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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 12:50am-2:30am MSK

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in therapy, there really is some kind of miraculous effect, well, firstly, there is a team of specialists, a team of psychologists who guide the child, secondly , there are props with which you can interact, and thirdly, all interaction takes place in a game with dolphins, for example, yes, that is, balls, rings are used, again, how many rings did you throw, and how many rings did the dolphin bring, and how many did vita bring two, and hercules brought four, and who has more, less, that is, you know, in such elementary actions can... be worked out a lot, naturally, then comes - the time of immersion in water, the effect of thalassotherapy, the effect of water, the effect - if possible, then diving, ultrasound therapy, yes, this is when you put your ears in the water and listen, that is, there are sounds that we hear, that dolphins make above water, and there are very unusual, interesting sounds that can only be heard under water, like the effect of sonar, so it happens under water, and in many ways it is believed that this is the effect that has the most... healing
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property, contact again in water it slightly different than contact on land, you can hug a dolphin, lie next to it, lie on its tummy, you can hug it, that is, a very tactile effect, that is, on basically all, let’s say, analyzers on our five basic , and there is an impact, as if the totality of many of these impacts, it seems to me, in the end, well, gives a big impetus to the development of what is possible... that is, they are ready to accept and communicate with any person who comes, he says, he doesn't speak, he sees, he doesn't see, he can walk, acceptance and patience, tolerance towards others, he can’t walk, can he pet him, it doesn’t matter whether he’s good or evil, they are ready to communicate with everyone, this of course is such a uniqueness of them, well, i don’t know...
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a sad star hung over the river . i
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came to you, it just so happened, i came to you, so it happened... a random sliver of wood washed up on the shore, washed up on the shore, nailed down, at sunset along it, the clouds floated off into the distance, we are each other. we understood, but didn’t love, we understood each other, but love stomped nearby, thank you,
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thank you, that's it, thank you. in the gilded sky the moon is like a brooch, today i want at least a little happiness, today i want the joy of a long time ago, the song ended early, but another one did not come out. didn’t come out, but the other one didn’t come out, it’s my fault, why are you so upset?
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are you going to the dacha or something, little red-haired girl, you've stuffed your bags, what kind of dacha is there, i'm going to remember my mother, i died 40 days ago, well , don't worry, it certainly doesn't interfere with the funeral, and you're the main one who keeps us alive, right,
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red-haired one , what makes you smell so sweet? am i in a candy factory? and then everything is clear, and what's your name? anna aleksandna, anya. and you are not anya, i am not quiet. well done? let's get to know each other. tikhan dmitovich. well, that's very nice. are you still far away? yes, beautiful. otherwise we’ll go to our village, it doesn’t matter where to pick mushrooms, and we have as many of these flus as you want, no, no, that won’t work, i have my own places, and don’t be afraid, i’d joke,
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same thing beautiful, you ride alone, without a husband, but nitely and i separated, the man was very difficult. ish you are heavy, and that means you are light, but we'll see, goodbye, anisan, more look, don't cry, goodbye. somewhat weak-willed.
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her hands are not resting on anything, the tent is on... she will be taken away, so where should she be hidden during the day, lord, i’m talking about this again, some kind of nonsense creeps into my head, behind a wardrobe with a mirror. you can take 50 rubles, for the table again twenty, the same klavdeyka will take, lord,
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what am i thinking about, fool, i’m miserable, emilyanych daevich brought it, your mother gave you to direct your knives, well, why aren’t people going to, klavdeyka, spent, because i was lucky, i tried, for 20 extra rubles alone i attracted food, but what about wine? he would have taken it, what impudence, it’s a memory, maybe there’s no price for him, but he’ll slip in some five, well, sit down, put it in, at least you, let’s remember my mother. “she was businesslike, not
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a blade of grass wasted in vain, it’s eight miles to the market, but she doesn’t care, yes, my mother was right when she told me that the people here don’t give a damn about other people’s grief, i’ll go, otherwise...” the kids won’t do their homework without me, i’ll go to the farm, what have you done, mom, why are you here? left me, i am now completely alone.
