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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 4:50am-5:35am MSK

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glory to our land, bright name, glory to the people of the prater union, our beloved mother is played, live forever, belarus, our love.
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our beloved mother, your belarus is welcome here, our beloved matsi, pravdiva, this is ours, small.
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from industrial potential to guarantees of regional security, belarus is ready to join the sco family not empty-handed, see paris and go bankrupt, as much as the fifth power.
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for 5 years on the political stage, he became so immersed in humor that for the sake of laughter he sold the country to western authorities. unanimously in charge postscript to the cadence of war. until the last ukrainian, now for a second term, only numbers and collisions of several points of the ukrainian constitution intervened, word to evgeny belausov: this is all that will remain after me, this is all that i will take with me. alas, it was precisely with such achievements that zelensky came to the end of his legitimacy; the talented comic actor was unable or unwilling to keep his promises. i tried
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to do everything so that the ukrainians would laugh. that's what i felt in my heart, that's it. not just mine work, however, was my mission. coming 5 rocks, i will pay everything, ukrainians, so that you don’t cry. everything turned out the other way around for him, he literally drowned the country in tears, selling independence and friendship for a ceasefire in the donbass, and in order for the armed forces of ukraine to no longer die, he said that he was ready to lose popularity, ratings and even his position for the sake of peace. i think that in general everything, everything.
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to somehow maintain his former popularity , he began a media campaign, this is what he does best, the sbu recently reported about the detention of high-ranking employees of the state security department, who allegedly, together with other defendants, were preparing an assassination attempt on the president. of course, nothing worked out for the conspirators, but the responsible services did not lower the level of alarm; they declare a multi-layered operation, the purpose of which is to delgemetize power. a strange statement, considering that zelensky is no longer president.
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promised to build a country of opportunity, where everyone is equal before the law, and the rules of the game are transparent, but in any rule there is an exception, among equals there are more equal, and therefore, corruption in ukraine remains one of the highest in europe, and these are not our words, but the report of pentagon inspector general robert storch. the american military department says that 12% of the aid sent to kiev since the beginning of this year has disappeared. we are ruled by moral and incompetent monsters who steal with blood. incapable of making decisions, unable to give positive motivation, capable of only making the situation worse, things are getting worse and worse with incompetence, theft and inability to give positive, well, positive motivation, explain to people why they are fighting, give hope for the future and so on, everything that worsens, kills business, persecutes
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groups of thinking and dissident people and so on, that’s all, that’s all, this is a diagnosis, and this is a diagnosis for the whole country, incapable stand up more.
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the state as an apparatus, uses it as an open apparatus of terror and violence against this entire population, consider this population. money, begging from the west, which is very profitable from this war, on the other hand,
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the destruction of the entire population as biomass for cannon fodder. but there are fewer and fewer people who want to be that cannon fodder: ukrainian cities are empty, men are hiding in apartments and basements and going to work. there is already a collapse in many areas. well, i probably saw a situation like this on the street now on january 2, it’s clear that the problem is great with human resources, but with people after all. there is a marriage of 282 workers of our utility companies, and to
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this number we added another 16 workers who were recently mobilized, so that 300 today are already 300 are already in need of workers in the armored forces of ukraine, but it’s not so easy to find replacement workers. nothing good can come anymore. i was sick, for 15 weeks he was gone,
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after my sustrich, and what should i tell you about the cause of death, the initial information was about epilepsy, now the initial information is that someone is having an epileptic seizure, now є prisoner, who is in despair, with a skinny child, like she didn’t wait for her dad. i'm ready to kneel right now,
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in front of a skinny woman, because i didn't finish my man, i’ll ask you. but even if something skips a beat in this heart, and zelensky decides to fix at least something, finally, by going to negotiations, one day the moment may come when he finds out... they will throw it all away and say: yes, the illegitimate president signed this, and i
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don’t know this at all, the new president will say, but so far the matter has not reached the new president, just as it has not reached the world, what awaits the illegitimate zelensky and not a single vanga can predict his dilapidated country. it is clear that there is one thing in this story: the ex-head of ukraine did a lot of things such matters that an entire future generation of ukrainians will not be able to understand. evgeny belausov, around the planet. iran's darkest day in the islamic republic was said goodbye to president ibrahim reisi, who died in a plane crash. thanks to the politician, official tehran integrated into shus and brix and resumed contacts with its arab neighbors and african countries. on may 19, a russian helicopter crashed in the mountains in the north-west of the republic on the border with azerbaijan. seven people died on board along with the iranian president, including head of mit. among the causes of the tragedy are a technical malfunction of the aircraft and
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the preliminary results of the investigation into the crash that have already been announced. the general staff of the iranian armed forces made it public. bullets, and the helicopter caught fire only after a collision with the surface of the mountain. at the same time, it is noted that some of the facts related to the disaster will still be verified. president ibrahim reisi was buried on may 23. in his hometown of mishkhet in the northeast of the country, crowds of mourners dressed in black had gathered at the airport the day before on the streets leading to the site burial in the mamariza mausoleum, where raisi himself asked to be buried long before his death. according to preliminary data , about 3 million people came to say goodbye to the president who tragically died in a plane crash.
