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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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good morning belarus, good morning belarus, rise, yes! wake up, good morning,
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friends, a new day on the belarus tv channel, one of the satellite tv channel belarus 24, we meet you today, anna quiloria mariana murenkova and today, if you suddenly woke up and don’t know, it’s really monday may 27 at 6:00 and this day is unique. anna keloria will now tell you why. yes, friends, the last week of spring has begun, which means that the school year is coming to an end. over the weekend , the bell rang in schools for ninth and tenth grades. last. elephant for the tenths, not for the elevenths, oh, elevenths, i 'm sorry, ninth elevenths, exactly, well, yes, we congratulate all the graduates, we wish them an easy path in choosing a profession, and good luck in passing the exams, in fact, when i saw it at the weekend , when there were questionnaires with tapes, i think, what a blessing, 25 years ago i graduated like yesterday, but this is really school - it’s a joy, friends, a little about numbers, who is a very diligent mathematician, will now calculate how much maryana vasilyevna years, friends. in general, of course,
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we will remember the graduates more than once today, but for now let’s start our broadcast with good music, everything will be good, all at once. but the rules are turned off, navat sunsa na shera scyane, geta daubed for me in the same way, don’t give up, try, everything will be good, geta kazha to me sertsa, the sky changing your stake. i know the tears, the poison, everything will be
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good, i feel the winds, the water is bright in the morning, the relish of my cake is clear, the gloom will not end, yana... you are the most beautiful garad that is in the wild, i yelp, i poop, let everything be good, let me tell you dearly, don’t change your color, sell bad ones.
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edzi, everything is good, i smell the winds, i drink the water, the taste of my bread is clear, let everything be good! everything is good, how can i be good, the sky is changing its color, the heat is aprana, its kist, looks, everything is good, i smell the winds, i will be a lizard. the taste of my bread is clear, everything
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will be good.
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in the heading home we will look for owners for a charming dog. day of bold decisions. what choice in people's lives was the most difficult, we find out in the question of our anna ganzhur. what a useful survey, someone will look at it and think, but i don’t have any problems at all. in fact, this is a treasure trove of amazing stories, please don’t miss this survey, in fact, don’t miss our entire broadcast, because today we’ll also have beautiful representatives of the security service coming, this year they met in mogilev, where the third miss security department competition, nimogay, was held, and today
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a decade of cybersecurity begins in our country, which will last until june 5, more about the event, at the beginning three o'clock, we'll talk to the deputy chief... hello, the main rule of the morning: breakfast should be delicious, and today we are preparing an incredibly simple and incredibly tasty dish, hot sandwiches with potatoes will help out when there is not enough time to stand at the stove for a long time,
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they are prepared easy and fast, and if you consider that they contain the most common ingredients, then on a budget, for this... we will need bread, potatoes, onions, chicken eggs, cheese, dill, salt, spices, cut a loaf or baguette thin slices, peel and grate the potatoes , also grate the cheese, chop the dill and onions, combine the potatoes, onions, cheese and dill in a separate bowl. add two eggs to the mixture, salt to taste, mix everything thoroughly until all ingredients are evenly distributed, apply a layer of potato filling to the loaf slices, heat a large dry frying pan over high heat, grease with vegetable oil,
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place the sandwiches on it with the filling down, fry until golden brown for minutes 5-7 then turn the slices over and fry on the other side. before browning, excellent hot sandwiches for breakfast are ready, fried grated potatoes with onions on slices of bread, something between potato pancakes and sandwiches, it turns out very tasty, appetizing and of course filling. i am sure you will definitely like this recipe, bon appetit! tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications: may is rich in emotions for school graduates, two significant events will happen in their lives at once, last call and centralized exam,
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applicants will write the first today in order to reduce the degree of tension, sb belarus correspondents today told what students should expect, behind the scenes from the checkpoint to the audit. already on the pages of the publication. participants in centralized testing will also find the information useful. for the first time, ce and ct are held on the same days. in conditions of illegitimate sanctions. pressure from the west on belarus and russia, issues of import substitution have acquired a strategic nature, the authors of restrictive measures are purposefully trying strangle our economy, but their efforts are even. the falling imports, as one of the components of the sanctions, the fraternal countries have now actively begun to replace their own products, while the departure of western companies from the market of the union state has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers to develop import-substituting products, including food. and goods. the newspaper respublika found out how the country's food industry has adapted to new conditions and how
