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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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hello, we started this week with a meeting of friends from magad. region, and it ended with a visit of the russian leader. so much has already been said about the special relations between our countries; go look for such a level of trust on the planet. the headlines are loud, there are no unsolvable problems, and the level of trust is unprecedentedly high. at the heart of everything is economics and general security. the situation in the region and joint response to emerging challenges and threats are certainly the focus of attention of the two leaders. and, of course, the topic of svo is not worth it separately, it just so happened. that one country
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lost its leader at the beginning of the week; since may 20, no one has ruled ukraine, after all its maidans and ups and downs. bulgakov comes to mind, can you really say that he managed it himself? is it more wrong to think that someone completely different managed him? this is the main broadcast, victoria senkevich and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. see further in the program. minsk and moscow - a course towards strengthening integration. negotiations between lukashenko and putin, as well as supervisory activities within the country. why didn't your eyes follow? we will show it in the first time section. we don't need war. today we spoke only about peaceful prospects, but in disputes we keep it to ourselves. allies cannot miss a strike. safety first. what are the options for responding to threats? let's talk to the experts.
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example today produces more than 100 types of products, they are also made from natural raw materials, with love, we bring all the best, cookies, candies, gingerbreads, marshmallows, waffles, us the most delicious quality control awaits, it’s time to leave, but they don’t watch the clock at the bank, everyone who questions zelensky’s legitimacy is an enemy, the speaker’s opinion is welcome. i put a premium on the legitimacy of the president of ukraine.
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ksenia shneider, who changed her sports citizenship. minsk and moscow are not changing their integration course. belarus and russia will cooperate more closely. and the presidents, lukashenko and putin confirmed this in minsk. the negotiations were very intense, in addition to the official format, as sources said in the negotiation circles there were a lot informal communication at home. belarusian-russian relations. on the rise, agreed to continue working to ensure technological sovereignty. the talk was about not closing ourselves off from each other, on the contrary, working more closely in industry, the agro-industrial complex, and logistics. as for the global agenda, belarus and russia do not intend to deviate from the position of establishing a multipolar world. we talked about the prospects for peace negotiations on ukraine and ensuring union security against the backdrop of a tense foreign agenda. recently in belarusian-russian relations. there has been
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a noticeable rise, the level of interaction and trust between our countries in all areas is truly unprecedented, we can confidently state that...
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in our section time of the first.
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presidential visits speak without words about priorities; all foreign policy is an open book on them. china and belarus. a small room has been prepared at the airport, this is, of course, the palace of independence, but here is also the main negotiation platform for leaders - so that, if necessary, negotiations can start immediately. look, everything is already ready here, a notepad for writing, if you suddenly need to make some notes. leaders may pass by, but operators are ready for all occasions, and so is the flag. it’s legible, costa, look at the frame so that in the close-up, middle ground we have a flag that’s legible. as a result , the meeting room at the national airport turned out to be just right; by the way, when the moon got higher, putin’s plane was lower and lower. russian air force one
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is greeted in minsk with the ceremony characteristic of the moment and alexander lukashenko in airport in person. the presidents will immediately say: we will talk about security and the economy, they will leave in the same car for an informal dinner and communication, and will disperse only after 3 am. fulfilling the instructions of the president, that day he had just returned from iran after mourning events, the tragic death of raisi was like a bolt from the blue, but the state plans are in force. iranian side. confirmed its focus on continuing friendly relations between the republic of belarus and the islamic republic of iran, its focus on the implementation of all those agreements that were achieved by the two leaders, it is our sacred duty to implement everything that
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the leaders agreed on last year: this is a large-scale road map, this is a whole package of bilateral agreements that were signed in the blessed memory of ibrahim rais, we and the iranians... what happened iran will sort it out, but one cannot help but notice that very strange things are happening with leaders who do not want to dance to the western tune. the presidents of belarus and russia have been saying for a long time that the unipolar world is over. but there will be more about the world later, first a bilateral agenda on who from the government pool is nearby. with the leaders the issues of negotiations are clear, the economy, industrial cooperation, defense, briefly for the press and the doors of the fireplace room will be opened slightly, except for the protocol with tea, and they are on tiptoes, so that everyone in the world walks on tiptoes, washington’s blue dream, there
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is always a loud talk about democracy and human rights, they are quietly fueling the kiev regime, they are prolonging the conflict, they are waging a war against us, american... weapons have already been used on a variety of targets outside, outside the conflict zone, so what americans are trying for their public opinion or for nato members. a historical visit in its own way, confirming our multi-hundred-year joint history, our
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plans for the present day, our fair decision to build our future not under dictation from the west, but tell me honestly, there are disputes, ask the leaders of the disputes that are unresolved, who raise unresolved issues or force to put them aside, from what i know, no, you don’t even have to ask. lukashenko and vladimir putin will tell everything themselves. orders as a result of the negotiations, the leaders gave immediately. the ministers and ambassadors hurried to discuss the details, hot on the heels without wasting a second; there was no time for the press, no time for explanations. the main thing is that minsk and moscow remain committed to strengthening integration. mutual support in all areas, including decisions in the oil and gas sector on how not to interfere with each other in the industrial sector.