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the water is leaking slowly, they promised to fix it, there is one pump for everyone, it’s time for us to have a second one, there was a conversation last year. can i get a bucket from you, otherwise we’re not alone in the whole hostel, please come in, they said i’ll get the water supply. and where he? oh, what don’t you need, i’ll get it myself, otherwise you
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’ll get wet, how warm is it? is it good in your garden? read books? i’m studying medicine, exams are coming soon, tell me, what’s your name? with the letter a? probably allah, what else? anya, my name is larik. let me take these to you buckets, take them halfway down the path, otherwise they don’t let kids into our dorm anyway, although they climb in the window, but i personally live on the second floor, it’s hard,
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thank you, come in, anechka, give me a drink, girls, i met a medical student, now all our guys on the side. they understand a lot about themselves, an, you submitted this application to evening school, yes, well , you are your school, there may be a turn in fate, don’t buy me any more sweets,
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they made them for me at the factory, i prefer herring . i didn’t know, but you won’t be scolded for what? well, what brought me here? what are you talking about, they don’t fight at all, i’m so glad we met, the flowers smell good, and how many rooms do you have, four? what's that bruise on your forearm? where, on the hand, and the fool grabbed it, but now it’s all over with him, yeah, i’d beat him for that.
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you were washing, he will put you down with one left, but don’t be offended, although you are ugly and frail, you know what kind words, such pleasant manners without impudence, you don’t paw, don’t meddle, i wonder what you ’re thinking about now, and what am i going to think? you times you always think, i’ll pour it now, no, i’m like that, okay, if you want, i’ll read you poetry, go ahead.
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thank you, i would only like to look at you, to see the eyes of the evil eye and the pool, and that the past, without loving, you could not leave for another, a gentle step, a light figure, soulful poems. i composed everything myself, it’s yesenin, uh-huh, tell me, please, can i kiss you, kiss you if you want,
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you’re probably very tired today, yes, you’ve been on your feet for 6 hours. don’t be offended, now i won’t come until the next day off, i go to choreography in the evening, then we’ll learn those we attend the minimum, we master the qualifications, so think about it, rack your learned brains, if your student spoiled the fate of girls, for the sake of goodness, of course it’s not good. we ourselves cannot understand what could bring them together, there is nothing to bring them together, they will figure out their own interest, i don’t refuse to get married. if you are needed, why don’t you love our larik, do i really love him, why talk about love, the stomach will soon climb on us, and she
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will still wander around, i wasn’t here, i would have shown you, shameless, the main thing is you register it as soon as possible, but that’s why they, seems like they should get married. i won’t get married, you won’t be able to get away with it, and a student won’t get fifty dollars in alimony from you, the state will give me more, don’t talk to me, please, don’t let her get involved, i’ll be ruining my young life, they eat you there everything is like in a hospital, everything is steamed, who will eat it, maybe you will keep quiet, you will sit all day with your pipes and with your books, and what am i supposed to do between you and stir up dirt after you? "there's no one here for your wedding you’ll call, why am i without a wedding, you see,
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why are you giving her a wedding, you shameless ones, what course is this girl in, and she’s not in any course at all, i understand that you need a completely different husband, but what will you do alone with a child , what everyone is doing, that’s what i ’ll do too”? i’ll get a room from production, as everyone, of course, my nuka won’t want to live with your student, you can’t force it, so be kind, although at first don’t leave her with a child, god bless you, it’s not the prosecutor who’s complaining about you anymore. “you know what, rais ivanovna, i’m more with you .” i won’t spend the night, it’s like, otherwise the raisvans
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will evict me from the hostel, and they won’t give me a room, but you know, now they give me good ones, with all the amenities and i don’t have to carry water, but what about yurochka, but what if i get a ticket, so i’ll take it, but we don’t refuse you space, lord, why am i here? the state is obliged to provide for me, what she says, lord, how many people have you treated for free, they can’t cure you yourself, anya, maybe you’ll still stay, you don’t be offended, i’m completely ahead of you, my conscience won’t allow me to fold sit on your hands, it will turn out that you will be carrying bags from the market and washing them all over the arava, and back to you... now, excuse me,
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i have become careful about love, so as not to get into trouble again, but i will try not to miss my happiness, now the course will be not the one. will you take yours to the children's party? the dorky husband goes to work in the morning, but how old is he? fourth year, and already know all the letters, last night. i’m coming home from work, and he made his mother out of cubes, the old man has nothing to do, so she teaches him, green oak, a golden chain