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imported analogues of the sweets and delicacies beloved by belarusians are being replaced. rabies - one of the most dangerous infectious diseases of a viral nature, it occurs with severe damage to the nervous system and usually ends in death . every year , more than 55,000 people die from rabies around the world. the virus is released into the external environment. saliva of an infected animal. human infection occurs when an animal bites or salivates on damaged skin or mucous membranes. cases of human illness as a result of bites from an apparently healthy animal that continues to remain so for a long time have been described. time. read about the methods of preventing a dangerous disease in the banner. a capsule wardrobe is a necessary basis that allows you to put an image together, but despite its mathematical precision and words. for skeptics, it is by no means boring and has a reference to both time and season. thanks to a few
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simple rules that you need to determine for yourself, from the very beginning you can not only look decent, but also clean up your closet, get rid of unnecessary things and avoid buying useless things. the main secret and advantages of the capsule combining the same things in different variations creates completely different images. as a result, a new outfit for the same money. the basic rule of the base is that a thing must. to take into account the three or four you already have, read how to put together a capsule wardrobe in the national newspaper. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince iyazlav is associated with the emergence of one of the most ancient cities of belarus, zaslavl. this city. was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what
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was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. she especially educated the younger generation. another important shrine of the monastery is its relics, we will tell and show it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. dobrar dann i. belarus. good ranitsa
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belarus, good morning, country. as you understand, from this mise-en-scène, if maryana vasilievna is there, and anna valerievna is here, then it's going to be nice weather now. yes, maryana vasilievna. this is miss logic. yes, of course, now we will talk about the weather, if anyone has already gone outside, they feel this flair of summer. so, today the air will warm up to 28 degrees in the minsk region. there is the same situation, and not surprisingly, record levels in vitebsk, no, excuse me, in gomel there are record temperatures, up to 30, in vitebsk up to 29 heat, in grodno,
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information, yes, today a public reception will begin work at the belarusian children's fund, until june 1, anyone can receive consultations with various specialists on issues related to children, family and children's rights protection. as part of the work of the public reception, all consultations are free of charge and the schedule of specialists’ appointments can be found on the foundation’s website. yes, it was the belarusian children's fund in 1988 that initiated the celebration of the international children's day in belarus. for 36 years, on the eve of june 1 , childhood week has been celebrated throughout the republic. yes, some guys have already said goodbye to childhood at the last bell of school. this year in fact, one could say, more than 55,000 young people will become or have already graduated from the eleventh grade; more than 108 are graduating from the ninth grade. we
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once again wish all the graduates good luck for the centralized exams, just for the final exams. the main thing is not to worry at all. it will be good, you have already learned everything, yes, you know everything, remember this, and what you don’t know, it’s already, as they say, too late, yes, our correspondent, alesya buyarskikh, decided to share with the graduates this exciting moment of farewell to the school all the details reflected in her plot, look, tomorrow adult life awaits them, but today a beautiful holiday in their favorite school, bouquets, beautiful dresses, tears in their eyes, the last bell, for graduates of the ninth-eleventh grades at secondary school number 52 in minsk was bright and unforgettable parents, teachers, as well as honored guests came to congratulate the children. we have one of the largest schools in the city of minsk, we graduate 10 ninth grades and two eleventh grades, that’s almost 400 graduates, the guys have done quite a lot of work,
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the teachers worked hard, tried hard, we put a lot of effort into the children. schoolchildren and teachers began to prepare for such an important event in advance. today we will surprise, our teachers have prepared a performance for their graduates, we hope that they will really like it. we prepared for the last bell very carefully, we had such thorough preparation for a whole month, we came in the evenings, rehearsed, stayed after classes. they say that last call is a sad holiday, right? in fact, well, on the one hand, yes, because for so many years you you spend time with people, now we are graduating, we most likely will not see each other again, on the other hand, and joyfully, because you are so looking forward to this moment, i will miss you, because school is a second home and teachers have already become almost like a mother, i will never
