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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 28, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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how to correctly place emphasis in life in a career, let’s first explain, you and i , well, we’re standing around the beautiful city of grodno, of course, let’s explain why you’re here, you first of all, well, everyone knows that you’re from brest, a light appeared there, started my career in brest, why are we in grodno, it’s a really beautiful city and... it so happened that my roots, my favorite people, my family live and work in this city now, so i’m very happy about this when visiting them , your sister plays, yes mine does my sister plays here, dad lives in brest, that’s why we’ve been scattered a little bit, brest also remains my favorite, one of my favorite cities, but i also like grodna very much, i would give my star to grodno, and brest and minsk, how closely you look after your sister you follow her successes, how reverently you relate to her successes, i treat her in principle.
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i don’t know, this is a place that i recommend everyone to visit, try to explain where these feelings come from, well, you can be born in your own country, this is not from the category where you were born, i came in handy there, and from the category where i was born, it’s very good there, you recommend it to everyone, who i play with, i recommend it to everyone, yes, who i play with, that’s who i’ve met, basically throughout my whole life, and we’ve heard so much about beautiful, nice places, about belarus, about the people, by the way, yes, a lot of people say that in belarus there are really very nice people,
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down to character, like you, in the team, in principle , everyone adapts to each other, so no one really stands out in terms of when it’s one big team, yes, it’s clear that each of the people on the team is an individual, each behaves in his own way, in his own environment or separate from the team, but to be honest, having recognized some people this season, i was very amazed, very surprised, so to speak, what they are nice and what nice people they can be, how responsive they can be, but they are impulsive, and does this help you when you are around? well, this is an additional explosion of emotions, again, help on the set, in terms of starting to shout somewhere, this is right about them, everyone i liked the behavior of karakurt in the series, yes, you understand what i’m talking about, but how do you evaluate it? a person reacts impulsively, we all knew what she was, what she could be, in principle i think that at least in our team everyone was ready for this, but apparently the opponent was... a little unprepared for this
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, then very i talked a lot about this on social networks, how did the locomotive survive this time? this didn’t affect us much throughout the result, but it didn’t affect the result, that is, we didn’t focus on it, as if it were as if it had passed us by and as if it was not even with us. i’m asking about a personal story, because on instagram not only me, but also others could see that you and your young man posted stories, as i understand it, to the club, this is, to put it mildly, not a stranger, but we met at the club when my young man a man worked there, now... we just live in kaleningrad, he is a cameraman, yes, he is a cameraman, and the first interview you gave, yes, he filmed, recorded, he, yes, i was lucky, just like that, well this beautiful history, yes, it’s a wonderful story, that ’s what you mean, and a cool career, a personal story, and you’re happy, try to explain on a scale, from one to ten, for example, what kind of rating - 10, of course, i always , if i’m happy, i’m always 10% happy, i always try to survive to the maximum from what i have, so... so yes,
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i recommend everyone, by the way, to still experience this wonderful feeling of happiness, smile more, friends, you will have everything in your life is wonderful. do you know what enduro is? this is a class of motorcycles, and at the same time a discipline motorsports and cycling, which involve an aggressive off-road driving style. competitions in the mountains are the peak of difficulty; in order, for example, to win a medal at the famous 100% endura race in gelendzhuk, you need to train there for a long time, but belarusian artem kuntsevich feels quite comfortable here ; this year he took his third award, this time bronze. while it’s hot, let’s take the courage , together with artyom, we’ll give this advice to all fans of endura, and what does this hot metal have to do with it, we’ll learn from elena gorelchik’s story. best hinduist of belarus artyom kuntsevich we managed to intercept in the middle of minsk on the way from the capital to our native baranovichi. a week
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ago in gelendzhuk, at the famous 100% indura race, he won bronze, which was heavy in every sense. on the way home, i stopped by the start in smolensk, where i also became first. and the day before i left. to austria for the ersberg rodeo, the fastest hardcourt race in the world. i travel to all my races on my motorhome, which has not only a living compartment, but also a compartment for motorcycles, an area, let’s say, a garage, it is located on the back side of this wall, here i have everything for life, a kitchen, a refrigerator, a stove, there is a gas washbasin, there is a shower, it is possible to wash yourself after a race on... a motorcycle, also five sleeping places, sleeping bags can be folded out, here i made such a collection of all my medals, in fact, there were winning places in my career much more than these medals, because not at every race they give medals, somewhere they give a cup, somewhere they give
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a certificate, somewhere they give respect, honor, the very one, probably the medal that i value, is this red bull rax, this is in the twenty-first year in the bronze class... this is considered the most difficult race, the most difficult race in the world, it lasts four racing days, and i took first place in the bronze class on a chinese avantis motorcycle.
