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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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some songs from the war years on may 9th, always when i go to work, that is, yes, i live this mood, as for what will happen on july 3rd, i won’t say much, i’ll probably say there what people who read the news already knows that it will be about 6.00 military personnel, it will be several hundred units of military equipment, it will be invited military personnel of foreign countries , planes and helicopters will fly over the capital, our classic phrase from the comment here... and of course, honor guard companies . parade parade - this is always a very beautiful highlight and feature of a military parade. by the way, it has its own peculiarities of commentary. you know that the guys perform these beautiful elements with rifles with fastened bayonets to the counting music. they think to themselves that they are listening to music. and thus, our task as commentators, our voice sounds on the stella minsk hero city square, is not to be knocked off the air. participants yes.
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you on the air with your colleague on july 3, but for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch, the program say don’t be silent is on air again, our guest is tv presenter journalist victoria senkevich. vika, well, one of your hobbies
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is running, you run half marathons, you probably have more medals from half marathons than tv titles. by the way, yes, there are not many half marathons, but more, but it’s not about the mileage, it’s about the lifestyle, as i say, the one who runs, yes, a running person, he is always in shape, you should always be ready to wake up in run this morning how many you need, thank you, how many kilometers do you need, so, well, this is a special philosophy. a little buddhism, this is acceptance of the world, acceptance yes, you will explain this, this is a little staicism, thoughts that the world can change, you ran into the sun, but while you are running, it may rain and you will have to move through this world, the world is nothing guilty, you must be mentally prepared for this, accepting your changes, you are changing, your capabilities are changing, today you can do something, yes, tomorrow not, and there is nothing wrong with that, yes, that is your body is changing.
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it’s right to do this, all of us who are there in this culture of amateur running are stewing, there is an opinion among us that if you have already reached the start, and it doesn’t matter, you can even go, but you have found opportunities in yourself, now dedicate this time to your health, namely health, we are not talking about achievement, then you are already ahead of the one who stayed on the couch lying somewhere and you are already doing well in any case in general, but it seems to me that there are more such people in minsk become
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where work is in the evening somewhere on a weekend or in the morning you run out, no matter where, i live there in one of the microdistricts of minsk, where there is also a large green park area, and there are a lot of runners there, and sometimes we even recognize each other by sight, because well, in this whole atmosphere we are stewing, we welcome you there, we have our own rituals along the way, and it is truly a great happiness to live in a country in which people have realized the value of health and their responsibility for this health, and there is infrastructure, again, there are jogging paths, there are parks, there are huge... path beautiful, just super, i ride on it from time to time, well, probably its presence is what put you on a bike, no, it’s knees, knees, knees, after all, let me clarify, running is more dangerous than being white, i i wouldn’t say, it rather depends on
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the health of each person, but what’s important is that there should be different loads, the more varied your physical activity, the better, you can’t run all the time or ride all the time or all the time... but in general cycling, well this kind of sport, you know, is also about thinking, rather, when you run, it’s as if you find yourself in such a vacuum with yourself, even people around you don’t bother you, when you’re on a bike too, when you’re riding, if you’re going there more for
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sports than for a bike ride with friends, yes, then you too you find yourself in such a vacuum, gradually you resolve the most difficult issues for yourself, you make some decisions.