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asked to select a group of serious experts and conduct a serious analysis of each industry of our union state with a view to finding new market niches where we could implement an additional pool of investment projects to create new competencies for the belarusian economy, he will also explain on energy issues, in the past they have more than once become a stumbling block, after the twenty-sixth year this is already being discussed today.
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the current head of state or an inactive one, but these pr steps,
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they do not matter for legal documents, we, of course, will need it if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations must be resumed, and not with the help of ultimatums, with the help of common sense and should be based on common sense, but if it comes to this...
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the issues that face the state of ukraine, the people of ukraine, the presidents will not solve these issues, you know who will decide overseas. much has already been decided, what has not been decided, they will decide later, but the situation is developing the way it is developing, i think that this year will determine a lot, a lot. 90% of the negotiation time is still about security, the west has heated the situation so much that belarus and russia publicly they talked about practicing the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons,
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we are not doing anything special, we are preparing, we are training, we must be ready.
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our president, as commander in chief, understands and feels this very subtly, so today the main challenges come from those militaristic aspirations that western countries are actively promoting and trying to implement in the modern world. today, the readiness of the national security system to respond to threats is very high, people are energized, this is the most important thing. they know how and what needs to be done, economic interests, an important part of national security, is essentially monitored by state control, there is just a draft decree to improve control activities, they don’t want to loosen or, on the contrary, tighten the screws, but to streamline it, we don’t need fines, punishments or some kind of sanctions, but improvement of work
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will be undertaken, how do you feel when you are checked, i would not consider it as an audit of our work, this is our... on this day we tried to do another ceremony, sweeping away invisible specks from the red carpet. judge's oath a constitutional court does not happen very often. svetlana lyubetskaya, in preparation, hones every word of a short text, always at the top of her game. this is a special event and it is exciting. the journalist pool rarely wears
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stilettos. even if you work on the floor, you often have to keep up the pace. the pace and dynamics of belarusian-russian cooperation have always been set by the presidents, relying on the regions in the mid-nineties to intensify this cooperation in the current difficult times. having come to us for the first time from afar, the governor of magadan region is not offended by clichés about kalyma, today he is trying to break stereotypes. tourism, amazing nature, ecology, hospitality, kolyma hot springs.
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this is the fifth time alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin have met this year. is holding negotiations in person, also a definite political signal to the world: belarus and russia are truly strategic partners, transport, energy, military security,
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import substitution, mobile communications, there are no globally unresolved issues between the countries now. about the achieved results, challenges and prospects for the union state, we will talk with russian political and public figure, chairman of the development movement, yuri krupnov. yuri vasilyevich, hello, the scope of the belarusian-russian...
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after all, we exist in a union state, in the regimes of a union state, we have essentially closed economies, we are integrated in a market format, and this is a huge plus of our union state. well, one of the main topics of communication between the two security leaders is that the second phase of the exercises will begin in the near future on the use of tactical nuclear weapons. how do you assess our cooperation in this direction? why is the west starting to panic because of our military maneuvers, because the union state complies with all obligations in the field of nuclear weapons, and the forces of the entire spectrum of weapons, of course,
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is a direct reminder that you won’t take us so easily, to put it simply, if take belarus, then in addition to being powerful for...
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the european format, so in general now pulling up the indo-indo-pacific region, in fact, in a global format, we are a formidable force, we do not threaten anyone, but of course we can always stand up for ourselves, for russia, which has such tactical nuclear weapons, and for belarus, which is now also actually part of this, well, if i may say so, club. countries with tactical nuclear weapons, accordingly , the task ahead is simply to model, to simulate, if you like, the most
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difficult possible scenarios for the development of events in order to be as prepared as possible for any situation, but it is clear that this does not have has nothing to do with threatening anyone, not with the fact that anyone actually has a desire. to use nuclear weapons, albeit tactical, it simply means that the arsenal and line of nuclear charges, in general, in itself, is a perfect innovation, it is quite long, the west must understand that if it is created threat to the sovereignty of russia and belarus, then we have this type of weapon, the countries are confidently looking at the strategic... partnership with china, russia supports belarus in joining the shanghai organization of cooperation, what does integration provide in this direction, does it correspond to the interests of the union? we must be
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aware of this. that, of course, interaction with china is a very difficult challenge for us, because in terms of its economic potential with almost one and a half billion population, of course, china, by and large , can expand into our markets, in general, not give the opportunity to develop our mechanical engineering, and so on, but we will never be able to close, so in my opinion that... type of cooperation with china, which our union state, and the russian federation, and the republic of belarus demonstrate, is precisely the search for a model when we find mutually beneficial points of cooperation without economic threats to each other, so by and large , china, of course, strengthens us here, gives us opportunities, which today are cut off in the form of