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on the tubite, and day and night the cat is a scientist, that’s all sprinkles are walking around, oh my sweetie, santa claus sent you to the hotel for this, thank you mom, oh please, not all at once, but what is there, 200 grams of sweets, a pack of cookies, waffles and a chocolate bar? eat, yurik and grandpa, come and visit, go, say, grandpa, sharpen your teeth, grandpa, sharpen your teeth, please, i beg you, oh, no, i ’m full, isn’t there only herring here, raya, what did he say? , he has become completely deaf, this is not the worst thing, lately his heart has been very bad, lord, i was a fool before thinking,
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that doctors never get sick. doctors don’t like to be treated, don’t play around, get out and play the piano. i need to find someone to go out with yurochka, we’ll pay, we’ll go on a spree or give away the money, it’ll work out, i’ll send it to the village in the summer, there’s a golden one hanging out there, you want to take it away, so what, moms will soon have
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milk from the cow? will give, let the little thing blow. “i’m sorry, i’m from the factory committee, i’d like to see my uncle’s leader, please come in, but you’ll have to wait, i saw her go out somewhere, well, i’ll wait, where are you?” kitchen, why go to the kitchen, please come through my room, please, thank you,
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sit down, please, thank you. i’m a fearful delegate, i visit the sick, who needs it, who needs to go to the hospital, you’re doing a good job, your room is nice, you’ll be envious, yes, the room is not bad. and i keep wandering around the dorm with myself, you can’t imagine how tired i am, one will throw her skirt, another will leave an unwashed plate, a third will generally drop everything around them, you can’t give everyone your head and your hands, i ’ll tell you honestly, it’s a crowd to live only for the youngest, they are all screwed, when you feel yourself, such a life
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cannot satisfy. excuse me, what is your middle name? my name is anya. kushakov, nikolai egorovich, glad to meet you. yes, oh, i didn’t bother you, but i can’t hear your voice? nikolai gorodich, thank you for your greeting, please, please. let's go, thank you, please, are you crazy that i'm in the maternity hospital, or what? yes, well, tomorrow the bandage will be removed, it’s okay, i’m not teaching on my own, tell me what else you need to do, but the golden man, honestly, yes ok, so it’s already golden, what, wash it, no, i myself, no, really, the other delegates are afraid, you know how the ballot voters are afraid, oh, horror, they will examine and report that bed rest is not being observed, and you will never give it away, yes,
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what are you? let me iron your clothes, what are you doing, come on, come on, no, really, listen, this attitude is good for you, he gave you a ticket to a one-day rest home, what kind of a ticket, what to run around with your tongue hanging out, not only for a ticket, but authority, before everything was nyuka-danka, but now everything is andaneka, dear, listen, lit, who is he, this neighbor of yours, egorochta, he works as a mechanical foreman, trains young people, not ba... a disabled person from the great patriotic war, and i don’t notice that the disabled person, by the way, is single, but how do you deal with this from the garage, and what kind of damn meledok, this is a pre-conscription conscript, you yourself know me, how many, abandoned, things are not at all age-related, you better tell me how you and i can pass the ten-year test, i’m all with diplomas, well, well, a diploma, lord, what else
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was missing, we now i need to live with you seriously. ours from the factory were sitting behind us, everyone really liked the production, you nikolai egorovich also made a very good impression, i don’t know what it is, but i know, you smile more often, a smile suits you very well, open the door, see if there’s anyone in the corridors.
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agaloshetha. now, you won’t regret it later, anna, and you do it this way, as long as i don’t regret it, that’s it, girls, i can go out, he’s a very good man, jokes, he has a triorden, congratulations, that’s what happened. theater, oh, a girl’s art about love is very helpful, i have mine too, he sends me to study in the evening, yes, for you she’s making a reference, she’s doing the right thing, come on, lidok, i missed my opportunities, i wish
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i could have finished eighth grade in the village, i was stupid, you better be smarter, are you kidding me or something, it’ll be funny if i sit at a child’s desk , that the tan in our class is older than you, well, my excellent student, i should buy you a school uniform, no, i don’t know, what can i tell you, just listen to what is written here, matriarchal clans arose at the middle stage of savagery, from the decomposition of group marriage, a steam room began to emerge. i, it’s just some kind of dregs, oh, you know, i didn’t find it for the eighth grade history,
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i took it for the teacher training university, okay, now i’ll draw a trapezoid for myself and we’ll figure it out, since we’re wasting golden time on all sorts of nonsense, it’s still a day off. what for from us family on the steps of savagery? it’s difficult at the beginning, then it will be easier, why have you been having headaches lately? then let’s go to the village to pick up yurka, you’ll get a break, come on kohl, let’s live at least a little together, maybe they’ll give me an apartment, so where can i get him now? i don’t want to wait for any apartment, fur coat, your mother came with some guy, hold on, he has his hands full of suitcases, and she’s the one!
