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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 6:25pm-7:00pm MSK

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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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for some reason, everyone thinks that a dolphin trainer is like this: he stood up, whistled, waved his hand, stroked the dolphin, smiled, and walked. yes, this is the tip of the iceberg. besides this, it’s also a lot of attention, time, care, etc.
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control of the situation is some kind of constant composure, that is, you need to stand, smile and at the same time control the process, still somehow lead the performance a little in some desired direction, many people have a love for animals, here we must probably talk about the sum of factors, then love for animals alone will still not be enough, some very high degree of dedication is necessary, that is, we must understand that this matter will have to be dealt with a lot, very closely, let’s return to the quotes of antoine desenteri, we are responsible for those whom tamed, that is, if you are getting involved in this matter, you can’t back up, that is, you are tied to animals, these animals have trusted you to a large extent, and you have to somehow answer for this, well, there are people who come and say: yes , i want to be a coach, i say, no question, are you ready to work 7 days a week, sometimes around the clock, for example, well, this is some kind of small everyday moment, that is, we always work
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on december 35, we always work on 1 january, that is, this is the law of the entertainment sector, any holiday, which exists in the country, it will always be an even more working day than the previous one, this is a magical work. which, in principle, you don’t need to tune in to, and even if you show up one day looking a little rumpled, not getting enough sleep or having not recovered, this is a job that, in fact , on the contrary, energizes you, naturally, that is, it contains some small everyday moments hidden there, that is, you first need to prepare, you need to get into a wetsuit, and this is a separate art, cut fish, cook, sort through, but then you you go out to these gophers, the gophers are happy to see you. let's start with bright talents, vitochka, she's a beauty, a bedside table and a cutie, a star and at the same time she knows how to show her tongue, come on, tell me, tell me, yes, come on, on all television, well, by the way, i
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advertised here that you can show your tongue, here comes my beauty, this is where we transported them from the city of kharkov, we brought them to the city of kharkov from the city of odessa. that in odessa there is a training base where young animals are trained, that is, well, it’s stupid to bring untrained animals and say: guys, come to a dolphinarium where no one knows anything, so first they go through a special school, master some basic program, and then they come to their permanent location, so to speak, and here they continue to build up their potential, i’ve been doing this for 12 years, day after day , everything has already happened several times, both that it didn’t work out, and that it didn’t turn out at all what... i wanted, well, better, that is , everything that was possible has already happened, i have a rare life component: i i love my job, that is, i have a number of friends who somehow socially believe that they are more successful, everything is great for them, but they don’t go to work without antidepressants, they live from
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weekend to weekend and all that, i hate weekends, fortunately they i rarely have one, usually my day off is me sitting next to my animals, that is, the difference between a weekend and a working day is the audience, if there are spectators... in the hall it’s a working day, if there are no spectators, it’s a day off, but we’re all let's hang out here anyway. eagle owls, they teach tolerance and acceptance the surrounding world. basically, that is, the idea is that you need to be able to find an approach to everyone, a common mistake, this phrase. are dolphins smart? answer: no, dolphins are different. that is, it is impossible to equate an entire species with the same brush: among dolphins, among dogs, among people; in each species, in each group, in each society or ecosystem, there are
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completely different representatives. there are those who are smarter, those who are slower, those who are more cheerful, and so on and so forth. that is, when we talk about the highest form of nervous activity. especially as developed as dolphins, then that ’s all, it’s completely different, each dolphin is an individuality, a character, then there’s still a mood from above, but this is not a question of selection, it’s a question of approach, that is, as good educational psychologists say , there are no stupid children, everyone has their own talent, you just need to be able to find it, reveal it, interest it, that is, every dolphin needs to find an approach, then, in principle, that is , just like that... wooden brainless ones are difficult to find, there is just well more capable and less capable, one dolphin will master a specific trick from you in three training sessions, another will spend five on it, a third will need 10, nothing will work, and then you sit down, think, explain in a different way, he will do it again -
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for three, but in total you spent 13. the question is, who is to blame, because you spent the first 10 doing nonsense, there are random people, but they usually don’t stay, as if there are people who come, but over time. from a person who is not ready to give almost everything into it matter, rarely will anything work out, that is , to achieve such a result, you still need to build some kind of very real social connection, you also need to invest heavily in this business, that is, a maneuver like my working day is over and i left , again, it is of no use here, that is, you are not at a factory, you are not with a machine, you are working with a living being, and here you also need to understand this, it’s not like you... over and over again, because everything will always be differently, in fact, every performance is some kind of such a game, that is, somewhere it is clearly expressed, somewhere it is less noticeable, but in any case , each performance is a little different, that
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is, somewhere the animals will change it a little differently, somewhere i, again in principle, it is impossible to work on the same performance, because the animals will simply get tired of it, that is , every time... in each performance , one small detail must be changed: the restoration of a friendly family, now you will have a chance to see this smile, moreover on the face of this dolphin, because that is, for the last many years it has been, as it were, in in this matter... i stand among the animals, but in principle , my wife was involved in the upbringing and preparation of this particular couple, that is, she is such a mother for them to a large extent, now at the next performance she will come out to them again, i present to your attention, widely known in narrow circles, trainer of marine mammals, part-time my wife, mother of my child and simply a wonderful girl, julia, in general, i’m not bored. work - it is always work and
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it is very hard work, of course, there is a big huge bonus, these are dolphins, their love, communication with them, but besides this huge factor there are many small, but quite difficult moments. i think evgeniy was lucky, because i was also in this profession, when you were in it, when you know all the nuances, all the moments, then you understand.
