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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 11:00am-11:35am MSK

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we fought, this is a complete collection of grodno provincial statements, documents, privileges and charters of the 16th-17th centuries were purchased with a presidential grant, in fact, we have here two unique copies written in cyrillic, one of them is the privileges of the zhigiy minsk uniaz monastery, and from collections of the tyshkevichs, today's library is no longer just a reading room, it is a research center, when the library began... to intensively expand its collections, to increase, were, were stored in buildings unsuitable for storage, accordingly, there were damages, and there were questions, first of all, of microbiological safety. apart from our library, partly an art museum and an archive, they do not engage in complex restoration. this is a leaf-splitting machine, this device allows us to do work with very sensitive literature that simply crumbles in our hands. the memorial task of our library
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is to preserve the book heritage and not only that we have it in physical condition, yes, but we have kept books since the 14th century. we digitize somewhere a year about 750 thousand pages. we have a range of first-class equipment in our arsenal. in just 10 years we have stepped forward, which is great. this is amazing, start, automatic page turning, so in real time on the monitor we see what has been scanned, we are creating an electronic library, the entire network of our libraries will be united with this electronic library service, a virtual reading room in the end the whole history should be collected exactly in this library. everything, and it is also
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an incredible socio-cultural center, which events are held here, after all, this is the diamond of the country. every evening our minsk is decorated with illumination of the facade of the building; to launch the phrase 2023 - the year of peace and creation, 4,646 lamps need to be used. we must follow the times, but what we see is interest in the library.
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i have been working on the farm for 30 years, my day starts at 5:00 am. i had breakfast and at about 7 am i am already at the dairy farm, talking with the managers of the farms, finding out from them the results, the volume of milk,
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marketability, how many milks are raised, are there any sick people how old are the cows on the property?
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fans are installed in order to cool them down in hot weather, so that there is no temperature stress and so that there is no loss of milk, the cow feels treated, even a stranger can come in , she can get stressed, she gets used to all the workers who they work on it, on this farm the giving system is parallel,
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now the machine milking operator, now in order to milk a cow, she must process it in a certain order, by pressing a button turn on giving, compared with... what happened before, now everything is mechanized and more convenient and accessible, first of all, you must love your job and love animals, the same cow, she will feel it and give what she must give what we have all year we work so that she can produce this for us, back in 1985 it was an old farm, even... i visited it a little, my mother worked there as a milkmaid, back then there were only 25 cows per
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milkmaid , milking machines, all this was done manually, so compare with what has been done, two feed distributors that serve dairy farms, also feed substitutes, a machine operator, spring field work, but...
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also two farms, one is considered the manager, the second is an assistant manager, on each farm there are two stained glass windows, they can where - then change, plus they can examine the cows more, pay more attention to them, understanding the cows that we said that you took for massit, when it works out for us, they chose a sample, the restriction lines come out, they broke the fat, all the games. when she came to this farm to work the residential building, it’s correct to say, is a two-flat house, she was given half. this house, she will live there while she works in this household, and even after
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retirement, the house will remain with her. ostromensheva today is the village of the future, the countryside is in a good geographical position, our youth need a good salary, where to live, where to spend the money, for that? in order for young people to stay, we need infrastructure, we do everything for this, we have kindergartens, we have schools, uh, we have a cultural center, we have clubs, an outpatient clinic, roads to get to the city, and the roads are of high quality, plots for housing development are now being allocated to farm workers, lighting has been installed. gas, water, everyone who works on the farm can build
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houses for themselves, we lure them with a good salary, the trade union provides us with good support, that is, we have weddings, when you join the army they give you money, as they say, god forbid, well, in the event of the loss of loved ones, relatives are also allocated, transport is allocated in order to transfer. events, competitions, when they also carry out cash rewards are given to those who want to, say, improve their health, they can order vouchers to a sanatorium through the trade union, part of the voucher will be paid for by the trade union. after visiting the dairy farm, i
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return to the micro-yard and hold a planning meeting, there we already determine the types of work, what we need to do first, where we missed something, where we need to put things in order, we plan according to the order of work, this is the monos7 ng plus seeder , it is without fertilizers without applying fertilizers.
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uh 30 units of agricultural machinery, among them - six units of energy-saturated, two feed cutters, five grain harvesters, nine units of mtz-82, four units, 12 21, a total number of 30 units, served by 19 machine operators, plus six more workshop workers, these are... steamers from a fox mill, a turner. here at the local yard we repair everything ourselves . rakes, tedders, combines, tractors, the experience of machine operators and the experience of fitters allows us to do this. only complex repairs, which mainly concern imported equipment and some that we do ourselves.
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ivan, how are we doing? people without potatoes won't stay with us? no. wheels. well, by the evening it will already clear up, you will already be there, you will tell us exactly what is left, we will repair and plant, we have enough time, we also have good tools, so we must complete everything on time, the preparation of equipment begins around september, because we have equipment, there is equipment that has finished its work, it will not be used anymore... we don’t use it, combine harvesters are washed, cleaned, driven under covered sheds, well we carry out a list of works to ensure that the equipment is stored in winter, all hydraulic cylinders, rods, they need to be sealed from
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moisture, to relieve the load on the wheels, for the winter period we must put everything on a stand. glasses whiten the wheels. we have our own five side harvesters, these are domestic kzs1218 combines, they already have quite experienced machine operators working for them, all of them have been faulty since the fall, the last parts are already being delivered to them, so i still think another week, and we will start working on them at full speed repair. helping my father with the combine, our roles were distributed, my responsibility was to lubricate the entire combine, then i worked on the auger of the harvester, because we have a lot of stones in our fields, so every day i changed the fingers of the cutting apparatus, i changed the fingers of the auger, my duty was to do
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, first of all, what i needed to do this in order for us to work next year... efficiently, quickly, our equipment must be all repaired, well , at an ideal level, so that there would be no failures in tillage, or in harvesting collies, or in harvesting , for this we must carry out troubleshooting, so that we have spare parts prepared, even if in the event of a breakdown, we had these spare parts in order to promptly... it is impossible to work out a season without some specific breakdowns, but if monitoring is carried out, both the engineer and the machine operators know this , they will not order these spare parts from them...
