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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 12:20am-12:50am MSK

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are well known to our people, everyone knows in the car and all these means, they are even somewhere at the level of reflexes and, as they say on a hunch, how to use them, plaster, napkins, and tourniquets and hydrogen peroxide, and i think that the most important principle is do no harm, here it is complied with in full, i now know how little time you have, how busy you are, so it’s doubly nice that you found time for our program, thank you very much for this, there is another type of first aid kit that doesn’t worry only car owners, but also those who going on vacation. we decided to develop a formula for a universal set of medications that can be useful for the whole family when traveling. my colleagues have details. many people believe that there is no need to take any medications with you on vacation, saying that you can buy everything if necessary at the resort, however, doctors have a different opinion: firstly, illness can begin outside.
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level of intoxication, the simplest of this group is cheap but effective activated carbon, the last point: a must before going on vacation purchase anti-allergy medications. now allergies are very important, there are many different environmental factors, natural factors that can lead to an exacerbation of the same, for example, rhenitis, and also cause. spasm and up to anaphylactic shock. these are universal tips for people of any age and gender. so, let's summarize. a vacationer's first aid kit should contain antipyretics, drugs to replenish water balance, adsorbents, means for removing toxins, and, of course, antihistamines, since there is a risk the incidence of an allergic reaction in a new country is very high due to food that is unusual for the body. on... in one of the pages
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of the book, notes from an ambulance, the author says: first of all, help is provided not to those who scream and sob, but to those who are no longer able to do this. if you have been with us for these half an hour, then you already at least roughly understand how to provide this assistance until the medical team arrives, and how important a car first aid kit is in such cases. and, of course, you no longer doubt that science is close by on this topic.
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for some reason he thinks that the dolphin trainer is so, he stood up, whistled, waved his hand, stroked the dolphin, smiled and walked. yes, this is the tip of the iceberg. in addition, this is a lot of attention, time, this is care, this is
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control of the situation, this is a constant kind of composure, that is, you have to stand, smile and at the same time control the process, still somehow lead the performance a little in some way the right direction. many people have a love for animals, here we must probably talk about the sum of factors, that is, one love for the animals will still not be enough, some very high degree of return is necessary, that is, we must understand that this matter will have to be dealt with a lot, very closely, let’s return to the quotes of antoine desintes exeperery, we are responsible for those we have tamed, then is , if you get involved in this matter, you can’t back up, that is, you are tied to animals, these animals to a large extent... they trusted you, and you have to somehow answer for this, well, there are people who they come and say yes, i want to be a coach, i say, no question, are you ready? work 7 days a week, sometimes around the clock, for example, well, this is some kind of small everyday moment, that is , we always work on december 31, we always
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work on january 1, that is, this is the law of the entertainment industry, any holiday that exists in the country, it will always be an even busier working day than the previous one, it’s a magical... job for which you don’t have to get ready in principle, and even if you show up one day looking a little rumpled, not getting enough sleep , or without recovery, this is work that in fact, on the contrary, it charges, naturally , that is, there are some small everyday moments hidden there, that is, you first need to prepare, you need to get into a wetsuit, and this is a separate art, cutting fish, cooking, sorting, but then you come out to these gophers, the gophers are happy to see you. let's start with the bright talents, vitochka, she is a beauty, a bedside table and a cutie, a star and at the same time she knows how to show her tongue, come on, tell me, tell me, yes, come on, on all television, well, by
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the way, i advertised here, that you can speak the language show, oh, here you are, my beauty, we transported them here specifically from the city of kharkov, we brought them to the city of kharkov from the city of odessa. because in odessa there is a preparatory base where young animals are taught, well, it’s stupid to bring untrained animals to say: guys, come to the dolphinarium, where no one knows anything, so first they go through a special school, master some kind of elementary program, and then come to so to speak, a place of permanent deployment and here they continue to build up potential, i have been doing this for 12 years every day day, everything has already happened several times, both what didn’t work and what worked at all. not what i wanted, but better, that is, i already had everything and anything possible, i have a rare component in life: i love my job, that is, i have a number of friends who somehow socially believe that they are more successful , everything is great with them, but they don’t go to work without antidepressants, they live from
