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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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and finally, a sports announcement: a grand football event on june 7 will take place at the dynamo national stadium, and the football federation and the ministry of sports and tourism of our country will do everything possible to make the holiday memorable for the audience. the belarusian national team will play a home international friendly match against the russian national team, which intends to bring its strongest squad to minsk. today at the football house they announced at a special press conference that a special one had been created. working group for organizing the fight and events around it, general they will try to equate the organization to the largest football events of the caliber of the champions league finals, and make security exemplary. tickets for the international football match belarus russia are already on sale. of course, we personally want to see representatives of our international partners and organizations in our country; i hope they will be able to come and participate. in this match, i certainly
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want to show everyone that it is possible to freely organize big matches on the territory of our country, i would like to see more spectators came, because they always say, when many people ask, when the european cups and the nations league are playing, when we played, when we were already at home, when we were already at home, but i would like to be at home, well, now is such a good chance to come to the stadium and cheer for team, watch good football, look at good players, we note that the belarus- russia match will be... the first in minsk for the spanish coach carlos allos ferrero and a stage of preparation for the nations league matches, which starts in september. and this is the information picture of monday, may 27th. the broadcast on our channel will continue the project clear policy. i say goodbye, all the best, goodbye. this is an understandable policy. hello, belarus violates human rights. journalists, belarus prohibits
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freedom of speech, all this is repeated like a broken record year after year by the us state department. the latest song is the report for 2023, we saw it recently, it has already begun there in relation to minsk, as always promising. over the past year , there have been no significant changes in the human rights situation in belarus. i would like to add thank god, but let's figure it out. paper licenses for washington , pressure in the international arena has become a convenient tool. the logic is clear: we washington are the infallible guardians of world legal and moral values, and you belarusians are objectionable, time after time violating everything possible, but is the ensign as purely american as he is portrayed, what is happening in the usa with the notorious human rights, believe me, everything is very interesting there.
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human rights watch and other human rights activists are somehow timidly trying to draw the attention of the states, saying that your democracy, to put it mildly, it happened and you would be more careful there, but the white house has its own truth and its own rules.
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the us state department likes to accuse our country of ill-treatment of prisoners and demands the release of political prisoners. there are no such people in belarus; those who have started the law are in prison, according to the law, they are responsible for this. what can't be said about the states? let us remember at least one word: guantanamo. the united states is illegally detaining people at guantanamo bay without charge or trial. prisoners are subjected to all types of torture, from sexual harassment to physical torture. usa transferred prisoners to prisons in latvia, poland, morocco and egypt so as not to take responsibility for the cruel torture inflicted on them. the horrifying details of torture carried out by the cia's central intelligence agency at guantanamo bay can be seen, even though much of it was redacted from the senate report. they set up, that means, on the territory of a sovereign state, they built a concentration camp, that means, yes, they mock
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them, they can afford it, simply because they wanted to, there is the fbi, cia or some other other repressive organizations in any country in the world. 2 years ago, un human rights experts called on the us to close the prison. in their report dated january 22 , 2022, the experts said guantanamo bay is a stain on the us government's reputation for commitment to the rule of law. for the last. we have already repeatedly talked about how george floyd was strangled by the police during his arrest, as well as
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the cia torture team, and not only maedina’s guantano. and please remind us how many such torture chambers belarus has, especially located in other countries. in secret cia prisons. the senate came to the conclusion that the cruelty of the agents went far beyond what was permitted by law. it is noteworthy that the most substantial part of the document - more than 6,700 pages - remained classified. a number of sadistic techniques revealed in a 2014 us senate report show that sanctioned, enhanced interrogation techniques are common. inspired the interrogators, giving them the impulse to commit even more brutal abuses against some detainees, noted amnesty international. once again, amnesty international is an international organization that calls for an understanding of us crimes against humanity, have you figured it out, where
