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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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it turns out, no, by that time the monarch was no longer in the city. the polish writer, jozef kraszewski, once joked that this building stands like a dandy in the village. today you can often hear another definition of a building. this palace is called the pearl of polesie. the building was built by a city judge, financier, politician and grandfather.
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old-timers still remember pinsk mur as the curia of the biscop; in soviet times, the palace was a children's cinema and a home of pioneers. today the stories of new families begin here. an interesting point: for 9 years now we have been the mistresses of the palace marriages are helena. zaks's first boss was elena pavlovna voron. in 2012 she took over the reigns. and i ’m wondering why i feel so comfortable here, there are plenty of reasons to fall in love with pinsk, now it is one of the largest regional centers in belarus, more than 130 thousand people live here, largely thanks to polesie university , they come to pinsk. from all over the country, and this is
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stalinist pseudo-classicism in architecture, a drainage technical school. the country's largest center for training specialists who at one time drained a large part of the woodland. how many wall mosaics and paintings are there in pinsk? it seems that original drawings and scenes are everywhere here, as well as the light palette of the buildings themselves. very diverse. when you find yourself on kirov street, be sure to take a look at this iconic building. the church of charles baromeusz is the main shrine of the communist monks. they, of course, had nothing to do with the revolutionary political party; they lived in a commune, hence the name of the order. but because of the purple vestments of the monks, the communists were called violets. please note. the barameus monastery was
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the only one of its kind not only in the territory of polesie, but in the entire grand duchy of lithuania, a twisted brick staircase, old steps, an impressive wall thickness, this is the little that remains of the interior decoration of the ancient temple. today creative evenings and concerts are held here. place of penchans and penchuks. this bank was first improved in 1948; later, fragments of the embankment were completed and reconstructed. now we have a single frame framing the mirror river. a great place to walk and think about e.g. plans for the future, but in order to definitely return here, it’s worth, perhaps, according to the good old tradition, to quit here. a coin, or
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better yet a few, just to be sure, because the bibliographic book of glorious pinsk still has enough pages that you can flip through with pleasure.
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at the beginning of july 1938, at the editorial office of the newspaper sovetskaya belarus. it was crowded, correspondents from the leading publications of the republic, at the table the heroines of the upcoming reports, girls air aces, admiration, adoration, each with their own story, pilot, this is a man’s profession, how were you able to enroll in pilot school, at the beginning of 1936 i was enrolled in pilot school, in 1937 i graduated with... honors, i made 135 flights with a total flight time of 30 hours, 87 of them were independent, but i have to move further, to be like the glorious pilots roskova, osipenko, lomaka, and i am a simple nurse,
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thanks to the care of the party in 1937, i was able to graduate from pilot school with excellent marks, i studied the plane at any moment, ready to defend our homeland in... very i wonder how you are were you able to reach such heights? my motto in life is to fly fast and high, and i will definitely achieve this. and i dedicate my parachute jump to the first session of the supreme council of our beloved belarus. well done girls, hooray girls! the session began its work in minsk on july 28, 1938 . fearless... the girls are among her delegates, they are elected in the first popular election, they are all obsessed with the sky. the stories of the newly minted pilots were then published in all the newspapers of the republic: the country was engulfed in movement,
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ready for work and defense. in the fight for the right bear the proud title of varoshilovsky shooter, thousands and thousands of young men and women became involved and... only a few became pilots and parachutists, special attention was paid to them. elya berman was seriously worried this time; in order to somehow put his thoughts in order, he began to sort through the records. music is what calms him down. taking out a popular one with the inscription march of the aviators, elya started the potiphon.
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wings, instead of hearts, so that. several years that they will soar into the sky, they will not be at all in order to improve their skills, a rare lull at the front in the summer of 1943, war correspondents
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tried to use it to visit regiments and divisions and talk about the exploits and victories of the soldiers. this time we had to interview female pilots whose names are known throughout the country. among them, for example, evdakia bershanskaya, and also to take a photo for the newspaper, but organizing the girls turned out to be not an easy task, among them galina dakutovich and polina gelman. brave pilots of the 46th guards women's night bomber regiment, who have already traveled the roads of war and been in combat battles already with awards for... in august 1940, among the bustling passengers of the train carriage, which was about to depart from the platform of the gomel station to moscow,
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two very young girls clearly stood out, each with an impressive suitcase, and also some books issued by their parents for the road. having finally reached their place, the girls sat down and sighed with relief for the last minutes on their native land. galya, someone? happy, aviation, airplanes, what are you talking about, you have the historical moscow state university, and the sky, we will continue to study at the flying club, only in the capital, polina, just imagine what an interesting life lies ahead, then at the station, they could not imagine that the meeting with their native land would not happen soon and under tragic circumstances. and my personal one is already in engels, at the pilot training school. in october
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1941, the komsomol central committee announced the recruitment of girls into aviation units. stalin signed a decree on the beginning of their formation, in may 1942, as part of the women's 588th aviation. for service, a small aircraft-2, a wooden frame covered with plywood, an open cockpit that did not protect not only from shells, but also from the blue wind and the maximum speed is 150 km/h. the aircraft was intended for flights at low altitudes at night. and the girls on these slow-moving ships terrified the enemy. german aces, accustomed to working
