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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 26, 2024 11:50pm-12:20am MSK

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well, i’m a doctor and i know that i need to recover, i need to be treated, but i can’t, you know, i’m so tired of these pureed soups, i’m really tired of them, i can’t, we’ll soon switch you over to a normal diet, you can already live with this, hello , mr. sour as a lemon, i saw how you are feeling, the temperature is normal, look who i brought you, well, hello, andryusha, oh, hi, thank you. how are you, okay, i’m getting better, thank you for not leaving me in trouble, i found something to be grateful for, wouldn’t you come to visit me, of course you would, well, that’s enough about this, uh-huh, pash, strange things are happening to my phone, come and tell me, yes, everything just turns off, that’s...
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these are the kind of friends i have, yes, tell me what you want, nothing so far, bad, listen, let me bring you my laptop, i still have it lying around, and you will watch comedies, okay, although it’s still too early for comedies, in the sense that it hurts to laugh, but i ’ll still bring it, so it’s swept under the rug? well, i went, yes, just don’t be boring here, okay, i won’t, i’ll come by tomorrow.
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and you, andryusha, it turns out, that, in the sense, well, he's still shooting, he was nursing you, so she was alone, and you're playing tricks with the other, oh, guys, they're all the same, wait, wait, tanya, wasn't lisa here when i... i, of course not, she was so real, oh, thank you, aunt tanya, nady, oh, nadyushenka, what?
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is that you? who am i, quietly, well, take me to your island, and what should you do there? to the woman for her food? to which woman? well, which one? otherwise you don’t know, to your future wife? go! do you want to fool her again? let's go, what are you doing? let's start! start up, let's go! what a bummer, huh? i’ve been living for 100 years, this is the first time i’ve seen something like this! but i
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’m explaining to you that most likely it’s renal colic, it’s very serious, well , it’s already passed, well, of course, i’m injecting you with baralgin, this is not a joke, sit here, i’m now going to get grandfather tikhon to get the boat ready to the first aid station, but i don’t want to, i’m going to the city.
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good luck! do you need a qualified emergency physician?
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it weighs no more than a kilogram, takes up very little space and is ideally equipped. but it is precisely thanks to her, or rather to the fact that in it is located, in an emergency situation more than one human life can be saved. and for the fact that now every car has it, we say thanks to doctors and, of course, scientists, without whom there would be nothing to fill it with. i’m talking about something that’s familiar to a motorist, for sure. on a subject like a car first aid kit, we will talk about it in the next half hour to once again make sure that science is nearby in this matter, my name is ekaterina beretskaya, hello and don’t miss in the program, thanks to chance, how
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the first travel first aid kit appeared, how form a first aid kit in our country? today why an emergency blanket with a new type of scissors appeared in it, a big conversation in the studio of the program with a doctor. and the history of the car first aid kit began when there were no cars yet. i’ll tell you how this is possible right now. in ancient times, doctors already came to the sick with a certain set of medicines and dressings . in the 16th century in japan , something like a portable first aid kit appeared; doctors carried it on the road; in russia, medicine
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was put in small boxes that fit easily into a pocket. even peter i had his own first aid kit, one might say, a travel one . he took it with him on trips, but still. the skin first aid kit, in the full sense of the word, appeared only in the 19th century, and not surprisingly, thanks to chance. in the spring of 1888, the owner of a medical supplies company, robert wood johnson, met a surgeon who worked on the railroad on a train. the doctor told a fellow passenger what serious injuries railway workers sometimes face and suggested that this happens because of what they have at hand. there are no workers. of such medicines , the entrepreneur returned to work and exactly one year later his company began producing first aid kits for railway workers. the kit then included hemostatic dressings, bandages, gauze swabs soaked in antiseptic and rubber plasters. and a few years later
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, these first-aid kits began to be supplied to factories and even to children's camps. in the soviet union , the contents of first aid kits were approximately the same as overseas in 1924. it was recommended at the legislative level to keep them everywhere, it only came to the car in 1975 there were more and more cars on the roads and more and more traffic. happened, of course, too, and thanks to a small box with the most necessary things, it was possible, at least, to provide first aid while waiting for the ambulance. in belarus, car first aid kits, as in all republics of what was then still a large country, appeared almost half a century ago, but during this time its composition managed to change more than once, 2024 was no exception, we will discuss and literally analyze the updated first aid kit with
