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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, from the automotive industry to tourism. belarus is committed to intensifying partnerships with altai. our president, at a meeting with the governor of this russian region, proposed betraying the impulse.
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large-scale testing has started in belarus. this academic year, for the first time , the final exam for high school graduates will be held in the form of ce and ct. we'll tell you the details in the panorama. violation without borders. the state duma once again teaches minsk about democracy, but it itself is mired in arbitrariness. as guardians world values ​​have become the standard of double standards, repression, unjustified killings, resolutions instead of legality, what human rights has washington trampled on? let's break it down
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point by point. family capital in a new way: early use of funds for housing, education and medicine, and also what does the employment of the head of the family have to do with it. we will discuss what will change with the guest in the panorama studio. factorby and factorby 60+ are back. bel tv and radio company has started accepting online applications for the new season of the country's highest-rated music project. how don't miss your chance and... make your dream come true, we'll tell you soon in the panorama. the main results of the tenth round of the belarusian football championship, the press conference of carlos allos in minsk, as well as the first champion of the women's national hockey championship, will be discussed today in the sports section of the panorama. belarus is committed to intensifying partnerships with altai, our president announced this at a meeting with the governor of the region. a representative delegation from the region arrived in minsk. in belarus they have a rich program.
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alexander lukashenko proposed to give acceleration of cooperation in such areas as the automotive industry, agriculture, tourism. at the past belarusian-russian negotiations, the leaders stated that it was cooperation between our regions that provided a significant increase in mutual trade. natalya brios, more details. ancient mountain peaks, picturesque. turbulent rivers - untouched nature, it is no coincidence that altai is called the siberian switzerland, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to these places with unique energy every year, putin loves altai, he has also spoken about the desire to visit here someday alexander lukashenko, in the meantime, is meeting in minsk the governor and the delegation of the region, who came from the very heart of eurasia.
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alexander lukashenko will say that the region is very close to us in spirit, it is rightfully considered the breadbasket of siberia, one of the largest agricultural areas in russia, more than half of the entire territory of the region is arable land. in terms of volume of milked grain, primarily high-quality wheat, you are among the top ten regions of the russian federation. i'm not even talking about grichikha, for which you were recognized as the leader of last year.
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we talked with relatives, this is very important, it inspires us, at least it improves our mood significantly. i hope this visit will help overcome some.
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buses and electric buses will help you decide on the equipment, we are ready to export livestock equipment, feed and premixes to the region, in general, it’s better to see everything that belarus is strong with with your own eyes. as part of a new national project, unmanned vehicles
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for the needs of agriculture, the education system, and food protection activities. in this direction, belarus has good competence and we are ready. i’ll introduce you to them, if you like it, we’ll work together. strengthening interregional cooperation is a response to the challenges of the time. at the previous negotiations, the leaders were unanimous that the regions are everything to us, and the synergy of efforts in such areas as microelectronics or aircraft manufacturing is already producing tangible results. together, we can do more. only recently have we properly assessed this potential of the regions. it is the cooperation between our regions that has ensured a significant increase in mutual trade. june 27-28 in vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk will host planned events as part of the next forum of regions. it is with great pleasure that
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i invite you, vladimir vladimirovich, and your colleagues to this forum. i think closer to this event we will agree depending on. the altai governor will already have a very specific action plan for cooperation with belarus; because of the sanctions, the emphasis will logically be on issues of import substitution, ensuring technical and technological sovereignty. the connection between russia and belarus in general in our situation of the altai territory and the republic of belarus, it so close and inextricable that any conversation, any negotiations go on anyway...
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when the collective west creates, in their opinion, unbearable conditions on the territory of russia and belarus and wants to bring our countries to their knees, we need to resolve everything with common efforts in a brotherly manner questions so that this does not happen, and this is not happening, now there are materials on three months of 24 years of growth, gdp, growth, industrial development.
