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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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two pedophiles were detained in minsk, one of them is a thirty-nine-year-old resident of the capital, who met a thirteen-year-old girl in a thematic group on the messenger. knowing the schoolgirl’s age, the defendant carried on intimate correspondence with her and sent explicit photos of himself, after which he insisted on meeting at the entrance of a residential building, where he committed the act. of a sexual nature.
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a thirty-six-year-old worker from a metropolitan organization was detained for similar actions by saturdnik of the central rod. a man seduced an underage schoolgirl whom he met on a social network. in a relationship criminal cases have been initiated against the defendants. their involvement in onological crimes against minors is being verified. dear parents, pay special attention to organizing your children’s leisure time. it is important to have information about what a child is doing on the internet, because that is where it is easiest to meet pedophiles. establish trust. criminal cases have been opened, and the involvement of the detainees in similar crimes is being verified. increasing digital literacy of the ministry of internal affairs of belarus begins a decade of cybersecurity from today. at lectures and the seminars will tell you about the types of it crimes, give practical advice on protecting yourself from intruders, including explaining how to save funds. during financial
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transactions. particular attention to vulnerable categories of the population, the elderly and children. police officers will remind minors about the rules of behavior on social networks, instant messengers and online games, attend school meetings, tell teachers and parents about the most common offenses of teenagers on the internet, and remind them of responsibility for such actions. also in the ministry of internal affairs reminds that it is impossible to completely remove digital traces on the internet. the impunity and anonymity promised by the organizers of criminal schemes are just a trick. we changed our school uniforms to military ones and took up the watch of the eternal flame on victory square in minsk. tribute to heroes is paid regardless of public holidays. this is a ritual that no longer exists in any country. i believe that this is a very important thing, it greatly strengthens spiritual strength. my grandfather, great-grandfather. at post number one, i enshrine
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the eternal memory of him in my heart in the hearts other people, nothing will work out here voluntarily and forcibly, for one simple reason, here you need to understand with your soul and heart the mission that the schoolchild is fulfilling here at the eternal flame, the world is fragile today, we must protect the peace in our country first of all, and historical memory is the connecting link in maintaining stability and... about a thousand of the best high school and schoolchildren pass through the memory watch in minsk every year; for the first time, the guards stood guard on the eternal flame on victory square 40 years ago, on the day independence of belarus. factorby and factorby 60+ are back, the country's highest-rated music show announces the start of accepting online applications for participation in the new season, don't miss the chance to realize it. if you are
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talented and ambitious, have long dreamed of a big stage, come to us, go to the bel tv and radio company website right now, fill out the form and add a fragment of your performance, increase your chance of getting to a live audition. this season the factorby team will come to every regional center. details on the media holding website, as well as evening edition of the panorama. attention. by and factorby 60+ are back. the most rated music shows in belarus are starting their fourth season. online applications will be accepted starting may 27. if you are talented, ambitious, dream of becoming a star and signing a professional contract. as well as those who are
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60 plus. increase your chance of getting into a live audition. visit the beltelerokpaniya website. fill out a special form, send a fragment of your speech, and we will call you. wait for us in brest, gomel, grotno, vitebsk, mogilev and minsk. factorby. to you, to us. crazy drift, speed and dirt under the wheels, extreme and bright in the borisov region. the first stage of the belarusian autocross championship took place, the participants on the track were faced with dust, stones, sharp dangerous turns, and a fierce struggle on every centimeter. often, riders retired from the race due to a breakdown, flying off the track, or a bad turn. this is an autocross, everything is serious and
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unpredictable here. they also want to win, they don’t disdain contact wrestling, so they have to push and the obstacle, these are other rivals who accelerating through the gates and driving in zero visibility, so there are a lot of obstacles on the track, but the strongest must win, athletes fly out regularly, collide, roll over, crash into each other, this is a contact sport, but again, no one says that motorsport is this is a completely safe sport, we are all ready for it. the adrenaline level is off the charts, i don’t know what to compare it with. the second stage of the belarusian autocross championship starts on june 8 and will be held in stayki. next, my colleagues will talk about sports, tv news agency projects, also available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. new information
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at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you later. disagreements in the central match of the tenth round of the belarusian football championship, the mazyryans thus interrupted a series of three defeats in a row. andrey shimruk responded to nikita demchenko's brilliant ball. the clubs exchanged precise blows in the first half, the score on the scoreboard never changed. 1:1. a good match, unfortunately, we missed a goal a little nervously, an unnecessary one, but overall the guys act well in defense and in attack, flexible enough and dynamically. mazyryans are fifth, 17 points in the asset, capital. dynamo rise to third place: three points ahead of leader zhodino torpedo belas and two points ahead of grodno neman. belarusian goalkeeper ivan zhigalov signed a trial contract with the south ural club, which plays in the all-russian hockey league. this was reported by the team's press service. the vhl, i note,
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is the second division in russia after the khl. previously, the player, let me remind you, signed a contract with dynamo, but then left menchan, by agreement of the parties became an unrestricted free agent.