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as with all life, you have to grow, try something new, i really love it, i always start something new, a sport with a mentor or a coach, swimming too, they taught me how to swim us, a good, very good coach taught me and my friend, yes, we came there together, i came for company, solely promising that i would go to training with you, don’t expect more from me, i don’t swim, i don’t like swimming, okay? in the end, i take two slots on the basfor for 2 years in a row, swim 6 s km, that ’s all, swimming, you can say that yes yes, it’s just one of my favorites, one of my favorites, look, all the hobbies that you choose, this is when there is such silence, a vacuum,
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as you call it, the beat of the heart, in fact, the thoughts in the head, yes, that is, this is the state of such a fish, yes, it is rather a state of balance. basfor, oh, how much you need to take from the world, you push away a jellyfish somewhere, oh my god, you swim, focus on flags, on buildings, that is, it’s not just swimming from shore to shore, you have to go along a certain trajectory, through this strait , that is, you have to navigate where you
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should turn in the water, that means, compare the signs, the friend with whom you went for company, she swam across the basfor, everything is fine, we everyone has swum across the basphorus and you will too. don’t worry, come to training, yes, if you want, well, in fact, this is also not about achievement, it’s more like half-marathons, some kind of mass swims - it’s about adventure, you’re going out. you see a lot of people who are passionate about the same history as you, you understand that you are not the only one so strange, yes, when you were running around the park alone for 10 years, you seemed like this, that’s one thing, but when you go out into crowd, there are several thousand people on minsk avenues, you see a gorgeous organization, you are sprinkled with glitter at the start, you are greeted with hot tea at the finish line, you are hugged, there colleagues are interviewing each other runners, by the way, we are part of the dream team, we will run a half marathon on september 8, i invite everyone to join too, but ...
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the athletics federation is just about to gather us, i find out that they promised a lot of surprises, they say that our composition there has changed a little, surprises in training, that is, well, we are directly preparing for the half marathon, although this is a story for a lifetime, yes, it’s the same for swimming, you come and see a lot of people and think, well, this is probably physically possible after all, yes, because when you first go to this strait, you look at this huge mass of water and think, well, no , this is also a kind of drug, you are already hooked on sports, it is a way of life that allows you to what do you think about it? well, i think you are better at solving problems in other areas of life, making some decisions, and organizing yourself, somewhere understanding that you should not listen to your own.
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most successful people, if you look at the lifestyle they lead, they most likely have some kind of activity, that is, some kind of physical activity, health is a great resource, yeah, vika, well, thank you very much for in your busy, busy schedule, you found time and came to our studio, we discussed some pressing issues. we learned your philosophy, well , star fever hasn’t affected you,
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despite the fact that you’ve been around for a long time, thank you, yes, that’s good, and we’ll probably wish you health, success, and many, many more broadcasts ahead, thank you very much, thank you for inviting me, it’s a great honor for me to be in this studio with you, thank you, victoria popova, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, speaking now. value yourself, your health, your resource, love, take care of your loved ones, your native country, and of course, watch belarus 1 our main information programs. vika, well, according to tradition, we are waiting for your autograph and some wishes, with pleasure, i wish you sincere guests of the cosmic ratings. tell the tv show: no shut up, thank you very much.
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a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me, what an ancient country along with greece gave the name to the olympic form of wrestling, artem... rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept this as the correct answer.
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however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke sir alex ferguson's record for the most in may 2023 matches in the champions league. carlo anchelotti. carlo anchelotti. two steps forward. watch the intellectual sports project. head game. for a moment, i want a brisk run and a rainy day, like rain, a shady forest, a sunny day, and... like these little bastards make up our life, i want to look at this light pa-insha, and skin zen cover for yourself something new, for us geta so tsikava, where we work with anyone, with anyone and
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the means form radio navigation systems, the latter are divided into systems according to their range long-range navigation over a thousand km, short-range navigation, respectively, up to a thousand, aircraft landing system, comrade lieutenant colonel, allow me to report what it is, well, report,
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cadet kotov is urgently called to the checkpoint, who is calling the checkpoint duty officer, major. has stopped.
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natasha, hello, kitten, i called you, i awarded the cadet three rubles for this, natasha, don’t, what do you mean don’t, i’ll do whatever i want with you, you’re my husband, natasha, don’t go to school they saw that i didn’t care about everyone in this school, everyone except you. let's go to the cafe, kitten, i can't, i have classes, and i'm bored, i miss you, just think, you'll miss a couple of classes, no one will tell you anything, i'll tell my father later , don't, no, you have to, come on, let’s go, well, i ’m ordering you, listen to me carefully,
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you’re not my commander to give orders, and i’m not your subordinate, that’s understandable, no, you’ll do what i order you, what are you doing anyway? thought when you married me? did you think i'd be a sheep? i won't turn out to be a lamb, okay? you will now go with with me in the cafe you will do what i tell you, and if you are stubborn like a donkey, i will tell your father, and he will throw you out of school in a heartbeat, so if you don’t want to say goodbye to your favorite planes, which you have already told me everything about burned your ears, which are making me sick already, shove your character somewhere deeper, okay? can you tell your father anything that goes to your head? vanya, kitten, stop, stop, i said, hmm.