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western strangos. well, the same europe, the european union, the united states, japan, the republic of korea and, by and large, in general, if there were no china, it is difficult to imagine how we could decide a wide range of tasks related to the modernization and re-equipment of our economies, primarily industry, but we manage to do this, it is important to work out this model, to preserve our... economic and technological sovereignty, and it seems to me that so far we have succeeded. thank you for your opinion, we talked with russian political and public figure, chairman of the development movement, yuri krupnov. yes, our products rightfully occupy a niche in neighboring republics and far beyond the cis. in the year of quality, so that it is not only in words, we continue
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to check the country's leading enterprises. this time, the cameras cover the slodych confectionery factory. produces more than 100 types of butter, sugar, and long-lasting. over the past year we produced over 14,000 tons of products. these are also various types of candy, caramel, gingerbread, waffles, marshmallows. the president was at the enterprise in ninety-eight. the situation was difficult then, but the factory held on more than confidently. production volumes were gradually increased. now the branches are undergoing modernization, preserving traditions, today it is one of the leading ones. confectionery factories in the country, we looked at everything with our own eyes, quality control from the main broadcast right now, the same taste from childhood, well, from the ovens it’s completely different, cookies and candies that have already become a brand, starch is very easy to
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handle, any kind of candy . month to launch the production of new products, this is a quality control section, it is not sweet, very tasty, i only take raspberry and sheepshead sometimes, please also pay attention to the children's line, it is also in great
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demand. these are instant cookies the kids are 6 plus months old, that is natural, that is, it reminds me of my childhood. even before packaging, the famous cow is stored here, in order to have such a rich taste, it is left for 8 hours at a temperature of 16 to 20°. in general, slodoch produces more than 40 types of caramel sweets, as well as a little more than a hundred types of cookies. control. we will carry out here, this is called the finishing workpiece, this, monitor its quality and, if necessary, make some of our own adjustments, after the cookies have taken shape, they are sent to oven, time and temperature depend on the recipe and line, here it is 180°, and we can immediately observe readiness. there are 10
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minutes 30 seconds left to knead the dough, it takes a little less than half an hour to bake the package, all the ingredients of the dough must be mixed evenly, the sugar dough resembles... plasticine, so in order to mold it, it needs to be pressed into the rotor cell , the dough must pass under a metal detector in order to exclude various metal inclusions, the cooling conveyor has such a length because there is natural cooling, this is how much time needs to be spent before packaging, the presidential production of slodych was in ninety-eight, then the situation on the market was not entirely simple, but compared to others... the factory worked more than steadily , here there is a stable job, a stable salary, the main thing is that people don’t say that you are showing me all this here, in stores, for example, this cookie is not there, it is there, it is yes, then the country is acutely
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the task was to regulate prices, there is no demand for the goods, it is impossible to sell at a higher price, the price should not be lower than the cost price so that the enterprise does not operate at a loss, and at the same time prevent upward surges, today we have ... a pricing system, basically we are going through this period when we were forced to actually lower prices altogether and you see what this led to, but still, after this surge, the system of regulating prices for various goods comes into play, we manually mix small batches, we bake, we try, if... something doesn’t work out, then we make adjustments , we get some new product, all the raw materials come in high quality, pass the incoming control, so all the cookies turn out to be of high quality, they have all the documents, and the very
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cookies we are talking about buyers say for the afternoon snack, it’s very simple to prepare: flour, margarine, eggs and sugar, the ingredients are thrown into a dough machine, and cheese is also added. color, smell, taste, humidity, in checking, quality, everything is important. let's take a sample, cookies, we need it prepare to grind into crumbs. according to gost, the mass fraction of moisture is controlled in a drying cabinet. this process is not quick, we have a moisture analyzer that within 10 minutes can show you the mass fraction of moisture in products; if in minsk they make cookies, wine, sweets and caramel, up to 20 tons are produced per day. the recipe is unique,
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it’s not accepted in production, and it’s commercial, but the veil was still lifted. we produce cows. jelly candies, we also produce a type of fondant candy and a type of souffle, we work with starch in the cell we need, it can be rectangular, round, oval, in the form of some kind of animal, dinosaur, let’s say this, this is our new line that we are releasing for schoolchildren, gelatin candies and carageenan candies, very soon they expect the modernization of chinese equipment, now specialists are engaged in installation, in july... it will already work, and here plus 200 tons per month will be added, a line for the production of soft chewing candy, installation of technological equipment, a complex consists of a cooking section,
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a wrapping section, product molding, and this equipment also contains a lot of advanced technologies, resulting in more than 14 thousand tons of products. 3,100 tons are allocated for our branch and venice, 3,100 tons, we will produce these products, we are one and a half months ahead in production. our products are known in almost 20 countries; we have a large assortment, natural ingredients, and the same taste. what is your favorite cookie? probably moriert's lingering cookies, i prefer hiking.