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mom, why are you driving yurka like that? everything on it is torn, he makes a lot of jokes, so it’s torn, what should i ask? i fulfilled all my deadlines.
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mom! mom, what kind of numbers are you throwing out? look how many a's he got, well done, but not in writing. don't you write clearly? yeah, not very much, but it’s better to read everything, if you want, they’ll read it for you, i want, just yur, let ’s be with you, come on, well, that’s good, you’re still a mother, you don’t know how other women they are tormented by their husbands in this matter, and since my husband wants to adopt yurochka, how can he not want to, there are no ones of his own, who will feed him later, you mom will be alone in everything. you see, it’s a difficult question about our own, for now i only
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have enough of yurka, so it’s hard to salt them after all, my mother is in my soul, yurik doesn’t even know that his other grandmother died right after the doctor, and then i forgot to think about them, your life was ruined. i won’t go against my husband, again,
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they’ll probably give me an apartment for three, but i was born of an honest father and lived according to god’s law, not i dishonored another man's wife, i did not rob the dark night, but why are you in a hurry? he spoke so well, i didn’t disgrace someone else’s wife, i didn’t commit robbery on a dark night, mom, dad and i are going to the scarlet flower on sunday, oh, go ahead... well, why are you worried, since it’s not your fault,
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mom, when are we having dinner? shall we? oh, let your mother translate the spirit, well, why are you just sculpting pictures on the wall with wallpaper, you couldn’t pin it with buttons, right there is my place, the money is behind the stove, it’s like you’ve broken free so that i don’t hear this anymore, well what you i can't say enough, yurik went crazy. well, turn on the tv. dad said that i don’t need to look at this picture. okay, but your dad understands. well, go ahead and put the soup on the gas over there. don't be angry with me, kohl. i was tired and ran to the carpet to check in. during shift change, the poetess was brought to the club, she had to sit and listen. what kind of poet? you know, i
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didn’t remember the last name, woman, elderly, well, just wow, in a black jersey, why , you were at a fashion show, you still listened to the elements, but you know, since i’m having your head is not at all occupied with what it is, what is it doing that is knocking you off your feet? i don’t know how to push my own son into a camp for two shifts instead of the village, push him away, you should at least choose a different word, the damn stepmother is warming up.
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what are you allowing yourself to do? are you also considered a cultured person? well, i misspoke, why are you looking at me like that? have you ever asked me how i grew up without a father and without a mother? and don’t touch yurka. he is now my son. well, why are you doing this, then? i love the bunny, well, keep in mind that he is on strangers. how i grew up, well, i from all the work was needed. oh, my god, is this a boat, or what? no, what are you talking about, this is a cruiser, a cruiser, and yurochka, come on, go and look at the kitchen behind the stove, what is it that mykol and
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you often began to quarrel over the brisk, but before we lived so well, this is because how much we have one room. i’ll try to get him into the nakhimov school, he wants to be a sailor, i ’ve never used my wounds, awards, just once, otherwise something will happen to me, you, excuse me, all this is hard , yes. okay, the school won’t go away, if only the regional social security i helped you get an apartment, everything would have worked out, you would have made a decent frame for yurka, since, yes, he’s a good guy, you should have at least
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written him a letter, but there seem to be no events. well, you got an apartment from the factory, i already wrote, but what else?