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they gave me your poems, my poems, but don’t be afraid, i don’t bite, you know, but i really liked your poems, thank you, please, and can you imagine, i was on an expedition with friends in africa for six months, we lived in a papuan tribe for almost 3 months. they are lucky there, imagine, no worries, no money, no work, that the animal was slaughtered, fried, gobbled up, that’s all their problems, and then
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they multiply, you know, how interesting it is, a woman, the more terrible, the more beautiful she is it’s considered, and then i got hit in the stomach in the jungle, this nasty thing laid a larva, flew home, the temperature is below 40 and the belly is all swollen, i have friends from the plane in my arms, you... your husband is lucky, you are very beautiful, thank you, allow me, despite having a husband, to invite you to a restaurant, it’s not worth it, zhen, don’t think about it, i’m without any, without any ulterior motive, i just really like you, zhen, and you know, with you it’s warm, calm, you’re a good person, very good, really, and i understand people. somehow you manage to work and study, you have children, you have a son, he started speaking a month ago, he said his grandfather’s first word, where did he get it from,
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neither one grandfather nor the other is alive, and what does your husband do, too? doctor, family doctors, after all, zhenya, think about my proposal, you will be very interested in me, sorry for the lack of modesty, by the way, zhenya, i can show you photographs from the expedition, there are such miracles, you won’t believe your eyes, well, thank you , but i have no time for restaurants. what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means, a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms, there
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politically, was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this modern ruling elite, their personal future is secured, but they pay for it by defending the american and british interests in the european union, destroying it, this week , for example, the system, as they call security, was completed. cybersecurity has completely surrounded our union state, military power and sovereignty are what will ensure our non-participation in the war until the last moment, the only time we enter the war is if someone interferes, interferes, destroys. peace negotiations, they are unprofitable to the west, they are doing great work in the military-industrial complex . the woll street journal writes that the growth rate of us industry in the first quarter of 2024 was 17.5%. keyword. consolidation, if we want a future for our children, then we all must unite, the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the body, this is a sea resort, cool, yes, yes,
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welcome, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the hosts of the show, like at home, and we arrived at the village farm, nani was told that the food here is very tasty and...
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well, hello, tell me how you worked, yes you know, great, i don’t even want to sleep, although i didn’t even close my eyes for 5 minutes the whole night, well done, how did ours sleep, ours, but like a fireman with a roar, snoring and a guy, can you imagine, well, in the morning with they sang songs to him in a duet, by the way, he had a new word, what the hell, i’m telling you the truth, we went out into the yard, well, we were walking, and he suddenly
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... i’m uncomfortable, i’m standing, people are looking, i i think he’s had an accident, i’m pulling down my pants, no, everything is top-notch, he’s all over the yard again, poop, god, well, what do you think, what would this could mean that a poop is a stroller, he asked me to put him in the stroller, okay, i’ll go pick him up, come on, wait, dunaela, thank you for what i have, thank you for everything, thank you, everything we 'll be fine, lesh, everything will be great, yeah,
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i'll go pick it up, come on. mom, hello, my good one, hello, my joy, hello, oops, home, let's go, let's go home,