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forget all my school days, all my misdeeds. because we have already matured, many are already leaving, and this is all very sad, you are entering adulthood, but i would really like to return to first grade, well, you will come back to me, yes, first-graders also joined in the congratulations, during the ceremony, they wished the graduates to boldly enter adulthood and not be afraid of anything. we also wish you that you never forget your school in any region. what would you wish to your fellow graduates? i would wish that everything would be good for them in the future, that they would become better. and i would wish my friends that everyone who wanted to enroll would do well,
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go where they want, i would probably wish them success in life and further advancement. firstly, i want to say that our classmates are leaving for college, some, some leave in the eleventh, well, tenth grade, this is to say that you wish them good luck, let’s say, when entering college, because this is a difficult matter, you wish everyone good luck, but good luck and what you worked for, and what is it college there is no children's life here, as they say, so that they enter and in general, so that they have a white streak, remember how you went to first grade? of course, in first grade, first grade is a new feeling, you understand that you are entering, this is the second stage of a new life, you also remember your first textbook, well, maybe yes, so what what kind of textbook was this? well, let it be mathematics, not literally, i started first grade in 2015, i was about six years old, there were a lot of people then, and i was little, parents,
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grandparents, barely holding back tears, wished all the best to their beloved graduates, that would you wish your child in adulthood, patience, probably good luck, do you remember your last call, such moments? wonderful republic, now he has grown up and become worthy citizens of our
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climax: the farewell roller will ring the last bell, ahead exciting time, exams for admission to selected universities, lyceums and colleges. our program also joins in the congratulations and wishes the graduates all the best for their lives. way, that you want to ask again and something is not clear, and what did you listen to when she explained everything, well , what did you say, inaudibly and inaudibly, they find it so funny, but you have no time for school at all in your head , love, love, in your soul the test is empty, the test, again you are writing at your desk, this is not my note, everyone is sitting on the last one parti, what kind of sound is that, i don’t understand something. this is your last call, he is your love, no one will know, you hear, no one will know, and this is your last call, and your first love,
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girl, excellent student, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last call, he is your love, no one finds out, you hear, no one will find out, and this is your last call, and your first love is an excellent girl, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, for your last call. and he is your love, no one will know, you hear, no one will know, and this is your last call, and the first love the girls are excellent students, but everything doesn’t matter anymore, it’s a stupid story, but still you sit and study, you died, you’re now aware of all the rules, yeah, now you know everything, now you’re a graduate, but you don’t know what life is, what in wrong. there’s a medal on her neck, but she doesn’t care, because it’s boring and wrong, everything happens somehow, but after 5 minutes she has a graduation certificate medal, but it’s
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no longer important, this is your last call, he’s your love, no one doesn’t know, you hear, no one will know, and this is your last call, and your first love, an excellent girl, wants everything it doesn’t matter anymore, this is your last one... today, may 27, starts a centralized exam in a subject of choice for eleventh grade graduates, today they will take physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, foreign language, history of belarus, world history, modern times, geography and social studies, why am i so joyful and positive? because you don’t pass this, no, we naturally also passed all this and were also worried, i want to say, there should be positive joy so that you really
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don’t worry, because anxiety prevents you from taking the knowledge that you have to the first stage, how to force yourself not to worry, but take a deep breath, understand that everything passes, yes, that you are ready, that you know everything and go to the exams, yes, this thursday the thirtieth. graduates will test their knowledge in an exam in the belarusian or russian language, that is, my friends, we wish, in addition to the same peace of mind that maryana murenkova said, more opportunities, and i don’t know, good health, to show all their knowledge, because you know that if you feel good, if you are cheerful, if you got enough sleep, then even somewhere from the most hidden corners of your consciousness , ram or long-term memory, you will get that same knowledge from above. i don’t want to wish life to the graduates, let this be the greatest excitement in your life, but for now we are moving to the south, precisely in the east.