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even the youngest belarusians will certainly reach out for such desserts, but the way to a child’s heart also lies through our toys, and the domestic manufacturer is ready to satisfy the wishes. sophisticated kids and more. today the polesie factory is the largest toy manufacturer in the cis. it is to him that fathers and mothers trust the most precious thing - the desires of their children. what is the secret of a smile. child and stable product quality in a special project of the television news agency “give to the country”. year quality for our company is the opportunity to give smiles and joy to every child, because children are the future of our country. in the 22 years that i have been working, this is
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a very big difference, a very long way has been traveled, from year to year, as our enterprise developed, we had to expand production, study various modern technologies, keep up with the times, production never stands still , the company has now implemented a unique project; we have a complete production cycle from the inception of the idea. to the final product, the polesie brand has already 25 years, and millions of parents trust us with the most valuable thing, the health of our children. our toy is now the most competitive on the market of the cis countries, the grandson participates in testing some new toys, and it happens that i bring him, and he tries it, and we watch how he plays, based on this, if there are no complaints does not arise, then the toy goes... production, but if there are any nuances,
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we will definitely refine it, the main secret for producing a good toy is a high-quality toy, we use only high-quality products, we cannot afford to produce something for children that could harm them, we produce quite a lot of recognizable brands in belarus, these are maz, bilas, tractors, mtz, and this makes us proud. country, the quality mark is a guarantee of the quality of our products for the consumer, and this is important; compliance with production standards allows us to produce safe, environmentally friendly and technologically advanced products. well, so that our children can live in peace. confidently, looking into tomorrow, those who are older,
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protect our peaceful sky and earth. the spring conscription campaign has ended in belarus. the final chord is the taking of the military oath by the new recruits. thousands of recruits took an oath of allegiance to the belarusian people. they went into the army with desire, because the situation obliges them to take care of their home and their country. why does our youth have a fighting spirit in difficult times? after all, there is a different picture around us. answer. find out from the authors of the disposition section. on air disposition is gagarin. go. probably many heard the noise that arose in square after a joke in one of the popular shows about those avoiding mobilization. the artist’s words: i’m drowning in your eyes, like a draft dodger in the yew. high humor, of course, but the reality is a little sarcastic. people are beginning to see that they are not their own. and they are not trained for the interests of their country, but in general this moment
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of citizens’ readiness to take up arms, this moment is sometimes decisive in any conflict, even more, it is often a factor in deterring aggression, they will not trample on you if they expect a warm meeting of motivated people to defend your land, there can be mountains of any weapons, western politicians can nod sympathetically and write checks, but if there is no confidence in the rightness of their cause, there will be no desire to get into line. for no money, this is what is happening in ukraine, military motivation there is rapidly decreasing, in belarus the situation is generally paradoxical, given the bloody passions around, our guys go to serve on the contrary, with an ever-increasing desire to defend their land to their mothers, and so on. the majority is asking to go into the very furnace, into the special forces, myself i asked for special forces and i was assigned here to the marina, we wake up at 6:00 am, and then we do exercises. then the day after breakfast they tell us how to make trenches correctly, and
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they talk about parachutes, they talk about weapons they shot, i believe that every man should serve in the army and service in the army, even military service, is an honor in our country, because if something happens , if we allow some kind of aggression to be committed against us, we must be the first to stand up for it, someday this and... this is the massive desire of young people to join the army in difficult times hour, will receive a serious assessment, about 10 doctoral theses, i think the scientist will be defended, now we are on various talk shows on the internet, on the pages... of newspapers, complaining that infantilism has penetrated into fragile hearts, boys who are indifferent to everything, and even the films are not the same they look, they again ignore the diet, but then the guys get a summons, they watch the news, then they look at their mother and so they go to study in the army, military work, so that the dust is in a column, they practice preparation for battle, the machine gun
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from the shoulder, from the belt to the chest, you run with it you take it out of the storage compartment to the store, load it, everything is in lying on my side, i took it off. the fuse is loaded, private so-and-so is ready for battle, like this, this is how it all happens, such an attitude, of course, would be good for all of us: the service of the current recruits is expected to be intense, to put it mildly, many as part of battalion tactical groups will go to reinforce areas state border, we have to solve the problems of combat duty in air defense, all this in conditions when on the other side of the border they look at us far from being friends with... that policy good neighborliness, which we offered to our neighbors, poles, lithuanians and latvians, taking into account the visa-free space, they respond in the opposite way, we see an attempt, in addition to the information war, to impose on us
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a war of sabotage groups, we have also been celebrating this lately and are fighting against it. we see that they are preparing various kinds of armed detachments, and almost regiments, as they call them, in order to carry out an invasion of the territory of belarus, a lot has been said about this, at the end of may in belarus the celebration is akin to victory day, we are talking about military oath, why is it akin, because victory began with an oath in the brest fortress, i’m dying, but i’m not giving up, now the guys too... take an oath to defend a peaceful sky. we already swam across our tisa, even when we were born. the neighbors force us to keep our hand on the holster, and who cares? every day adds something new that we
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have to put up with for now. but if the situation escalates, no one is going to tolerate it. in ukraine, the president has changed again. it was zelensky, eh. became a nobody, whose place, however, is unknown, according to what the same zelensky is rightfully occupied. it is precisely this understanding of the internal political situation in the neighboring country that ukrainian law directly and unequivocally dictates. this law could have been interpreted differently if the constitutional court had dealt with it. but not a single person in ukraine inquired about the opinion of the highest court. and those who ask unnecessary questions are already being packed somewhere on the way to the military registration and enlistment offices. exactly 5 years ago, on may 20 , 2019, vladimir zelyansky received the presidential glue node, in particular the bulava, which on along with the seal, it is the main symbol of supreme power in the country. now, years later , it seems like a metaphor for fate that the presidential certificate fell to the floor during the inauguration ceremony. however, it was quickly
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raised, which means it is not considered to have fallen. i ask the head of the constitutional court of ukraine to hand over official symbols. the head of state, the president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelensky. please present the sign of the president of ukraine. in the ukrainian constitution, the procedures for the transfer of power are described exhaustively: up to 31 in march, elections should have been held, on may 20 , the kleinodes should have been handed over to the successor, or, if the people decided so, based on the results of a free, secret direct vote, they should have been kept for themselves. if elections for some reason did not take place, act as president of ukraine.
