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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 7:20pm-7:50pm MSK

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accessibility, quality, timeliness, facets that set the vector of development for rural medicine. but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here asking for help, equipment or qualifications, which is responsible for the contrast of these lines, the relationship between doctor and patient. it requires some kind of more
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attentive approach to each other, probably. in general, what is the volume, so to speak, of the disaster that needed to be corrected? the question is interesting: to put all the components together to provide medical care there, where this is needed, this is the order of the president. can we actually treat our people like human beings or not? a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch right now. affordable
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and high-quality are two simple criteria that should and can be applied to medicine, both in a big city and a small village; as for villages, timeliness is much more important than high technology. the head of state is aiming the industry at this; in may last year there were clearly approaches to treating people are outlined, i must say, in a year, if you count the number of repairs of purchased equipment , many times more than a year or two earlier, we will, of course, talk about this in the report, but let’s start with the most invoice: approximately how much was needed here go? well, well, the distance here is probably 40-50 meters, if you take two buckets, how many walks did you have to make before... the start
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of the working day? oh, well, more than once, because the room is large and you need a lot of water. dilute the disinfectant solution or simply wash your hands, like it is difficult to imagine providing medical assistance without water without violating basic sanitary standards, which is why force has to be used. please move away so i don’t splash you and here’s some clean water. in frost or cold weather. it’s such a morning in the chersk fap and this is far from an exception if you look at it across the whole country. the well and it is good if the standpipe remains a reliable source of water supply for many towns located far from cities. the gap is practically unnoticeable for patients, and so significant for the doctors themselves. this is a water supply project, it’s not the only one in the region? yes, in fact, two faps were included in the project, this is chersky oak, they are practically adjacent in fact. they had water on the street, and
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now we have broken through the water pump and supplied water to the tap, even made hot water supply, because water is actually inseparable from medicine, and from money, who helped? of course the city helped with the money? operationally, non-functioning water supply, without it and idle treatment rooms, in some areas leaking roofing and lack of heating, these gaps remained in in the past, today at the chersky fap there is an on-site appointment with a therapist, from here there are so many people waiting to measure arterial or
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intraocular pressure, find out heart rhythms and purchase the necessary medications, now there are mini-pharmacies in every fap, but we are older people, we live here in the village, i say, let us somewhere... well, it’s not like they didn’t eat vitamins, somewhere maybe they didn’t buy something like in the city, but the most necessary thing is healthcare, because we all come here, we all ask for help, the first thing is acute conditions or planned for chronic medical assistants and obstetricians are no longer talking about one tonometer for the entire village, what the faps are equipped with and what is lame in terms of logistics; these issues are shared with the ministry of health by the local authorities. so, in this composition, a representative of the regional executive committee here of the raion executive committee, and in general, like this, on a commission , it often turns out to go to the village to come and see with my own eyes what is really happening here on the ground? yes , it’s possible to go out, my colleagues and i have it once a quarter, we usually go around, see if you
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better than in the city, a major audit of the industry made it possible to outline the range of problems, in some places there are delays in replacing equipment and delays in carrying out major repairs, but these are flowers. exceptions, but still, in an attempt to show off, someone managed, there’s no other way to say it, to repair the factory on paper. in one of the districts, i won’t just say the name of the district for isometric reasons, the question was about the sanitary and technical condition of the treatment room, the question was about tiles, but it’s clear that the people who checked the entire district, they looked to see if there was purchasing this tile to the appropriate medical and obstetric center,
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bring it with which you want to replace the faps, and then close it, and why are these faps so dear to us? one person goes there as a paramedic. yes, we don’t need faps that are inactive, but where people live a hundred more, they closed the example of russia, and are now trying
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to heroically return back. what are we doing? figure it out, dads, local hospitals, that ’s where our people live. the brist region was able to do this in this regard. these approaches in order not to close a single fap and a single outpatient clinic, funds for matykalskaya were collected from different levels of budgets, and enterprises in the region did not stand aside, the facility was not cheap at 2 million belarusian, colossal opportunities appeared, we have new equipment such as holter ecg monitoring, 24-hour ecg monitoring, we now have hemoanalyzers, we have more of them. cardiographs, such a small device is able to detect heart rhythm disturbances, find hidden ischemia, we used to go to brest for this, demand many are also sent to the regional center for research if there is a need for specialists of different profiles. the office of the obstetrician-gynecologist, dentist and laboratory