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all in pairs, like a wave with a wave, all the girls with the boys, only poisonous, she kept waiting and believing in her heart, you and i are two banks of the same river, how good you are, my dear. it’s lucky that you were disabled during the great patriotic war, otherwise we were burning out in a communal apartment, why were you painting yourself again, well, you kolenka, as always, is not in the mood,
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i can’t hug you, kiss you, someone else would be glad that she loves him so much, but you forgot that you have a young wife. and i myself believed in my heart , in spite of myself, you and i are two banks of the same river, i completely forgot where you were going, about the kitchen set, i katya semyonova barely got a ticket to yesentuki, and her husband is in the furniture store, the set is yours, i’ll bring it down the stairs. be careful, for god's sake, fill it, scratch it, oh, oh, wait, so
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where does it go? so you won’t help me move this cabinet , some impudent person. impatient, do you think if helped, then you can as the last one, why are you shaking your cap here, people eat here. how much do i owe you? nothing, well then, let’s get out of here, otherwise my husband will come and pull me down the stairs, come on,
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damn, some kind of sticky guy, god, why am i crazy? is it really my fault that i instill love in young people, other women go south specifically for this, probably the only one was overstrained, but the store movers helped me, i had to give them half a liter, what if you came a little late, are you waiting for you, waiting, yes i was late with the guys, i needed help. if only you could take care of your health, you really need this mentorship with twenty brats , you think that everyone only
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owes it to us, right? but why? you know, cool, yesterday i had a tingling sensation in my tank, wasn’t it my liver? you eat a lot of fat at night, well, well... i have to cut back on something in my diet, since it’s hard without a vacuum cleaner, and the line is still there, there’s a new movie showing on tv, oh-oh-oh, kolya, go quickly, comedy! tsakhkom, yes, my dear, it’s me, yeah, so
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today i have a report for the re-election meeting, yeah, oh, since i’m so tired, i think maybe i should recuse yourself, okay, okay, bye, no, how’s my application, oh, ulyana petrovna, cheap vouchers. will you do anything for me, i’m not a girlfriend, and i have nothing to thank you with, i don’t work in a non-store, ulyana petrovna, is it possible to charge me so irresponsibly, i’m illiterate, oh well, no, no. no, tell me why, she’s illiterate,
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and why are you reacting like that, people said what they thought, no, tell me why, again they mentioned the damned ticket to me, you might think that i took it for myself, ansha is like that impeccable, that you can’t be criticized, or something, and you’re taking offense, i know this criticism, everything was agreed upon in advance, you know what kind of career litka has, she was already sent to television as a representative of the working class, to entrust the cake to someone , as if there are no better workers than her, it sounds like she’s always running around in public, but that’s enough. are you a representative? well, you feel bad among working people, you should be in
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a shop somewhere in the market, but why are you saying that? yes, i'm at one company 20 i've been a social activist for years and haven't been interested in engineering. oh, are you a social activist? otherwise, you ’ve been tired of all this for a long time, you did everything for show, and even if you work for another 30 years, you still won’t become a real working person, your interest in life is different, cuckoo-like, you know.
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you've covered yourself, you'll burn, come on, mom! sochi is here or something, i thought you would bring your nikolai, he would at least fix my shed, otherwise the wall would fall, he would crush the chickens, his mother was sent from the plant to a sanatorium, to treat his nerves, i chose this one myself, oh, so yours will pass life, dill smells so good, mom, let
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it go to hell, it drowns out everything damned. come on, roll over, oh, i’m out of the habit, in our city they threw out all these blankets a long time ago, but why do they sleep right on the boards, why do you even sleep on the boards, on the foam rubber, at your mother’s place? i’m silent about your tea, i’m sick to death, oh, you like to repeat the same thing, mom, i’d get tired of it, i’d find someone else, the pressure is tormenting me, my head is swelling, i’m waiting, yurik should send me the medicine, i’ll have to come myself, rostila, rostila him,
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we slept together for almost 3 years, the first piece. to him, and now there’s no one to throw a word to, mom, the guy is almost an officer, why would he sit next to you, in the winter i’m not the only one who likes it, it’s deaf, it’s snowy, the house is not on the swamp, you’ll die, no one will notice, but it’s mom, it’s your own fault. you need to maintain relationships with people, it’s good for yourself, life in general is very beneficial to seem good, how smart you have become, but i have nowhere to take you mom, the apartment is one-room, the kitchen is small, i can barely fit in a refrigerator, it’s a well-known fact, who needs me like that, so look , nyushka, something will happen, don’t come to complain, just make a noise. "give
