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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 5:35am-6:00am MSK

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main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2 and a half per second. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of electronic devices, integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we we constantly monitor messages. information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , this team is welcomed and present here.
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work without teamwork , it is almost impossible to produce science-intensive products, see the project, quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. zoya kosmedemyanskaya, participant in the great patriotic war. in october 1941, as a tenth grade student, she voluntarily went to the front. as part of reconnaissance sabotage groups, she carried out missions in behind enemy lines, participated in mining roads, blowing up bridges and crossings, and destroying wire communication lines. on november 29, while carrying out a combat
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mission, zoya was captured by the nazis, the girl was subjected to severe torture and bullying, but in spite of everything, she did not betray either her goals or her comrades to the enemy. the girl was silent and only said that her name was tanya. after prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya.
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the cathedral of st. hannah in mosary - an fashioned classic that has grown from ancient legends sing the antique, national-patriarchal style that is popular.
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the collection was published in 1792 with the money of the owner of mos robert and hanna brzhastowski. the choice of a classic style would have been made, for the sake of publicity. the jesuic mission, which at that moment was already 200 years old on these lands. at the end of the 18th century, the ideology of the order of jesus christ began to experience fundamental changes. first of all, this has emerged in architecture. the ezuites
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practically admired the hell of baroque forms and began to demonstrate the old age racialism is based on simple methods, especially based on monumental classicism. the region, in which we know mosar, is falling, well , yes, let’s say so, not just empty , but there is enough of the hell of the weak centers, and in general, that such brilliant stories appear there architecture, but it’s time at 18 stagodzi, kali geta there is a temple, there would be no center for...
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the 790th reptile knew rach paspalitay, you know that just a year or two ago there was no kastyushki and no liquidity tsyya dzyarzhavy, and once again that's what we say it was completed in the most familiar way, in the end , in the baroka style. the church of st. hannah is simple in plan, covered with two-shelf laman dakhas. the front façade is as well as the back. the side of the budynka is completed with high three-cornered pediments, divided into three sections with canile plaster. the campanic center of the façade is carved with prosthetic-coal doorways and arched window openings, on the tanks there are square panels,
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nadarachny squadrons with sculptures of saints. large flat facades, rhythmic dissected windows on the surface. eight. that the plan is rectangular, it has a farmed apse, which is so squarish, there are no protrusions, no rounded, no convexities, which is extraordinary in baroque architecture, well, without this it was not soft, everything is great i’m simple, but everything is the same in this hall, i’m fine, i’m happy with everything well, play out the theme of the transept, roof. replaced the most ancient russian traditions in the 18th century , the architecture of classicism became a national-patriarchal style, which was used by the russian empire. classicism is created and
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fundamentally antique architecture and not only elements and mats, but also materials and structures. asnova architectural language - order z yago plan. over the past 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is a good advertisement on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet
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space, saying: “come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so our democracy is focused on every citizen." there is no international law, it is destroyed, so who is right? the one with more power has tactical nuclear weapons - this is precisely the most important deterrent factor that prevents these hotheads from starting some kind of provocation or military aggression against our country. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises. today we are already installing elevators with a cabin speed of up to 2 and a half per second, and this
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allows us to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus this is generally unique the company is the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to something to strive for. to everyone, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary, corrective measures are developed, first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here , without teamwork, it is almost impossible to produce high-tech products, watch the project quality mark on the tv channel belarus 24.
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in practice, traditions adhere to ancient ideas of harmony and measures, classicism would be its own self-sufficiency, so as to stratify the renaissance harmony of adzinism and reason. there were strong and tendencies and aesthetic experiences of the light as a harmonic goal. such panics, such as civility and personality, humanity and nature, elements and savagery in classicism, are becoming increasingly exclusive, which are close to those captured by all cardinal atrocities in the world look and style from baroka, like a dachshund svyadomastsyu ўseagulnaga discord, narodzhanaga z kryzіsam.