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sergei rachkov emphasized that issues related to strengthening
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the defense capability and security of the union are not left aside states. life has confirmed that together we ensure the technological sovereignty of our countries, for example, take equipment, sanctions stimulated our own production, and the union's leverage in the supply of components. russia began to purchase more of our machines, and we developed the principle of multi-brand centers representing the entire line of equipment. one of these works in tatarstan. this is a successful example of active turnkey promotion with full maintenance of our machines. how are sales going today, who does our equipment compete with and how not to lose market, our correspondent olga anishchenko found out from the head of the trading and production company mtz tatarstan almazy akhmetov. almaz maratovich, more than 20 years have passed since our belarus tractor has been present on the market of tatarstan and beyond. which one will be the best for you? a convincing argument that this project took place. the very fact that we are here, what you see is further
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confirmation that all this happened and not in vain, our company is 21 years old, more than 20 thousand tractors have been produced, sold, over 70,000 tractors for the entire period confirms this. belarusian technology is time-tested technology, like many compare with a kalashnikov assault rifle, everyone knows this, yes, this is confirmed by the indicators that we implemented last year. over 4,500 units of equipment, this year we have positive dynamics, but belarusian tractors are now represented in various regions of russia, what is your specialty, what niche do you occupy, is it necessary to occupy this special niche of yours today? the center we are in is here the entire line of belarusian products is presented, practically from the main manufacturers, this is the minsk tractor plant, and the minsk motor plant, all the equipment of the holding and... gomsilmash and maza, as you can see, a number of manufacturers of automotive components and so on, they are all also presented here in
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one point, that is, when a client comes here, he buys and receives a full package of services, such as a tractor complete with attachments, spare parts, cars, grain trucks, tractors, and so on. how to sell belarusian cars today, in including tractors. our task, together with the misky tractor plant, is to ensure, as i told you. availability of equipment, one of the areas is, naturally, localization , concluding a special investment contract with the government of the russian federation, this is the main part of this work. the inevitable part that we are leading is that the end consumer will be able to purchase our equipment, belarusian equipment, on more preferential, favorable terms, but we all understand, we see that competition is growing, including china is coming on its heels, as can't give up your position today? china was, is will be, yes, even a few years ago it was clear that they would be present on
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the market, mtz was as ready as possible for this, compared to all other segments, i repeat, mtz. uh, at least it hasn’t lost its position and continues to strengthen. belarusian equipment is distinguished by its quality, we focus on price, quality, the client chooses precisely according to these parameters, first of all, here we have an advantage, it is important not just to sell the equipment, but to accompany it throughout the entire life cycle, this includes providing service support, spare parts; within the framework of this, the project has already been discussed and agreed upon. selected, which is now undergoing examination for the launch and construction of a central distribution center for spare parts, this is also one of the stages of providing customers with reliable, original, high-quality spare parts in a short time. when purchasing equipment , the client pays main attention to these parameters: we are developing
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online sales, any consumer can order both equipment and spare parts without leaving home. on the other hand, we all understand that china, sooner or later, in 2-3 years it will improve the service in terms of service development , we are developing this direction, we see the dynamics, this is the development of the overhaul of equipment and the tredin program, a very relevant topic, that is any client can sell old equipment and buy new equipment, this works for us today. what effect will such a distribution center have? the task is to within 24 hours provide. everything, all positions, all spare parts for the end consumer, this will already be even higher than all world standards, yes, so let’s say, you have another special project - this is unmanned equipment, it is available in such a volume almost only here, we are talking about tractors, again, this is the future, by the end of the year we plan to go into serial production of unmanned mini-tractors, by
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creating certain kits, this is real, this already exists, these tractors that... have been left far behind, and it’s also important to feel each other's shoulder where they cannot cope alone, on behalf of the head of state, belarus sent assistance to the flood-affected regions of russia. this morning, trucks with humanitarian cargo set off for the orenburg and kurgan
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regions. essential items have been agreed upon with the host. belarusian rescuers have been entrusted with delivering the cargo. humanitarian cargo in the amount of about 56 tons and about 260 m3 will be delivered to the russian federation. the humanitarian cargo includes food, first aid goods necessary and other medical supplies to provide assistance to the population as a result of a natural disaster. humanitarian cargo will be delivered by road to the kurgan-orenburg region of the russian federation. in the spring, several regions of russia were faced with extremely high water levels in rivers. in some places the level exceeded 12 m. there was a shortage of food and basic necessities, and mass evacuation was announced. and of course, we work on security issues together. a joint flight-tactical exercise with the air forces of the air defense forces of belarus and russia