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we are talking only about the elections of parliamentary deputies; the constitution does not say anything about the president. this is unlikely to be a simple omission. the verkhovna rada has the broadest powers and is quite capable of being a collective president. finally, the speaker of parliament has already been the head of state. immediately after the maidan, turchynov became one. i remember that few people questioned his authority , and not many of those who questioned them quickly ended up abroad or in the grave. zelensky had a real chance to resolve the legal conflict associated with.
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thus, biden is very interested in stopping shooting in europe before the american elections. he hopes this will get him more votes. this is why, it seems,
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secretary of state blinken recently visited zelensky. for an official of this rank to conduct for 3 whole days in kiev, means that there he was busy with extremely important, global affairs. zelensky remains president as long as there is a war. there is a war, he is the president. therefore, in order to go...
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take only pushilin’s meeting with alexander lukashenko in april last year in minsk, the visit of a nearby delegation from the dpr to belarus,
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who came to establish business contacts to strengthen humanitarian processes. the prospects for cooperation are broad, especially since the devastated region needs restore, and bring the lands damaged by the war into agricultural production. interview about cooperation and its prospects right now. denis vladimirovich, well, if we look at it. economic interaction between the donetsk people's republic and belarus, what do you see as the potential? you know, this work has already begun for us, it is certainly slowing down, well, not with completed military operations, it still leaves its mark, but this work and this interaction cannot be stopped, because there is political will and alexandra grigorievich, who provided the relevant commands and decrees. communication there with the worker and
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there was an opportunity to look at the enterprises to make some kind of assessment and draw up a certain road map, and there were representatives of enterprises with business missions on the territory of the donetsk people's republic who could look and make certain assessments for themselves, maybe see some sites, but it is very important for us and there are already developments here, there are belarusian investors who are developing in the agro-industrial sector, by the way, this is mainly just mariupol...
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of our industrial regions there, well, i ’m talking, in particular about the donbass, on the one hand, on the other hand, there is something that still needs to be finalized, there is something else that i would like to see taken into account in this bill, and we are preparing, at least we are currently working on additional changes that will give an even greater advantage to investors, potential investors, will become
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attractive, then this is the donbass development corporation. which now acts as a single window for all enterprises, investors, and which provides, let’s say, support services, which is an advantage, these are, of course, preferential conditions in the taxation system, that is, in the absence of customs duties, provision of preferential conditions for obtaining land allocation, preferential lending, well, there is a whole perimeter .
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it has great potential, so of course, the emphasis will now be shifted in many cities and regions, this is due to the fact that there is a revision of the concept of industrial development taking into account external aggressive actions of our opponents, taking into account the sanctions component, taking into account the shifting emphasis of needs within the country itself, as regards mariupol itself. indeed , approaches to the development of the city itself, they have been radically changed, well, due to various circumstances, of course this is also the consequences of hostilities at the azovstal plant, and well, we did not have to choose from any decisions, and the azovstal plant, on the one hand, is a large industrial enterprise for for
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the city itself, the development of its industry is certainly important, well, the second... this is the plant that caused very serious damage to the ecological component of the city itself and the surrounding settlements. including, of course , the sea of ​​azov, respectively, taking into account the fact that the enterprise was very badly damaged and it was not economically feasible to restore it, we came to the decision that this plant could be suitable for small industrial enterprises, then this is a completely different picture for the city itself mariupol, when belarusians will be able to come and relax on the azov sea in mariupol, renewed, i think, we will be able to fully already invite and open your doors after graduation. with a good, warm, healthy
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azov sea, plus a museum component, well, plus a patriotic orientation, there will be a lot of places here for obvious reasons on the territory of donbass, of course this will be an attractive place for tourism. thanks a lot. ukraine, of course, is not the only boiling point. the united states is closely engaged in chaos throughout the planet. israel, palestine. it seems that the topic has faded into the background, but no. last week , prosecutor karin khan appealed to the international criminal court with a request to issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel and the minister of defense of this country. this caused a flurry of discontent in the countries of the first world, for example,
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let’s break it down point by point in an understandable policy, see on monday after the panorama.