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i need you to rest in peace, and so my soul is not in the right place, you are lying here, and the wolf is not pecked, kolya, look what i bought for you, don’t hide, don’t hide, we saw you, nikolai, anya, i’m sorry, but we can’t live with you anymore i can, nikolai, it was he who found someone else there, how could i, an idiot, let him go alone? it’s like
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i didn’t take anything, today i took yuri to kindergarten with this one, i’ll call you, well, hello, hello, well, we’re off, have you found someone else? misha, give me the ball, i’ll tell your mother, give it back, she’s new, better than me, better, with she’s a good wolf, and so are you, don’t be afraid , she lived with me, and already chatted with her, i’ve never
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chattered. then maybe i’m guilty of something to you, kohl? you can’t even imagine, kohl, how much i love you, it’s you. it seems, as it seems, you deliberately pretended to be a heartbreaker in order to get a permit at your factory, suddenly you caught fire, you’re an uncultured woman, it’s all because of this, it means you’ve now found yourself a cultured one, well, congratulations, only if she were cultured, then she would . what do you want? you, my dear, don't you understand that i i’ve lived with you for a long time in my soul, do you think i’m old, that’s why i’m not interested in your beauty? scold me, my dear, scold me, let’s just
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go home, just the sight of you makes me sick, so i don’t want to see you again. lord, why? just think, lit, that i’m somehow the last thing for him? i am, after all, a leader in production, as his conscience allowed him to leave his wife for no reason at all. listen, anh, just think about it, but what does this have to do with... “your work, i think i tried my best, but you know, i have cleanliness, order, atmosphere, drink, eat, everything is prepared, i earn good money, i haven’t sat on his neck for a day, where
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else can he find such a fool, maybe write to me as a worker, calm down, please, girls, then, i’m busy. well, what do you write, think for yourself that your husband has stopped loving you, but why will he run after women, and i should be silent, yes, yes, it’s me, i’ll call you myself, in 10 minutes, okay, what kind of women, anya? what are you talking about, even if it’s not about women, how much he took away my strength and health, because of him, you can say, i see my son once a year, from the age of nine threw the guy out of the house, or
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there is no justice against him, i know the attitude, an, why are you saying all this, he loved you, don’t i know your yegorych, what are you saying about him, you’re listing your merits, but what is he? at her factory, the last one, perhaps, forgot how she herself boasted about his orders, and it would be better if she kept quiet about yura, oh dear lidochka, you can’t imagine how hard it is to be alone, i say, i don’t know what, here you have a husband, children i study, i go to college myself, i manage people. what do i have, how can i continue to live, i’m still 40 years old there is not.
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you can’t dig up these potatoes in a week,
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we’ll dig them up, we won’t throw them away, your mother tried, she planted them, the clavicle, tell me in all honesty, why everyone didn’t love my mother, not that they didn’t love her, she was painfully inaccessible. ask in a neighborly way, they were shy, she lived on her own, she didn’t say hello to anyone, did you? it seems like a simple thing, hey ladies, my god, you’re selling potatoes, that’s great, anna alexandrovna.
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how did you find me? still far away? well, a hundred miles is not a detour for a mad dog. it seems like you invited me. but your house is nice, anelson, yes, i’m selling it i already took it from the deposit, i have a separate apartment in the city, the hostess, where should i sit?
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well, anna alexandrovna, for everything good, whether it will be good, well... everything good depends on ourselves, let’s go pick mushrooms in the morning, oh, what do you mean you’re going to spend the night with me, and don’t be afraid, i i’ll settle down in the blue. and you lock yourself up, sleep
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peacefully, and i’m not afraid, just like that, the neighbors will just talk about me, you’ll become guilty without guilt, good morning and good mood. good morning belarus on the air of the tv channel belarus 24, good morning program belarus, my name is svetlana barovskaya. you are so cute, can i pet them? oh, what flowering trees, these are cherries, a new athlete is probably sneaking up on you. meeting amazing people, anatoly leonidovich, hello guys, hello, let's continue the lesson. oh, what a beautiful big you are, wow. there is still a lot of useful and interesting
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information, it was installed precisely in memory of the tankers who gave their lives in july 4 years, one might say, who became a shield and a sword here during the tank battle, a brass band is a very difficult genre, it’s not amazing that you keep this orchestra, someone leaves, comes, i love passionate people, now there’s a club for folklore lovers on stage.
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did you really come from venezuela itself, of course, then welcome to the world of yodiska, hello! the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy. we study the history of belarus and explore its sights. together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our brasles church we see our main shrine. this is the image of the mother of god of braslav volodarki ozeru. watch on belarus tv channel.