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coast of africa, yes, two bongos, the largest representatives of the genus, bred in captivity, were released into the popular kinya nature reserve forest antelopes, there are less than 100 individuals left in the wild, the reservation is currently surrounded by a fence, this helps protect the bong from predators. in the near future, keepers intend to reduce food portions and the antelopes will have to learn to get food themselves. the bongo breeding program began in 2004 . at that time there were 18 animals in the reserve. since... just brought from the usa, over the past years 24 individuals have been sent into the wild, they promise to release several more in the near future, when there are enough animals, they will get used to it and learn to get food, they plan to remove the fence in the reserve, what beautiful antelopes, don’t you think that their coloring is similar to those painted animals that they try to draw with chalk the coloring of a zebra, this is some kind of miracle of nature.
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well, our broadcast continues with the profession section, let’s go to sergei zhuk’s workplace. my name is sergey zhuk, i work at a gear manufacturing company, i hold the position of section manager of the mechanical repair shop. my day starts at 5:40 am, i don't i like to get ready for a very long time; i ’m at the plant at about 6:40. well, actually, this is my workplace, of course, there is not much space here, but actually there is enough for work.
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here i have my change magazine. here we record all the work that we have done, so that later we can close the shells, all our employees work on the deal, look, we actually have this kind of work, i don’t know, in principle it should fit on your machine, because that this is an emergency job, the machine is standing still, it is necessary, the faster the better. well, actually, our equipment is divided into categories, that is, let’s say we have gear cutting machines here, here we have a group of lathes, then there’s a metalworking section, that is, you can come and see, let’s say, what we do, what parts we make, basically a very large equipment, volumetric, this is actually...
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some of the parts that we make for the forge shop. i also love my job because the range of manufacturing parts is very wide. there is no work that we do constantly, that is, something every day new, it’s very interesting, very motivating, very developing. uh, on this machine we are currently processing a crankshaft for a forging press. in general, our work is more important for our plant society, and i believe that this is an important, important aspect, i love my job because it makes the morning of my country good.
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whoever believes, i don’t believe it myself, it’s either good or bad, i have seven fridays a week and 13 months a year, my sky is blue with diamonds, it will bring me something in life, i... may be anointed for baptism , in general, i'm happy, that's all, i'm happier than anyone, i'm happy for years, i'm happy, am i lying, so happy we'll leave, i'm happy like no one, i'm 100 years happier, i'm... happy, i'm not
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lying, and so happy we are i’ll leave, someone knows, i myself don’t know where the ending is, there’s a stripe somewhere. behind which there are only the gates of heaven, and behind them just heaven, and for now the whole sky is only in the stars, not in a dream, and she told him that for my life, i’m just, i’m happy that i live, i’m happier than anyone, i'm happy yo , i'm happy, i'm not lying. we are so happy i’ll leave, i’m happier than anyone, i’m happy for 100 years, i’m happy, i’m not lying, so happy we’ll leave,
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i’m happy like no one, i’m happy, it’s summer, i’m happy i’m libru, so happy we ’ll leave. i’m as happy as anyone, i’ve been happy for 100 years, i’m happy, i share, and so happy i’ll leave, happy as you are,
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we’re happy, my home. this is the one who wins well in almost every competition, this is the champion, this is the one who wins, participates in various competitions, in
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the game, maybe a competition, on tv look at competitions, well, somehow with this i still... well, in short, i don’t know any champions, you need to practice a lot, then everything will work out for you, and you will become an athlete, you need to learn well, train more, well you need to study very well, prepare very well for this, train, well, do exercises, eat healthy vitamins,
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as always, my mother and i myself say, the main thing is not victory, but participation.