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the pool is already running, maybe this is the foundation for it’s scary to admit, yes, yes, the baby is in our future specialty, but we are mastering the pool, they teach us how to communicate and interact, that is, this is likely... in communicating with the child, with his appearance, this became a useful skill for me because in principle, this is exactly the essence when you need to learn to understand how to interact with someone who cannot tell you and explain to you what he wants. my child now falls into this category absolutely, that is, he is not yet fully able to express any of his thoughts. the only thing i definitely managed to read about smart books about raising children, i don’t care what i want, if she wants, she will have a much better chance than others, she will have someone to learn from. here, but he says that i want you to be a coach dolphins, no, okay, say hi,
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this is a fur seal, specifically he is difficult to train, because usually fur seals are smart. better, and he is talented, he is a cutie, a very gentle cutie, unlike dolphins , they smell very well, they have very sharp eyesight, they are generally cool devils, target, give me an eraser, let's get up, get up, get up, get up, get up , yes, cutie, oh, what a beautiful cat, any training, any trick , begins with the fact that you must first understand that... you want a maneuver like a night one, where it will work, it won’t, you need to understand what you want in the finale, then break it into parts, then
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think about how to explain each of them to the animal, and then start doing it. the most important thing in working with cats is maximum trust, that is, they must establish contact with the trainer so close and long-lasting that the cat begins to trust the trainer. then he is ready to follow him, if this contact is not established, then it is unlikely that he will be able to come to an agreement with the cat at all, because he has such needs as, for example, dolphins in communication with people, yes, they are playful, they are curious, they will lure, attract, then the cat does not need this, the cat, in principle, is good to swim in the water anyway and does not need someone to stroke him, so that... sometimes they were entertaining, so, of course, working with them is more difficult.
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everything in my life was clear and simple, i was finishing my fifth year at university, and i already had several years of work practice in the evenings, that is, i had , one might say, a career, plans, life, and in general i was like that for about 70 years forward understood what do i have next here... one day, at the height of the summer session at the end of the fifth year, my friends and i went to the dolphinarium. the next day i quit my job, 2 more days later we graduated from college, then i came to the dolphinarium and joyfully said: “hello, i want to work here, or rather, not even because i want to, but i’m ready, that is, that’s who i am, right hello, i’m a star, i’m ready, and they told me, there’s the door, get out of here, here, but some persistence is the ability to show and prove that i’m basically ready and want i will, so i was hired as a junior assistant to the fourteenth junior coach, this is
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the bottom of the hierarchy and then, as they say, the principle is, well, try to get out. well , i tried it, yes, it was great, it was such youthful adventurism to some extent, that is, i remember so, the next day i just sat down and figured it out, that is, i lost four times in salary in one day, but at least i got into this world, which, in principle, gives joy, i periodically had fish, hamsters, dogs there, that is, it’s all like it’s normal, here, of course, it went into a professional direction and more so it manifested itself, well, as if i never intended to do this, evgeniy valerievich has two basic educations. the first of them is acting and music, the second is an agricultural university for the profession of livestock breeder. when evgeniy valerievich completed his musical education and was supposed to enter the conservatory, from where he was successfully expelled three times. evgeniy valerievich
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went to the agricultural sector of such an interesting baghem state of music ministers institute that is, for 5 years my comrades, with whom i continued to communicate from the former sphere, asked why, that’s how it was possible to go from musicians to livestock breeders, i could not answer them for 5 years, but then the moment came x, when i ended up in the dolphinarium combined, well , the love for animals and the love for the stage, soldered it into the bottom, in principle, well, since i’ve been doing this for many years, in my opinion quite successfully, it was probably worth it, somehow it all went towards this, and , that the institutes prepare us. no, we still have we don’t start out of the blue, that is, there is elementary continuity, and there are such people, they are called great senior trainers, these are not just those who know how to teach animals, but those who know how to teach people, teach animals, i naturally had teachers , that is , they kind of explained the basics to me, they corrected my mistakes, they gave me slaps on the head, they explained to me how i was, what i was doing and where i was going, that is
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, naturally, this is not all at some level, i came to the dolphin, i told him, listen to me and... he decided to listen to me, i tried it, it doesn’t work, this dolphin is already five times smarter than you, your task is to make friends, agree to learn to at least understand him, explain something to him, god bless him, learn to understand him, start from here, you always have to start, that is, from yourself, if you can’t explain something to a dolphin, it’s not a dolphin, you’re a fool, it’s you who can’t explain something, that’s basically the key to being somewhat successful in...