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there we go. westerners involuntarily have a question: who among the adequate people of this world should be trusted to lead? whether, in
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principle, it is not the radicals who remain in power. for example, the election campaign for the european parliament went beyond standard procedures. today it’s obviously serious uncertainty in literally all processes. let's say a situation has arisen in which the wooden... candidates can get to the box much earlier than ballots in their support. politicians are shot at, beaten and booed. socio-economic problems and irreconcilable differences are growing every day. the european union is literally bursting at the seams. it is already obvious today that the elections will become perhaps the most tense in the entire history of collective europe. analysts predict significant changes in the structure of the european parliament. right-wing parties are gaining they plan to create popularity. coalition. details in the screenshot section.
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the expression of the will of the people took on an unexpected format and began long before the elections. the assassination attempt literally opened up a social abscess, exposing one of the key problems of the region. colossal fragmentation.
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want to destroy unity against those who believe that the future can be won by returning to the past, those who want to turn people against each other, that's why i say we need to strengthen the democrats. the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia has already called the black swan of the electoral campaign for the european parliament. analysts have previously recorded a significant increase in support for the right, and the incident may speed up their consolidation. they were predicted to have a second faction in the next composition of the european parliament. and...
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migrants entered our continent. before your eyes, you found yourself at the center of the fazer scandal, which is being investigated by the european prosecutor's office, and not a single european voted for you, you never took office the first time, not this time, it's undignified european democracy. not only eu citizens are observing the ongoing processes with alarm. a nervous tic crept up on each
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runaway kept woman, their funding literally hung in the air. the shop, of course, will not be closed, but the size of the bowl can change significantly, this inevitably gives rise to competition and intraspecific struggle. firstly, this is a war for money, who is who among these very different people, the man who almost ruined the theater, this little cook, then - an impostor and so on, these groups are squabbling among themselves, it’s just one thing pleasure.
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cutlets, they are sure that they will be deceived once again, the flow of grants will remain under the control of ever-growing individuals. i don’t know how the election process will go, but i can say one thing: if, god forbid, there is even the slightest suspicion that the elections were rigged, i think we will find out about it, but that’s it. there are tools, which means that these citizens will not be happy, because they will bear criminal liability in the territory of the country in which they are located, and there is an article about election fraud, which means they will simply be in prison, who will be in prison will be decided, of course, not by this pompous ballan, the right turn of the european union may end extremely unexpectedly for... everyone who will be declared an irrational
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item in the budget, about the wave global changes, andrey sych in the screenshot section. in general, it seems that no one is going to deny the path of war and terror in the west; war, period, is heard in speeches every now and then. belarus. have to defend their independence in the most difficult conditions, the failed scenario of the twentieth to destroy and plunder the country, the fugitive criminals continue to correct by force, creating the so-called... russian liberation army with the financial support of washington, but the backbone should be the so-called regiment of the hanged pole, which includes recruited natives of belarus. now the plan is for the mercenaries to return to our country with weapons, organizing, as they call it,
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a national liberation movement. about their criminal intentions, hiding in the forests, dressed in camouflage uniforms, declared loudly. however, everything is clear with their biography. in 2020 in belarus. they arranged cars, took to the streets for money and provoked the crowd. all their criminal actions were stopped by law enforcement officers. marina romanovskaya will continue. they hate belarus and russia, call themselves liberators and do not hide their plan to return to minsk on leopards and bradleys under the cbb and ukrainian flags, of course, with the support of the overseas owner, in order to destroy our common home. participants gang formations named after the hanged man. those who like to promote themselves on the internet, they don’t deny, in training camps they were taught not only how to handle weapons, but also how to hold a selfie stick correctly, however, the deployment points where mercenaries are trained by belarusian law enforcement officers, known to the millimeter,
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will now shoot at us, for us, what can we do, you know, i’m here, tiktok troops. such a video from the front line , of course, raises many questions among people who know military affairs. but cutting content for the regiment of the hanged pole is a task in general doable. they would be happy to sit out in the camps, but every dollar and euro needs to be earned at the front. the owner did not plan to feed for free. the constant squabbling, throwing mud at the shoulder pads of the commanders’ selfies remains behind the scenes, because they are so impartial. things do not fit with the image of manly wayars, but in fact from the frosts of lovers of unconventional connections of tuneyats with addictions, and yes, you were not mistaken if you saw in them the bright faces of the protests of the twentieth and those who took people out on the streets,
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they organized strikes, prepared cocktails molotov, turned over public transport stops, blocked traffic. it’s hard to guess whether there is a limit, and after a failed plan they fled to bring closer the bright future of belarusians from poland and lithuania, the people in vilnius are starting to stand still, in short, the boys and i smoked, puffed, now we’ve come to take pictures in bars, the sphere of interests of fugitive gangsters is generally clear , and now imagine that all the liberators, as if they were selecting a bunch of... limited, and yes, they have not heard anything about the strong shoulder of a comrade or the feeling of an elbow, but if he fell out of the ranks due to injury or illness, for example, the kidneys began to fail or the ulcer worsened, then the top of the extremist formation will not even remember the call sign of the vayar, after all, he was also a boxer, he should have
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praised lithuania, he forgot, okay, a regime shaker from vitebsk vyacheslav telitsin, organized unauthorized pickets, loved to make scandals, allowed it. being drunk in public places and expressing yourself accordingly is only a small part of administrative offenses, however, all these dubious achievements fell, by the way, in a regiment of mercenaries, and no matter how much he swaggered, giving interviews to polish propagandists, romanticizing his entry into an extremist formation, but still among his own in a camp for refugees or fugitives, he admitted, or, well, or let it slip, neither the regiment of the hanged man, nor numerous funds are not interested in the waste...