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at heights, could not descend to low levels. the witches remained out of reach. they were nicknamed that way because they carried out their raids at night. in order to be able to take off with the crew at a minimum interval, our own was developed. based on female logic, the end result at any cost. in on july 1943 , a debriefing took place at the headquarters of the 218th air division after another report from evdakia bershanskaya, the regiment commander. dmitry dmitrievich popov could not believe that this was permissible, the so -called before his eyes. method of aircraft maintenance in the 588th aviation regiment, well, who authorized the brigade
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method of aircraft maintenance, but it works, the time to prepare aircraft for departure is reduced to a minimum, the enemy is suffering losses, keep silent, a reprimand to you and the senior engineer of the regiment, we just lacked this experience to pass on, shelf god knows what's going on and it 's not far from an accident. the brigade method, and fire safety, and the instructions, by the way, they are written in blood, you will blow everything there to hell, you are free, there is, dmitry dmitrievich, and the method is not so bad, yes, i know, allow me to admit that the method is effective, but
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no one is allowed to violate the regulations and safety regulations. for the technicians and armed forces, it didn’t matter whose plane was landing, but everyone rushed to service it. contrary to the prohibitions, bombs were dragged in advance to the landing site of the plane. the technicians were preparing the car for takeoff. others are susceptible at the same time. but then surprises awaited him, to
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the regimental headquarters he had to make his way through the rows of women's underwear, they were taken from the barracks, at first he decided to arrange a debriefing on this matter, but after thinking about it, he just waved his hand: women, the brave pilots were forgiven a lot. the real drama for the regiment was the death of four crews at once on august 1, 1943. on this day, igolina dakutovich died, not having lived very long until the moment when the regiment was redeployed to belarus. on her account there were 136 combat missions. on september 23 , 1943, komarin was the first to be liberated in belarus. operation bagration began.
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diaries of combat missions, reports in red star in soviet belarus about the exploits of brave girls, in them about gomel resident polina gelman, and then the first task to expel the enemy from belarusian soil. smyrna, at ease, we’ll make some noise today. literally, at night our tanks will be pulled up to the front line, we must drown out the roar of moving tanks with the roar of our engines, the enemy must not know about what is preparing offensive, all night the regiment's planes buzzed
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on the front line, the next morning the bell rang at the headquarters, the girls were thanked. great, the guards were making noise. the pilots with units of the red army moved west, expelling the nazis from belarusian soil. for gelman, then there was poland, germany, the last combat mission. may 5, 1945, bombing of german positions who refused to surrender. the editorial office of soviet belarus hastily changed the material, instead of the editorial, the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr on conferring the title of hero soviet union, senior lieutenant polina vladimirovna gelman, for the exemplary performance of combat missions and
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the heroism and courage shown. comrades, polina gelman's award list. comrade gelman has been on the front of the fight against the german invaders since may 1942, from an ordinary bomber gunner she rose to the head of squadron communications during the period of hostilities , she personally carried out 857 combat sorties at night as an aircraft navigator in a 2-2 aircraft with a combat flight time of 1058 hours, has a total flight time 1,300 hours, reset after troops were destroyed the enemy 113 tons of bombs, as a result of bombing strikes the enemy was hit...
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by the pilots of the famous forty-sixth vardian bomber air regiment. the feat of galina dakutovich during her lifetime was awarded the order of the red star for 101 combat missions, a medal for the defense of the caucasus, and the order of the patriotic war in the first degree, she was awarded posthumously. she was only 22 years old.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor, in early june. the army headquarters was surrounded. in august 1941, while trying to get out of encirclement, the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked in a battle in
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the dnieper region. in an unconscious state he was captured. the nazis repeatedly tried to persuade karbyshev to commit treason; he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of february 18, 1945, lieutenant general of the engineering troops dmitry mikhailovich karbyshev was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the supreme council, with expanded constitutional powers, adopted its first strategic decision, it approved
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the concept of national security and the country's military doctrine. we are a peaceful country, but peace is at home, we are ready to defend it with weapons in our hands and by any methods we deem necessary to protect our national interests. you are not just a general assembly, you are the national conscience, you. propaganda, watch on belarus24 tv channel. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, it’s like
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we arrived at some kind of seaside resort, cool, yes, welcome to brother, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, at home, but we arrived at the berna farm, they didn’t tell us that... they prepare very tasty food from natural products here. did you really come from venezuela itself? certainly! then welcome to the world of jodishka! hello! into the world of organics and the belarusian cowboy! we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners. so, in the altar of our braslov church we see our main shrine, this is the image of the mother of god of braslov volodarka ozeru. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live broadcasts on the belarus 11 and belarus 24 tv channels are based on cities and regions. at the studio volga myadzvedz. good evening. prospects for supranationalism. the machines of belarus and the altai region of russia have been dimming crazy ideas and projects. the delegation visited the great succession of amkadar. min-auto-gadki for lesson safety. at the skin school of the muscovite district of st. petersburg, they plan to organize dances with markings. the summer sun is springing up, and the afternoon of may will be bright and sunny.


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