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kotov won't become a test pilot, this is the first time in my experience that such a dashing yell has come. oh, you’re drawing conclusions too early, timofeev, have you been strangled by envy, gutkov. so, are you ears? shut up, don't bother listening to your elders' conversations. they will shut you up, of course, i’ll point the locator even more. are you wrong, allah? oh, you’re wrong, my business, of course, is small, i’m not a pilot, but i made conclusions about this 2 years ago. for more than 10 years, you know, there are so many different flights here, such as cats on this airfield, there was no sign of anyone, yes, vanka is the best, yes, well, learn,
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it is advisable to recommend ice for test work, i i don’t even know, let’s go, cats, comrade senior lieutenant, yes, leonid petrovich, i didn’t even dare to dream about this, thank you very much, thank you, you will tell the girl, yes, after a slow dance, and the commander must be saluted. that's right, comrade, senior lieutenant, you'll close your mouth and you'll catch a cold,
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dunaeva, go ahead and take the exam, yes, yes, lesh, andryush, what are you doing with the alarm clock, mom, is your son eating the alarm clock? i'm coming, andryuzh, why did you take the alarm clock? andrey, give me the alarm clock, come on, give it to me, what are you saying, the device that will be for mom and dad still rings in the morning, what time shows, right, where is the key, andryush, where is the key to the alarm clock, and so, lyosh, that's it, i'm off, i'm late for the exam, show me where the key is, why are you pestering him, he's playing with this alarm clock, why did you put it away, playing with the alarm clock, danube, are you wondering if there are problems with safety precautions, and what is it, now there is scrap metal, the key to this is missing, let’s show you. well andryush, that’s it, show your mouth, you definitely didn’t eat it , you’re telling me the truth, look, don’t deceive the folder, okay, you can occupy him with something else, i’ll try, let them play, well , whatever you want, go ahead wish, oh well, i
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i’ll start, no worries, to hell with it, bye, no need for fives, don’t hit me for my pride. that's it, i'll bring three, bye, bye, that's it, mom is gone, i, yes, what are we going to do, oh, my, hands, hooks, andryuzh, stupor, please hold, andrey, hold the chair so that dad doesn’t fall, hold him, hold him, huh? and that's it, that 's it, well done, oh, mom is coming, come here, andryukh, oh, mom, bye, tell me, tell me, good luck, yes, dunaeva, buy us some corn flakes, yes, i'll buy it, i'll buy everything, bye, andrey, andryusha, oh, come on,
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good afternoon, hello, what news do you have, darling. so andrey, andrey, andrey, i ’ll go to bed now, i’ll put you to bed now, andryusha, andrey, now you’ll sleep, now, now you’ll sleep, that’s it, now you’ll sleep, now you’ll sleep, andrey, andrey, he had three sisters, one maritsavna, where is maritsa?
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don’t hold it for too long, andryushka, read it, hold it, okay, i’ll come now, show me someone else, where ivan tsarevich is again, and where is marfa tsarevna, anna tsarevna, now i sit, i ’ll be right back, andryusha, don’t touch the alarm clock , lyukha, sit down, sit down, now, sit down, i have there is one son there, your adult son, nothing, sit there alone, come on, come on, come on, come on, adult, now, now, now, now, come on, lesh, come on with us for 50, come on, no, listen, mow, i already...
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come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, take it, come on, let's go, lyusha, what? did you finish watching? and andryush? so, andrey alekseevich, where are you hiding? andrey, andryusha, lech, what did you lose to the boys? a? yes, yes, my bug is hiding somewhere. andryusha, i’ll find you, maybe
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i’ll hit you in the ass, andryush, andryusha, andreyka, andryush! andryusha!
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andryusha, i’m in character today. and you fell in love with me a long time ago, as soon as you saw me, wow, i think this only happens to me, and you also immediately fell in love with me, yeah, 28 times, well, of course, of course, i immediately fell in love with you . and what do you like about me? that's it,
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do you like it here? yes, do you like it here? well, yes, do you like it here? of course, i like it here, very much.