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and if the ordinary vayars are sawing up content, then the top are sawing up currency, certainly there is no question of any help for cannon fodder, well , at least here’s an example with a boxer, you can work on such people, but he stands with with an outstretched hand asks for a tax, for some reason my fellow soldiers didn’t remember the husband’s warrior, in a flowering garden upon returning with such and such a reputation, i didn’t fit into the court, i have problems with food, housing, in combat operations since june i’ve been in lithuania, because my old bugs have worsened,
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kidney problems with ulcer. and indeed, it is much better to be homeless and beg than to be number three hundred or to be lost in obscurity in a foreign land, this is exactly what another incredible person, anatoly ostrovsky, decided for himself. in the twentieth, he danced through the belarusian streets with a white-white flag, later he escaped became part of the nationalist battalion. however, now he is reluctant to talk about this fact from his biography among new acquaintances in poland, because there is really nothing to be proud of, and is such pr necessary when the incredible adventures of the fugitives are simply a joke? no, no, not anya fedorenok, svarapaela, who, well, that’s just it, anna fedorenok, she’s no longer interesting to anyone in terms of how she got up there, but right away this is such a movie for us, for everyone happened when...
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i have to warn you: keep the children away from screens and in general, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. gena aprosimov, lover of unconventional relationships, sadistic misogynist. however, how fellow soldiers look at it, well, if we take into account their struggle for democracy, then the answer is obvious. and yes, he is also going to liberate belarus. and most likely, in the dreams of the young man his own plan has already matured, what the bright and, of course, rosy future of belarus should be. where people like him are always at the helm, however, about every step of the action of the country’s power bloc.
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we remind you that the legislation of the republic belarus, for participation in an armed conflict and military operations on the territory of a foreign state, criminal liability is provided under articles 133 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, mercenary activity with 361 under... participation in an armed conflict on the territory of a foreign state, recruitment or preparation of persons for such participation . the sanctions of these articles provide for penalties in the form of imprisonment for a period of two to 7 years, in the event of an attempt to seize power by armed force, sanctioned by article 357 of the criminal code the republic of belarus provides for punishment. up to the death penalty, the ukrainian special services are looking for recruiting material
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among radicals, however, those who romanticize mercenaries may also be on the hook, after all, a favorable picture is being drawn for this. the history of marina’s family, the woman asked not to use her real name, is not known even to those closest to her. she recently lost her son, a calm guy suddenly became interested in weapons and became a mercenary, for which he fought, the family answered this.
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all is not yet lost, he just ukraine, well, in response to our persuasion that come back , he said that if you convince me, i simply won’t communicate with you, and then about six months later we were informed that he had died, i was interested in where he would be buried , then they said that he would be criminalized, we knew that according to the laws of ukraine there would be no compensation, but... that is, we didn’t even ask such questions so as not to further bind ourselves at all, well, with this structure, that is , this, well as they say, some kind of shouting across the ocean, and not being able to finish shouting if it’s for marina this is the dearest person, the son, then for the hanged regiment it is simply waste material, the top organizes demonstration performances with zoom conferences to raise money for the two hundredth through funds, creating the illusion of brotherhood cohesion, at the same time, for months they ignore the requests of relatives to give at least some information about their
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fighter, again, is unlikely to remember who they are: atom, volod, brest, daddy, mouse, yakub. far from the idea of ​​a bright future for belarusians, for money, yes, for the desire for power, undoubtedly, they are all ordinary bandits, whom their owner doesn’t mind leaving the meat grinder, their loud statements that they will come to liberate belarus are just empty words, and
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at what cost are they ready to kill peaceful belarusians for the ideas that the west imposed on them, for... black and white mercenaries, yes, for money, yes they are promoting themselves, but most importantly, first of all, they are selling their homeland, and not only them. the inside-out prank investigation “the fund washerwoman,” which came out this week, showed how and under whose protection fugitive funds exist today. they are not about the struggle for freedom, but about fight for money. journalists from the television news agency spent six months communicating
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with the leadership of the extremist baysol foundation in lithuania, its director and lawyer. it turned out to be a large laundry room. money laundering, there are millions circulating there, everything is managed by the shaikolitites, they are protecting several dozen such funds under the cbb, large and small, dialogues not included in the investigation in the section of ekaterina tikhomirova, this week we talked about one specific example. showed how lithuania became a corruption hub on money laundering and how financial pyramids are quite specifically built on politics. let me briefly remind you: we contacted the director of the extremist boysol foundation under the guise of a russian business, which allegedly wants to create a similar platform for collecting money from emigrants from western governments. they
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promised to do everything beautifully, to support us, to bypass the unnecessary corners of lithuanian legislation, and to convert a large sum. get dirty money and legalize it already in the european union. a small note for what purposes we want to have and no one was interested in legalizing a large sum of money on the territory of lithuania through other funds, only a kickback. so, citizens of lithuania participated in this scheme, anastasia loputka, it was she, the non-fugitive extremist trizhak, the director of a similar fund, but with a bchb flavor, this is a badass. andrei rudanov, baysol’s lawyer, who, through his... wife irina rudanova, she is the third secretary of the consular department of mid-lithuania, covers various large and small belarusian funds, and clara weger, head of the resource management department of the international center for the development of migration politicians. detailed investigations into the connections of these individuals can be found on the atn youtube channel. we’ll talk specifically about the machinations
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of the extremists’ warlords and revolutions. so, baysol does not belong to any swift, the fund is not managed.