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is taking place these days. aviation military units, units of anti-aircraft, missile and radio-technical troops are involved in the maneuvers. crew of reconnaissance, fighter and army aviation of the two countries. during the exercise , issues of managing diverse aviation forces, as well as organizing interaction when performing tasks, will be worked out. the main efforts are aimed at protecting government and military facilities from air attacks. also the crews will have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering the ground forces unit. the maneuvers will last until the end of the month; they are carried out as part of improving the unified regional one. european governments are showing incredible ingenuity in finding ways to force ukrainian male refugees into the trenches back home. expulsion is simply impossible from
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a legal point of view, and trials of hundreds of thousands of draft dodgers could drag on for years. and here it is, democratic know-how. should i take away the gingerbread? the head of the polish foreign ministry proposed depriving ukrainians who are hiding abroad from mobilizing social benefits should do this in the opinion of the minister. all eu countries should join in, however, the effectiveness of such a measure is questionable, because even after losing money, ukrainian men are unlikely to want to go to the donbass meat grinder. as for ukraine’s entry into nato, western politicians have spoken out on this subject especially often in recent days, but nothing encouraging has been said for kiev. help with money is welcome, but only for the war, membership is unlikely. as stated, the state of affairs was meant as of
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february 22, but with the beginning of the conflict the situation changed. true, whether the mentioned 30 years has shrunk or, on the contrary, the waiting period will increase, was not specified in the explanations from scholz’s office. obviously, until the end of hostilities, the notorious timing of entry will not even be discussed, simply because a war after expansion at the expense of ukraine can happen. demand direct participation of the alliance, and this is carefully avoided by everyone. if nato forces are directly involved in the conflict, if they will attack russian targets in the sky, which recently demanded that all restrictions on the use of western weapons against targets on russian territory be lifted. i believe the time has come to discuss the legality of restrictions on ukraine's use of weapons provided to it by its western allies. ukraine should have the right to strike targets located on russian territory. the senior comrades immediately corrected the general secretary. italian deputy prime minister salvini directly demanded that stoltenberg either refuse your words, or resign. the german chancellor also confirmed that restrictions on the use of german weapons will remain.
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the hungarian prime minister noted that the excessive belligerence of the alliance forces budapest to declare its special position and its reluctance to participate in operations that it considers an adventure. our lawyers and military personnel are working on these issues as part of clarifying allied obligations. serious work is underway to clarify the issue, like hungary. national restrictions should be reconsidered, especially in connection with combat actions currently taking place in the kharkov region. in fact, stoltenberg’s statement is an attempt to expand the limits of what is permissible.
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british missiles, for example, are already being used to attack russian military vessels, including outside the waters that ukraine considers its territorial. there is reason to believe that american missiles are being used against targets on russian soil. at the same time, formally, ukraine is obliged to follow the prohibitions of its western partners. however, these prohibitions are very mild. there are no punitive measures for their violation does not attract. the same is true with financial assistance. it flows into the ocean of corruption, from which all and sundry draw. for example, the day before it became known that kiev had allocated multimillion-dollar budgets for the study of antarctic penguins for the third year in a row. this would not be worthy of attention if you did not know that the ukrainian budget is almost half formed at the expense of donors’ money; a certain evgeniy diky, a trusted man of the head of the president’s office, is going to study the penguins. when it falls from military budgets. even penguins, is there an incentive to seek peace? oleg romanov, tv news agency. particularly in this cocophony, as usual this time, is the voice of our neighbors. derspiegel
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argues that if russia achieves a strategic breakthrough, then poland and the baltic states will send troops to ukraine. this warning was given by the baltic deputies to representatives of the german authorities, reports tabloid. politicians said the west was only half-heartedly helping kiev, which could cause the situation to worsen sharply. they do not intend to wait for the deployment of russian troops on their borders. violation without borders the state department is again teaching minsk about democracy, but itself is mired in arbitrariness, as the guardians of world values ​​have become the standard of double standards. inhuman repressions, unjustified killings, resolutions instead of legality, politicization of the truth, what human rights have washington trampled underfoot. democracy marked as dangerous to life, let’s break it down point by point in an understandable policy, look. today after the panorama.