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it doesn’t work out, it’s not the animal’s fault, that’s all, sit, poke around, think about what you did wrong, why everything turned out wrong, i think that dolphins are very smart animals, that is , i think that perhaps they are the smartest animals, that is, i talked enough with dogs, i somewhat superficially had the happiness of communicating with horses, well, these stories there are about some kind of humanization beyond what - these abilities, i consider this, let’s say, inflated, exaggerated. but the fact that these are very smart animals with a wide range of feelings, emotions of perception is unambiguous, that is, they are excellent guys, and at the same time, that is, this is again in your question, does not exclude my ability to you can be friends with them, you can be friends by recognizing that they are little animals, that is, i consider my dog ​​to be my friend, that’s all, that is, a dog is a friend of man, a dolphin is also a friend of man, another
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thing is that not all people are friends of dolphins, but this is already the sad other side of the issue is that there is a specially trained one. several times a day the fences are taken there on time, she goes through several degrees of cleaning so that everything is wonderful, there she is regularly checked for a number of indicators, in general there is a kind of process here, this is beautiful and blue - this is a huge amount of work, but at the same time it is necessary. for our little animals it creates a level of comfort for them. the blessing, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement with belarus; the country exists as long as the symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory.
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may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose us to preserve the independence of our land. a signal is given on the device and it is necessary to adjust that the clock runs accurately, to preserve what our ancestors put their labor into, this is our history and heritage, the main topics in
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main broadcast, watch on tv channel belarus 24, secrets of good morning and good mood, good morning belarus on the air of tv channel belarus 24, program good morning belarus, my name is svetlana barovskaya, how good you are. puppies, can i pet them? oh, what flowering trees, these are cherries, a new athlete is probably sneaking up on you, meeting amazing people, anatoly leonidovich, hello guys, hello, let's continue the lesson, oh, how beautiful you are, what a beauty, and a lot of other useful and interesting things information, it was installed precisely in memory of the tank crews who gave their lives in july of the forty-first year, one might say, which became a shield and a sword here in...
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watch good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya on the belarus 24 tv channel. every dolphin has a mood, good thing, again, i’ve been communicating with dolphins for quite a long time, that is, if you see that
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an animal is in a bad mood at a particular moment, he got into a fight with a neighbor in a hierarchical showdown, he thinks that he’s undernourished, he’s like... then i didn’t get up there in the morning that leg, that is, you just need to be able to understand the little animal, that is, your animals that you see every day. for many hours you interact with them already at the level of some kind of family connection, it is very easy to understand, disassemble and be ready for these mastaps, here, in principle, we are already dealing with fairly socialized animals, so to say that they represent some kind of or the danger is a little overdone, there is such a common version, when i saw a dolphin in the sea, dolphins are good, here i would spoke strongly, if i see a dolphin in the wild, i turn around and row in the other direction slowly but carefully, because you meet a wild animal in the wild, being in its environment, you don’t know it, you don’t know, great, sick , full, hungry,
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elementary, if it is a female with a cub, she will perceive you as a source of some kind of danger, but she will most likely move away, and if you try to chase her or something else, don’t let god is behind the baby, she can just quite tangibly let herself know that you are in vain to come here, therefore wild animals are wild animals, they must be treated with considerable respect. understand boundaries, here is a completely different story, here the animals are socialized, they see people every day, for them people are a source of fun, scratching and communication, so they are of course much more friendly to humans, but this is the result of the specific experience of their life, there is a concept here conditions, that is, one simple statistic about what a particular species in nature pulls at best under twenty, aquarium in good conditions.