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i have in general. i’ve been involved in sports for 23 years, i ’ve been involved in motocross for a long time, well, now i continue to use this sport, let’s say, as a training tool for endura, in 2018 i first came to the championship of the republic of belarus in endura, when i started trying to compete at international competitions, i saw that i can show good results more concentrated specifically on endura. yes, there is a story that everyone who has already come to endura never leaves, it’s still probably about getting the maximum amount of adrenaline, because the guys ride road motorcycles, on a buggy, but everyone who tries eduro - this is, of course, let’s say, an instance of maximizing
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adrenaline. handura is translated that way, and an endurance race, when you don’t need to drive for many hours and clearly know how to use high-speed techniques, is motocross and...
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with 60 participants in different classes, let’s say the main organizer, misha gavrilov, he takes part in all sorts of international competitions, and there is such a race as red romanyak. here he is from there, let’s say, he spied something somewhere, he really wanted to make his own race, as similar as possible to the red bull, this romaniac, that’s why the classes, in principle, there were also gold, silver, bronze, iron, there were ladies, there were also electric ones this year. there
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are mainly difficult sections here - they were rocky, well, climbs with stones, there is also such soil in gelendzhak, such loose soil called, this is also very difficult to ride on, especially when it is dry, this soil, it begins to crumble and becomes as slippery as in the rain, let’s say, here - mainly because of this soil there were some from the looks of it, you look at the so-called traverse route, which is not difficult, when you go at an angle along the mountain at an angle, but it doesn’t seem to be difficult due to the fact that it’s all dried up and it’s this loose powder, this crumbling stone, that’s licked everyone up these traverses, and this time the traverse was quite a lot, specific terrain - these are mountains, which are close to us in...
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belarus for autocross. the borisov region gathered about 40 fans of difficult distances, ready to test their car's strength, first of all, themselves. the participants were faced with dirt, dust, and dangerous turns of the hill, but the athletes showed a fierce fight at every centimeter. many, for the sake of victory, were even ready to go into conflict. in these races, leadership at the start does not mean victory at the finish. often riders leave the track due to a breakdown or crash and unsuccessful. turning, this is an autocross, everything is serious and unpredictable here. the most important
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obstacle is other competitors who also want to win, they don’t disdain contact fighting, so you have to push, and gas on the gate, and drive in zero visibility, so there are a lot of obstacles on the track, but the strongest must win, it wasn’t me who won. car, i adjusted myself more to the car, i managed to cope with it, surprise, this track gave me first place, because the two previous times when i came and participated in the championship of belarus, here i had terrible technical breakdowns, misalignments, so i didn’t even immediately agree to talk to you between races, problems can be of any nature, up to the point that a tire, wheel, gearbox can let you down, any unit, and everything is checked before the race, the second stage of the belarusian cross country championship starts on june 8 and will be held in stayki. and that's all for today.
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arena will be live in a week, so see you there. we talk about the most fascinating things in the world science: people began to make the first weather forecasts in ancient times, with the help of what modern technology and equipment do you make weather forecasts today? weather radar data, satellite data, and numerical modeling, and i want to say that forecasts are still not made without qualified specialists, we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions, and look for answers to them. for the first time this problem was encountered in belarus in 2001, then there was an outbreak in
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2003, and after a lull for almost 10 years, and they are literally ignited by cary beetles. where does such a small beetle have so much strength? powerful mandibles allow them to bite off pieces of wood directly, and thus build tunnels inside the thickness of the wood. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus 24 tv channel . in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot, warrior of faith. a terrible day for the soviet people
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, june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. husband, brave the underground worker lost in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the information from the underground group of weapons, soviet aviation carried out attacks. precision strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment. anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers, seeking to behead partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor,
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vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where she did not give up even under torture. awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. in the times of ancient russia, it was this river that connected the varangian, as it was then called the spon euxinian, with the modern black sea. but
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the famous ivoryak trade route to the greeks did not pass through the city located on the shore, although it was separate. melodies most likely floated here, archaeological finds direct confirmation of this, and here the lungs of europe breathe, the heart of the belarusian woodland beats, a fair wind carries us to pinsk. perhaps it was the clear waters of the leisurely pina that whispered to the ancient inhabitants the name of the city in which we would soon land, indeed, why philosophize when such a picturesque hint is nearby, so many ancient slavic cities received their names from the name of the tributary of the large river they
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were located near, vitebsk - from sight, polotsk from polota, well, pinsk - from pina, but we still go to... we are greeted by the symbol of the port pinsk, bright blue river station. an example of polesie wooden architecture with its appearance marks the arrival of spring, disappears with the onset of cold weather, but there is no mysticism in this. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. what would they call our river port, i think rivy station board. by the way, the contents of this unusual building are no different from the contents of our usual train stations and standard ticket office waiting rooms. in in soviet times, here you could even buy a ticket for a rocket and go, no, not into space. this was the name of the hydrofoil motor ship, which was a magical vision