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good morning belarus. good ranitsa belarus, good morning country, we again tell you these beautiful morning words and nakveloria mariana murengova, today, in case you suddenly forgot, we are welcoming a new monday, a new week, it is unique, because the last week of spring, it will be held in a very good mood and at very high temperatures, that’s right, friends, in the republic up to +30, well, in the meantime, on may 24 , a new large-scale project was launched, the time of the first,
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unusual emergency situations, that is, they will be taught a lot, so this project is very important, both for the workforce, our leading factories in the country, and for us themselves. among the participating enterprises are engineering giants, large equipment manufacturers, modern manufacturers and exporters of rut fertilizers. for 3 days, their employees immersed themselves in the atmosphere of everyday life of the ministry of emergency situations. the tournament is aimed at strengthening fire safety knowledge and developing conservation skills.
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and further we suggest recalling the biography of the scientist who received the nobel prize not only in the field of chemistry, but in the field of physics, the person who changed the world, maria skladovskaya curie. maria skladowska curie was born in 1867 in warsaw, then it was city ​​of the russian empire, in order to receive higher education, she had to go to paris, graduating with honors from sarbon, she began researching the magnetic properties of steel. a colleague in this work turned out to be the physicist pierre
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curie, who soon became her husband. together they began to study the radiation of metals, introduced the concept of radioactivity and discovered the radioactive element polonium. experimenting with uranium ore, they isolated a radiating element from it, which they called radium, and proposed using radiation to treat cancer. curie therapy became the basis for radiation therapy, which is still used today. for their success in the study of radioactivity, marie and pierre curie received the nobel prize in physics in 1903. in 1906, maria, having experienced depression after the death of her husband, began teaching at the university of paris, and 5 years later she received a second nobel prize, this time in chemistry. for the last 10 years of her life, she suffered from constant fatigue and illnesses, the cause of which at that time could not be determined about the dangerous properties of radio and... not yet knew. in 1934, marie curie died of
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aplastic radiation anemia. her personal belongings and scientific archives still emit radiation, so they are stored in lead boxes. she was recognized as the most influential woman in history. she became sarbona's first female professor. and her scientific discoveries gave a new round to the development of knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry, and medicine. the first woman to win a nobel prize. she is the first person to be awarded this prize twice and the only one to receive it in two different sciences, physics and chemistry. maria skladovskaya curie, the woman who changed the world. and yet, you look at such a story and once again admire women, that they can be good housewives, beauties, these are the nobel prizes for nobel laureates, yes, absolutely true, so women, yes, we are capable of a lot, remember this , when you... maybe somewhere you feel sad for a second, but right now we
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are continuing the conversation about people who want to change this world and thereby go down in history. the film from the belarus film studio took first place on the twenty-ninth international film festival for children in samara. the film by filmmakers directed by kirill khaletsky won in the category of best feature film in the international program. the comedy tells the story of the young director kolya, who is obsessed with the dream of making his own original film. international film festival for children. organized in 1996 with the aim of introducing the younger generation to the achievements of world children's cinema, educating culture, film perception, identifying new achievements in children's cinema. at the festival. the students themselves choose the best professional films, adult experts evaluate children's works. the festival also included screenings of films from russia, iran, china, serbia, belgium, india, kazakhstan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. in general, it was crowded and very interesting. and right now the festival is straight to the ball. american fashion designer anthony rubio, known for his
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unusual costumes for pets, held the second ball, petgala. in which , who do you think is correct, 18 dogs took part. how from... goal, what a goal, but in any case this animals are very lucky because they have owners, they have a warm home, they finally have beautiful clothes, but there are also animals that don’t have all this, they really want to find their way home, let’s get to know them right now beautiful vasilisa,
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good morning, meet the smiling dog named vasilisa, this smart girl is only 2 years old, and today she will be looking for her way home. vasilisa is a positive spark of goodness, she will easily take the grand prix in the competition to melt human hearts, because this beauty, when she sees a passerby , immediately runs to meet him, while joyfully wagging her tail, in the hope of finally meeting her future owner. this is... the girl is a smart, active dog, between offers to run and lie down, she will choose first. vasilisa behaves well in the house, doesn’t spoil anything, is accustomed to walking outside twice a day, and prefers both dry and natural dog food for food. this is a beautiful companion dog. she
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cannot live a day without hugs and kisses. in vos. lisa is absolutely healthy sterilized, vaccinated and treated for parasites, friendly to other dogs and even cats. vasilisa is accommodated at home , without enclosures and chains, both in a large friendly family and with a lonely person who is in search of a faithful four-legged friend. vasilisa is really looking forward to meeting her future owner. take a closer look at this girl from...