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the diet here is the absence of external predators, the absence of changes, the wild world, it is of course beautiful and huge, but it is quite tough by its standards, in some issues, that is, there are many difficulties, that is, if you catch an elementary sore in nature, you start eat worse, eat worse, get sick even worse, it all ends with you going to the bottom and you are gone, here, if you catch even some pretty decent sore, you will have a lot attention, a lot... care there, if tests are needed, if any appointments are needed, there will be three veterinarians, two trainers, they will look after you around the clock, but you will most likely be cured, that is, at least they will give you this chance, they will provide you with the necessary care, yes, i know that there are dolphinariums in which the conditions are not comfortable enough, i myself do not admit this, that is, there is such a form as wandering dolphinariums, when
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animals are thrown into some very insufficient volume of water, who are constantly stressed, who they are constantly transporting, transporting in violation of the discipline of this process, they just arrived cleanly, stood with the shopitoshka, showed the animals for a week in some unfinished water, that is, feeding them with something unclear, this, of course, is, in my opinion, a little incorrect treatment, that’s all after all, animals deserve some kind of adequate attitude towards themselves. speaking to my wife, of course, is a special pleasure, we had an interesting story in that we were together in this work 24 hours a day, and in the morning we woke up, went to work, returned from work in the evening and fell asleep, some friends say it’s terrible how you can bear it, but we somehow formed such a tandem, in fact, when i left, most of all i
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thought, how can we not be together all the time? and of course, if i perform with my wife, it’s much calmer and more pleasant and joyful for me to perform with him, but nevertheless, i’m still at work, my entire focus is still on the animals, so my wife doesn’t get any attention. regarding the effect of dolphin therapy, there really is some kind of miraculous effect, well, first of all a team of specialists works. a team of psychologists who guide the child, secondly , there are props with which you can interact, well, thirdly, all interaction takes place in a game with dolphins, and for example, yes, that is, balls, rings are used, again, how many rings you threw, and how many rings did the dolphin bring, and how many did vita two bring, and hercules bring four, and who has more, less, that is, you understand, in such elementary actions you can work out a lot, naturally, then comes - you spend time listening to the water, that is, there is sounds.
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that we hear that dolphins make above water, and there are very unusual, interesting sounds that can only be heard under water, like the effect of sonar, it happens under water, and in many ways it is believed that it is this effect that has the most healing property, and contact , again, in water is a little different than from contact on land, you can hug a dolphin, lie next to it, lie on its tummy, you can hug it, that is, a very tactile effect, that is, on principle. for everything - let's say, analyzers, on our five basic ones, yes, and there is an impact, as if the totality of many of these impacts, it seems to me, in the end, it gives a big impetus to development, what can you learn from dolphins, they were teachers for me, let’s say, in this regard, this formation or development of acceptance and patience, tolerance towards others, that is , they are ready to accept and communicate with any person, whoever comes, he says, doesn’t
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speak, he sees... doesn’t see, he can walk, he can’t walk, can he pet him, it doesn’t matter, good or evil, they are ready communicate with everyone, this is of course such a uniqueness of them, well, i don’t know, perhaps acceptance is coming to me, this of course deserves such special admiration, what about these animals, dolphins - they are special creatures, it’s really impossible not to love them and i i think every person who has ever seen them will understand me...
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what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed from... socio-economically, there political, was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this modern ruling elite, their personal future is secured, but they pay for it by defending american and british interests in the european union, destroying it, this week is completed, for example , the security system, as they call it, this cybersecurity system has completely surrounded our union state. military power and sovereignty are what will ensure our non-participation in war to the last. the only thing is when we enter war, if someone meddles, meddles, destroys it. peace negotiations, they are disadvantageous for the west, they are doing great in the military-industrial complex. the wall street journal writes that the us industrial growth rate for the first quarter
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of 2024 was 17.5%. the key word is consolidation. if we want a future for our children, we must all unite. the project is objective. don't miss the new one. episodes on tv channel belarus 24.
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sunday, may 26, i will tell you about the main events of this day, vladislav bunder, hello, watch the episode. new markets sales, import substitution contribution to the economy.


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