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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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which caused an emotional reaction and made me remember again the difficult times, the first wave of covid, when we did not yet know what we were faced with, how effectively we could counteract it, so i believe that the best question for me, precisely due to the emotional response and opportunity explain to you why certain decisions were made, please introduce yourself, where do you study... hello, my name is emilia, i study at secondary school number 23 in the tenth grade. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. this is a gift with the logo of the grodno region, and this is what we know how to do well. there is a book here that will tell you in more detail -
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as adults, when do you realize that you have become an adult? perhaps, becoming an adult means accepting responsibility, say, for some misdeeds, for wrong decisions; for me, becoming an adult means accepting and sensibly assessing the situation, being able to stand up not only for yourself, but for your loved ones, i i think that even adults are the same children, and for me personally.
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which will help you at this moment, i was lucky with teachers with my loved ones, with my family, i hope that you will be lucky too, thank you guys, vladimir stepanovich, well, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, so, governor of the grodno region, vladimir karanik , today i’m visiting the program with 100 questions for an adult, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, thank you, all the best, here i ’ll ask you to stay,
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i’m often asked the question of how tall i am, but i didn’t hear this question today. today you managed to answer 65 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? with pleasure. i ask our audience if you think that our guest today was as frank as possible with you. who thinks so, please raise your hand. it seems to me that vladimir stepanovich was absolutely honest with us today, because he has nothing to hide from us and... he himself is a very conscientious and honest person, and it seemed to me that he was as sincere as possible with us, because he was even able to tell share with us the warmest memories of your childhood. he didn’t think about it, he answered as it was, he put his soul into every answer, it was palpable, well, mentally. who thinks that vladimir stepanovich told the truth, but perhaps not the whole truth, maybe... he was a little
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disingenuous, raise your hand, well, i still think that it is impossible to tell the whole truth, and that then i had to hide it, because well, after all we are not some close people. we don’t have to tell everything straight out like this, well, hiding is one thing, lying is another. vladimir stepanovich, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. thank you for this conversation, thank you for the wonderful, positive emotions, for the strengthened confidence that our country has wonderful young people and a wonderful future. i want you to always be proud that you live in a very beautiful place. a very kind, very comfortable country for living and see you again, thank you very much for communicating! governor of the grodno region vladimir karanik visited program 100 today questions for an adult, see you in a week!
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watch in the next episode! archbishop, metropolitan of minsk-mogilev, joseph stanevsky. is it possible for an orthodox person to go to church? if a priest falls in love, what should he do? what is hell? can children go there too? why among priests? no women, is there anything in your life that you would like to change? is this a question that i don't have to answer? 100 questions for an adult: lyuba, my mother, you haven’t slept yet.
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these children are called sunny, but the life of their parents certainly cannot be called such, you constantly at gunpoint, constantly 24x7, psychologically you understand that you went out into the street with a child, everyone is looking at what the child is wearing, what he eats, how he... walks, how he plays, while there is psychological pressure on the mother from all sides, she needs to gather her will into a fist and withstand the pressure. psychologically they prepare you for the fact that this is not a child, this is a plant, she will recognize, at best
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, only mom, dad, and then prove to the whole world that you can be the mother of a special child, but at the same time remain beautiful. well-groomed a woman, a successful employee of a prestigious company and meet the man of your dreams, we are not saying now that oh, you know everything well, no, really, as it is, like everyone else, and so and so happens, but support, yes, support, we we know that at home we have a wall and not at home, outside the house, yes, we are lucky, yes, marina iordanova and her daughter
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are rushing to the show. kenya this is the third year she has been working with a modeling agency. i worry. what are you? ksyusha, what did you think? she’s so popular, she twisted it, twisted it, like your hair, don’t worry, you’re smart, come on let's go hand in hand, don't worry, there are several months of preparation behind us, long tiring rehearsals and today, finally , the long-awaited appearance on the podium, it's exciting, are you comfortable in the slippers, or are the boots better, the difference is that you don't fall in these shoes, i won't fall, you're behind they did everything there, but do you see? to get into this modeling agency, marina and ksenia were specifically waiting for a new set. through friends we learned that they are happy to work here with completely different non-standard models. ksenia - she is
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very artistic, she has always been like that, when she was little, she loved to watch, but now she loves the fashionable sentence. and she got it before. all the things from the closet, mine , mine, that’s it, i’m on the podium, that’s it, i’m on the podium, clap, meet, well, somehow the team and olga received us, for this i thank them so much for not being afraid. we don’t pay attention to this, we don’t feel sorry for her, but at the same time the person releases his emotions and returns to his studies. everything that her daughter wants,
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marina tries to do, like an ordinary mother for her beloved child. she sincerely doesn't understands when he receives compliments from friends. when they tell me: wow, ksenya is developed, you are a hero, you are great, i couldn’t do that. this is my child, i develop her, like mothers do other children. incredibly difficult,
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marina experienced the full force of stereotypes in society towards children with down syndrome. psychologically you are prepared for the fact that this is not a child, this is a plant, and at best she will only recognize mom and dad. not a single doctor said leave it, everyone kept repeating it, starting from the gynecologist who took me to minsk. and the first years of ksenia’s life were spent there, and although this is not the smallest city with a population of
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100,000 people, as marina herself recalls today, the attitude towards special children in the capital outside its borders is like heaven and earth. the city is small, of course, everyone knew everything, there were a lot of condemnations, and there were all sorts of conversations, you are constantly under gunpoint, constantly, 24x7. psychologically, you understand that you went outside with a child, everyone is watching how the child is dressed, what he eats, how he walks, the way he plays, we were like a legend there, because an ordinary kindergarten, an ordinary school, we were the first, that does not kill us, makes us stronger, in marina’s case it happened, she received excellent tempering from sidelong glances, condemnation, misunderstanding, rejection, and i decided i needed...