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diagnostics was located on the second floor; before the renovation, these areas were simply idle. i’ve only recently lived here, but i still managed to get here. old building, very nice, comfortable, cozy, there is always qualified help, you can ask for any question, the doctors are understanding, good-natured. today there are 344 dispensaries operating in the breska region; they were repaired within a year more than 200, those on wheels are used not as a replacement for stationary ones, but in addition. are there people at your reception now? yes, they are waiting while we are with you? well, yes, let us send you to receive them, otherwise it’s somehow bad that people are waiting? drops by. a point on wheels in oak, but more and more often it copes on its own, in a village that is just a couple of kilometers from
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the southern border with less than a hundred locals. the two villages served by the fap will have no more than 140 patients. high technology is not expected here, rather basic medical examination and first aid for pain, that's why people come here. i go in and check my blood pressure and cardiograms. well, do they pay enough attention here or do they just shrug it off? the doctor is fine, he's okay. he is so caring, the head of the fap is from that generation of doctors who, not only will they come to work on schedule, but will not leave people without help on their days off, regardless of time. he has been at the post of rural health for more than 30 years, from here he knows so much about the state of affairs in the industry, and not only here. and again, compare with the same in ukraine, you know the situation, what kind of healthcare is there there was, let’s say even before... there wasn’t even training there before, like we have courses,
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there wasn’t anything like that, all the medicines were paid, there were all the dressings, well, as they say, you just work everything, a person works, you have to come with your everything, so when the authorities distance themselves from the problems of the people, while in belarus, medicine, even despite the difficulties dictated by the sanctions for... goals, sponsors helped us about 7 million belarusian rubles, and before the development
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of this plan a our institutions were maintained in order, well indeed yes it was necessary to pay attention to those institutions that provide assistance specifically to the rural population, on the one hand. to take from another, they took their daughters to babruisk to kirovsk, uh-huh, they had a lot of grief with me, and this is without cause for grief, at 87, irina mikhailovna is not a frequent guest in the doctor’s office, we went, when my eyesight fell almost to the point of blindness, to the local kirov hospital, there was no eye doctor there, in bobruisk, they examined and even offered to undergo surgery, all that remained was to take a referral from the local police officer therapist, this is where... the difficulties began, here she comes to our fap, i called
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this receptionist, she says to me: she is on your fap, i called her, said something like this, she says: you know, i didn’t take her card, come to us tomorrow and i’ll give you directions, that’s it, i couldn’t go myself, my husband went, got there, she just flew into him, you won’t get any directions from me.
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there will be their own, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist and an ent specialist, even on an exchange basis. we sent our request for missing specialists, and literally throughout the week. the issue was resolved by order, so we have an ophthalmologist and an ent specialist come twice a week - this is the same thing, we have a few, well, enough pediatricians, we help the city of bobruisk, individual clinics. however, such experience is not new, a traveling physiotherapist today works at the ratomki outpatient clinic in order to optimize
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labor and resource costs, the doctor comes upon request, now 2 hours is more than enough for... violet radiation, here is the prevention of diseases, musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system and treatment of acute respiratory infections, tell me, do you somehow track whether this complaint was actually justified or whether people just complained somehow, but no one comes, they use this office at all, there are a lot of people, not so many, but they use it because that after all, when you can go here on the spot, and
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not go to another medical institution, this is enough. now you can be treated in a hospital in the best-equipped hospitals in zaslavl and minsk, where there are proper qualifications of doctors and equipment. actually according to this this is the principle that inter-district centers operate, which are designed to relieve the burden on regional and metropolitan institutions and make high-tech assistance even closer to people, but in the context of different regions of the country the picture does not always turn out as desired. inter-district centers were created and equipped. with these services, of course, there are still shortcomings in this issue, we see that the ministry of health has increased the waiting period for diagnostic assistance, we believe that it is necessary, well, practice has shown that it is necessary to change, probably
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these approaches, that for some procedures too long, there is no queue, but people wait up to six months de... months, what could be worse than simple expensive equipment, except perhaps formalism, is it the problem or the instructions that the monitoring doctors did not understand, state control in the mogilev region revealed 11 areas where medical examinations of people were carried out formally and often only on paper, a series of cards, or a series of dirt.