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weekend to weekend and all that, i hate weekends, fortunately i rarely have them, usually my day off is me sitting next to my people animals, that is, the difference between a weekend and a working day is the audience. if there are spectators in the hall, it’s a working day, if there are no spectators , it’s a day off, but we still hang out here, men, they teach tolerance and acceptance of the world around us, in principle, that is, the idea is that you need to be able to find an approach to everyone , a common mistake in... this phrase: are dolphins smart? answer: no, dolphins are different, that is, an entire species cannot be lumped under the same brush among dolphins, among dogs, among people, in every species, in every group, in in every society or ecosystem, when we
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talk about the highest form of nervous activity, especially one as developed as dolphins, then that’s all, it’s completely different, each dolphin is an individuality, a character, then there’s still more to it from above.. mood, but this is not a matter of selection, it is a matter of approach, that is, as good educational psychologists say, there are no stupid children, everyone has their own talent, you just need to be able to find it, reveal it, draw it, that is, every dolphin needs to find an approach. , then basically, that is, well it’s hard to find just such wooden brainless ones, there are simply more capable and less capable, one dolphin will master some specific trick from you in three training sessions, another will spend five on it, a third will need 10, nothing will work out, and then you you sit down, think about it, explain it differently, he will do it again in three, but in total you spent 13, the question is, who is to blame? because for the first 10 you were doing nonsense, there are random people, but they usually don’t stay, that is, it’s like there are people who
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come, but over time, a person who is not ready to give almost everything to this business will rarely succeed in anything, that is, in order to achieve such and such a result, it is still necessary to build some kind of very real social connection, it is necessary to this is also a matter of investing a lot, that is, a maneuver like my working day ended and i left, it is again of no use here. that is, you are not at a factory, you are not with a machine, you are working with a living being, and here you need to understand this too, it’s not like you went to the cinema, watched a film, then came, watched it twice, watched it three times and you got tired of it, that is, there are people who come to the dolphinarium over and over again, because everything will always be different, in fact, every performance is some kind of game, that is, where -sometimes it’s clearly expressed, somewhere it’s less noticeable, but in any case , each performance is a little different, that is, somewhere the animals will change a little differently and... somewhere i, again, work the same way however, in principle, the performance is impossible, because
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the animals will simply get tired of it, that is, it is necessary every time in every performance , change one small detail, restore a friendly family, now you will have a chance to see this smile, moreover, on the face of this dolphin, because that is, for the last many years, it’s been like i’ve been standing on animals in this matter , but in principle , my wife was involved in the upbringing and preparation of this particular couple, that is, she means such a mother to them. degree, now at the next performance she will come out to them again, i present to your attention, widely known in narrow circles, a naval trainer mammals, part-time my wife, the mother of my child and just a wonderful girl julia, in general i’m not bored. a show where they fight not only with the help
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of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me, what an ancient country along with greece gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling? arm, rome, italy, roman empire, i accept. answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach is in may 2023 broke sir alex ferguson's record for the number of appearances in the champions league. carlo anchelotti. carlo anceloti. two steps forward. watch the intellectual sports project. i play with my head. let's go. travel around belarus, hello travel lovers, today it will be hot, despite
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the changeable weather, i’m going to the southernmost warm region of our country, to the brest region, let’s take a historical excursion, moscow says, last hour, morse key, you can try, oh, he worker, be stunned, and also visit bright sights of our country, agree, as long as the memory is alive in our hearts, then an unbreakable thread stretches from generation to generation, from event to event. well, we build the joyful moments of our lives ourselves every weekend together with the route built project. look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in fact, work, it is always work, it is very hard work, of course, there is a big huge bonus, these are dolphins, their love, communication with them, but besides this huge factor, there is many small ones, but enough difficult moments. i think evgeniy was lucky, because i was also in this profession, when you were in it, when you know all the nuances of all the moments, then you understand why he is not at home, that is, this is not the moment like... yes he lingers simply because he wants, you know what can happen and how, and you would be in his place and would do the same, so you have to endure it a little, accept, i would say this, we have how we spent time before the baby, how we spend time now with baby, that is, these are some two different