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one of march. days of 1945, in the apartment of the first secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus panteleimon panomarenko , a telephone call rang late in the evening, the duty officer of the railway station called, a train of cows arrived from east prussia. according to documents, they are purebred, they roar, are not fed, are underfed, what should i do? emergency meeting of the ccp bureau. they took it without delay at night. according to the decree of the state defense committee of the ussr dated
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march 14, 1945, on the transfer from the territory germany and poland, trophy horses of cattle in the bssr, the first batches of cattle began to arrive in the war-bleeded republic ahead of schedule. the decision was made outside the box. urgently raise the minsk region, by morning organize the export of livestock to the regions and distribute it to the population , first of all, to large families and widows, but with the condition that the first calf will be given to the collective farm. the belarusian leadership considered that this was the only correct decision: the nazis had destroyed everything in the countryside, there were no farms or feed. the main task in established.
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more than 12 thousand gallons of wild ragataga stingray, 1200 lashadzes, 775 avets transferred to the saugasam of the republic, in the advent of the advanced meat organs of the settlement, part of them was transferred to shmatdzet families, the success of the dead partisans and the fighters of the red army. the active padrymtsy of the union center in the republic are working on the herding of the tribal slope, installation for mts, various agricultural technologies. sgorka, ivanovo, valagoda, molotov, kirev regions,
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udmur and chuvash, autonomous soviet socialist republic. the damage to the republic's agriculture is incomparable. it is almost completely destroyed. the extraordinary state commission of the ussr established that property damage was only to the agriculture of the bsu. the ussr. july 12, 1943. the period of german
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occupation, collective farms were dispersed, means of production were destroyed and plundered, mts were destroyed. crop rotations are disrupted. the destruction of all types of livestock will complicate the process of restoring agricultural production. yaroslavtsev’s note noted something else. before the war , the structure of passive areas with a high saturation of industrial crops corresponded to the interests of the development of the national economy not only of the republic, but of the entire country. and the country helped. on the part of the central leadership, stalin personally , there was a special attitude towards belarus, taking into account the heroic struggle of the belarusian people during the occupation of the republic, and the fact that... on its territory and with the support of the population , the main battles for the final
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expulsion of the enemy took place. the union center provided great assistance in restoring the national economy after the liberation of the republic; a number of resolutions were adopted government of the soviet union to assist the republic in restoring its national economy. in particular, december 27, 1943 was adopted. government decree on providing assistance to the liberated areas of the republic of mogelev polesie, gomel region. restoration of agriculture. the adopted union documents outlined a program for restoring agriculture in the liberated areas of the republic. they were waiting for help in the republic, but they had to rely on their own strength. early spring morning agronomist
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local state farm, approaching the field, i was confused by what i saw. in this area they should begin preparations for sowing, but now there were sappers here, and even with a dog, apparently a sapper dog, she was very eager to get into action. after some time, the agronomist could already observe their coordinated work. first the dog found it. razmener, walking behind, immediately began working with mina in order to neutralize her later.