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it would seem that the seemingly humane profession is finding loopholes for profit, here dentists are increasingly demonstrating their skills. we carried out large-scale control measures on the cost of dental services, tariffs are being revised, this type of service should still be available for different income levels, well, the population, this year control will continue over... the work of dental clinics, inter-district centers, obtaining diagnostic services - these are the issues that should remain in the field of view of the state control committee, and accordingly. the health care audit forced action not only on those responsible for medicine, but on the overall well-being of people in each specific region. speaking in numbers,
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we renovated more than one and a half thousand medical centers and five hundred outpatient clinics, but it’s clear that all the holes in the industry cannot be filled with construction materials alone. on the surface, the personnel issue, the talk about how to consolidate good relations with people in the countryside, is less common. on august 22
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, 1944, at the age of 26, kondraty ivanovich naumov received the high title of hero of the soviet union for his courage, bravery and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the babrui operation. within a few days in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank guns and knocked out one self-propelled gun. at the head of the group, he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, and captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk. destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite the severe wounds received in this battle, he continued to command the battle
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until the very end. on september 5, 1944, during fierce battles, the tank of captain naumov’s guard was hit. this time seriously wounded the battalion commander was evacuated to the hospital, but he was saved. failed, in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war , second degree, and medals posthumously. and what categories of belarusian goods are most in demand in foreign markets? and of course, these are the most, probably, we
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ourselves can always say that these are meat and dairy products, these are our food products, and mechanical engineering is enjoying great success, agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, our flagships, mtz, mas, belas always. at the highest level at any exhibition, confectionery products, and also enjoy great success, and of course, scientific and technical developments, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions, products are presented that can rightfully be said to be the most high, quality, and if we talk about food products, especially... in our country they monitor the standards, all the guests, so international partners value this very highly, this year we have planned
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this year has even more events, and it will also be bright, i think, even brighter than last year, and we have planned events in african countries, first of all, this is a very important market for us now. and we have been entering this market for a long time, but of course we haven’t had such a geography of countries in africa for a long time, and we are starting with algeria, then we have zimbabwe, we have been participating in zimbabwe since 2018, so we have already become very famous there , south african republic, angola, namibia, tanzania, in general. egypt, therefore for the african region, almost every month we will take our belarusian enterprises to international forums, of
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course, this is... asia, china, we have the number one annual exhibition in the world in the world, in asia in food products, i think , of course, it may soon become the world's first, this is seal-shanghai, a very famous exhibition, our enterprises are participating there, and food manufacturers, and the exhibition, we are also planning an exhibition in the city of chongqing, in china, well... we will also have the asian market is represented widely, this includes korea, malaysia, and hong kong, we are planning, so we hope that our enterprises will find partners in this region, do not forget about the middle east, we started the year with the golf exhibition, this is the annual number one exhibition for products food, our enterprise...
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successfully participated in the exhibition in february, we are planning saudi arabia, jordan, also countries, exhibitions in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general, all our already favorite partners, you always need to maintain contact with them, come to the exhibition, and of course, don’t forget about new partners and look for them in these countries. what will best test your erudition and intelligence. that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and asiris were brothers? andrey. well, there was such a very interesting story. set invited his own asiris to the holiday, then, it seems, he either cut him
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or immediately threw him out. in the river i cut andrey to write detective stories, of course, or horror films. this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad. carlos alcaraz, absolutely right, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is because a girl came to them. i’ll call it that, i cleaned up all their territory, everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was cleaning up, tidying up, and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lesha in three, paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right, look intelligently entertainment projects on our tv channel.
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hello, before the world had time to come to its senses after fitz’s shots, the news came about the death of the president of iran. let me remind you that on may 19 , ibrahim raisi’s helicopter crashed, all eight people on board died, the duties of the head of state are performed by the first vice president.


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