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a large-scale entrance campaign has started in belarus this academic year for the first time, a centralized exam and ct
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takes place on the same dates for graduates. twenty-fourth year graduates of previous years and colleges. 144 points have been organized for testing, including 40 in universities. each participant must have a passport, pass and a pen with black ink . our correspondent sergei ladosev followed the start of the entrance campaign. as last year, graduates of centralized support for teachers arrive at the centralized examination points exactly half an hour in advance, that is, at 10:30. after all, in advance needed by participants of centralized testing. the main thing is to keep it to yourself. passport, pass and gel or capillary pen with black ink. as for the tasks themselves, this is a completely school curriculum. therefore, there should not be any difficulties. even before the start of the test, the schoolchildren admitted that today was exciting, but they were in a fighting mood. only at bspu. today, almost 2.0 schoolchildren are taking the exam; these are graduates of thirty-seven educational institutions in the moscow region. today i’m walking with excitement, of course, i’m in a good mood, but still a little scared. i
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i prepared constantly for a year and a half. i took rt at each stage with two options, well, it was about eight times, i probably want to pass with an 81 plus, of course, so that the ten will be included in the certificate, i take mathematics, with mathematics anatas, so in principle i’m not worried, i know mathematics well, so i’m confident in my abilities, i’m 100% ready, the day before the winter there was a rehearsal for the centralized exam, which was quite successful, there were some questions,
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we should be an example to follow, i’m only positive about the good results, i’m ready to take the centralized exam in mathematics, anxiety largely influences how we write the exams, so i try not to worry about going into the classroom with a cool head, i try to somehow calm myself down so as not to give orders and not to make myself feel bad worse, in the hope that the result... more than 600 eleventh-graders registered in the tests, 24 points for conducting exams were organized in the region, one of the locations for taking the ceitst was the mogilev state university named after kulishov, where knowledge we tested over five thousand eleventh graders, the requirements for the organization directly at the point of implementation in the classrooms, they remained the same, in january we worked out all these
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points. everything depends on the exams, so we need to try and continue to try, i have been preparing for this since the summer, and i think that there should not be this anxiety, and it is imperative that if a person has prepared, he will succeed, combine testing and exams, the innovation of this year, the form is convenient, and you will find out the results faster, the task is to surprise future students they shouldn’t, this is a completely school program, the scoring system hasn’t changed, even before
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the tests started... i was overwhelmed with emotions, a little nervous, but i’ve been preparing for the second year, so overall i think everything will be fine, i’m counting on a result above 90 , but i’ll try to gain maximum excitement. it was at the beginning of the year in the middle, but at the end it passed, because well, i understand that i know quite a lot, what definitely does not change is control over the progress of the introductory campaign. the deputy prime minister is personally monitoring, assured that for all necessary conditions have been created for the comfort of the test task. for the centralized exam, we are very determined to demonstrate our knowledge, we are in a positive mood, well, from the point of view of creating all the necessary comfortable conditions. demonstration of knowledge, i mean drinking water, and ventilation of the audience, well, it turns out that today is a really sunny hot day, but the company starts at 11:00, i hope that everyone will be on time, we saw
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that, if necessary, everywhere points, timely provision of medical care if anyone needs it. during the ce and ct, there are a number of rules that must be followed, in addition to the mandatory presence with you... when taking a centralized exam or centralized testing, the graduate and applicant must have an identification document with them, a pass and, accordingly, a pen with black ink, that’s it, no phones , no other means of communication, cheat sheets for everything else in all regional commissions for conducting exams in the committee... 55,516 graduates passed the centralized exam eleventh grade, 151 students did not show up,
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this is less than 0.3% of the total, this figure is significantly lower than last year, that is, we can say that the turnout is extremely high, we analyzed the reasons why they appeared to me, most this is either due to... illness or participation in international competitions. if a participant does not appear for the ce or ct for a valid reason, he will be able to take them on reserve days. this year it is june 19, 21 and 23. the results of the first ce will be known no later than ten working days. certificates with eleventh-graders will receive certificates from the centralized exam at their graduation ceremony on june 14. ct results will only come within 2 weeks. the applicant will need to pick up the centralized testing certificate itself. the point where the test took place. sergey ladosev, yulia khmel, natalya ignatenko, dmitry garkusha, seli novostey agency. well, one more start: factor buy and factorby 60+ are back. bel
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tv and radio company is accepting online applications for the new season of the country's highest-rated music project. to become a member selection, you need to fill out a form on the media holding website, send a video of yourself singing live, or come to an audition. which cities?