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the iranians at mawzalea chanted the death of america. several days took place in different parts of the country so that everyone could say goodbye to the president. the day before , about 60 foreign delegations took part in the mourning events in the capital of iran, including 10 at the level of heads of state and 20 at the ministerial level, including the foreign minister of our country sergei oleinik. and the true face of the west. the head of the us state department said that americans do not mourn the death of the iranian leader. but official condolences from the gazdep were a formality. moreover, against the backdrop of a tragedy for millions of people, anthony pancake dared to make a horrifying statement that the people of iran allegedly benefited from the death of their country's president in a plane crash.
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blinken's speech at a congressional hearing was interrupted by protesters against the gas war. they chanted. war criminal and gas butcher. last week, how it became it is known that blinken actually blackmailed the leaders of arab and muslim organizations in the united states behind closed doors. they say their anti-israeli position will lead to the cessation of washington's funding of the world food program. in fact, we are talking about a threat.
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egypt, but israel warned in advance that they would not comply with the court’s decision to terminate. an israeli government spokesman said that quote: no power on this earth can stop us from protecting our citizens from persecuting hamas. ireland, norway and spain announced recognition of the palestinian state, the decision will come into force on may 28. official tel aviv handed notes of protest to these governments. some eu states took israel's side on this issue. france called the recognition of palestine untimely, while germany calls it any. agreeing with israel's anti-semitism. so, now palestine is recognized by 11 eu countries and 13 nato countries. moreover, both recognition and refusal to do so are declared extremely aggressively. minsk is expanding the horizons of cooperation on the international flank. belarus already in july this year plans to become a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization.
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our delegation, led by the minister of foreign affairs, took part in the smith shows meeting in astana. at the minister's meeting. regional security, the formation of a regional anti-terrorist structure, it is planned to hold the next international conference on eurasian security in minsk, at the end of october,
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beginning of november this year. belarus responded with sanctions from the eu countries. our government has decided to introduce forced response measures to the systematic unfriendly actions of the european union and a number of the most aggressive eu states. minsk has been established. a ban on the import of certain goods from latvia, lithuania, poland, the czech republic and estonia, including drinks, cosmetics, dishes, textiles, shoes, this decision does not affect goods imported for personal use, it is regrettable that the continued attempts of these eu countries to become leaders of the western anti-belarusian agenda, indicated in the commentary of the mit. we are talking about restricting freedom of movement people goods, bans on the payment of pensions and alimony, illegality. confiscation of cargo, freezing of assets due to a broad interpretation of sanctions, threats of nationalization of belarusian state property. this includes
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the preparation of militants and forceful scenarios for an unconstitutional coup in our country, restrictions on broadcasting of belarusian media, and the initiation of criminal cases against their own citizens who speak positively about belarus. all this orgy is happening with the tacit consent of the majority of member countries. the eu, whose representatives simply sign the next anti-belarusian demarches prepared by recognized specialists on belarus from vilnius and warsaw, who were supplemented by experts from riga, prague and tallinn. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus once again notes the futility of any sanctions measures, and expects that the eu countries will henceforth soberly evaluate the information of their partners, and the threats allegedly emanating from belarus, and will come to understand that there is no alternative to dialogue with minsk in the interests of stability and security of the entire region. the un general assembly adopted a scandalous resolution on the genocide in srebrryanitsa. the document was promoted by
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representatives of bosnia and herzegovina, germany and rwanda. its co-authors were mainly western countries. 84 states were in favor, 19 were against, including our country. 68 countries abstained. before voting in front of those present. the president of serbia spoke and called not to support the resolution. according to vucic, it is of a political nature and directed against serbia. why did you intimidate the states, who did not want to vote in support of the resolution, saying that if they did not vote, they would not receive your support for assistance in economic and other issues. are these european democratic values ​​or did you think i couldn’t say that? the president of serbia added that... this resolution will open a pandora's box and the un general assembly will be faced with dozens of similar projects. he also recalled that all the people against whom accusations of greasy