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the dog rushed forward, fast, confident work, and it soon sat down again near the next dangerous find. here's how all over. there was also an unusual detachment, a company of dogs, as it was called in official documents. not only people returned from military service,
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but also animals, horses, camels, and dogs. all of them fought on the fronts along with the soldiers of the red army. their contribution to the victory was recognized on a par with the soldiers of the red army with government awards and participation in the victory parade on red square on june 24, 1945. now a new front was beginning for them too - labor. one of the tasks is to participate in clearing mines from fields. for the republic it was trouble. the ground is literally full of shells. from a note from the polotsk regional council of the osso aviaakhim addressed to the military department of the regional
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party committee. april 1945. 21 mines were discovered in the region. in the spring of 1945 , 1 million explosive devices were neutralized in the vitebsk region. the area covered by the replacement fields is 15,943 kilometers; another 298 mines are subject to urgent demining. meanwhile, belarusian radio reports in april 1945.
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and 222 people were injured, unfortunately, there were many such reports, this is how it began the sowing season was on the forty-fifth, its implementation became a test and the most important task for the belarusian village, telegrams from places of alarm went to the government of the republic, there are almost no horses for... spring crops, there are about 3 million poods of grain, the need is at least nine, there are no specialists, in the villages there are women, teenagers, and technicians. no. when plowing cultivated areas, labor is mainly done by hand. before the spring sowing of 1945, collective farmers
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dug up more than 150 thousand hectares of public land by hand. in many places it was necessary use cows. in the spring of 1945, peasants with 4,400 cows plowed about 22,000 hectares of land.
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the soviet belarus newspaper wrote: from the first days of field work on the collective farm on october 14, on the farms of the kostyukovichi village council, borisov district, many young collective farmers went into the field: teenagers volodya byk, samuil vertinsky, filonchik and others energetically got down to business, but they had many problems . experienced old collective farmers who were appointed quality inspectors came to the aid of the young plowmen, and such messages in every issue.
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the land was plowed, but there was no planting material. there are no seeds for grain crops, and there are no seeds for vegetables. but they tried to solve the problem by all available means. from the memoirs of vasily sharapov, chairman of the minsk city executive committee from 1945 to the sixties. the shortage of seed potatoes was especially severe. therefore, by the decision of the city executive committee. all canteens were ordered to collect potato peelings with eyes. the initiative of minsk residents was supported throughout the republic. by
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the sowing season of the forty-fifth of the soviet republics grain began to arrive from the union. the carriages arrived at the railway stations. and again there is a problem with delivery. we used every opportunity. remaining transport, horses, oxen, tyaglovo. cows also became powerful, but in most cases the seed material had to be carried manually. the statistics of the first post-war year are amazing: more than 100,000 collective farmers carried 700,000 pounds of grain over an average distance of 20 km, taking care of every grain. thus began the battle for the first post-war harvest. secretary
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telekhansky district party committee petrov, military commissar burykin and komsomol worker samarina, entering the house of the editorialist lydia ivanovna osiyuk to present a certificate of honor, saw an unusual picture. in the second half of the hut, in equipped esli, the hostess looked after the calf. trying to feed him from a bottle, you look after him like a little child, said the secretary of the district committee, but of course, calves are children, looking with love at her ward, the owner answered, and then told how, by selecting young animals from the best cows, collective farmers, they form future herd, caring for calves in their homes. this was done in many farms of the republic.
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the most important thing was to restore a good milking herd, the second was feed, feed, there was enough feed, they had enough feed, and they gave potatoes, they gave candy fodder, they gave silas, the green mass went, now the most productive milk yield, what importance did they attach to restoring the livestock, preserving the incoming to the republic of cattle in a memo by beria dated may 29, 1945.
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state security of internal affairs, these were representatives of the party and soviet activists, secretaries of district committees, here are the chairmen of village councils, so the leadership of the republic made a decision that the responsible workers were armed, every trip to the field was associated, say, with the threat that an attack could occur, so people were always fully armed . the situation with personnel and specialists is simply dramatic; re-evacuation from the eastern regions was extremely slow; agronomists, livestock specialists,
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and tractor drivers have their own tasks there. they were in no hurry regarding everyone ; decisions were often made at the regional committee level and even the central committee. in march 1944, the secretary of the party of the republic, avkhimovich, addressed the central committee of the all-union communist party of belarus. calls were sent through the regional committees of the all-union communist party of belarus and land authorities with a request to second specialists to our disposal. of the registered 850 people, only 246 people arrived, the release of specialists from the saratov region is especially bad, where 43 people are still located, penza 26, gorky and chkalov 28 people, we ask you to instruct the regional party committees to expedite sending agricultural specialists to our disposal .


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