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aeroport ulitai. a million times, and i wonder how you managed, and i don’t know, not to be a minute late,
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but where were you before, and where was i before, and how could i live like this, i... i don’t understand where you used to be where i was before, let’s not lose each other this time, i’m leaving the airport, half of my heart. i will lose yianant in the white snows of our land. but where were you before, and where was i before, and how i could live like this, i don’t understand, but where
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were you before and where was i before, let’s not lose a friend on this one. the body is the core or base, this is the core, no one has called the tummy that way yet, let’s start without unnecessary preludes, in general we need muscles, abs in order to hold our spine in any position, somewhere bend over and do these movements without any problems, and the first thing we will start with is we lie down: we lie down on the mat, we push our heels towards us and we lie down with our backs completely on the floor, which is also important to do pasha,
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the main thing you know is not they will wake up later at 8 am, where am i, this is the most important thing, in order not to fall asleep, you can put your hands behind your head, or you can fold your arms on your chest, if we take hold of our heads, then we do not pull ourselves with our heads, but try, as it were, to save the distance between your chin and chest is a fist's length, yes, so it should be constantly. you didn’t pull yourself by the head, it’s more convenient for me to do it this way, and it will just be a regular twisting, that is, we don’t need to rise completely, because there is already a stiffness in the movement of the press, it is lost, we twist, that is, we twist like a rug, so we we pump the whole press or the whole press, the press does not work in a vacuum, that is, it works from the bottom up, all the movement is completely here, the most important thing is also breathing, that is, when we rise to the top, we exhale, pasha, why is it so important not twist your neck, right? many people out there, i don’t know, professional rehabilitators say: it’s very important in the morning to straighten your neck on the contrary inward, as if
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to say correctly, lord, but here , after you spend, i don’t know, five minutes on exercises, constantly hold yourself by the neck, it will painful sensations arise, can i climb into your territory, also of course, because when you raise your neck, and you bear the load on it, you need the load to be concentrated on... 50 times maybe, it will be very good if 50 times about the same no need to overdo it, of course, firstly, this is because it’s morning,
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that is, the morning is undesirably strong, pash, so i know that a big problem for doing abdominal exercises is a painful sensation in the lower back, a lot of times it will be possible , yes, if you such sensations arise in us, then we reach adequate sensations, that is , if the lower back already hurts very badly, then well... we touch, try to reach diagonally with our left elbow to our right knee, and so on the contrary, the same breathing continues
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we observe, it’s also important here it’s already important stretch so that our abs are fully stretched, but here we stretch it upward, shorten it and this is a triopash or there will be a fourth exercise, there will be a fourth exercise, a very useful exercise, in principle, not very difficult, it’s called a dead beetle, wow, yes for.. we raise our arms perpendicular to our body to the floor and raise our hips, our lower leg forms 90° at the knee joint, here what we do is put our head, our lower back itself does not bend and we will alternately lower our left leg diagonally, for example. , and right hand, since we don’t put it on the floor, on top, now the right leg goes again and the left hand, since now we have to do this at a pace, right? and now i ’m interested in another question, why this exercise was called the dead beetle, but because the beetles are like that, if their backs fall, they cannot rise and so they rustle, so they
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collapse, very effective, a very good exercise, firstly. our abs are fully working here, plus the iliopsoas muscles are connected, which bring our thigh to the body, while you are pretending to be a dead beetle, which is already turning into alive, then we will announce to our viewers that we had pavel levoshov in the studio, it was a super invigorating exercise from him, pasha, what do you want to say to our viewers for forgiveness, health to everyone, do not forget about your center, your core and your foundation spine and, in principle, the whole body. yes, the main thing is not to forget about the core. pavel, thank you very much, and you know, dear tv viewers, if you have such a difficult choice in the morning, whether to do or not do exercises, of course, in favor of the second one you need to do exercises, well, what a difficult choice our tv viewers did, anna ganger found out in her survey. good morning, making difficult decisions is really stressful for us, so today