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lives that have come, now this is the only monday, of course. we are trying to solve some everyday issues, but at the same time include something like joint leisure so that it is interesting, even just a walk together for us is actually a holiday, and we also sometimes go to the pool, it’s scary admit, yes, yes, our little girl already goes to the pool, maybe this is the foundation for a future specialty, but we are mastering the pool, they teach us how to communicate and interact, that is, this is probably in communication with the child, with his appearance, this became useful for me. skill, because in principle, this is exactly the essence, when you need to learn to understand how to interact, someone who cannot tell you and explain what he wants, my child now falls into this category absolutely, that is, he is not yet fully capable express some of my thoughts, the only thing i definitely managed to read about smart books about raising children, i don’t care what i want, if she wants, she will have a much better chance
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than others, she will have someone to learn from what to study, but he says that i want what... if only you were a dolphin trainer, no, well, say hi, this is a navy seal, he is particularly difficult to train, because usually navy seals think a little better, but he is talented. he's a cutie, very gentle, a contact cutie, unlike dolphins, they smell very well, they have very sharp eyesight, they're generally cool devils, target, give me an eraser , come on, get up, get up, get up, yes, cutie, oh, what beautiful cat, any training for anyone
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the trick begins with the fact that you must first understand what you want, a maneuver like a night, where will not go... playful, they are curious, they will attract, generally agree with the cat, because he has such needs as, for example, dolphins in communication with people, yes, they are attracted, then the cat does not need this, the cat cannot be established in it, then it is unlikely that it will be good to swim in the water like that, and it does not need someone to stroke it, to somehow entertain it , so of course working with them is more difficult.
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everything in my life was clear and simple, i i was finishing my fifth year at university, and i already had several years of work practice in the evenings, that is, i had, one might say, a career, plans, a life, and in general, about 70 years in advance, i understood what was next for me, here once in the midst of the summer session at the end of the fifth year.
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then, as they say, in principle, and our coach, this is the bottom of the hierarchy, so try, get out, well, i tried, yes, it was great, it was such youthful adventurism to some extent, that is, i remember that, i’m next the day just sat down, i figured, that is, i lost four times in salary in one day, but then i found myself in this world, which, in principle, gives joy, i periodically had fish, hamsters, dogs there, the first of them was acting and music, the second was agricultural university to become a livestock breeder, when evgeniy valerievich completed
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his musical education and was supposed to enter the conservatory, from where he was successfully expelled three times, evgeniy valerievich went to the agrarian institute, that is, my comrades for 5 years, with whom i continued to communicate. from the former sphere they asked why? how could one go from being a musician to becoming a livestock breeder? i couldn’t answer them for 5 years, but then the moment came x, when i got to the dolphinarium, i combined, well , my love for animals and my love for the stage, i sealed it into the bottom, in principle, well, since i’ve been doing this for many years, in my opinion quite successfully, then it was probably worth it, somehow it all went towards this, despite the fact that there are no institutes that prepare us, we are not taken out of the blue, that is there is...
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it works, this dolphin is already five times smarter than you, your task is to make friends, agree to learn to at least understand him, explain something to him, god be with him, learn to understand him, start from here, you always have to start, that is, from yourself, if you can’t explain something to a dolphin, it’s not a dolphin, you’re a fool, it’s you who can’t explain something, this is, in principle, the key to some more or less successful interaction with animals, that is, you see there... of the young people who run into the back room with some foaming at the mouth, i explained to him so many times, but he does everything wrong, you sit there
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and think, oh, it’s the dolphin’s fault, one of these details, which is, in principle, very important, is needed in order to do this in fact, you need to be able to look for all the roots on yourself, that is, if something doesn’t work out, the animal is not to blame. that's all, sit, poke around, think about what you did wrong, why everything turned out wrong, i think that dolphins are very smart animals, that is, i think that perhaps they are the smartest animals, that is, i talked enough with dogs, i somewhat superficially had the happiness of communicating with horses, well, these stories there about some kind of humanization beyond some abilities, i consider this, let’s say, inflated, exaggerated, but then that these are very smart animals with...