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well, tihan, the light has been pushed away from him, he will rip off the hook
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and knock, why did you blab to him about the deposit, suddenly he demands money, oh, i didn’t do anything. if you give it back, i wouldn’t leave you alive. it seems like he’s not an alcoholic, he didn’t even finish the bottle of red, maybe he liked me as a woman,
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then he knocked, i certainly wouldn’t let him in, but at least i knew. he never knocked, tikhan, here you are, here you are,
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my good ones, hiding. my scoundrels, tikhan dmitriich, that i was scared, oh, nothing, i wasn’t scared, if only you wouldn’t leave me, well, that's a screw up. if you're closing yourself off from me, then don't leave, wow, you're sweet, you're vanilla, you're cold, you're dressed up, you're covered in a little shalubka, i'm going to walk around like a village matryon, maybe
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i want you to like me, but i already like you, i'll just dig in to make a fence on your head, it would be better... braided, stop putting on makeup like a fox, like, about me, happy, saying, you and i are two banks of the same river.
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“i somehow don’t know how, i can’t grab hold of it, just wait
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, i’m here now, for you and me, love, after all, you sold the house in the village in vain, come on let's sit, go, we went in the winter, but why bother leaving home, it's better to sign up for a car, why, yes, you only drive a mercedes, and you have a christmas tree? they were good in the garden, remember, but if we want to relax,
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we can go south, swim in the sea, well , the sea won’t surprise me, i served in the navy, i went overseas, i brought something from abroad, but who would bring it? , we recently went to a workshop with the whole workshop, i actually liked it, yeah, the main content is so understandable, otherwise sometimes you sit there like a fool, it’s not clear at all what is the money for, well done, are you passing on self-criticism, or something like that? too pleased, of course, satisfied, oh, you grabbed such a sailor for yourself, are you quiet? it’s me, mom, yura, hello, mom,
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yurka, yurka, don’t let me strangle you, yurka, yura, well , he’s gotten kind of big, undress quickly, give me your coat quickly, let’s go. are you waiting for someone? no, yurochka, what are you doing? maybe i'm at the wrong time? sit down, sit down. just a minute, i have a train soon. with nikolay gorchy, are you seeing each other, yur? of course, if
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you don’t respect me, you wouldn’t go there, why? yes, he’s probably pouring his last words on me, you know perfectly well that he doesn’t? of course, he is a cultured person, but your mother is an unenlightened fool. yes, why are you doing this, mom, that’s right, yurchika, the womanizer said that you are too proud. i don’t know, i think my grandmother loved me. well, i have to go, mom, yura, you should eat something or drink tea, oh, yes, thank you, i’m in a hurry, well, time is running out, sorry, my imagination didn’t suggest anything witty, thank you, yurochka, you’re good to me , well-mannered boy. well, goodbye, but
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you have a girlfriend, yur, yes, mom, that means i'm coming soon! you’ll turn me into a grandmother, it won’t be long before you calm down, well, i ran, i probably ran to my father, if only i had shown a train ticket, god, why did i offend yura like that again.