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the chief physician of the republican center medical response organizations, dmitry vasilyevich, hello, hello, ekaterina, you personally dealt with the issue of filling the first aid kit, so you know exactly all the nuances. so, the new first aid kit includes 12 items, as i understand it, the list, yes, everything is documented, most of the items are probably traditional, but there is also innovation. let's start. with the innovation of cutting scissors, they are truly unusual, even in appearance . katerina, you are absolutely right, the first aid kit is traditional, it consists primarily of dressings, scissors, means to stop bleeding, there are also gloves, now we will analyze all this in detail, scissors, the previous ones, yes, for some reason they always arouse the greatest interest, because in the previous version of the first aid kit there were ordinary scissors, stationery ones, which we are all used to. those scissors could cut paper, a thin bandage, and so on, but life shows that sometimes during
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road traffic accidents , the seat belt gets jammed or clothing items become jammed in the car parts, and in order to help an injured passenger or driver in a traffic accident, you need to cut this clothing or a seat belt, these scissors are great for this, they are specifically for this purpose, yes, they are designed in such a way, they have... a serrated cutting surface, blunt the end at the bottom, which when threaded under clothing does not injure the skin, you can quite easily unload clothes, shoes, and seat belts, believe me, they have passed quite serious tests and have shown themselves to be absolutely flawless here non-posten, i was prepared, but a paper clip, well , it’s like metal, and even if it’s not so thick, but i think that if we try, if we can cope with a paper clip. yes, of course there can be metal parts in elements of clothing, oh, well, something like this,
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these scissors with a metal clip behave, i think that clothing for them will not be a problem either, the next innovation is, and on the list is an isothermal blanket , no one will probably believe that this is a blanket, but this is really a blanket, it is sometimes called an emergency blanket, sometimes isothermal, sometimes it is called a fire blanket, sometimes a cape, what is it intended for, it has two sides, silver... and yellow, that is, sun snow, it is written here, if you pay attention, the instructions are quite detailed, this blanket is intended to prevent hypothermia and overheating, it is two-way, it works in two directions, for warming and for cooling, that is, imagine a situation where the vehicle stalled somewhere in the cold season, and the driver or passenger this blanket can wrap the time before they freeze, naturally increases, by this time help will arrive. listen, why is this foil, by and large , it is foil, we all know very well that
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foil is a heat-reflecting element , foil on a special polymer base that reflects heat and cold, to be honest, drivers often use it to weather, absolutely right, close, and close the elements of the instrument panel, well, that’s their right, then the traditional dressing material, in in the previous first aid kit, the nomenclature was a little different... we came to the conclusion that the nomenclature should be as simple and common as possible, two bandages, the most common shapes, 7x14 and 5x10, a dressing bag, why did we come to it, before there was cotton wool in the first aid kit, cotton wool in its use, it is quite inconvenient, you need to take it out of the bag, twist it, try to fold it into some kind of cotton-gauze compress or cotton-gauze pillow, we found a finished product, a dressing bag that contains these cotton-gauze pillows. if necessary, yes, they will cover the wounded surface, they will work
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for a long time, a tourniquet, a traditional tourniquet, it is in all first-aid kits, to stop arterial bleeding, this is what saves lives at first, the standard cooling package that everyone is used to , that is, it is clear that with any bruise or blow, the cooled area swells less, hurts less, peroxide for treating wounds, napkins, and adhesive plaster - this is something that is used not so much for injuries, but in everyday life, this is from life, from experience, from practices, often a car first aid kit is the only means of providing some kind of first aid, which may be nearby, both when working in the garage and when traveling, including into nature, so we decided that napkins and adhesive plaster and hydrogen peroxide should be in it , a napkin with ammonia, it is allowed to be equipped with both a napkin and ampoules with ammonia, for what it is used, i think there is no need to explain, but the napkin itself is more convenient for
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use, based on the fact that there is no need to open the ampoule, excludes the possibility cut yourself with glass and your experience, but many drivers, and even passengers, still take the first aid kit lightly, well, let’s be objective, you’ll probably agree with me, given that anyone actually buys it, well, let’s say, before a technical inspection, yes, but this also exists, unfortunately, as a doctor, as a specialist, maybe more?
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to provide assistance not to oneself, but to other victims. now imagine the situation that you witnessed an accident, stopped, a person is feeling bad there, a person is dying, and you don’t have a first aid kit, you take it only for technical inspection, a person, god forbid, died before your eyes, and then living with it, you have to think about it. i think that our viewers should definitely think about this right now, and we ’ll watch the story, the science project correspondent is nearby. i took a first aid lesson in an emergency and am ready to show and tell everything, we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, this has been said thousands of times,
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breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who try to live efficiently, i, of course, ... with my head, shoulders, stretching my chest, back, this while charging, i do the usual rotations of all light exercises 10 times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel.
