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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:10pm MSK

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construction industry. in this regard, we are actively cooperating with you. i was pleased to read reports that today more than 60% of replaced elevators are belarusian. and taking into account your plans to replace elevators this year, this is in almost 400 houses, we are interested in participating in tenders, winning, and supplying you with elevator equipment for new construction. we guarantee it too. maintenance and repair. passenger transport. already widely represented in the transport park of the altai territory our passenger equipment has proven itself. we are ready to continue to offer you modern buses, both gas-powered and diesel-powered, school buses , including low-floor ones for a barrier-free environment, as well as electric buses. while visiting mass. you can look at them
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and even try, as we say , take a test drive to decide on the appropriate configuration, supply of special equipment, a wide range of utility, road-building and other special machines, you will see at amkodor, ready to ensure the delivery of all necessary products to your region in the shortest possible time. one of the interesting topics may be fire rescue equipment. developed by our enterprise in the minsk region, in its manufacture on the basis of chasi mass , modern composite materials are used, which ensures high reliability, extended service life, up to about 20 years, an important area of ​​​​mutual interest is the humanitarian sphere and tourism, the opening of a direct flight from minsk to barnaul is being worked out. and in general, the parties intend to noticeably intensify cooperation. trade turnover.
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between belarus and the altai territory is just over $20 million, this does not reflect even a tenth of the potential. our country sends fertilizers, products and special equipment to the siberian region; we receive tires, engines and minerals. a centralized exam started in belarus today; graduates take it in any subject of their choice. this is the first test for schoolchildren on the way to entering a higher education institution. it's been an hour since the graduates are writing the exam, it's time to begin. traditional at 11:00 with you like on the ct, only a black gel pen, a passport and a pass. as for the tasks themselves , this is a completely school curriculum, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. and even before the start of the test, the schoolchildren admitted that today was exciting, but they were in a fighting mood. at bspu alone, almost 2.0 schoolchildren are taking the exam today; these are graduates of 37 educational institutions in the moscow region of the capital.
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i prepared for a year and a half, constantly took the rt at each stage, two options, well, this was eight times, i probably want to pass for 81 plus, of course, so that the ten would be included in the certificate, i i’m taking mathematics, i’m good at mathematics, so i’m basically not worried, i know mathematics well, so i’m confident in my abilities, we ’re fully prepared to conduct exams in 74 classrooms, they’re fully prepared, they’re fully prepared to pass exams, the drinking regime is maintained, everywhere with there are bottles of water at the entrance, our volunteers help the children get their bearings, go into the buildings, take their seats, they are 100% ready,
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the day before the winter there was a rehearsal for the centralized exam, which was quite successful, there were some questions, two ces and one ct are taken; graduates of previous years and colleges take three centralized tests; eleventh-graders will receive certificates at their graduation ceremony on june 14. all ukrainians to the front.
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the head of mid-poland, in an interview with the guardian, calls on european countries not to pay benefits to ukrainians of military age. according to sekorsky, those who evade the draft are not entitled to social security. at the same time , warsaw is not going to unilaterally introduce any restrictions, and therefore the diplomat pointed out: any scheme for migrants must be pan-european, otherwise ukrainians will start collecting benefits for themselves throughout europe. well, kiev continues to engage in questionable expenses. ukraine spent 25 million dollars of budget funds on research over 3 years. penguins in antarctica and the work of the ukrainian station, and what is interesting is what was included in the list of things without which the study of birds is impossible; among the purchases were peeled shrimp, salmon fillets, squid, cold smoked fish, juices, many types of chocolate and elite wine. by the way, he manages
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the national arctic science center ex-company commander of the nazi and extremist aidar battalion. more and more countries. against the bloodthirsty policy of nato, after the proposal of the secretary general of the alliance to allow kiev to fire western weapons on russian territory, italy sharply turned against him. the country's deputy prime minister said that stoltenberg should apologize or resign after his statements . according to the politician, the secretary general has no right to make such statements on behalf of, including the italian people. in turn, the italian prime minister recommends the head of nato to be careful. careful in his statements. violation without borders. the us state department is again teaching minsk democracy, but itself is mired in arbitrariness. how the guardians of world values ​​have become the standard of double standards, inhuman repression and unjustified murder, resolutions
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instead of legality, politicization of the truth, what human rights have been trampled by washington. democracy labeled as life-threatening, let us break it down point by point into an understandable policy. watch today. after the panorama.
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two pedophiles were detained in minsk, one of them. thirty-nine-year-old residents of the capital met with a thirteen-year-old girl in a thematic group of the messenger, knowing the age of the schoolgirl and the defendant conducted intimate correspondence with her and sent his candid photos. then he insisted on a meeting at the entrance of a residential building, where he committed an act with


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