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it’s you, tinov, it’s you, it’s your fault, in general, no, no, zhenya, zhenya,
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what grief, zhenya, what grief, who do you look like, my, lord, what grief we have, lord, lord, my dear, this is how he could how could he, how could he leave a child in an empty room behind an open window, it was he, it was he who was to blame for his death, only he, i told you, i told you that he was without moscow, he was without moscow, you had to think, from whom to give birth to children, i must think, you didn’t listen to me, but the child. oh, my god, 3 years old, what eyes he has, how he laughed, andryukha, don’t you dare, no, no, why did you call him by that name, well, i said it in honor of my
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father, so he died like your father, but don’t you dare finish it like that? club of editors on the side of hitler almost all european countries fought against germany, except serbia and greece, so we must clearly understand that they will not recognize may 9 as a holiday, for them it is the day of defeat, precisely may 9, by the way. became one of those holidays that opposed itself to radical nationalism, remember how nationalists of all bridges fought with soviet flags, soviet forces, it is impossible to come to an agreement with them, they only understand the language of force , a threat to their own existence, whatever
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you want, this is a very bad story, but to unfortunately, it is real, today we again have a serious... ideological rift in the world, there will be some chosen ones, a certain group, everyone else they are simply not needed, this is where all the experiments come from, the celebration of may 9 is a matter of survival of the belarusian and russian nation , don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel, we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, this has been said and will be said thousands more times, breakfast is the main meal of the day, for those who are trying to live efficiently, i of course highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates to breakfast for in order to you had the energy to work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but i think it’s difficult, these are
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proteins, good, unsaturated fats, what do we need will give omega 3, what will give us a good hormonal background, beautiful uh... and we will get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can spend a great time in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. while charging i do usual rotations of the head, shoulders, warming up the chest, back, these are all light exercises 10 times. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. give it, yeah, we’re catching, op, pass, here, what are you doing, hit it, catch it, hold it, come on
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, vanka, you’ve taken it on leave. there to her, there, well, good luck to you, love to thunder, let 's go, with you next to me i breathe, with you next to me i burn, with you next to i live, without you i die, with you in joy and in anger, with you in the cold in the heat, with you on the ground in the sky with you in the snow wagon, why, why do i need you i love so much, why do i torment, suffer, why do i need love? why is it great cat, great, and here i am entertaining yashka, you see, i only read matyukhin’s poetry to him, you read
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his opuses for his cherkassy daughter, and love, love covered our talyan with a copper basin, listen, i just know, that’s what i just i don’t understand, that’s what he found in this dead herring, no, no, no, wait, i absolutely don’t understand this, so you like the cat. well, cat, open the door, i need to go out. open, please, i’m telling you, where should i go? at the crossroads will i find my son? yes, well done, guy,
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and you’re okay, i liked you, you really look like a child. but he’s not a child at all, you know what, go ahead, buy me a lighter, i have nothing to light a cigarette with, you’re offending me, sir, maybe instead of a lighter you should get some ice cream or some delicious cake, or maybe this potato potato,
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but great! and the cardiogram is already more or less, cancel
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the trangolizers for me, little lady. “well, well, you’re still in a very difficult emotional state, well, it’s still early, i’ll cancel, but later, and you get some sleep for now, no sleeping pills are working for you, your in-laws say they’ll come to you, and you’ll stare at the ceiling with your eyes open.
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well, well, well, you’ll transfer to moscow honey, you only have a year left there, you’ll live with lyoshka with me, i ’ve already found him a job there, so i thought so, everything,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, then more, who and what are you? keeps you here, you have to leave here, do you hear, you don’t need to live here anymore, zhek, zhek, lord, how i miss you, revochka, you tell me a...
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“that’s it, everything will be fine with you, my you girl, you’re my girl, oh, bring the plates, i’m running, running, running, dear, running, what kind of red one do you want?
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or you’ll get a hell of a lot of flying hours, work as an instructor at a school, and then rush off to your moscow to go to school test pilots, or rather not to moscow, in the moscow region, in muzhikovsky , yes, i know, i have already collected all the necessary information, and timofeev told me a lot, so timofeev, he knocked the guy down, you know, ivan, to be honest , i
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wouldn’t want you to become. yes, he’s shy, he’s a modest boy with us, yes, he wanted to ask his dad for his friend, for what friend, dad, but please leave cadet matyukhin, well, after graduating from college, he will also work as an instructor, he and vanyusha are such friends, they are going to go to test pilot school together,
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that’s their dream, really kittens? vanya, vanechka, wait, vanya, where are you going, vanya, ivan, okay, i’ll leave your friend as an instructor. go to the table, vanya, do you hear, come back, vanya, nadashka, why is he so twitchy, why are you laughing?
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