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every day we work on this. so that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world: take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become yours favorites. this and much more awaits you in the project. watch 24x7 on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the first thing you need to start with when you find yourself at the scene of an incident is to provide your own. your own safety, this is universal, universal algorithms are not important, it will be an accident, a jay had a stroke, a heart attack, everything is the same everywhere, so the first thing is to ensure your own safety, the first thing is you stopped, well, of course, in compliance with the rules, before getting out of the car , look around so you don't get hit, approaching the victim, assess the safety of the approach as standard. next, you evaluate the possibility of providing assistance to this victim in this particular place, because in reality you will not have the opportunity or time. and put up a sign, restrict, and also preferably, this is already an international practice, film your actions on your phone, this will help to avoid many legal nuances, which
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nuances must be remembered, that is , any road accident, motorcycle injury, this is a possibility of damage to the cervical spine spine, therefore, all actions with the victim must be carried out in such a way that the head, neck... is he breathing? the head is extended, the jaw is pushed up forward, and the standard algorithm: i see, i don’t see the movement
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of the chest, i hear, i don’t hear breathing, i feel it with my palm, that is, from that side you can see with your palm, breathing, and those who have the skill, at the same time the pulse is being checked for... you can also pat your shoulder with your palm, or pinch your ear hard. if in this case the person has not opened his eyes, we immediately dial 103, and already in in this situation, it is advisable not to panic, to gather yourself and inform the ambulance dispatcher in a calm tone that the person is unconscious, then the ambulance will arrive in a matter of minutes. often we are faced with, well, various life-threatening situations of bleeding, that is, if we see a pulsating flow of blood, this means that the heart is beating, the blood is pulsating, which means now task number... to stop the bleeding, for this there is everything in the first aid kit there are bandages, and if they don’t help, then they burn, but if the situation is worse, there is no heartbeat, and an ambulance is on the way, we need to try to start the heart, a similar
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situation was simulated for us by a doctor who has been dealing with resuscitation issues for 30 years, i hear, i don’t hear breathing, i feel it with my palm , i don’t feel breathing, i feel it, i don’t feel a pulse, 10 seconds have passed, i haven’t found anything, call. went, i inform such and such, found in such and such a place, address, 40 year old man, lack of consciousness, breathing, blood circulation, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation, start: compression point, visual mid-thoracic cells, put one hand, put the second hand, straight hands and begin, in fact, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 and so on at least 30 times, if we have a means of protection or, well, it’s like our
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friend, we can calmly breathe it, yes, then we take two breaths, close nose, straighten your head, inhale, wait to exhale, inhale, wait to exhale and continue doing compressions. after carefully listening to the express lecture, i try to repeat the steps to reinforce the material. i admit honestly, this is the first time i will be doing such a manipulation, but having already learned the information, the algorithm is clear to me. so, the first thing you started, we find zones, right? yes, the visual middle of the chest, that is, in men, approximately this inter-nipple line, if you look like this, yes, that is, it turns out exactly in the middle like this and exactly in the middle like that. having found this point, we place our hands in a way that is comfortable for you, this is the main rule. so, so , i counted 30 times, let’s start 30 times, well , at least i succeeded, but let’s assume that
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yes, for the first time, give a four, but what were the mistakes? of the mistakes that i made, you need to keep your hands straight, without folds so that only they work, otherwise other muscles of the body will be involved, and in a real situation this will very quickly take all your strength, by the way, if you, like me, do not have a medical education in order to... you can download your mobile phone to navigate resuscitation application, we will soon have our own application in our country. in many countries of the world , mobile applications have been developed, that is , either for a mobile phone, or, well, i don’t have a smart watch now, which is generally very convenient, yes, that is, conditionally, here you have a smart watch, a screen on which you will when you carry out compressions, reflect deeply with voice commands, of course, work out the algorithm of actions. state of emergency is convenient and effective precisely on such realistic mannequins, which are available in almost every office of the republican center for professional certification and simulation training
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of medical and pharmaceutical workers. categories, that is, it was originally created specifically for doctors and specialists, but classes are also held here for senior students , that is, clinical residents, interns, fifth-sixth year students, they they also practice here, this center makes it possible not only to practice the actions of professionals in an emergency situation, but also to carry out operations practically in real conditions, only instead of patients there are robots. here is high-tech, virtual equipment for surgery, for endoscopy,
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for... first aid kits and we will understand why each of its components is vital, do not miss it in
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finland. part of the program, we will find out why today there are no medications in the first aid kit, what foreigners are required to carry in a first aid kit, together we will put together a universal first aid kit for family travel. if you have just joined us, i’ll tell you that today we are studying car first aid kits, and directly in the studio, a sample car first aid kit.
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there is a first aid kit, in summer it can heat up to a temperature of 50°, in winter it can cool down to a temperature including -20-30°. naturally, such storage temperatures are not provided for in medicines, so they will become unusable, this is the first point, the second point is the same nitroglycerin, other medications, after all, they uncontrolled use is undesirable and sometimes even dangerous, so for these two reasons it was decided not to include medications in... the first aid kit. no questions. as for, as they say, international experience, you probably studied it when you were updating your first aid kit. what do other countries have? maybe they took something from the experience of other countries, maybe they are already adopting something from our updated model. in other countries, we studied the experience of the russian federation, cis countries, and non-cis countries.
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everything in principle. first aid kits are arranged approximately this way, each of them has a means to stop bleeding in one form or another, means for bandaging, as well as scissors, and each first aid kit also has gloves, these are the basic things that are found in all, then in different countries they vary, for example, in the russian first aid kit, there is a greater range of dressings , namely gauze bandages, in the german first aid kit there is more of a bias towards plastic medicines, in principle all first aid kits are themselves...


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