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we are again on the streets of minsk to find out from belarusians what the most difficult decision they made in theirs. tell me any difficult decisions you have ever made in your life? oh, i had a very difficult life, very complicated, firstly, i have four children, i have eight grandchildren, one great-grandson, and i had to pass all this through my own hands. first difficult decisions probably begin when you choose where to go to college, then where to go to work, to get married, not to get married, who to marry? school, then the faculty of chemistry, 7 years in my specialty, then retraining, and i’m a head accountant, 26 years old, and now retired, i made some difficult decisions in my life, of course, right now, to stay at work or
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to be reassigned, to part with the wrong . it was difficult in relationships, because it was abusive, there was being pulled into a material web and all that, in general, to leave straight away it’s like taking yourself as a fulcrum, taking that it’s not someone else who will solve your problems, that in general you can do everything yourself, and honestly the spine has become even more equal, what is the difficulty of making such decisions, and bureaucratic problems turn out to be the formalization of all this. they will let you go, they won’t let you go, because it’s already distributed, it’s unknown what will happen next, memories, well, it’s sad, it’s always a way out of your comfort zone, firstly, it’s you who accept responsibility for your life, make a decision and don’t hope that someone will help you that will help in some way, that’s all. the difficulty lies in that your future
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destiny, your future life, development, success, failure depend on them. what should a person do, for example, who cannot make some difficult decision in his life? maybe you have some advice, consult with someone close, i think they will suggest the right decision, but you have to make the decision yourself , after all, listen a little inside to yourself, maybe consult with your loved ones, ask your loved ones, i think, do as they say, well, if you trust the person, then yes. this is how a bold decision, my friends, would probably be to leave the house and not look at the weather forecast, this is a very bold decision, well , in fact, you can go out boldly, because the weather whispers, as it says, everything is fine, looking ahead, and now the specifics , card to the studio, in minsk today it’s +10 +12, in brest the same temperature, up to 13° celsius,
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it will still be in vitebsk on this beautiful spring morning. today, so let's enjoy this unique monday, the last spring monday of 2024, on this beautiful positive. note, the first hour of the good morning is coming to an end, after the news release we will get in touch with the city of vitebsk, we will find out what interesting things happened in this region and how they are there at +30 today, the most beautiful representatives of the security service will be in this northern, it would seem, capital all parties met this year in mogilev, where the third competition of the ministry of quality protection in beauty was held, so we are waiting in the studio for good rantibelarus, the winner
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of the police captain, anastasia pugachevskaya, the second vice-minister sergeant. we read more event at the beginning of the third hour we will talk with the deputy head of the main directorate for combating cybercrime of the ministry of internal affairs of belarus alexei novysh. well, you understand, dear tv viewers, as anna valeryevna and i like to talk about, it’s not like switching, you can’t even blink, so we’ll see you right after the news block, see you, our eyes, if together, then until the end. what will best test your erudition and intelligence, that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and
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were the assyris brothers? andrey? well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him or immediately threw him into the river. detectives, of course, yes, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest world ranking leader in history after winning the us open 22. vlad, carlos alcaraz. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. thanks to this, the seven heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because well, a girl came to him, i’ll call her that. and i cleaned up their entire mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lesha by three. paris, london,
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new york, name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right, watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel, talented and ambitious, for me creativity.
7:00 am
monday may 27th.


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