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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 1:50pm-2:06pm MSK

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and the ukrainians are dear to us, well, they just became foggy there, i spoke more for the ukrainians than to extol the program for the sake of zelensky, i directly analyzed what he achieved during his presidency, that is, it was, well, what to do, ex-president, nothing can be done , as a deputy, don’t you think that it’s time to unify some legislative acts on your topic with russian ones, or vice versa with ours, well , the thing is that...
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i mean, in principle, we have a system created for this, if anything - necessary, ministry defense will initiate these issues, then we will look at the subject matter and understand whether we need this or we don’t need it, but in each area, probably specialists should initially work, we have plenty of them, so well, speaking of fakes, yes everything related to mobilization, for example, we discussed this issue, but... i’m wondering, since the debate has been going on for some time on this topic, we have enough conscripts today for our belarusian army, i’ll tell you this, that if a little -let’s go a little deeper into history ten years ago, we had more conscript resources than were needed to staff the armed forces, we all remember about the demographic hole, of course, well, it doesn’t depend on us now, and the number of conscripts we have is just now reaching ... let it be a little bit, but to get out of
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the demographic hole and thanks to the measures taken in the state, the ministry of defense, and now we have a second conscription, we are recruiting 100% of the required number of conscripts, thanks to the measures taken and there is contract service there, then. there is it's complex. our indicators compared to the soviet union, they have somehow changed, well , that’s a different story, when there were a lot of conscripts, we tightened the requirements for medicine to such an extent, yes, that even in the soviet union i gave examples when a conscript comes, goes through a medical examination, does not pass it, that is , well, does not get into the armed forces, is declared unfit, and he is such a soul, such a guy says, i wouldn’t be against the army. but the fact that i’m
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unfit is also not bad, but what’s not bad? he says, so i ’ll have time to go to the european championships, i don’t remember something there, but he’s a master there or a candidate master of sports in some kind of sport, you know, he’s not fit for the army, he’s going to the european championships in a month, there here, well, even to this extent, it was deliberately inflated for this reason, because there was, there was a lot, now, as i understand it, due to the demographic hole, we need to roll back a little, turn it back, we did this , slightly lowered the requirements. in general, people are grateful to us, because well again, when a healthy man stands, he was preparing for karmi for some reason there, well , quite insignificant, the armed forces don’t take him, he has tears in his eyes, with such shoulders twice as wide, he says how so , you, as a professional during the war, let’s say, overestimated your age, but in order to volunteer for the army, because they didn’t take you if you were 16, and you attributed 2 years to yourself, so now it’s realistic for us, if a person wants... to go,
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but doesn’t meet the requirements, they won’t take him, no, they won’t take him, here you can briefly answer, they won’t accept the contract, no, the contract requirements are even stricter, because well , this is already... considered as a service on a professional basis, that is, if a person does not meet the requirements, there is, let’s say, simply put, a law, yes or demands for medical documents, which means no one will make concessions to him, look, okay, ruslan nikolaevich, the last, near-philosophical question, as i like to say, according to our old soviet traditions, soldiers are becoming grandfathers now, well, they say there three years later...
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you were like a girl with this foreign agent galkin, yes, when he incorrectly called the country, although, in fact, nothing, but there, well, belarus, well, it’s belarus, that’s what my country is called, well, if you remember , haven’t seen this video, i haven’t seen it more than once
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, in a sense, she can be called a patriot in the des, of course, because he tried to convince her, but she stood her ground, she’s a patriot, she’s probably already a patriot, who some earlier, some later. but it is important for us, for the country, that the sooner this will happen, the sooner we show the beauty of our country, the achievements of our country, yes, we teach a person to love his country, the better it is, probably, there is no such age, yes, when at 10 years old or at 20, yes or when you are in the army passed, but the sooner we learn to do this with our children, with our people, that is, i mean love them...
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almost all european countries fought on the side of hitler’s germany, except serbia and greece, so we clearly must. ..venezuela
1:59 pm
, of course, then welcome to yodishka's world, hello, to the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy, we are studying the history of belarus and exploring its sights together with
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foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslav church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslav. volodarki lake. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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i don’t want a brisk run and a lot of rain, a shady forest, a sunny day,
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and like these little things our life is based on, i want to look at this light to protect your skin and skin day, something new for yourself , the geta is so good for us, because we love the geta with anyone. for any and all belarus. we know exactly how to start the morning right. this has been said and said thousands more times. breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently. i, of course, highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates for breakfast so that you have energy. work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. today
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we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables. sounds interesting, but it seems to me it's complicated. these are proteins, good, unsaturated fats, and what omega 3 will give us is what will give us good hormonal levels, beautiful elastic skin. and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. it is possible to have a great time in this way, which yes. what your body really needs is energy, health and vigor. while charging, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. through the carriage window i noticed the walls of the factory. repair car, the thought flashed inside me that i wanted to work here, i was drawn here,
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well, that’s how it happened, at school during labor lessons they brought us kids to the factory, they showed us, look, this is how glass is made, this is how these cars go with glass, that is, since school, since then, well , i’m near glass all the time, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about their intricacies... works on the basis covered freight car, we are producing a completely new product, it will be a diesel power station car with a capacity of 400 kw, it is the only enterprise in the republic of belarus for... production of sheet glass, in general there are few such enterprises in the cis, we are investing in improving our technologies, this is well we must, we simply must, keep up with the times. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different parts of the world.


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