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political responsibility were brought on one side, on serbia and its people. georgia will not trade sovereignty and security. this is how the country’s ruling party commented on possible restrictions from the united states due to the law on foreign agents. the statement emphasized. quote: no blackmail will force us to do this. steps against our country. in such conditions, sanctions are only counterproductive, harming only those who imposed them. let me remind you that earlier the us secretary of state said that washington was beginning a review of bilateral relations with georgia in connection with the law on foreign influence adopted in tbilis. tomorrow the georgian parliament will launch the procedure overcoming the veto on the law on foreign agents. if the parliament's legal affairs committee approves it, the issue will be submitted to the plenary session next tuesday. belligerent rhetoric has created discord within nato. the hungarian government is reassessing its role within the alliance, as it does not want to participate in its military
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mission in ukraine. the country's prime minister stated this. viktor orban emphasized that statements by western politicians and journalists indicate that europe is preparing for a war with russia. without revealing details, reported that now working groups at the alliance headquarters in brussels are studying how nato can take part in die hard robert fitz, who survived the assassination attempt, could significantly spoil the plans of the north atlantic alliance. this forecast is published by the financial times. european officials, as the publication assures, fear that the slovak prime minister, who previously opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine and its membership in the military bloc, will be an even more destructive force for nato in the future. the authors of the material recalled that before the assassination attempt, the fitz supported the position of the hungarian leader orban, who... early elections to the british parliament will be held on july 4,
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the prime minister announced. sunak added that they will take place in the most dangerous global environment since the end of the cold war. the reason for the hasty elections is nothing more than a manifestation of elementary cunning. the calculation is that sunak’s opponents may not have time to conduct an effective election campaign. but the strategy is risky. sunak's party is lagging far behind its main rival, the libarists, in the polls. informs the magazine nikiy eizha. whatever the outcome of the early elections, the british are starting to prepare. during the dark times of the national crisis, the government even launched a survival website, where every family is encouraged to provide themselves with an emergency kit; possible risks include flood, pandemic, cyber attack and even nuclear war. and this is all against the backdrop of a statement by the british minister of defense, who called on neutral countries to join nato. first of all, we are talking about ireland, austria, amalta and switzerland, which use nuclear umbrella, but are not members of
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the alliance. check. policy. revanchism in the baltics moved from the demolition of monuments to the desecration of graves. tallinn authorities intend to move 39 graves of soviet soldiers to the outskirts of the capital's memorial cemetery. estonian media reported this. touching military graves is prohibited by international conventions. the estonians found a way out. it is stated that the graves of red army soldiers allegedly interfere with access to the gravestones of estonian military personnel. the russian investigative committee has already opened a criminal case. presented to official tallinn note of protest. france's financial airbag will not work before the big start. on the eve of the olympics, the scheme to see paris die failed. the culprit is the efile tower, or rather the cost of restoring the structure, which turned 135. the national symbol of the fifth republic even went on strike; the high-rise has been awaiting repairs since the pandemic. the pragmatic french, although not
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quickly, found the white light in... emmanuel macron arrived in new caledonia with the announcement of the deployment of another thousand troops, to the two already located on the rebellious archipelago, it all started in paris with the adoption of an extremely controversial law. delivering voting rights not only to the islanders, but also to immigrants from the continent who have been living in new caledonia for more than 10 years. the indigenous population, about 40% of them, decided that in this way they risked losing political influence, or even ending up in the minority, forever losing the chance to defend the right to independence through referendums. protests began, which escalated into a multi-day confrontation with riots,
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pogroms and arson. protester... the airport and roads were barricaded, french shops, restaurants and government buildings were destroyed, houses and cars were burned, and a shopping center was set on fire. at least six people have died and hundreds have been injured in more than a week. local businesses, supermarkets and schools were damaged. only when the situation calmed down a bit did makroun venture to new caledonia , and only after local politicians refused to discuss the situation via video link and demanded that he do so. personal presence, local residents reacted very coolly to the visit, in in supermarkets, food is sold rationed, a number of goods are limited to two units per person, the time spent in the store is limited to 15 minutes, there are queues at gas stations, but instead of agreeing with the protesters to arrange supplies, macron sends in the military. we have to choose food very quickly; they don’t bring vegetables anymore, so we buy frozen food. none of this is simple,