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through several degrees of purification, so that everything is wonderful, there she regularly has fences taken on time several times a day, she is checked for a number of indicators, in general there is a kind of process here, this is beautiful and blue is a huge amount of work, but with this is necessary for our little animals and creates a level of comfort for them.
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every dolphin has a mood, fortunately, again, i’ve been communicating with dolphins for quite a long time, that is, if you see that an animal is in a bad mood, at a particular moment it got into a fight with a neighbor. in hierarchical disputes, he believes that he is underfed, he somehow got up on the wrong foot in the morning, that is, you just need to be able to understand the little animal, that is, your animals, which you see every day for many hours and interact with them already at the level some kind of family connection, it’s very easy to understand, disassemble and be prepared for these mastaps, here, in principle, we are already dealing with fairly socialized animals, so to say that they pose any danger is... a little overdone , there is such a common version, when i saw a dolphin in the sea, dolphins are kind, here i would strongly talk, if i see a dolphin in the wild, i turn around and walk in the other
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direction slowly, but... carefully, because you meet wild animal in the wild, being in his environment, you don’t know him, you don’t know whether he’s healthy, sick, fed, hungry, elementary, if it’s a female with a cub, she will perceive you as a source of some kind of danger, but she will most likely withdraw into side, and if you try to chase her or something else, god forbid you chase after a baby, she can simply quite tangibly make it clear to herself that you are in vain trying to come here, therefore wild animals are wild animals, you need to stay away with them a large extent respect and understand the boundaries here at all another story, here the animals are socialized, they see people every day, for them people are a source of fun, scratching and communication, so they are of course much more friendly to humans, but this is the result of specific experience and life, there is the concept of conditions, that is, one simple statistics that this particular species in nature pulls out at best
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in the twenties, in the hospital, you will have a lot of attention, a lot of care, there, if tests are needed, if any appointments are needed, you will be there three veterinarians, two trainers, they will look after you around the clock, but you will most likely be cured, that is, you will at least be given this chance, you will be given the necessary care, yes, i know there are dolphinariums in which the conditions are not comfortable enough, i have not experienced this myself i admit, that is, there is such a form as
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wandering dolphinariums, when... in some very insufficient volume of water, they throw animals that are constantly stressed, which are constantly transported, transported in violation of the discipline of this process, just purely we arrived, stayed with the tent, and showed the animals for a week in some unfinished place. zhenya’s performance is, of course, a special pleasure, we had an interesting story in that we were together 24 hours a day in this work, we woke up in the morning, went to work, returned from work in the evening and fell asleep. some friends say: it’s terrible how you can bear it, but we somehow formed such a tandem, in fact, when i left, most of all i thought about how it’s possible that now we won’t be together all the time, but of course, if i perform with my wife, i
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it’s much... calmer and more pleasant and joyful to perform with him, but nevertheless, i’m still at work, my entire focus is still on animals, so i no longer get attention about the effect of dolphin therapy, there really is some kind of miraculous impact, well, firstly, there is a team of specialists, a team of psychologists who guide the child, and secondly, there are props that can be interacted with, all the interaction is how many rings did the dolphin bring, and how much happens in the game with dolphins, for example, yes, that is, balls, rings are used , again, how many rings did you throw, and you brought slavita two, and hercules - four, and who has more, less, that is, you understand, in such elementary actions you can work out a lot, naturally, then it's time for immersion in water, the effect of thalasitherapy, the effect of water, the effect, if possible, then diving, sound therapy,
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right? this is when you put your ears in the water and listen, that is, there are sounds that we hear that dolphins make above the water, and there are very unusual, interesting sounds that you can only hear it under water, like the effect of a sonar, it happens under water, and in many ways it is believed that this particular effect has the maximum purpose.


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