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woven from water, ancient buildings and fogs. the latter gave rise to the famous russian. poet alexander blok compare pinsk with the mythical kiteshgrad. fortunately, the water element was kinder to this glorious city, otherwise our journey would have been underwater. sounds good in the search for belarusian atlantis. every trip brings new impressions and pleasant acquaintances experience, say people who have traveled a lot and seen a lot, is possible. find out from thousands, and not only by a properly assembled suitcase, loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes. come here and take a look, enterprising pinchas. advertising even on the asphalt, we go further and see black and white portals into the history of the ancient city, the author of street art is evgeniy syusyura. on
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the supports of the old bridge across the back, wheeled gunpowders floating along the river, a sawmill across the river, a plot with palishuks, reminiscent of the existence of the pinsk bazaar on boats and church of st. stanislaus of the 14th century, blown up by the soviet authorities in 1900 once upon a time, the grandiose church was part of a single majestic ensemble of the jesuit monastery, today in its place there is a square, here is a monumental collegium, the oldest historical and architectural monument of the capital of polesie to this day, fortunately. was kept from a bird's eye view, as well as from other angles, the patriarch of pinsk looks impressive. in the 17th century it was the best
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educational institution in the city. in 12-13 years of study here you could get not only secular, but also spiritual education. among the famous graduates of the collegium are the publicist and teacher anastas ludwig kersnitsky, as well as the historian, poet adam narushevich and... i heard, by the way, that the jesuits were the first to abandon the whip, that is, corporal punishment, and used awards and distinctions as carrots. it is also curious that in the academic year of the college there were only 190 days; classes, to the envy of today’s students, lasted no more than 2 hours at a time. today within the walls of the former college. houses a children's choreographic school and museum of belarusian polesie, here is its first exhibit: a tractor monument, when in 1941
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the front line was approaching the city, a worker from the town of david dismantled the machine into separate parts, greased it with grease and buried it in the ground, but after the liberation of the bssr, the tractor was reassembled and they gave him a personal name, captain of the museum... let's take a look inside, here, as if along threads, the historical path of the city and its inhabitants is assembled into a single canvas, about 75 thousand exhibits, the eyes run wild, a sarcophagus made of pink slate of the 19th century, a scandinavian fork vikings, hanging seal of the grand duke of kiev yaroslavich, here...
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bogdanovka, vasily ilyuchik. vasily ilyuchik is a self-taught master; as he himself said, he made this bicycle to the envy of the local town. which was rolling out metal structures on bicycles at that time, by the way, the owner of this bicycle also tried to make a wooden helicopter, but it was not used for its intended purpose, and why didn’t it fly, it probably didn’t work out to take off, i feel like a detailed tour of the museum could take the whole day, for a minute in i'll finish the third part, but i'll still run. polutno vosnetsova, pena shishkina, the collection of paintings
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is second only to the national art museum, so i’ll put the sea on my brushes. ivan aivazovsky, aka avanes gayvazyan, painted almost all of his paintings not from life, but from memory. by the way, i managed to notice in one of the halls of the museum. after all, the most curious shells, amber, fossilized remains of sea inhabitants, was herodotus right, once upon a time the foamy waves of their own thundered upon the local shores. in the torah to the ancient greek historian and some modern researchers. they consider the pinsk swamps. herodotus, then yes, it’s true, the father of history himself was never in these parts. believed
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the words of travelers and warriors, and later wrote down their observations. so guess now, was there big water here 2,500 years ago, or is the herodototovo sea a historical phantom? they also say that in ancient times these places were inhabited by a tribe of people who could turn into wolves, although they did not howl at the moon in melancholy and anger, because since ancient times the swamps protected them from enemies, fed them and...
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not so long ago, russians also visited these places cryptozoologists who were looking for a large reptile or at least its traces did not find it, i hope we are lucky and don’t see it, but in the village of kudrichi, which is located about 30 km from pinsk. definitely worth a look. kudrichi is a completely separate issue; nowhere else in the world will you find such archaic villages on small islands among swamps, where almost everything remains as it was a hundred years ago. a unique place for ecological, ornithological, nostalgic educational tours. all typical and rare species of woodland are concentrated here. v
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meadows, wetlands, and biotypes that amaze europe, ripe floodplain oak forests here contain not only rare species of fauna and flora, but also birds. 155 breeding species, what's that? the place is unique, of course, but it’s time for us to fly, we are returning to the city limits . the first mention of pinsk in the ipatiev chronicle dates back to 197. then the city was part of the principality of turov, and later gained independence. in the memory of these lands are kievan rus, the grand duchy of lithuania, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, the russian empire, poland, the soviet union. architects of the 70s of the last century considered pinsk the second city of belarus after
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grodna. judging by the number of surviving architectural monuments, well, let's see, the streets, buildings and townspeople themselves will tell us about the history of the city. by the way, do you know how to determine who is in front of you: a native resident of pinsk or a visitor? you need to ask a simple question: who do you have the honor of communicating with, the pinsk resident or pinchuk? hello, who do you consider yourself to be, penchans or penchuks? probably penchans, penchans?
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came there from somewhere unknown, it may perhaps the patriots of polesie consider themselves penchuk, here is a collective image of a native resident on the main pedestrian street of the city, boots are polished, the bag is good, there is clearly money in the bag, find 10 differences, i came from pinsk.


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