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everything. he sent an army here, but we didn’t ask for it, we are fighting for our country, for our children, i repeat, we stand for the future of our children, and he sends the military here, why, i don’t know, he wanted to send them to ukraine, but he sent them here, we don’t need them, we are capable of defending ourselves. by sending in troops, paris is trying to maintain control. caledonia after losing influence in mali, niger and burkina fasso. according to various sources, the archipelago contains from 20 to 30% of the world's reserves of extremely valuable nickel. in addition, the territory is an important foothold for france in the indo-pacific region, so paris has a lot to lose. that's why it was started reform of the voting system to give voting rights to citizens not interested in the independence of the archipelago.
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as a result of the negotiations. macron said he would postpone the reform until better times. for now, the priority is to maintain relative order in the archipelago until the olympics. case, also for safety reasons, they checked the lists of torchbearers, making it the 13th olympic torch relay, they canceled it just in case of exceptions, but they left the following characters: this is an artist performing in the drag queen genre, he is pictured together with the first assistant to the mayor of paris. the transvestite chose to run with a torch full. combat equipment, dress, corset, wig, heels, even on the red carpet of the cannes film festival, the appearance of the olympic flame did not look nearly as impressive. the relay will end on july 26 at the opening ceremony of the games. to protect the skies over paris,
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there will be an anti-drone parade system during the event. but during the tests she suffers one failure after another. it lets drones through, but responds to air conditioners. safety is the main concern. pain organizers of the olympics. to maintain law and order during the games, 20 thousand soldiers, 4,500 internal security officers, as well as police and gendarmerie officers are called up. they also employ about 2.0 employees of private security agencies. this did not prevent, however, the theft of a laptop with confidential information related to the protection of athletes directly in the olympic village. but there are also the notorious rat bugs, the population of which is not decreasing. homeless illegal immigrants are being taken out of paris by bus, their tents are being demolished. this is the real social
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purge because people are not offered an alternative, they are simply making room for a beautiful paris postcard. city residents are not being evicted. the minister of transport simply asked them to move out during the games and switch to remote work. as some metro stations will be closed. another reason for outrage is qr codes. only they give access to some streets 2 and a half hours before the start of the competition and an hour before its end. as for the guests of the olympics, instead of new metro lines, they will be treated to more expensive ones. game tickets and skyrocketing public transport fares. that's if it works. transport unions are already on strike, demanding higher wages and better working conditions, and they are not the only ones. trade unions, one after another , are inviting the authorities to reconsider the terms of contracts with workers. the high costs of organizing the olympic games are difficult to comprehend when revenues cannot keep pace with rising prices and social
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programs suffer from underfunding. will paris be able to honorably in such conditions? to host the olympics and will become the main intrigue of the upcoming games. tatyana volkova, around the planet. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus-1 and belarus 24. what to do if you add salt to your dishes, this request in the search engine risks being separated. with its popularity. now a smart spoon will help gourmets give up salt in the white death brackets. a smart nutritionist originally from japan in an asian country , the amount of consumption exceeds 10 g per day. and this is a double disregard
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for the recommendations of the university. the new gadget is deceiving your taste buds. thanks to the metal elements, a weak electrical discharge is transmitted. it acts on sodium ions on the tongue, enhancing the taste of salt. the weight of the device is 60 g. from batteries may not be the discovery of the century, but your cardiovascular system, pain and the numbers on the scales will be immensely grateful to you, what else has happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what you should definitely find out about, a special selection prepared for you by yana mendelev, caught and euthanized, who is behind the relocation of white rhinos, like medals only for... how dogs conquered the carpet, furry companions, where the tailed race took place, who won the competition among nap lovers, we will find out together in the next few minutes. the great migration of white
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rhinos. in south africa, animal rights activists transported 40 individuals from a commercial farm to the muniwana nature reserve. specialists caught and temporarily euthanized the animals, after which they were placed in special containers for transportation. the rhinoceroses woke up in an area similar to their natural environment. we hope that we have it will be possible to increase the total population of white rhinoceroses, at least by...