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the dzyakyuchy kalya halojnaga is a copy of the famous sculpture of michelangelo piet. the scale and the layout itself make this sculpture look daminantai to the halo centers of the injection. and from now on you look at the temple on navacolla, just like this revealing, just like this magnificent sculpture of the italian genius. the small hall is covered with a chandelier glaque and frizzes
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of syringes, in addition to which floral ornaments are carved. on the flat altar stage the pendants are arranged to resemble a crucifix with buttons. the interior features 14 garrelief paintings on the theme of the gooseberry path of christ. the altar is decorated with four-calon portions with entablatures at the center. in terms of measures, it’s so weak, and in terms of architectural forms, it’s a combination of popular
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values ​​and classical architecture here , it’s absolutely unbreakable, and the entire finished structure of the hall is clearly cut up from a professional record, not just a package zena so, geta, darechy, it would have been folded, there are such parameters, well, such great requirements bad news. and all this construction, yana padveshvaetsa and blood for the roof, and there everything is dirty, dirty, the scenes are empty, there is a solution of extinguisher, and all this kanstruktsyya is easy, yana fallen and kanstruktsy yeah. sabor akruzhany kamennay
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arkaturnay agarojay. on the right side there is a three-tiered chalk-timbered tent banner flanking it. the first tier of the tower is carved from butavag mura, the upper tsaglyans, and atynkavans are made from archaic primordial stones. the stone dachshunds of the arach gates are completed with stepped butts, polasters and polished cornices. the most important stylistics of classicism, this date and the exterior and interior of the building have been washed out. the temple strives to create peaceful harmony in its calm, strict, architectural and decorative forms. in the 18th century, the principles of classicism changed with
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the spirit of aesthetics and secularism. architecture has a zvart and a natural character. this results in the development of a structural design of orchard elements of the campasis, and the interiors of a flexible flexible floor plan of a comfortable building. ideal iago there is a park in the area, and a small architectural form is added to the aesthetic accents. that's because you're a puberty there, of course, it's absolute classicism with laconic decoration, with stacy. from the revelations, just like the packaging of christ, from the knocking of such garel-reliefs, but if we look at the earliest evolution, then there were many early trotters in the baroque style. we often say that the geta kastsel vynіk shadannya, vynіk, let’s say so, імкненьяў bzhastoўskaga, because most of the time
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there are yašče i palace getai samāj’i, đetai samaj razina. darechy, ganna, iago zhonka was no less famous for the plyatar family, we here recognize emilia, plyatar and all the astatine udzelnika paustanya, then this side of the people of the dachshund with the great acreslenaya pazitsyya, people who bore justice for gety edge. rysy classicism ў architecture beruts svae matyvy ў tradytsyakh antychnastsі, vasablennym staў façade of the greek temple or roman history of sportsmen. plans and facades are symmetrical to the outside of the living room. the façade has a light palette, since white colors serve to accentuate architectural features elements, polasters, portions that
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form the tectonics of the building. when you look at the façade, the great elements are important, the flatness on which the polasters are wide with canals is obvious, such a cannulation is a simple complaint, a bulge, a tsunami from the bottom and the top of the same pelasters, and when we leave the interior...
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in all directions at the hour of the day the cascel is found to be closed, navat at the savetskaya bastards. in 1989 , the legendary priest yuzas bulka became the goal of the church of st. hannah. not only the annals of the temple and mixed together with them, and also a very important life. na jump and kascela.
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. there was no one left there, everyone went their separate ways, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we organized
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first here in our village, then i was in the city of lida at the opening of such a creative space, i also had a lot of fashion shows there, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love syria subconsciously. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio , each of them... has a question for an adult: please tell me, what did you dream of becoming when you grow up? i wanted to become a flour truck driver. they say that in the army the food is
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healthy, filling, but not always tasty. well, i probably won’t do any advertising, i’m just inviting you to a meal at our svorod military school. the heroes of the program will open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all the original ones, and sometimes not... yes, it takes, you can teach me, the chin is higher, step is a preliminary command, that’s right, the body bends forward,
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look at the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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good morning, belarus. good morning, belarus, get up. yes.


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