underground, a liaison for several partisan detachments. on the morning of september 21
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, mazanik, as always, walked into the entrance with a confident gait, punctually neatly, this impressed the guards, the friendly smile of the maid, who enjoyed special indulgence. owners, her behavior is not aroused no suspicion, everything was as usual, along the corridor where the gauleiter’s bedroom was located, a guard with a dog once again passed, not noticing anything suspicious, he headed further, his attention was not attracted by the maid entering the corridor, the warden you... they ask you to go downstairs,
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an instant and galina was already in the bedroom, it took seconds for mina to be in the right place, she attached her to the springs of the mattress, and also... cleaning the hallway. why is the door to the bedroom and galina, as if nothing had happened, continued closed? why did you go there? who allowed it? i, i closed the door of the room so that dust would not fly from cleaning. a few hours later, elena mazanik was already far from the mansion.
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citing a toothache, she asked the hostess to leave early. together with osipova, they went to the partisans. the interrogation of the girls was carried out personally by the people's commissar of state. security of the ussr, sevolot merkulov, his deputy bogdan kabulov, the head of the intelligence directorate of the red army, lieutenant general fyodor kuznetsov, interrogated together and...
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each of the girls tried their best describe in detail all the events that take place. based on the results of interrogations - a note addressed to stalin. its contents are unknown, it is still classified, but the whole country learned the result a few days later. on october 29, 1943 , i was at the editorial office of the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia. standing ovral, attention, we urgently change the material in the issue, well, everything has already been signed for printing, you can’t even imagine, this should be on the front page, this is such an event, incredible, this must be on the front page, urgently in the issue, and what faster,
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so much the better, a few hours later on the front page of the newspaper next to the editorial... dedicated to the birthday of the komsomol , a decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr was posted on awarding the title of heroes of the soviet union to nadezhda troyan, maria osipova and elena mazanik. they became the first women in the history of belarus, heroes of the soviet union. as time passes, speculation and assumptions about the conduct of a unique operation by the soviet special services still remain. not all. the sentence was carried out by three brave belarusian women, heroes of the soviet union, nadezhda troyan, maria osipova and elena mazanik.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. here are the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones, these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that
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chalavetstva made was greedily consumed. on the old books, there is magic for the people. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the heat. we appreciate the past for our today. belarus 24.
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this is not security, it is the cybersecurity system that has completely surrounded our union state, military power and sovereignty are what will ensure our non-participation in the war until the last, the only time we enter the war is if someone interferes, interferes, is destroyed. peace negotiations, they are disadvantageous for the west, they are doing great in the military-industrial complex, the wall street journal writes:


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