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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 8:50pm-9:01pm MSK

8:50 pm
we are starting our, well, long-awaited, i think, path of returning to the major leagues. bright moments , real emotions. 8 years later, magnitka champion, i have never seen such emotions, it seems to me, not a single team has, how happy the metal players are, all this is in the sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. to become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, as ...
8:51 pm
yodishki, hello, world of organics and belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus and exploring its sights together with foreigners. so, in our altar braslovskaya church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslovskaya volodarka ozera. watch on tv channel.
8:52 pm
i don’t want a brisk run and a lot of rain, a shady forest, a sunny day, and that’s how our life is based on these particles, i want to look at this light for everyone zhny zen adkryvatsa for sebe neshta new, we geta so tsikava. because our range of tasks that we perform is quite wide, the most important flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years, this is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, this is the program by which our viewer knows us, also our full face and military review programs are the main programs that go on television, but it’s impossible to say that we... are limited to everyone, and we are widely
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represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a silver button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we became the first received such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer, he knows us, recognizes us and, most importantly, recognizes us from our content, everyone day on... our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is more than one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this, we produce the information that our viewers see every day on the internet, we give video information about military for basic state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often it is the video information that we produce military tv, so to say how many there were in 30 years, well, probably several thousand.
8:54 pm
maybe several tens of thousands, these are all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers, about the equipment that the belarusian army receives, this is all what the belarusian army lives by today, and what it has lived by for 30 years. well, your films like the border or the brez fortress, soldiers memory, have become the flagships of military documentaries, what is the tv channel working on today these days, on what projects? there are also a lot of them, i’ll probably focus on the main ones. moments now the television company is focused on the historical project of the liberation of belarus, we tell, these are several episodes in which we talk about the main historical moments, our correspondents raised and told historical facts that were unknown for a long time, we used a large amount of historical material, costs to say that the vntv television company has a rich archive, so we use it widely, in addition to... our correspondents are preparing a film
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“survivors”, this is a big project about children of war, about those who survived the horrors of war, and another project - this is a time of remembrance of... monuments about monuments that are dedicated to soviet soldiers and liberators, this is something that concerns specifically historical topics, and also my colleague and i are preparing a project “we are a fortress”, in which we talk about the new products that are coming to the belarusian army, in fact, there is also such a wide spectrum, each episode is dedicated to a specific new product, well, in fact, we still have a lot of such projects, a lot of ideas, i think that our viewers will be able to see all this on the air, your television company has been here for 30 years now.
8:56 pm
the army goes through, what stages in its formation the army goes through, the stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or turn on any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well worth say, we always focus in our reports on people, we are talking about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well, probably this aspect, it does not change, these are those who love their job, those who love their homeland and... are really ready to completely devote themselves to this profession. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. at that very second, the merchant decided to praise
8:57 pm
the gods. on the nearest island, he first erected a temple, then built huts, and founded the city, berestye. and we set off on an exciting journey. like a wizard controls the light, turns off the lights, thus marking the beginning and end of the day. constant, like the sun and the moon, you are entitled to a vacation or you have a double to show how unusually wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger; who she is is still unknown; locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls, from which these ruins remain...
8:58 pm
well, in addition, the departure of a unipolar world to a polycentric world. the republic of belarus is essentially located at the junction of these two power lines, the confrontation between the west and east, and any changes in the international situation, in international security, immediately affect our national
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security. the constitution of our country states in black and white that we are not going to attack anyone. military capacity and military strength are defensive in nature. this is against the backdrop of the rapid armament of our neighbors. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
9:00 pm
hello, we started this week with a meeting friends from the magadan region, and it ended with a visit from the russian leader. so much has already been said about the special relations between our countries; go look for such a level of trust on the planet. the headlines are loud, there are no unsolvable problems, and the level of trust is unprecedentedly high. at the heart of everything is economics and general security. the situation in the region, the joint response to emerging challenges and threats, of course. the focus of the two leaders. and, of course, the topic of svo does not stand alone, it just so happens
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