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is it? this is briona taylor's story. taylor, a nurse living in louisville, kintuki, was shot and killed in march 2020. by police during a raid on the apartment, but the assault was wrong, the law enforcement forces were looking for another criminal, aktaylor burst in because they saw black residents. not a single police officer was charged with ms. taylor's murder, but on august 4, 2022, the department of justice indicted four current and former police officers for federal civil rights violations, including lying. in order to obtain a warrant to search her apartment, the police report on the incident contained numerous errors, it indicated that ms. taylor was not injured, although she was shot several times, it indicated that the police did not break into the apartment, although they used a battering ram, to break down the door,
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there were no recordings from the body camera during the raid, well, the cherry on the cake, the american fimid, that same alleged attack on the capitol, remember how the americans said that... that same storming of the capitol, of course, in big quotes, those let me remind you that those who walked along the corridors and took selfies were called domestic terrorists. in the two years since the storming of the capitol, law enforcement has arrested and charged hundreds of people with assault. in total , more than 950 people have since been arrested in connection with the attack. the u.s. department of justice said shortly
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before the second anniversary of the attack. many of them were charged with various offenses, the report said. to date, at the federal level , verdicts have been issued in... more than 350 cases, more than 190 people were sentenced to prison, as it should be, that means several people simply demand a recount of trump's votes, but they may have done it too emotionally, i don't argue, yes, maybe they smashed several shop windows there, but they were given 50-60 years in prison, this you see, such nonsense, in no country in the world, which means the global south, we take the west out of the equation, because... we have already shown ourselves in this for a reason, in no country in the world in the global south, so it’s impossible to imagine this, it was it would be even difficult, so of course, it’s not for americans to talk about what is happening in belarus or not,
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washington is so democratic that it goes to not only other countries, but also international organizations, unless, of course, they write under the dictation of the american regional committee, here is an excerpt from that same amnesty international report. us authorities should not prosecute anyone for disclosing government human rights abuses, amnesty international said after edward snowden. was accused of violating the espionage act. the international human rights organization also believes that the person who leaked information about the illegal activities of the national security agency could face harsh treatment if extradited to the united states. it looks like the authorities the united states blames him mainly for exposing its own illegal actions that violate human rights, as well as similar actions of other states. edward snowden. in russia, his way home is barred, like another victim of freedom, the american word, juliana sange. juliana sange
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became famous thanks to his work on the wikileaks portal. this is a huge database of documents that shed light on the affairs of american officials and businessmen. secret deals, property ownership and even scandals such as the infamous island lolit, where the same bill clinton went to have sex with underage children. asanch fought for the truth, but he got it. the term in the united states for espionage is 175 years. washington did not like that the wikileaks website published information about the deaths of reuters journalists during the iraq war. the pentagon ordered a strike on them, while the american military can be heard laughing and rejoicing in the video.
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maybe an awakened conscience or just well, objectivity begins to try to talk about what is really happening, what a bloody dictatorship is now established in kiev, illegitimate, and these journalists, american citizens are disappearing in kiev prisons, then they are found dead, the united states is also putting on an impenetrable face, closing its eyes, mouth and ears, because it is not profitable for them to talk about it at the moment. the state department report
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says that belarus is an accomplice in violations of russia and human rights in ukraine, in what way, only biden and his clerks know, god bless them, but there is the example of israel, to which the american right has a much warmer attitude. minsk, not accepting participation in the war violates, but tel aviv, killing civilians in the gas sector, does not. for human rights violations against palestinians, despite initial plans to do so. rights violations committed by israeli forces will not delay the delivery of any us aid, and israel will be able to receive the full amount appropriated by congress. recently, thousands of people have been detained in the united states, for which they dared to support palestine, but what about freedom of speech, more to come. the white house is even ready to close. unwanted universities to stop protests. the bill is an attempt
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to silence critics of israel and is a violation of the first amendment to the us constitution, which protects freedom of speech. it was a tough response to the wave of pro-palestinian protests that have swept across the country's university campuses in recent weeks. the media is also under attack. the american research center indekson censorship found that journalists in the united states were being persecuted and
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the world, and then continued to live their lives because it was spread by former obama administration officials, edward isaac dover or people like him. just think, from july 1, 2022 to june 30, 2023 , there were 29 attacks on media workers in the united states. political journalists received the most hits.


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