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kurzh residents together with their pets took part in a race in polyustrovsky park, there were two distances of 1.3 km, after which everyone relaxed together on the lawn. the director of the sports center of the krasnogvardeisky district noted that the event was held for the thirteenth time. in 2017, we decided to hold a charity race between man and dog, to attract the attention of our residents to the pet shelter. so we did a race, and three shelters took part in it. and the residents who do not have their own dogs, took dogs from
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the shelter to run a distance, for this they would need to go to the shelter in advance to get to know these dogs, take a walk, bring them food, well, even after the first case, after the first run there were cases when the dogs were taken home. among other things, st. petersburg residents with their furry companions went through obstacle courses and took part in a win-win lottery. at first it seemed that the residents of this thai town were lucky; lovely people settled there. monkeys with dark tufts on the head, with a light mustache and even sideburns. to look at the neighborhood of people, macaque tourists got into the habit of visiting, their flow was growing, bringing additional income to the forehead of the storm and its inhabitants. but covid happened. the tourists disappeared, but the monkeys, which already numbered in the thousands in the city, remained. in an attempt to get food for themselves, the animals began to attack people and brazenly steal food from stores. we have to catch enterprising primates, but the task is not easy. monkeys have developed
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intelligence, if some monkeys entered into cell for food, then others outside quickly realize that they will fall into a trap and cannot be caught. monkey-eating macaques are protected in the country, people are prohibited from causing any harm to the animals, so very comfortable conditions have been created for their reproduction, although this species is quite modest in size, these monkeys are very voracious, and in the absence of crabs they are content with snail insects.
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and then not wake up for as long as possible, despite the various irritating factors created by the organizers. the judges fanned participants were fanned out and brought to the kitchen tape recorders, recorded with the annoying buzzing of a fly or bumblebee. those who were able to be awakened were automatically eliminated from the competition. i was so happy, there was such a sense of awareness of the importance of rest and good sleep. reading between the strict, our hero in the time of lermontov firmly decided, no matter the stage or screen, he would become the figure of officer pechorin. russian authors gave the guy a favorite ticket to shchepkinskoye. the admissions committee even prophetically turned a blind eye to the speech impediment. graduate engaged in a contemporary, he served this scene for a damn dozen seasons, played on the small armored vehicle. in 1967, based on akudzhava’s script, he appeared
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in the war film zhenya, zhenechka and katyusha. another theatrical masterpiece by evgeny sabolevsky directed by birman. a geek teacher could handle any genre from high tragedy to comedy. in the seventies , the jester from king lear was added to his filmography. his type in the movies is an intuitive logical extrovert, as socionics experts say a typical donquixote. he chose life in the scenery of a tragicomedy. on his passed away in his fortieth year. the date of the week is may 25th. 83rd birthday of the great actor oleg dahl. you've looked around the planet, thank you. that you were and are staying with us, go to the website, watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency online, goodbye, the boy cupid walks with a quiver full of arrows, he knows the business well, he has sharp arrows,
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my god, well you can’t take everything so personally . i'm done with you, take off your glasses, i've already forgotten what kind of eyes you have.
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the flag, coat of arms and anthem are a connection and involvement to belarus, the country exists as long as the symbols are honored, live forever in belarus.
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