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more, marina decided to move to minsk and study to become a lawyer, completed an internship, but didn’t pass the exam, but it was here in minsk that she met the man she loved, who soon became the father of her two children, looking back, only now ours the heroine understands that everything was not by chance, when ksenia was born, just the first question... for what, why, then it goes on years later, for what, as if now i already
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understand why ksenia was given to me, i now understand so that i now have this family of mine, so that i have a man who i now have children, because if it weren’t for ksenia, i would hardly have moved here in minsk. export of scientific and technical products and developments. about 300 developments are implemented annually, trends are dictated by industry, among the priority areas are microelectronics, development of our own software product and it. belarus is ready to subsidize owners
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of pill boilers. the country is actively developing alternative energy. tickets from belarus are ready to be purchased in countries. central asia, china, turkey, but most importantly , the energy sector of our domestic market paid close attention to them. the fuel is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. an electronic portal about ghetto prisoners will appear in belarus. a memorandum on the implementation of the project was signed in minsk. information about concentration camp prisoners who were located both on the territory of belarus and in other countries will be presented on the prisoners bye website. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. in the program of events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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the relationship with oleg developed very quickly, literally within a few months. after meeting, they began to live together, and soon the couple had two wonderful children. marina is not shy about repeating how lucky she is. oleg was not afraid to take responsibility only for the woman you love, but for her special child. firstly, i understood what a special child was, my father was a psychiatrist, of course there were a lot of difficulties, again the same work and children, this, this is hard,
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a reward from somewhere above that i was able to withstand and not break, i haven’t gone into depression, it’s also about working on myself, she’s sure that even in the most difficult times a woman should love herself, take care of herself, look beautifully well-groomed, very often i meet mothers who especially have a child with special needs, i don’t want anyone i’m offending you now, yes, all mothers, forgive me, but you completely forget about yourself, your appearance, you know, immediately causes regret, that’s why she’s so unhappy, she has a sick child, of course, she has no time for that, probably society forms an assessment views on our families are precisely due to some external factors, when the mother walks by, well-groomed , happy, contented, cheerful, you look at her, that’s it, you don’t feel this burden that she is unhappy, everything is fine, this family is
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fine, mana everything is fine with everyone, her weekday starts at 6:00 am, prepare breakfast for the whole family, send the youngest german and stefania to kindergarten, to school in blue, she manages everything, manage a big house, be a caring mother of three children and go to an interesting job, i was on maternity leave, that’s enough, i have to work, no, i’m not that kind of mother, i’m not from that category of children, house, pots, rags, cleaning, i’m not really from that category of women, yes, i believe that a woman should work and develop herself as an individual first of all, so yes i i’m completely at home, i don’t see home, no, when leaving work, marina will definitely call ksyusha, how was the day at school, how are you, how is your mood, everything is studying in
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a auxiliary school, a boarding school, and the teachers themselves admit that she is a good student. let's hug our land like a mother, we hug, protect like a mother, here are the years and troubles, well done, well, according to the school curriculum, no one pushes ksenia, she copes with homework on her own, there is no need, which is what the mothers of many schoolchildren often complain about, to stand over i constantly control my soul, sometimes i just don’t have enough time to start it. ksyu on courses here to help a family friend comes, what is her name here , ksyusha sr.? once upon a time in mozyr, they were neighbors on the site, in minsk they would...
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the rest of the models on the catwalk enjoy the fact that all eyes are on her, and marina is probably proud of her daughter, today ksyusha is in the spotlight, today is the day of her success, i never compare her with anyone, except her with herself, that is, this is her success, this is her victory, how she gets it, only we, our family know, and for me she is still ordinary, like everyone else, that is, i don't have such that yes, something is wrong.
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it can’t be said better, when a child with down syndrome is born, the first person who has to make a choice is the birth mother: accept that your child is sick and treat him or her all his life as if he were sick, or do as our heroine did, admit the problem and solve it, forgetting about all the medical horror stories, outdated stereotypes, what is written in books and what exists in reality are completely different things, it does not coincide with reality.
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mother, loving woman, successful employee, happy and friendly housewife families. marina has already broken all the stereotypes in her life, she dreams that others can do the same, or at least try. over the past 30 years after the collapse of the soviet
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union, the concept of democracy has become so distorted, on the one hand, this is good advertising on the part of the collective west, which it sowed in the post-soviet space, saying: come to us, we have a lot of democracy, but in reality there is the power of capital, so this is what our democracy is oriented towards. for every citizen, the collective west has technology, modern in terms of shaking up society, destroying the economy, engaging various personalities, and thus you can lose the state, there is no international law, it has been destroyed, which means who is right? well, the one who has more power, the presence of tactical nuclear weapons is precisely the most important, deterrent factor that does not give these hotheads the opportunity to... getting to know belarusian
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enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2 and a half speeds. give me a sec. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. we constantly monitor messages. the information is processed and, if necessary, corrective measures are developed. first of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here . produce without teamwork high-tech products are almost impossible, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly one like?
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infirmities, helped to understand their needs, instructed, reconciled them, she paid attention to the elderly, delved into the path of the saints, she devoted time to princes, spiritually and materially, she especially raised the younger generation in love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? holy cross cathedral of the monastery. there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information.
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the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, and take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on tv channel belarus 20.
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on air news now, elizaveta lokotko is with you. hello. belarus is counting on intensifying partnership ties with altai region, alexander lukashenko said this during a meeting with the governor of the region. the president noted the close ties between minsk and barnaul. the siberian region is considered a breadbasket and one of the key agricultural regions of russia, but the unified plans are much larger than just agriculture. the second direction, the program of your stay includes a visit to the largest enterprises in belarus, such as mtz.


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