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that is, the television appointment and those appointments are not taken into account here. however, in the public reckoning, this figure is underestimated by half; people who have absolutely nothing to do with belarusians put their hand in the aid bills and help their own pockets, taking 20% ​​from the accounts, from everything we we collect, we just calmly, recklessly set aside 20% for a separate one, that’s about 1,200, in return they help the fund become legal, conduct gray schemes, without fear of justice, receive grants. from the governments of germany, the usa, the netherlands and so on, and not pay a single cent to the lithuanian treasury. however, rudanov is not only related to baysol extremists, he is immersed in the activities of many
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belarusian fugitive political scammers. specifically, i quote, to several dozen that are registered in lithuania. imagine for such a small country with a population of just over 2.5 million people, several dozen funds, some kind of shady, supposedly belarusian. who pass money through themselves, evade taxes and give nothing to the budget at all, under the very nose of the lithuanian authorities, police, supervisory authorities, the thing is, all these assistance funds under the bch are not just funds, on the one hand they can receive grants, on the other hand, they themselves are donors, but this does not mean sharing, keeping 20% ​​for themselves, and passing the rest on to their own small narrow projects focus, for example, teaching children. kants media, mechanism, explains the lawyer. the logic should be like this, a fund in itself, and it can support different projects,
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media projects and so on, for example, of the same media resource, just like a donor who gives out certain grant money, we have a similar legal status in almost all modern a mediawoman who came after her twenties from belarus. that is, this is a status that allows you to make commercial projects , sell them and receive money for it naturally, that is, to transfer millions from fondik, fondik, imitating rapid activity, supposedly helping absolutely unknown people for self-pr projects, and to make it easier to pinch off, lithuanian schemers split into cells in narrow directions, for example, take how many channels there are in the culinary office alone an impostor and an extremist company, all of them...
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would be much more modest. ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly saplitsa on the main broadcast. in general , it’s nice when a nation gets rid of all kinds of crooks and grows with worthy people. personalities. here is just such an example. since this off-season , a new biathlete has appeared in the main team of the belarusian national team, who changed her russian sports citizenship to ours. she fell in love with the belarusian athlete, and even if not immediately, she decided to move. the wife of biathlete maxim vorobyov to his native country. ksenia schneider will now perform on the same team with world-class stars anna solo and dinara smolskaya. from the first days in
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my new capacity, i felt that in our country biathlon is a national sport how much do fans follow him? ksenia is a girl from an ordinary tyumen family, she is 24 years old and this is a great age to reach a high, stable level. and the training system of the belarusian national team and excellent conditions will help. talented girl from siberia. thanks to the main broadcast, the athlete got acquainted with the history of the olympic movement of belarus, came to the museum of the national olympic committee for the first time, and also talked about her dream to win. olympic gold. andrey kozlov, through the prism of an interview , will look at the rich history of our biathlon summer raubichi is something magical, and generally does not correlate with how we see competitions in winter in biathlon. here you wouldn’t be able to drown in the incredible belarusian nature at the dawn of summer, but all this only contributes to immersion in the science and sports profession. and you know, there is no better complex on earth, just quote it. there’s a photograph in your hands, you can look at it,
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she’s 74 years old... that turns out to be 50 years old, that’s what you see in it in general, what might admire or surprise you about it? and the very excited people in this photo are very kind, watching with interest, the atmosphere is somehow festive, you can immediately see, well, at the same time, exciting, a spectacular sport, you never know until the last meters, until the last frontier, what will happen, every sport is spectacular in its own way , everyone has something like that. what grabs you, probably only sophisticated belarusian sports fans know this girl right now, and in general this plot can hit the bull’s eye, or the opposite may happen, but that will make it more interesting to watch the belarusian career in biathlon of ksenia schneider, because similar, but only partly, stories in our country received cool and even legendary development. it seems to me that every stadium is imbued with some kind of history, especially when it...
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