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so that the soil does not become compacted, the similarity of the seeds and the root system develop well, and depending on the number of fields, you can use 14 to 20 units of equipment, because you need to apply fertilizers, prepare the soil, apply organic matter, we need to plow, sugar grows in our fields for seleka for... tasks sugar factories, corn, corn is mainly used for feed, making silage, we produce grain crops for ourselves in
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feed mills and for delivery to the state and for sale, to grow corn, we must apply mineral fertilizers, collect stones in the fields, prepare the soil for the plant, so we first... the poloshchensky site has 940 hectares of grain and legume sown areas, including winter rabs. winter rabs 210 ha,
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there were 346 hectares of winter wheat, 352 hectares of winter wheat, 70 hectares of spring peas, 55 of spring barley and 122 hectares of winter green fodder were sown. zhenya, the selka is set up, ready for sowing, what will we sow, we will sow corn, the norm has been adjusted, everything is set as it should be, the depth was adjusted yesterday, now we will check everything, the density of the seeds, at what depth they are laid, how they fall asleep, we will control all this and regulate in the course of the village itself, now we are preparing the soil, immediately before sowing we introduced nitrogen fertilizer, all that remains is to sow. we mostly prepare our own seeds. frod's hybrid with a norm of just 90,000 will turn gray. optimal density of the condition for harvesting for
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grain strength. but we plan to leave it in this field. since we have silo close to the pit, it’s not far to transport. but here , too, we try to meet optimal deadlines and sow as quickly as possible. when you drive into a field, you need to take a look. all technologies were observed, depths, butts, seeders, so that there were technological headlands so that all this is as it should be. mostly young people work at the site, and there is still a lot to learn. the technology is complicated, but our people are trying, this year the weather is a little rainy, there is a lot of work that we would like... to do exactly as we wanted, but it doesn’t work out, the same thing about transporting organic matter to the fields, it rained a little there, well, it spoiled it, because that i would like to bring to one field, due to the fact that the rains have passed into
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this field it is impossible to enter, i have to put this organic matter in other places then it we will have to transport it all in a new way to the fields that are needed, this is an extra expense, although there is a lot of moisture for the harvest, it will be good, there is a proverb: spring... the day feeds the year, i agree with this, any grain needs fertile land, in the vast expanses of ostromenchensk there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people, with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. we always expect the harvest to be better than last year, last year it was 70 cents, we hope that everything will be fine, god will help and... we will help ourselves with our work, so we hope that the harvest will be no worse than last year.
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in 1985, my parents came here to ostromechevo to see this farm, they liked it, and we moved the whole family here. i was then 12 years old, for that generation i was already considered quite an adult, because when my parents were not there, the entire household depended on us, that’s why i started working there with boxes, it was here in ostromeychevo from the age of 14 that i went to the so-called brigades, it was necessary put the fields in order, we rode, raked, collected and then delivered them to farms
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or... they polished it all at the stables, worked on grain crops in the summer, the first bicycle i bought for myself, i earned it here on the farm working in the summer , i met my wife at school, but while we didn’t pay attention to each other, after returning from the army we dated for 3 years, realized that we were made for each other and decided to get married. they lived there for 25 years, in 2023 there was a silver wedding, three children were born, the eldest son, he is 25 years old, serves in the ministry of internal affairs under contract, daughter daria, a first-year student at the institute of physical education, and the least , milania, well, it’s such an outlet, you come
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home and you always know that... we took it apart brick by brick , brought here, as he was made there in the almanacs, he also planted trees and four sons were brotherly near the measures, our total work experience is about 120 years, my father started working in the village of almany, he also started working as a machine operator, my father has the most reliable support , with mom, they
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they got married, they had... to deliver, then they finished eating, and then after that they cut everything else, they only came home, he is a very responsible father, if he does something, he does it conscientiously and efficiently, he never leaves, without looking or walking around the equipment, he must make sure that there is oil and coolants everywhere. nothing
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was unscrewed from him, in those years when i was in school, i worked here, sitting at home by the window, i could understand from the sound of the tractor that my father was standing, i ’ll tell you a story, this is the story he’s sitting there, if you don’t call him fedya, i’ll keep tearing up the documents you ’ve been leaking until you call me. there is a wonderful song about where the homeland begins, with a picture in your primer, good and faithful comrades living in the next yard. for me, my homeland is the land in the vast expanses of strame, where i grew up and created my own. raised
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his children, instilled in them a love for the land, for their homeland. our generations must love the earth. we must work on it and we must take care of it. how long ago did you hold the book in your hands? old one after old one, choking on skin words. here are the most important creative works,
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the most valuable and useful ones - these books. the books contain the thoughts of the past. the galas of people are clear and expressive. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. read more close to the pack. passed for our current day. belarus 24.
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only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, that very second the merchant decided to praise the gods, the nearest island, he first he built... a temple, then he built huts and founded a city, beressye. and we set off on an exciting journey. he is like a magician, controls the light, lights up the lanterns, thereby signaling the beginning and end of the day. immutable like the sun and the moon. are you
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entitled to leave or do you have a double? to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. please note that the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger. that she is still unknown, locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls from which these ruins remained were decided issues of national importance. well, yes, the ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania.


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