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i say this because my dream came true, once upon a time the big stage and music were just my dreams, i am a software engineer by education and worked in my specialty, but one day i decided to send an application to factorby, from that moment my whole life changed, now music, stage, travel, creativity - these are not just dreams, but my profession, musical reality has earned people's love, the numbers third speak about this season of the show:
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so that you become or become the winner , the absolute leader of friday prime time and senior comrade of factory 60 plus, a project that has already convinced the whole country that retirement is a song. dear, dear, native land, it is very responsible for us, it is very important to keep this bar and constantly raise this level, because those people who watch us are those people who come to us. of course, they expect a very high result, they expect
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a very high level of work, professional work, a cool picture, this is exactly what we are working on we will work in the fourth season. seize your chance right now, fill out the online form or come to a live audition, we have good news for you, we are coming to you. big things can be seen from a distance, so factorby will come to your city, the creative team, together with music industry professionals, will visit each of the regional centers, so there are excuses. made it, didn’t arrive, didn’t make it, they’re simply not accepted. if you've been waiting for a sign, here it is! from mid- june we begin a tour of the cities of belarus. we will be in each regional center for 2 days. and we are finishing the traditions in minsk, after celebrating independence day, we invite everyone, for 5 or 6 days we will have a casting in minsk. the most popular question from those who send videos online. have you really seen my application? don't panic. we have an answer for you, you don’t have to doubt it, you don’t
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have to worry, in general this year, of course, understanding that when people send, they want to receive feedback, we will also provide it. i believe and know that in our country there are a lot of talents and nuggets who could do great show, show, win this show. don't wait, prepare the best songs and emotions and send your applications to factorby. oh, and don’t be shy to come to us, we’re really looking forward to seeing everyone. see you on the main music stage of the country. nina mozheika, dmitry garkusha and sergey korniev, tv news agency. in terms of popularity , the top-rated show can only be matched by another very democratic project in our country - family capital. here it is, the social state in action. for large families more than 137 deposit accounts have already been opened. many people want to spend. funds ahead of schedule, more than 84,000 such applications have already been submitted,
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the lion's share of them to improve housing conditions, money is also sent to receive medical services, education and the purchase of goods for the disabled. more than 82,000 decisions were made based on these statements, and how they are distributed by region can now be seen on the map. large families are most active in the bresse region, with good results in the capital, central region and in the gomel region. let us remind you. from january 1, the amount of family capital is 31,480 rubles. in this amount it is assigned to families at the birth, adoption, adoption of a third or subsequent children in the period until december 31 of this year. and starting tomorrow, we will see a number of changes regarding the purpose and early use of family capital. our correspondent anton malyuto learned all the details from the head of the relevant department of the ministry of labor, svetlana belysh. svetlana, hello,
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of course, family capital is most often used to improve housing conditions, that's what has changed here, hello, it will be possible to use family capital ahead of schedule for families if they do not have housing on the territory of the republic of belarus, the family does not have housing in which there is more than 15 km of living space per person. acquired using family property such that residential premises, capital, cannot be alienated for 5 years after registration of ownership of such residential premises, and also education and medicine, it is clear that they are not so in demand, maybe like housing, but also people actively they send funds there, what has changed? in general, such areas as medicine and education are quite in demand, and
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are gaining momentum; in particular, for education, a condition has been introduced that family capital funds will need to be used in parts, that is, to pay for educational services for the current academic year or for the previous academic year or to pay off the debt over these years, when family capital funds are used for medical services, in particular dental, the first condition is that that family capital funds can only be spent in...
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today, by decree, the resolution has canceled the six-month period for applying for the assignment of family capital from the date of birth of the child, that is, this restriction has been lifted and the family can apply at any time before the child turns 18 years old, when at least in a year, at least two, when it is convenient for her, that is, the funds will not be spent, no, no, the funds will not be burned, yes, that is, summing everything up, if the state sees that the child is growing up in comfortable conditions, parents work, then the state is ready to support, yes, no problem with that. family capital over the years of work, i think, has proven its popularity, now the number of applications is growing, and the effect is also felt, yes, the effect is felt, we see that the number of large families is increasing, when compared with the 2019 census data, it was in order in the country 104,000 large families, yes, now according to our
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data, according to our accounting of the automated information system, we have 123,600 large families in our country, then we see how... today dynamo, and the football federation and the ministry of sports and tourism of our country will do everything possible to make the holiday memorable for the audience. the belarusian national team will play a home international friendly match against the russian national team, which intends to bring its strongest squad to minsk. today at the house of football it was announced at a special press conference that a special working group has been created to organize
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the match and events around it. they will try to equate the general organization with the most major football events such as the champions league finals.


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