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well, wait, tishka, i’ll remind you of this, three-meter, there’s still some, and there’s also a reinforcement bar, i’m sorry, where can i find tikhan dmitrievich here, you can’t walk around here with the little girl, you can kill him. but i really need it, maybe you will do such a favor, call him, he’s unlikely to come down, proud, oh, hey, maina, pick up, pick up, that's good, kubay. why did you show up, but why
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did you, where did you go? did i arrange for you to go, or what? this is what i came up with, i can’t live without you, my son came, i didn’t accept it properly, it’s all because of you, well, in vain, a son is a son, don’t pout, it doesn’t suit you, what should you do now? , since i love you, i asked you to leave work. isn’t it too early to talk about love, the third time you’ll see everything, the fourth time, you’ve calculated, oh, you’re sweet, okay, i have to work, it’s scary that he won’t allow a drunk, nothing
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will happen if he’s sober, okay, go , i wasn’t raided arrange it, otherwise i’ll get angry. lord, this guy took such liberty over me, i don’t recognize myself. sokolov, tikhan dmitrich, 1900 hostess, take
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the job already, your faucet is no longer leaking, but it’s better to change it to a new one, thank you, quiet. i have some kind of household work, well, let’s go wash the repairs and my new dress, look how they started making it, but you can’t tell the difference between an imported one, but it’s time for me to stay quiet, i need to meet my daughter, she doesn’t go to my figure cat, so. .. well, why doesn’t your wife meet you, she also spends time with someone, well, that’s not your thing the thing is, i won’t discuss my wife with you,
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you’re sitting on a velvet sofa, watching a big tv. you’re blaspheming your ex-husband, why did you acquire all this alone, but it’s not enough that he’s still missing and took everything away, oh well, you’re offending me, well, i don’t understand why... what, when you understand, then maybe i won’t offend, don't you be afraid, give them all your money? you yourself are poor, she doesn’t take much,
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she works as an engineer, she has a salary, that’s why he became arrogant because he was an engineer, but no, he probably fell out of love, but do you believe me that i love you? yes, you probably do, but there are different kinds of love, but what else do you need? you’re putting on a show, you’re a beautiful woman, a fighter, but you’re crawling, well , with me. the lock in the closet doesn’t lock, maybe you can fix it, this is more pleasant for you than being with me, comrade sokolov, how do you know that i’m rocks, from a camel, turns out to be a detective,
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well, be healthy, nyuchka, you have a woman, cuba is behaving , sweetie, a note to you.
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ay, i won’t even think of leaving, there will be such a program, there will be a dunk, if only the hard workers don’t let us down, am i really feeling bad, no i know how to work a shift, i would like... to take it, and then i think, well, after all, march 8th. allow me, comrades, to congratulate with special feeling those women whose working anniversary we are celebrating this year. they often work in our team for 30 years. ulyana petrovna baturina. dyadkina, lidia nikolaevna.
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exactly 20 years, comrades, since anna aleksandna dobrokhotova came to our factory. well, it’s all a little girl, don’t i understand that it was you who threw me a holiday? thank
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you, but that's enough, ah, well, what do i have to do with it, you always worked smoothly, well, and what about litki, i after all, she gave everything to production, never even took sick leave, except for women’s work. anna aleksandrovna, there’s a man there asking for you on the phone, me? hello san. comrade sokolov congratulates you, thank you, tihan dmitrovich, yeah, listen, whether you see it or not, i ’m inviting you to visit, you’re kidding me, or something, or you drank, but you would have drunk, but there’s no one with, oh well, buzz , write down the address, i have nothing to write to you, so remember it, don’t you want to? i
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have no complaints, consider it nothing it was, i don’t know you, i’ll come, tish, give me the address.
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tish, tisha, oh, she’s finally come, sweetie, she’s come, where did you call me from, it’s even scary, as if you have a lot of money with you, you’re afraid of being robbed, come on in. you’re the only one here, everyone has left, don’t be afraid, they’re celebrating the housewarming, and you? i'm going under demolition, under a bulldozer, everyone abandoned me, who, my ex-family,
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left. completely, completely, they got a separate apartment, but i’ve been living here alone for 3 days, i took a separate one for myself, they’ll shove you into a shared apartment somewhere, you fool, she left him one bed, i tore off all the chandeliers, they didn’t run into me, come to me, what? yes, why are you angry with me, hush, mocked me, maybe you’re judging by yourself, i
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left everything to them myself. do you think a person can be held back by a sofa before a closet? i ’ve lost more, now i’ll rarely see my daughter, but i didn’t know, but why did you go quiet? well, that means i didn’t fit in as i am, is that you? i agree with anyone, but they have other demands, but why did you call me here, you know, i kept hoping, but now i’m finally convinced. i don't want you
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i’m fine, i have an apartment, the floor is not suitable, ansan, forgive me, maybe i ’m guilty of something in front of you, but nothing will work out for you and me , we’re different, it’s better to be alone. go home, that’s how you receive me, tikhan dmitrievich, and today people congratulated me, gave me flowers, look, they handed me a certificate, and i decided. take it so that you congratulate me on the holiday, then how can i drink it here, let’s go home, dear, it means it’s your holiday, yeah, well, congratulations, thank you, you
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understand your benefits, what do you think, licker cat, if i drink, it means i can love you. well, open it now, come here, yes. well, goodbye, sweetie, sorry it’s a sports holiday.
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great, pick it up, pick it up here, good.
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she asked me if it was that!
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